Transcription downloaded from Disclaimer: this is an automatically generated machine transcription - there may be small errors or mistranscriptions. Please refer to the original audio if you are in any doubt. [0:00] Father, you have appointed us and allowed us to be here for this hour. We believe no one is here by accident. And we ask that as we engage the somber content that is before us, you will use it to stimulate and educate, enlighten each of us so that we might be better prepared to deal with the issues that we are talking about. [0:22] We trust that time will not come when we may have to deal with them physically. But even so, that too may be realized. So we trust that you will use this material this morning to arm us and equip us for whatever might lie ahead from whatever source it may come that would seek to do us evil, harm us or our nation. [0:44] We want to be responsible in our response. We want to be able to do so intelligently and with the full body and the authority of Scripture behind us. [0:55] Thank you for the gathering this morning, for the presence of each one. In Christ's name we pray. Amen. I have some propositions for you. [1:11] Never heard that before. I want you to be advised that in connection with the series that we are pursuing, which is the Jewish solution to the world's problems, this fits right in with it, because the answer to the situation that we will be discussing today is another of the Jewish solutions to the world's problems. [1:36] And the current problem that we are dealing with now is radical Islam. So in connection with that brief introduction, I'm going to just pass this around. [1:49] I thought about having copies made, but there are just too many pages. So what I want to do is, Paul, if you would come up here and get this, please, and just start it around here. [1:59] And when it gets to the back, Jerry, if you would see that it gets up this side here, this is a list of Islamic terrorist attacks and some details about them, and they number 106 and counting. [2:15] So look that over, if you will, when it comes to you, and it will give you somewhat of an appreciation of what we are talking about. I want to have these items. [2:28] I call them propositions on the table before we begin discussing things. In particular, so just bear with me, if you will, and I will go through these. I took the time to write them out because I thought the content was so important. [2:43] I didn't want to misspeak, leave out something that should be included, or include something that I should have omitted. So here is what we will be talking about. Fellow human beings of whatever origin who engage in violent terrorist-type attacks upon other people are not the enemy. [3:12] They are held captive by the real enemy of men's souls, Apollyon, the destroyer, who is none other than Satan himself. [3:24] Such is part of the cosmic conflict between good and evil that is being played out here on earth, and that goes all the way back to the book of Genesis, and will not conclude until the end of the revelation. [3:41] This cosmic conflict has gone on from the time Lucifer fell and seduced one-third of the angels God created in falling with him. [3:53] Subsequently, we know that they tempted our first parents and enabled them to rebel against divine authority, and when they did, everything came crashing down because Adam had been given the responsibility of being the federal head of the entire human race, and he was given dominion over all of creation. [4:18] And this is one reason that Adam named the animals, because in the Bible, when names are assigned to an entity, whether it's an animal or whether it's a human being or whether it's a prisoner that's taken captive, when a name is assigned to them or a name is changed, that is indicative of the one who is changing the name, exercising complete authority and power over that person. [4:45] And this, in part, is one reason why Abram's name was changed to Abraham, and Sarai's name was changed to Sarah. It's another reason why Jacob's name was changed to Israel, and the three Hebrew children, and I can't even remember their Hebrew names, but when they were captured by the Babylonians and taken prisoner, one of the first things they did was they renamed them. [5:09] And what that does, among other things, is that it tends to psychologically condition the person that this one who is assigning this name to you is, in fact, your Lord and Master. [5:20] And they changed their names to Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego. So name-changing in the Bible is a very, very important thing. [5:30] And, by the way, the name Apollyon, referring to Satan in the book of the Revelation, literally means the destroyer. And he is the chief instigator in this cosmic conflict that has taken place. [5:46] And, by the way, to say that they have been seduced by Satan is one thing, and they have, but that does not mean that they are, therefore, somehow not culpable. [5:59] They are. Adam and Eve, at least Eve, Eve was seduced by Satan also, but that does not mean that she was, therefore, not responsible, because she was, in that she had the wherewithal to resist and chose not to. [6:14] So it was actually her decision. For those whom Satan succeeds in seducing and commandeering to do his work, whether it is the beheading of innocent men, women, and children in Iraq, or whatever it might be, they still have a choice in the matter. [6:29] They are not completely under his powers, unless, of course, they are demonically indwelled. That's another subject. We won't go there for now. So man, man in his fallenness is susceptible to satanic influence since both have the same subjective, the same objective. [6:53] And fallen man's objective, I want you to think about this, fallen man's objective seems to be across the board, and that is to be in control. [7:08] Not only of his own person, but sometimes of others. Another word, a little more forceful, perhaps, is to dominate. Dominate. [7:19] There is a feeling of power that assuages the ego when you have other people under your control. [7:31] You dominate them. They have to do what you say, or you can inflict a heavy penalty upon them. And this is systemic to human nature, and it has been this way from Genesis to the present. [7:47] Man's objective is to dominate and exercise power over others so as to pursue one's own agenda. And by the way, I had no intentions of inserting this here, but it fits. [8:00] It fits. It's all part of the same package. Spouse abuse. Spouse abuse. men who belittle and beat up on their wives, either verbally or physically, comes from the same source. [8:17] Same dynamic. It's a desire to control, to manipulate, to dominate, to make that person do your bidding rather than whatever they would want to do. [8:31] The quest The quest for power and domination has fueled the efforts of all who would subjugate others to their will. [8:43] Resistance to that force produces conflict, and the conflict will persist until one side defeats the other. [8:54] Very often what happens is somebody just surrenders. They just give up. They just say, I can't fight this. It's too big and overwhelming for me, and I just submit. [9:10] Submit. And by the way, the word Islam, I-S-L-A-M, does not mean peace. [9:21] Don't let President Bush or anyone else tell you that that's what it means. No Muslim will tell you it means peace. Islam means submission. [9:34] That's what the word means. Submit. And of course, in context, the one you are supposed to submit to is Allah. And you submit sometimes to Allah by submitting to his underlings first. [9:51] And this is what ISIS is all about. Resistance to that force, those who would subjugate some to their will produces conflict. [10:02] And that will persist until one side defeats the other. In a marriage, this is called a power struggle. And it's tit for tat and they go back and forth. [10:15] And the conflict persists until somebody gives in and somebody wins. And of course, as I've often pointed out, if the two people are married are Christians and they have a power struggle and either one of them wins, they both lose. [10:34] They both lose. Because that's not what marriage is all about. Marriage is about together. That's what it is. It's together. I don't know where I got on marriage with this. [10:47] What's this got to do with anything? I just had the neatest time yesterday providing some premarital counseling for a young couple that's going to get married. So it just kind of stuck in my crawling. [10:58] It's a leftover from yesterday. Had a great time. So this is the essence of all wars, whether national, as in a civil war, or global, as in a world war. [11:13] No war of any scope that ever was fought has been an exception to this reality. Think of that. How many wars has this world engaged in here and abroad? [11:30] It's always the same from time immemorial. Those seeking to dominate and impose their will upon others are the aggressors. And those who will not submit to the aggressors become the defenders. [11:46] The struggle continues until one outlasts the other and victory is achieved. History has proved it can go either way. General Curtis LeMay, who was the Air Force General responsible for initiating and strategizing the Strategic Air Command, the SAC, the SAC bombers, in the middle of the Cold War with the Soviet Union, we anticipated the possibility of them bombing the United States with a nuclear attack. [12:27] And the arms race was on and this was called the Cold War. And some of you who are of sufficient age can remember being told by your grade school and junior high school teachers that when an alarm sounds and the possibility of a nuclear attack is underway and the threat could be very real that an atomic bomb might be dropped within a distance of where you are, you are to take cover under your desk. [12:56] Remember that? We look back on it now and we say a fat lot of good that would do. Everything's going to be vaporized within miles around. [13:06] But this was the reality then. This was the Cold War and it was all about who is going to dominate who. And we had all kinds of nuclear test ban treaties and we had summits getting together. [13:19] We won't make any more bombs if you don't make any more bombs and we'll agree to scrap our stockpile if you'll scrap yours. And Reagan says we trust but verify. [13:29] How can you trust those Ruskies when they say they've eliminated their chemical weapons or sat Hussein says he doesn't have any. How can you trust these people? Well, Reagan came up with the phrase you trust but you verify. [13:44] You give them an opportunity to prove that they have done what they said they have done. And all of this bespeaks the human condition. This is what we are about. This is the ugliness of fallen humanity. [13:56] We are hell bent on submitting other people to our will and if they won't submit, we'll just kill them. that's it. [14:07] We'll just kill them. And you know what? The survivors in the end will thank us. Yeah. Hitler actually had that kind of reasoning. [14:20] And so did Stalin. And the idea is simply we really know what is best for the world. Now the world is too stupid to know. [14:31] They don't know. But we know what's best for them. So if we just kill however many people we have to kill in order to get to where we want to go, then those who are left will be able to say, you know what? [14:44] You really did the right thing after all. We're glad you did what you did. And of course it is fueled by arrogance. That is by the gratuitous assumption that you and your plan and your ideas are superior to everyone else's. [14:59] And then when you try to implement them, you run into a group of people like those crazy Americans who don't want to talk about anything but freedom and liberty. [15:11] And they'll give you fits. So you just have to eliminate them. It's nasty business. But you know the old saying? You've got to break a few eggs if you want to make an omelet. [15:24] Yeah. I was telling you about General LeMay who instituted the Strategic Air Command SAC bombers. [15:39] And this was, it's hard to even imagine we did this, but we did it. And the idea was you have B-52 bombers in the air 24-7. [15:56] They're not ready to take off. They've already taken off. They are in the air 24-7 around the clock. And all they are awaiting while they're in the air, just up there using fuel, cruising around, killing time, waiting until it's time to go down and land again. [16:15] And by the way, before they land, another one is taken off. And he's going somewhere else. And these B-52s are carrying nuclear weapons, atomic bombs. [16:28] and all they are waiting for is a word and a secret code from the President of the United States. [16:39] And he will tell them who their target is. And they are to go and drop their payload there. power. They had all kinds of built-in safety factors to make sure that things couldn't happen by accident or that someone couldn't usurp the authority of the President and gain the key and all the rest. [16:59] And I'm sure they had fail-safe procedures in mind. But it just goes to show you what was going on in the world at that time. And when I was in the Army, it was, I was in Alaska, Fort Richards in Alaska. [17:13] And this was just a few months after the truce had been signed at Panmunjom. And by the way, do you know the Korean War has never ended? It's still officially on. [17:25] I'm not talking about Vietnam. I'm talking about Korea. All they did was sign a truce accord. But they didn't sign a tree treaty. There is no, a peace treaty. [17:36] There is no, there is no peace. And the war isn't over, actually. It's still officially on. They just signed a truce. And we were stationed at Fort Richardson, Alaska, right next to Elmendorf Air Force Base. [17:48] And a lot of those B-52s rolled out from Elmendorf. And the reason they did, of course, was because the Soviet Union was a close target. And we are told repeatedly, and I think it probably has some merit, that the only thing that protected these nuclear powers was the MAD principle. [18:09] They called it the MAD principle. And MAD stood for Mutually Assured Destruction. Because every country that had nuclear capability knew that if they dropped a bomb on some other nation, there would be a furious retaliation against their nation. [18:30] So what are you going to gain if you wipe out another nation only to be completely wiped out yourself? What's the advantage? So as long as they had this principle in mind called the MAD principle, Mutually Assured Destruction, nobody was going to be stupid enough to use it. [18:48] But we were told that if the Russians were going to bomb the United States, and folks, they were serious about this. It might have been a Cold War, but there was a lot of hot rhetoric going on. [18:59] This was back in the days of Khrushchev. And, well, that was the center of the Cold War there. And the idea was that if the Russians were coming, they would come over Alaska. [19:15] That would be the shortest route over Alaska and candidates in the United States. And where we were stationed was called the DEW line. The DEW line. And I asked my captain once, I said, this DEW, what does that stand for? [19:31] And he said, that stands for distant, early warning. That if they come, that's the way they will come. And we would be the first line of defense against them. That didn't make anybody feel very good, but of course that never happened, and we trust that it never will. [19:46] But that's how wound up things were at the time. And this General Curtis LeMay, who founded the Strategic Air Command, made a statement one time, very simplistic, kind of reminded me a little bit of something that Patton would have said, that wars are all about killing people. [20:08] And when enough people have been killed, the war is over. And the country that had the least number of people killed won the war. war. That's a pretty gruesome way of looking at it, but you know what? [20:22] That's pretty accurate. That's pretty accurate. World War II, there were in excess of 50 million people killed. [20:35] Most of whom were civilians. Not military at all. people. But we've equaled that with our abortion stance. [20:46] We've killed 50 million people too, since 1962. Wars are usually fought over real estate and the acquisition of territory. [20:59] Because people live in the territory, and to conquer the people, you must conquer the territory to impose your will upon them by occupation of invading forces upon defending forces. [21:12] It cannot be done by remote control. And you've probably seen the experts on television arguing back and forth about boots on the ground. And President Obama says there will be no more boots on the ground. [21:25] That is physical soldiers placed on the scene. And we're going to conduct all of this business from air and by drone attacks. But you cannot subjugate a people by air. [21:37] You can destroy a lot of things, you can blow up a lot of buildings, you can kill a lot of people, but you cannot subjugate a people by remote control. You have to be there. That's why they call them occupational troops. [21:50] We could not have really defeated Germany in the way we did and gained that instrument of surrender if it had not been for the Americans and the British and the Russians invading Germany, crossing those rivers and occupying the place after the surrender was won. [22:13] Same thing with Japan. We had tens of thousands of GIs in Japan after the war was over, after Japan surrendered, because you've got to subjugate those people and you've got to bring them under your control. [22:32] And the instruments of surrender said it would be an unconditional surrender. That means we call all the shots, you don't have anything to do with anything. That was the unconditional surrender. [22:45] The invader's presence is required. You know, this goes all the way back. It's just ancient. This is why the Romans were in Israel at the time of Christ. [22:56] This is why Roman soldiers were there. Rome was occupying Israel. They were a conquered people and they were there as an occupational force. That's the only way you can control people. When aggression or terrorism is carried out on ideological grounds, especially if religious values are involved, the aggressor is far more formidable because they are motivated by a cause greater than themselves whom they believe to be their God. [23:27] people. This involves their eternal destiny, not merely their present existence. [23:40] So you've got to understand the mentality of Islam and those who are engaged in jihad, which is Arabic for holy war, those who are engaged in this are convinced that they are contributing in a positive way to their eternal home, their eternal significance. [24:04] They are by jihad, by invading, by killing, by subjecting people to the Islamic faith, they are assuring themselves of a place in paradise. [24:17] And whereas we send troops into battle, and this has always been the American way, and it's the way of most countries, when we send troops into battle, we do so with the intent that they will survive. [24:34] And we make every precaution we can by supplies and military goods and hardware and training and everything that we can do for them to equip them to increase their chances of surviving the conflict that they're going to be in. [24:53] And this is the whole basis for rigorous basic training and everything, is to equip, is so they'll survive the war and come out of it alive. But when you are dealing with an enemy who would actually prefer to die in the process, you've got a really tough foe. [25:12] I mean, you've got somebody who just goes for broke and pull out all the stops and they will charge a flashing machine gun and if they get cut down, praise be to Allah, that's their guarantee of paradise. [25:28] And the 42 virgins or 72 virgins or however many they get, with the dark-eyed virgins and all of the wonderful food dishes and the delightful gardens that they're going to enjoy, and they're told this stuff and they believe it. [25:41] You know, I've often wondered, there have been a few Islamic women who were suicide bombers. [25:53] Not many, but some. And I don't know what they get. I don't know if they get 72 studs. Well, let's move along. [26:07] Okay. Seriously, though, Muslim terrorists firmly believe they are under a divine mandate to do exactly what they are doing. [26:20] Their God, whom they call Allah, has charged them with the responsibility of conquering the entire world of infidels and forcing them to submit to Islamic control, as expressed in their holy book, the Koran. [26:38] They believe that's their calling. Not all Muslims believe that. And those who do are called the radical Muslims. And what makes them radical is this. [26:51] They interpret the Koran quite literally. And they accuse Muslims who do not as just wimping out on them and not being serious Muslims at all. [27:07] They are convinced they are doing the bidding of God. The beheading. When they behead an infidel, they are satisfied that God, that Allah, is looking on them with great smile and favor as they remove somebody's head from their shoulders. [27:27] Now, if you're up against an enemy with that kind of mentality, you've got a pretty formidable foe. And that's the way these folks think. And as I reminded you at the outset, they are not the enemy so much as they are being held captive by the enemy. [27:46] And they don't have a clue. This effort is called jihad. It's the struggle. jihad means the struggle. [28:11] And there are two different ways of interpreting that. Peaceful Muslims will tell you that the struggle spoken of in the Koran is primarily internal. [28:27] And it has to do with you as an individual struggling within yourself to do the right thing. It is kind of like the good evil concept that dwells in the heart of all of us. [28:40] And as you engage in this struggle, in this internal turmoil to do the right thing, that is your jihad. That is your spiritual struggle. [28:50] But there is a physical aspect to jihad as well. And that's the one that the terrorists are carrying out. The struggle means you struggle with the infidel. [29:03] You struggle with those who are not Muslims. And anyone who is not a Muslim is an infidel. An infidel means an unbeliever or a non-believer. [29:15] It doesn't make any difference if he's Catholic, Protestant, Baptist, Mormon, Jehovah's Witness. What? If he is not a Muslim, he's an infidel. And infidels have three options. [29:30] An infidel can submit to Islam in which he expresses the shahadah. and thus he becomes a Muslim. [29:49] Right on the spot. Doesn't make any difference what you were before. If you utter these words in sincerity and you really mean it, you have just become a Muslim. [30:03] And that is there is no God but Allah and Muhammad is his prophet. Bingo! That's it. You're a Muslim. That is of course assuming you really believe that and you mean that. [30:17] Now there have been a lot of people who have spoken the shahadah that didn't mean it at all. And of course they did not in their hearts become a Muslim at all. [30:28] They are still whatever they were. But for most Muslims they will take your expression at face value and accept you as a Muslim if you utter those words. [30:39] Of course there are variations of that too but in the main that's the way it works. And while we're here at the overhead let me give you a couple of other words if I may. [30:51] Muslim is spelled and I usually call it Muslim but all the Muslims that I've talked to they always pronounce this with a U. [31:02] They pronounce it Muslim like a cow. Mu M-O-O Muslim is the way I've heard them pronounce it. And sometimes you'll see it spelled this way with the O and it's Muslim. [31:18] It means exactly the same thing. It's just a different spelling. That's all. And years ago they even used used this. Mohammedanism which is a big long word. [31:39] And most Muslims do not want to be referred to as a Mohammedan because the name of Mohammed is the name of their prophet. That is not the name of their God. [31:50] The name of their God of course is Allah and the name of the one who is their prophet is Mohammed. And you know that's what the big flap was about in France with the murders and the carnage that took place there in Paris because this magazine publisher published a satirical piece regarding Mohammed and the Muslims considered that an insult to the prophet. [32:21] and it is a very clear directive under the Islamic faith that anyone who insults Islam or the prophet Mohammed is deserving of death because you see Islam is protected and set up in such a way that it is not subject to criticism or to question. [32:48] And you know for any thinking person that ought to be a red flag right there because any faith or any belief that cannot withstand scrutiny and investigation is not worth having. [33:03] If what you believe is really true then an extensive and thorough investigation of it will serve only to confirm it. It will not refute it if it is true. [33:16] And if it isn't true wouldn't you rather know that anyway? But this does not brook any criticism or any rejection at all. It is as if they believe that any rejection any criticism any caricature any ridicule is strictly off limits and those who do it are subject to death and they deserve to die. [33:43] And therefore it becomes the duty if you will. It becomes the duty of other Muslims to put that one to death. And they take that very very seriously. And this some time ago remember the name of Salman Rushdie authored a book called The Satanic Verses. [34:03] And of course it was not very complimentary to Islam and the imams in wherever the country was. I'm not sure which country it was. [34:13] They issued a fatwa. And if you have a fatwa issued that means you're under sentence of death. It's the same thing as like the mafia puts out a contract on someone to have them murdered. [34:32] That's what a fatwa is. And when one of the imams who is one of the leaders in a mosque issues of fatwa it is like signing a death sentence a death warrant for some individual then it becomes any Muslim anywhere who has opportunity can murder that person can kill that person and whereas if they did something like that here in the United States of course the authorities would do their best to arrest them bring them to justice charge them with murder etc. [35:09] but if it were done in a Muslim country there won't be any trial there won't be any court and there won't be any charge there'd be just gratitude from the population because an infidel has been done away with we've got a really really horrendous problem right here in the United States and I don't want to minimize this but I don't want to be gloom and doom either and it's a fine line that I'm walking but in France and in Great Britain and you've been hearing about this on the news there are areas residential areas that are referred to as no go zones and that means that the police don't go there for anything it's a little enclave that has its own laws and rules unto itself and it's governed under the rules of [36:14] Islam now some of these are more or less some are kind of loose and some are very rigid and it all has to do with to what extent they apply the dictates of the Quran which is commonly referred to as Sharia law S-H-A-R-I-A Sharia law and what they actually want to do and hope to do is establish Sharia law which is the governance of the people by Quranic principles rather than by the government of the country in which they are located so you can imagine the horrendous legal problems that this would portray because you cannot have multiple legal systems coexisting where people are treated one way if you live here and they're treated another way if you live there and yet they're all within the same state like in the state of Ohio if we had everybody who lived within the environs of [37:16] Cleveland Ohio living under the dictates of Sharia law where there are public executions every Friday and where thieves are taken and publicly have their hands cut off every Friday and publicly and crowds gather to watch this and everything this is what's done under Sharia law it's what's taking place as I speak in Tehran right now and also in Riyadh in Saudi Arabia that's standard operating procedure for them and they are governing themselves under Sharia law so there are those who want Sharia law where they have Muslim communities and you can see the legal nightmare that would be involved with something like that so this is what we're dealing with there are large enclaves of Muslims here in the United States particularly up in the Detroit area and scattered in other areas as well and France and Great Britain have a huge number of these where the immigrants have come in and taken up residency there in the country and the country [38:20] France or Great Britain or whatever the United States welcomed them in and now things are turning into a real problem most of these people are referred to as moderate Arabs or moderate Muslims and being translated that means that most of these Muslims are the kind of people who would never ever consider flying an airplane into the World Trade Centers they just would never do that if they lived to be a hundred but within that great number of moderate Muslims there is a significant number who even though they wouldn't do it they're glad somebody did and there are some who we have we have pictures we have visual clips of they're dancing in the streets when the [39:23] Twin Towers were depicted as collapsing and coming down and this took place in some Muslim communities all around the globe where these people really rejoiced and were glad that some of their number were courageous enough to serve Allah in such a way as to bring down those Twin Towers and they literally danced in the streets for joy because you see in their estimation the United States of America is the great Satan and Israel is the little Satan and we know something about the long standing division that has occurred between the Arab and the Jew and we see it being played out even today with what's going on in Israel and the West Bank and Gaza even as we speak and this too has its roots all the way back in Genesis and it started with Jacob and Esau and Isaac and Ishmael and it has progressed to where it is today so what we are dealing with is a really huge huge problem not only that but their population base is radically outstripping ours as we speak when you are able to take four wives and if you can afford them and many of these people are wealthy enough through their oil and other things they can afford four wives how many children are you going to have if you have four wives putting out babies and the population explosion compared you know we are not even holding our own here in the United [41:06] States our population base is such right now that we are scarcely replacing ourselves much less adding to it and when you take 50 million people who would have been here but we started eliminating them about a million a year back in 1963 with Roe v. [41:30] Wade we are really in a very very difficult situation and not only that but who do you think provides the best seed ground for radical Muslims the answer is moderate Muslims those who are already Muslim are more likely to become radicalized and then we've got right here in our own country we call them homegrown terrorists usually young men between the ages of 18 and 30 and some of them get so filled with the idea of excitement and adventure and they may have a grievance or a grudge against this country for who knows what and they see this as just an opportunity to make a name for themselves and they get radicalized and they go over to these countries and enlist and get out there on the firing line and end up shooting at Americans and other innocent people so this is a really really significant problem we've got an administration now with [42:46] President Bush and a great many people great many Americans and I know this speaks about the military where he will not even use the name Islamic radicals or Islamic terrorists and they're saying things like why won't our own president call it what it is why won't he use those words together Islamic terror he won't and don't expect him to because he's not going to and I'll tell you why I am not particularly insightful or proud or anything like that or have information that you don't have but all I've done is just connect a few dots but Barack Obama was born and raised Muslim you know that now some people think he's Muslim now I won't go that far but there is no denying that he has real sympathies for Islam he has even said that you know that's on record and this is the faith that he grew up in and I don't know if you are aware of it or not but one of the dictates of the [43:59] Quran is that anyone who becomes a Muslim and leaves the faith is worthy of death and he should be executed should be done away so even though I don't know that there is an official fatwa out on the president of the United States according to the Quran there should be because anyone who leaves Muslim as a faith deserves to die and can properly be put to death by any other Muslim and the Muslim world will thank them for it so I don't think the Secret Service probably considers President Obama as being marked for death but on the other hand it depends on how literally you want to take that and some of them of course take it quite literally but let me explain to you why our president won't call these Muslim extremists if if there were a half dozen men here and granted this is the highly hypothetical and nobody's worried about it happening but if there were half a dozen men here who armed themselves with automatic weapons and went down to the [45:22] Bechtel strip here in Springfield and walked into different restaurants and started shooting people killing them these automatic weapons and you were arrested and brought up on charges and we would say we are Christians Christians we did that because we are Christians and our Christian faith requires us to do that the huge outcry and response would be that's not Christianity they may have said they were doing that in the name of Christianity but that is not Christianity that is a radical unacceptable form of Christianity there's nothing Christian about that and that's exactly the way a lot of people feel about what's taking place now with the murders and the bombings and the suicides and the beheadings and everything they look at that and they say that is not [46:31] Islam that is not Islam well I'll tell you this the people who are doing it think it is and they insist that it is and they are confident that they are doing it in the name and under the auspices of Islam but most of the Arabs most of the most of the moderates would say that's not my fate I'm Islam that's not Islam that's a perversion or corruption and I think it was President Bush who spoke shortly after the Twin Towers and said that the word Islam means peace which of course it does not but he did accurately say that these radicals extremists have hijacked the Muslim faith and have portrayed it to be something that it isn't and most people would agree with that but do you know what that is the kind of thing that the [47:33] Koran endorses and requires so the problem is to what extent does a Muslim interpret the Koran in a literal way or do they just kind of lightly brush it off and say well it doesn't really mean that and there are numerous other things for instance the treatment of women is just unbelievable and why women have to be completely covered up you know with the burkas and all that you know the thinking behind that is that a woman with any part of her body exposed including her hair with any part of her body exposed she presents an irresistible problem to a male who cannot help himself if he takes advantage of her it's her fault because she wasn't properly covered now this is really extreme but this is the standard operating procedure in a [48:48] Muslim country and they are very quick to criticize us for what takes place in this country and for our spreading it all over the world and I read an article one time that was very sobering and it was by an Islamic mother and she was really upset and concerned about what takes place on American TV and this was one of those beach programs or these good looking babes with the big boobs bounce around on the beach and all of the men are ogling and taking pictures and the TV is transporting this all over the world and what effect do you think that has on a 14 year old Muslim boy just drives him nuts in fact that drives most men nuts you don't have to be a 14 year old Muslim boy but this is and then they look at us and they see us as the [49:50] Satan because of our morality or immorality and the low standards etc and they see that well let me put it this way in the 1970s I told you this before but it fits in so well it bears repetition in the 1970s the man who was who was on the throne and it was a monarchy in Iran it was the Shah remember the Shah of Iran 1970s he had become really close with the West especially with the United States and one reason was because our technology and everything just made them fabulously wealthy with our petroleum technology and getting the oil out of the ground transporting and everything we made we made Iran millionaires a lot of them overnight just with the oil thing and the Shah of Iran had become very westernized and a lot of the people most of the people in Iran women in Iran were wearing designer jeans and they were highly treasured and western clothes were coming in and they were wearing it and they took off the burkas you know where you couldn't see anything except just like that and they were wearing this western clothes and what happened was the religious element over there the [51:16] Muslim the Ayatollahs chiefest of which was Ayatollah Khomeini started preaching and writing newspaper articles about the old values being eroded about adopting western values about the women dressing indecently blah blah blah and so on and he wanted them in the burkas and all of that good stuff and finally he caused such a commotion that the Shah of Iran kicked him out of the country made him leave the country because he was having too much influence with his religion and influencing the people and he he was exiled to Paris France and he lived there in luxury for several years meanwhile the Ayatollah or not the Ayatollah I'm sorry the Shah of Iran became ill seriously ill and he came to the United States to receive treatment for cancer and it wouldn't be long until he would be dead and shortly after he died a bunch of radicals rebelling against the government of the [52:29] Shah took over the American embassy occupied the American embassy remember how long that went on when President Carter was president and they had a failed attempt to get through with the helicopter attack and the things crashed in the desert and they never made it eventually Reagan came to the Oval Office and shortly after he was in power they released the hostages and this was the beginning of a real revolution in Iran and a returning them from the modernizing of the west back to the old days and lo and behold here the Shah is dead the radical young people had taken over the embassy there in Tehran and the government was without leadership and lo and behold who comes flying into Tehran on a helicopter but Ayatollah Khomeini back from Paris and the crowd just went crazy and they worshipped him and they welcomed him and he immediately set up a new government under the religious authority of the [53:38] Ayatollahs and one of the first things they decided was women you get back in your burkas and they took away all of the western garb and women who are not dressed according to the Muslim requirement out on the street are physically beaten physically beaten by Iranian police wherever they catch them and wherever they see them right there on the sidewalk they'll lay into them with a cane and begin beating them so this put all the women back in the burkas and all the rest of it and that's what we've got going now that was actually the beginning of a worldwide uprising and influence of Islam that had for all practical purposes gone underground for a couple of hundred years and we hadn't had a spat with the Muslims for a long long time in fact goes clear back to the late 1700s and we had some difficulty with the [54:44] Islamic element on the north coast of Africa and these were called the Barbary pirates remember them you remember them from history and the president I think was James Monroe at the time he was the one that coined the phrase millions for defense not one cent for tribute and they were impressing American seamen take them off the boats and take them prisoner and hold them for ransom and this is when the United States Marine Corps was born you remember the words of that song from the halls of Montezuma to the shores of Tripoli where's Tripoli that's Africa that's the Barbary pirates and we sent the marines over there so when this happened in Iran and the Ayatollah came back it sent an electrifying message to all of Islam all over the Middle [55:50] East and you know what they were saying to one another hey we can do this we can take these guys the West we can take them we can overcome them we can reduce the whole world to Islamic faith and you know that's what the Quran requires the Quran charges all of the faithful to subject the whole world to the Islamic faith so the whole world is Islamic that's their commission that's their intention that's what they want to do here that's what they're trying to do that's what ISIS is all about that's why they're on the move now you have some perspective I trust that it will be information that you can build on and I would much prefer to bring like I said a far more edifying message more pleasant information but I think it's needful that we know these things and [56:52] I don't have time for Q&A or I would open some but maybe next week we can squeeze in a little bit so if you have any questions put them on hold and we'll deliberately set aside some time for Q&A next week so if you have questions or comments you'll be able to insert them all right well well let's stand we'll be dismissed father we know these have been really heavy things we've been discussing and yet we know that you expect your people to be informed and know what's taking place in the world and understand what the remedy is and have the courage to apply the remedy and the only thing we've got to offer is what you've already provided and we are not ashamed of the gospel for it and it alone is the power of [57:54] God through faith unto salvation to everyone who believes that's true for Jews true for Gentiles true for Muslims true for everyone because Jesus Christ died for the sins of the whole world and father help us to remember that as a nation while we decry the senseless killing by these extremists under the name of Islam and we reject their murder of innocent people we as a nation have innocent blood on our hands too we've destroyed 50 million of our own who never had a chance for life so we trust that you will enable us to understand that this nation is not without its guilt issues as well and we see the Jewish final solution to the world's problem is applicable to our country and applicable to Islam it's applicable everywhere because [59:08] Jesus Christ did die for the sins of the whole world and the world can have life through him and through him alone all else is sinking sand thank you for that truth and reality help us to keep it forefront in our minds and to take advantage of every opportunity we may have to share the good news that really counts with those who seek answers we pray in Christ's name Amen