Transcription downloaded from Disclaimer: this is an automatically generated machine transcription - there may be small errors or mistranscriptions. Please refer to the original audio if you are in any doubt. [0:00] Well, we were to return to a subject that we were dealing with a couple of weeks ago. We just had a brief respite from what we had been studying, so I feel the need to complete what we began. [0:14] And it had to do with the account given of Nicodemus in John's Gospel, Chapter 3. So if you want to return to that again. And the reason that we are continuing that is because we didn't finish it to begin with. [0:28] And then last week we heard from Joe and some comments that he had regarding body, soul, and spirit. And that means that we had a week break in between and that gave you another week to forget everything that I said from the week before. [0:43] So we're going to have a little bit of review. And by the way, speaking of review and forgetting, I have learned in my years of advanced age that there is a lot of truth to the old maxim that says when you get along in years, you can tell your best friends your deepest, darkest secrets, and you don't have to worry about it. [1:08] Because they can't remember them anyway. And that used to be just something to laugh about, but now I think it's beginning to come true. And there is a certain amount of truth to that. [1:21] Before we do get into our study starting in John 3, though, I just want to mention something that I think we ought to keep on our front burner for more prayer. And that is there are some very ominous things that are taking place right now internationally that threaten to just absolutely erupt. [1:48] And we don't know. We've got the Iran thing and their animosity to Israel, and they're having publicly announced so many times that their intent is to wipe Israel off the map. [2:03] And we've got the little dictator in North Korea that is still sending up his rockets and so on and making threats. Plus, Red China is getting buddy-buddy with Russia. [2:17] We don't know what that's going to involve. And then, of course, so all of these things are just kind of coagulating together on the international scene. [2:32] And all it is going to take is for one of these entities to use something nuclear. And then Katie, bar the door. [2:44] It's going to be a bloodbath the likes of which we cannot imagine. And there is so much destabilization that is taking place in this country, and not only here, but in Europe as well. [2:59] And the only place where we could say that the government is actually in complete control are in the countries that are dominated by Marxism, communism, etc., where the people wouldn't dare exercise what's going on here, like, for instance. [3:21] So things are starting to come unraveled. And I'm not a prophet nor the son of a prophet, but it's hard not to see what's happening and not realize that something is about to break. [3:35] And I just don't know what kind of a summer we're going to have. But it's something we need to keep remembering in prayer, because things are getting very, very dicey. And personally, I began noticing this with a couple of years ago in the summers and all of the rioting that was virtually unattended to by the police. [3:59] They were more or less ordered by their authorities to stand down and not even arrest these people. And this thing is fomenting all over. And the incident where the black fellow was killed by the white policeman with his, you know, the George Floyd thing, that exacerbated stuff. [4:18] So, and then, of all things, who in the world would have ever thought that something like this could even be imagined in the U.S. of A.? [4:32] Defund the police? Are you crazy? Are you crazy? The answer is yes. That's what's happening. We've got a society that is running amok. [4:44] And not only have the police been defunded in many cases, which they have lived to regret, but a number of law enforcement officers have decided to hand in their badge, at least those who were capable, able to retire, and said, forget it, I don't need this, you know. [5:04] And they just backed out, and it's becoming increasingly difficult to recruit law enforcement officers because they know what they're contending with. [5:15] And all of this catch and release stuff is just absolutely, it's just plain nuts. And it just reminds me of an old line in one of Shakespeare's plays, and I can't even remember the name of the play, but I do remember the, jotted down the name of a couple of the characters. [5:34] Jack Cade was an insurrectionist, and he was planning to overthrow the throne and take over the government, and his right-hand man was called Jack the Butcher, and it was Jack the Butcher, the right-hand man of the insurrectionists, that issued that famous line, first, we killed all the lawyers. [6:04] Think about that. First, we killed all the lawyers. What does that say? That's very, very strategic. [6:16] This guy may have just been an actor in one of Shakespeare's plays, but it's very insightful because law enforcement, law and law enforcement is the backbone of a society. [6:31] And if you don't have that, you've got anarchism. You've got everyone for himself. Everyone does what is right in their own eyes back in the time of the judges because law enforcement is the stabilizing influence, and without it, you've just got absolute chaos. [6:55] And Romans 13 talks about the importance of the powers that be and how we as believers are to be mindful and respectful and submitting to the powers that be because they are instituted by God in governments for the benefit and welfare of the people. [7:16] And the lawyers represent the legal brain of the nation, and law enforcement represents the brawn. [7:32] So you've got the brain and the brawn, and the brain enacts the laws, and the brawn enforces the laws and keeps order. And where that breaks down, you're in big, big trouble. [7:46] And we are, as we speak, we are in the process of dismantling our national law enforcement structure as we have always known it. [8:00] And, boy, I'll tell you, that is really serious, serious stuff. So it's something that we need to continue to remember in prayer. Well, guys, let's go back to John chapter 3, if we may. [8:15] And the question that was submitted has to do with, is there a place between death and heaven to be before judgment, or do believers go straight to heaven to wait? [8:29] And this we'll be discussing a little bit from Luke chapter 16 as well as John chapter 3. So if you'll turn to that, please, we'll look at it. And by the way, I just want to preface this with something for you to think about. [8:42] I think I've mentioned this before. Last week I had an opportunity to speak to a group of residents at Oakwood Village. [8:55] And all of those people there, just about all of them, are as old as yours truly or older. So they're thinking about these things. And I think it probably did get their attention when discussing end-of-life issues and life after death, etc., in connection with the resurrection is what we were talking about. [9:15] And I may mention the fact that there are no dead people. And that's my premise that I want you to be thinking about even now. There are no dead, there's no such thing as dead people. [9:31] Our cemeteries are filled with dead bodies. But personhood and being an individual, a person, being people, is not your body. [9:45] That's just part of it. And we are constructed in a marvelous, marvelous way that is actually kind of reflective of the concept and the being of God in His three persons consisting of one person. [10:01] We have three elements to us, but we are one person. We have body, soul, and spirit. And there is Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. [10:12] So you wonder if there's some kind of a connection there that God had in mind. And I don't doubt that there is because, fellas, everything in the Bible is connected to everything in the Bible. And everything in the universe is interconnected with everything in the universe, even the orbit of the planets and the whole nine yards. [10:32] In fact, it would absolutely blow us away if we knew what was really involved. So all we've got is just a little smidgen of information. But I say that to remind you that in the providence of God and in the wisdom of God, He has put together these marvelous things called human personhood, individuals. [10:59] And there is some respect in which we are patterned after His own being. And when we die, as believers, we're absent from the body, present with the Lord. [11:12] And yet there is another place for that immaterial part of our being to experience. [11:23] And that's what we're talking about here in Luke 16. So let's go there, if we may, please. And while you're turning to Luke 16, if you aren't there already, we're going to introduce a concept that is referred to as paradise. [11:39] And it has reference to what Jesus said to the thief on the cross who professed faith in Him as He was dying there from being crucified. [11:52] And Jesus said, Verily I say unto you, Today you will be with Me in paradise. And I think this ties in with Luke 16. [12:05] Now, it has long been debated by scholars as to whether Luke 16 is a parable, which means it is just a story that Jesus made up to illustrate some points. [12:20] He did that with a whole lot. In fact, there are 33 parables in the four Gospels that are given by our Lord. And every one of them was a lesson or a story that revealed a spiritual truth. [12:38] And it was always couched in common, ordinary, everyday things that people could identify with so that they could make a connection with it. And scholars have debated for centuries whether Luke 16 is a parable or whether it is an actual account. [12:53] My personal opinion is it may be a parable, but that doesn't make any difference if it contains the elements of truth. Then it doesn't make a difference whether it's a parable or not. [13:05] So, that's the point that I'm making. And I think that there is something here because of the compartment that is there. And, well, let's read it. [13:15] Let's read it. Luke 16 and verse 19. There was a certain rich man and he habitually dressed in purple and fine linen gaily living in splendor every day. [13:27] And a certain poor man named Lazarus was laid at his gate covered with sores and longing to be fed with the crumbs which were falling from the rich man's table. [13:38] Besides, even the dogs were coming and licking his sores. Now, this does sound like a parable because you got dogs? [13:50] Dogs? In Hades? What's that all about? So, this may very well be something that our Lord has just imagined and made up and is presenting it that way. [14:02] The dogs came and licked his sores longing to be fed with the crumbs which were falling from the rich man's table. Besides, even the dogs were coming and licking his sores. [14:13] Came about, poor man died and he was carried away by the angels to Abraham's bosom. The rich man also died and was buried and in Hades he lifted up his eyes. [14:26] Some translations render this as hell but it isn't hell and let me just inject this here if I may. Hell, as we think of hell being the eternal state does not now exist at all. [14:39] It will exist and it is described as a place that God has created for the devil and his angels but now, hell does not exist. It will, when you come to Revelation chapters 19 and 20 you'll see that it does exist there. [14:56] It is brought into existence but now, there is what is called Hades and Hades is a temporal state. It is not permanent and those who are in Hades which actually included everybody in one of the two areas of Hades prior to the death of Christ. [15:21] And I say prior to the death of Christ because there are no believers that is, there is no one who was rightly related to God who yet remains in Hades because Jesus Christ when he was resurrected from the dead with a glorified body became the first fruits of them that slept. [15:48] What does that mean? Well, the word slept often as it is used in the Bible is not talking about the eight hours a night variety sleep. It is talking about death those who have died. [16:02] When Jesus said about Lazarus our friend Lazarus sleepeth what Jesus really meant was Lazarus is dead. But the disciples didn't understand what he meant they said oh well if he is sleeping that is good. [16:17] Everybody knows that sleep is the best thing for a body that is sick. And then Jesus came back and corrected him and said no you don't understand what I mean is Lazarus is dead. But I go that I may wake him out of his sleep or death. [16:30] So in a very real sense death is like a sleep. There are similarities there. But this sleep this death that he is talking of is something that everyone prior to the death, burial and resurrection of Christ whether they were believers or unbelievers went to Hades and in Hades there were two compartments. [16:58] One is referred to as Abraham's bosom which I think this is just my opinion I think is the equivalent of paradise it's just another name for it. [17:10] And the other part is where the rich man who died was and he is in a place that is far removed from paradise and there is a great gulf fix between them. [17:25] I don't know if it's wide or if it's deep or both but we know the point is no one can get from one of those places to the other because the distance between them is impassable. [17:37] Jesus said there's a great gulf fix between the two so that those who would come from one place to the other cannot. Everybody is confined to that area. But when Christ died on the cross 1 Corinthians 15 talks about him being the first fruits of those that slept. [17:57] And if our understanding of this is correct and trust me I have more questions about it than I have answers it appears that Christ after his death physical death went to Hades in his spirit went to Hades remember his spirit when he was on the cross he said father into thy hands I commit my spirit his spirit left the body then he died physically and in his spirit it appears that he went to paradise he went to that compartment where Abraham and all others who were rightly related with God were situated in their spirit no bodies bodies bodies were buried in the grave or at sea or whatever but in his spirit Jesus in his spirit that he had dismissed went to Hades and he led captivity captive this is what Paul is talking about [19:03] I think in Ephesians 3 or Ephesians 4 that Christ descended into Hades and he led captivity captive that is he emptied paradise of the spirits of all of the spirits of believers from all the Old Testament saints who were there in paradise he led them out and he as the first fruits brought with him the harvest the rest of the harvest and took them all to heaven where he remains and they remain at the right hand of God remember when Stephen was stoned in Acts chapter 7 the text says that Stephen as the stones as the stones were beginning to crush his body [20:04] Stephen looked into heaven and saw Jesus the son of God standing at the right hand of the father and Stephen cried out Lord Jesus receive my spirit and he died and I believe that his spirit then went to be with the Lord just as Christ's spirit eventually did as well so this is the basis then for our believing that absent from the body present with the Lord that's for believers and only for believers but those who die apart from Christ remain in this place called Hades in Luke 16 and I think that this is what the Bible is referring to in in Revelation chapter 20 when the great white throne judgment is established and the text says that the books were opened and everybody's name written in the book of their deeds etc and the text says and death and Hades gave up the dead which were in them and that appears that all of those unbelievers from the earliest time going all the way back to Adam's age all of those unbelievers are brought out of [21:40] Hades to the judgment seat and you got to keep in mind that there is a lot of truth to the idea that every man gets a day in court you know and is entitled to that and this is this is their day in court this is their final day in court and every man's work will be judged according to what sort it is there will not be any believers there this is the judgment white great the great white throne judgment only unbelievers are there that's the Revelation 20 and Hades has been emptied and all of these people stand there before him and I don't understand the body spirit aspect I don't know I just don't understand very much about that separation all I know is that it is one and they are going to be judged every man according to his works of what sort it was so then then in Revelation 20 then hell exists or will be brought into existence and these are going to be cast into hell along with [22:55] Satan and his angels so on so what we've got here is a situation that is going all the way back to creation and all the way back all the way up to Revelation and the final aside and just let me inject this if I may believers all who are believers are going to be evaluated at the Bema seat this is referred to as the judgment seat actually it's not a judgment seat so much as it is a judgment seat in the sense that there will be an assessment there but it is not an assessment regarding punishment for all who are at all who are at the award throne of Christ are going to be exclusively believers rightly related to God from all ages whatever they may be and they are going to be evaluated we are going to be evaluated on the basis of our works salvation is not the issue at all you will not be there unless you are saved but it is the basis for reward and this is what the apostle Paul is talking about in 1 [24:12] Corinthians 3 when he says we must all stand before the award throne of the judgment seat of Christ so that every man's work will be tried of what sort it is and there Christ is going to evaluate not only what we did but why we did it motives will come into play in other words the judgment that will come forth from the all seeing all knowing eye of Christ will be absolutely perfect and those of us who are there are going to have one of three things to commend us the deeds that we have done and why we did them will be evaluated and there will be three different classes of works that appear and I think Paul is just giving that as an illustration there will be wood hay and stubble and gold so these three items are going to describe the works that we have performed whether they are good deeds done with the right motive they will endure they will stand the test and the all scrutinizing eye of [25:42] Christ will focus on those things that we did and the wood hay and stubble is going to go poof and there will just be nothing there it is sad to believe but it's true there are going to be believers at the award throne of Christ who are not going to have a reward they will be there because they are saved yet so as by fire but there will be no recognition and no acknowledgement of their reward and there's wood hay and stubble and there's gold silver and precious stones so there are things that will stand the test of examination and there are things that will not so that's a wake up call for believers you know the time is going to come when your efforts and your fruit and your good deeds etc. [26:40] will be acknowledged and will be rewarded but they will also have to have been done with the right motive rather than personal aggrandizement or gaining riches or whatever because motives are going to be it's really important for a believer to not only do the right thing but to be motivated aright to do the right thing and it is well let's go on here we're in Luke 16 we're told in verse 23 Hades he lifted up his eyes being in torment saw Abraham afar away and Lazarus in his bosom he cried out and said Father Abraham have mercy on me and send Lazarus that he may dip his tip of his finger in water and cool off my tongue for I am in agony in this flame but Abraham said child remember that during your life you received your good things and likewise [27:42] Lazarus bad things but now he is being comforted here and you are in agony and besides all this between us and you there is a great chasm a great gulf fixed in order that those who wish to come over from here to you may not be able and that none may cross over from there to us and he said then I beg you father that you send him to my father's house for I have five brothers that he may warn them lest they also come to this place of torment Abraham said they have Moses and the prophets let them hear them he said no father Abraham if someone goes to them from the dead they will repent but he said to them if they do not listen to Moses and the prophets neither will they be persuaded if someone rises from the dead so this is probably the best explanation we have to whatever extent we can extract from it these clues as to what happens when someone passes off of this light so today when a non-believer dies he goes to this same place that is referred to as Hades we do not know what he is experiencing in the text he's being tormented in the flames and so on we've got all kinds of questions that surface that I don't have answers for if he's there in spirit not in body then how is the spirit subjected to physical pain when you don't have a body because our body is filled with all kinds of nerve sensors and that's what we experience pain with but if you don't have a body [29:29] I don't understand any of that all I can say is this is the way the text is left and by the way if any of you have any light to share on this I would welcome it maybe we could pull our ignorance to come up with something point out when you started out you said no man ever dies and what it means is these unbelievers they're not you're going to hell or haze in the lake of fire it's also called the lake of fire there in revelations you're going to be conscious you're going to have consciousness you're going to feel that pain for eternity whatever misery is going on in there you're going to have it that's what Mark meant nobody dies you think well if I die I'm going to be not know about anything so it ain't going to matter about dying but it is going to matter if you're going to die boys you're right it's going to be terrible for the eternity some many are of the opinion that when you die that's it you die like a dog it's over there is no hereafter there's no heaven there's no hell there's no consciousness there's no nothing there's no memory it's just it's over fellas that there [30:45] I'm sure there are a lot of people who wish that were true but that is not true listen I cannot emphasize this enough when death takes your body death does not take your spirit because your spirit is not subject to the things that kill a physical body your spirit is not subject to cancer your spirit is not subject to a bullet or an explosion so in essence the real person never does die what you will be is translated you will be transferred from your body to another place another spirit the time is coming when body and spirit are going to be reconnected now I got a problem with that too because you got people buried at sea fish food that's no problem for [31:52] God you got people consumed by fire you got people whose bodies have turned to dust and ashes and how are these bodies going to be reconstituted I don't know but I tell you we have made an amazing absolutely amazing discovery and really humanity tends to think we are so smart but do you realize it wasn't until what was it 1950s 1960s something like that that we even discovered the existence of DNA deoxyribonucleic acid which is the building blocks of life you mean to tell me we didn't even know that until the 1950s yeah what was his name Francis Crick and somebody else that discovered this and they coded the DNA thing and every individual has a peculiar totally peculiar to them [32:55] DNA composition and nobody's is like anybody else's and what that is fellas to make a simplify it your DNA is the formula for making you and nobody else not one other person out of out of the six billion people who live now and the billions who died and passed on not a single one of those billions and billions has your exact DNA so it's not going to be a problem when the time comes for God to recombine that DNA however he wants and there you will be in all your glory just the actual original body right now the resurrect if you do a study of resurrections that's where we know that the unbeliever's body is going to be resurrected like Marv says before the white throne that's a resurrection and that means the body so that unbeliever's body is going to go back like he said to be with there and as I said [34:06] I told you last week what senses things the body senses things so what is pain you see you hear the body is going to go right into that lake of fire and hell so don't think you aren't going to sense things and feel that fire and torment because when you study resurrections that's the body that's being resurrected Marv I'm sorry it's okay it's okay I'd rather you speak than explode Joe and by the way if anybody else has got something to share feel free what Dan the thing as I go is it has to be a prophecy don't you think rather than actual fact I'm sorry I don't get your question away anyhow what we're studying here okay about all these things you're saying it could be a parable Luke 16 yeah [35:07] Luke 16 I'm saying that it's possible and one of the things that makes me think that it's a parable it could be a parable the essence of which is a true story but it's still delivered as a parable and one of the reasons that it seems to be a parable is because if you look at the text the context if you look at what comes before Luke 16 and what comes after Luke 16 they're all parables so this is couched right in the middle of what is parable clearly on both sides that's what makes me think maybe it is a parable but that does not alter the truthfulness of it even if it is a parable it's a parable it's a parable that relates reality whether it is an actual event or not is immaterial so but it's so abstract well yeah it does it's so abstract it is it is abstract yes but sometimes abstract things have very concrete things behind them too yeah now [36:14] I've lost my train of thought anyway anybody else have other comments or questions what we're talking about is pretty heavy stuff no question about it but this sheet that I gave you guys building a human body touches just a little bit on the miraculous nature of how we're put together and I am confident myself included we have absolutely no idea how marvelous and complex and wonderful these bodies of ours are that we tend to take so much for granted we just don't think of ourselves as being a walking miracle just by being alive but you are you really are you are you are the epitome of God's creation take care of it take care of it you know [37:27] God has not given us anything that we can't corrupt or ruin or mystery including our bodies including our brain including all kinds of things and that just goes with the fact also that along with the miraculous nature of these bodies he has entrusted to us a thing that enables us to engage in a decision making process called a volition and it is our use of our volition and the decisions that we make with our volition as a free moral agent that makes us accountable and responsible and it will be the basis for our evaluation is the deeds done in the body what we did and why we did them there's going to be an accounting one day and writer of [38:32] Hebrews says it's a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God when you come to faith in Jesus Christ as your personal savior you do fall into the hands you fall into the embrace the warm welcoming embrace of the living God and there is nothing more wonderful than that and those who refuse that and reject that will one day fall into the hands of the living God but it will not be with a warm embrace what Joe you wanted maybe to say something in John about Nicodemus finish that you mentioned something else you wanted to say about that oh yeah well Nicodemus appears to have become a believer we don't know this for sure but I would not be a bit surprised if we see Nicodemus in heaven and Joseph of Arimathea also he was the one who it was it was [39:37] Joseph of Arimathea or was it Nicodemus with him or was it yeah Nicodemus was there with him to help him bury him yeah they went to they went to Pontius Pilate yeah and by the way guys we can't identify with this because the culture and the times and the implications and everything but for these two men two really highly respected men in Judaism both of whom were Pharisees well positioned and the indication of Nicodemus is that he was not just a Pharisee but he was a leading Pharisee he was in the upper echelon of Pharisees in Judaism and for those two men publicly publicly to expose themselves by going to Pontius Pilate and requesting from him that he turned over the body of Jesus to them fellas that was a request of tremendous love and respect and honor because do you know where that body would have been destined for it would have been destined for Gehenna that was the local dump of Jerusalem they just dumped the dead bodies that no one claimed and no one was willing to bury they just dumped the dead bodies in the big trash heap and the fires there were burning constantly because something was always being added to the flames bodies and trash and refuse and everything that's where the body of Jesus would have gone if it had not been claimed and [41:24] Nicodemus and Joseph of Arimathea begged Pilate that they have custody of the body and Pilate was surprised that Jesus was dead already because he only got on the cross six hours well he was half dead when they put him on the cross blood loss and beatings and everything else and Pilate sent soldiers to verify that he really was dead and they came back and said yeah you did all right and he released the body and Joseph of Arimathea had recently had his own family tomb built cut carved right out of the limestone this stuff is easy to work with sledge hammers and tools etc and Israel is just loaded with limestone everywhere and they just hollowed this out like there are in so many places and it was a new tomb that had never even had one corpse placed in it and Jesus body was the first to be in that tomb but as one brother put it [42:36] Jesus was buried in a borrowed tomb he didn't have a place to lay his head and birds in the air the fowls have nests son of man hath not where to lay his head didn't have a place called home and even the tomb that he was in was borrowed but as one brother said but that's alright because he wasn't going to need it very long and that tomb is where our body where the body of our lord was placed and had a massive stone rolled in front of it we don't know how big it was but some theorized that it could have easily weighed several hundred pounds a ton or so and it was round big round stone and it was situated on an incline and it was like a hill and here was the tomb and this incline went up like that and the stone could have been four or five feet in diameter and anywhere from eight to twelve inches thick just a huge stone and they would roll that stone up the incline in order to get into the opening of the tomb and then when they went to seal it they just took the chalk out from under the stone and let it roll down and it would completely cover the opening of the tomb and when the women were coming it was still daylight and they brought spices to finish the Bible because they didn't have time they didn't have time to properly embalm the body before the [44:20] Sabbath started so they had to break up their responsibility and they're going out there early and after the Sabbath has ended and one of them says to the other says oh no there's something we forgot who's going to roll away the stone these two women there's no way in the world they'd be able to roll away that stone but we know what happened because when the angel appeared he threw away and by the way Jesus didn't have to have the stone rolled away so he could get out he got out before the stone was ever rolled away he just came right through it and fellas that's what you're going to be able to do with a glorified body it's called molecular displacement where a solid object can pass through a solid object how can you do that that's science that's out of my pay grade but I tell you when Jesus appeared to the disciples they were all gathered together for the text says they were all gathered together for fear of the Jews and what that means is they thought that the [45:31] Jewish establishment that was responsible for crucifying Jesus they're going to come after them next because they were his chief followers and the text says the door was locked for fear of the Jews and Jesus appeared in their midst how did he do that nobody opened the door and he didn't knock on it he just appeared in their midst this is something that is absolutely amazing but it's kind of it's characteristic of a glorified body and that's the kind of body that we are going to have and I want to close with this passage it's Philippians chapter 3 if it didn't move Philippians chapter 3 and I'm looking for well I guess it did move that our bodies may be conformed to his glorious body where is that verse 10 9 or 10 11 yeah yeah yeah uh that's still not what I'm that well verse 21 yeah verse 21 verse 20 our citizenship is in heaven from which we also eagerly await for a savior the lord jesus christ who will transform the body of our humble state that's what we're in right now our bodies are in a humble state some translations render it weak or weakened state into conformity with the body of his glory that's christ's glory by the exertion of the power that he has even to subject all things to himself so [48:06] I am looking forward to getting rid of this body and putting on that new body that will not be subject to death or disease or anything else that this body of humility and weakness is subject to so it's going to be a glorious time something something to look forward to for sure hey guys thanks for being here this morning and thank you ladies for the great service we do appreciate it everybody have a super day