Transcription downloaded from Disclaimer: this is an automatically generated machine transcription - there may be small errors or mistranscriptions. Please refer to the original audio if you are in any doubt. [0:00] Thank you, Pastor Nathan. This place looks vaguely familiar. I guess after 51 years being up here, it ought to, huh? [0:17] My thinking was that Pastor Nathan was going to be away this morning, out of town, and that's the reason he invited me to fill the pulpit, because he was not going to be available. [0:27] So, here he is. And it's easy to tell us apart, because I've got hair. Nathan doesn't have hair, so. [0:41] Anyway, and I really appreciate this memory verse, because it ties in beautifully with an article that I want to give you. And I purposely didn't distribute them before, because I was afraid you'd read it while I was preaching. [0:58] So, there's a stack of them right in front of the candy dish outside in the hall, and it's called, What's His is Ours. [1:11] And this is an article that I took from Christianity Clarified, Christian magazine, September 2012. So, it's, wow. [1:24] It's 22 years old already. And in the years that I've been here, I have collected what I thought were outstanding articles, and I call them my keepers forever. [1:37] And many of them I've made available to you for distribution, and this is one of them. It is such an outstanding article, and I do not know the name of the lady. [1:50] I don't know the lady who wrote it, but her name is Sarah Henlicky Wilson. And she is assistant research professor at the Institute for Ecumenical Research in Strasbourg, France, and the editor of the magazine, The Lutheran Forum. [2:07] But it's an outstanding article, and I hope you will avail yourself of a copy, and I made an abundant supply of them. So, if you want to take one for somebody else as well as yourself, please feel free to do so. [2:20] As I said, the stack is out there. And some of you men have memory problems like I do, so we're counting on your wife to remind you, like mine does. And I also want to remind you regarding the update from Marv and Marie. [2:37] And it looks like we've got a lot of things going on and are quite busy, and I guess that's true. But I want you to know that the real dynamo behind Marv and Marie's ministry is Marie. [2:51] Marie is the one that keeps Marv going in more ways than you can imagine. And she does a marvelous job. [3:02] I just cannot imagine trying to tackle what I do without her and her encouragement and her provision in every way. And thanks again, hon, for marrying me. [3:15] Coming up on, was it 12 years now? Or 13? Okay. And I would ask you, if you would please, to turn to Ecclesiastes, chapter 8. [3:32] And if you have a little problem, you can probably find the Psalms. And then you can find Proverbs. [3:44] And Ecclesiastes comes right after that. I want you to look just briefly at chapter 8 and verse 11. And I want to warn you up front that this has nothing to do with the message, because that's going to be something different. [3:57] But this is on my heart because of what is happening in our country. And we saw just the other day, in fact, I saw a repeat of it on the news this morning, where another man has been arrested for killing a police officer. [4:17] And he has 21 priors and 9 felonies as a young man. [4:30] And he shot this police officer at a traffic stop. This has been going on now for several years. I can remember, although perhaps many of you cannot, when to shoot or to kill a law enforcement officer was almost a certain death penalty offense. [4:53] And it hardly ever happened. Now it is common. It is part of what is taking place in our culture. And things have gotten out of hand to the extent that, well, let me put it this way. [5:06] One of my favorite sayings, and I'll vouch for its 100% accuracy, is this. We have never been here before. This nation is facing issues the likes of which we have never confronted before. [5:22] And never had to. And because of our not being aware or not being accustomed to it, we're not doing a terribly good job of confronting it. So, Ecclesiastes 8 and verse 11 has an excellent remedy for that. [5:41] I wish there were some way that we could impose it upon the public so that it would be a matter of memorization. Because the sentence against an evil deed is not executed quickly, therefore, the hearts of the sons of men among them are given fully to do evil. [6:06] Folks, you do not have to be a rocket scientist to figure out the implications of that. We have gone too long, too far, too lax on criminal activity. [6:20] And it is inundating this nation, the likes of which we have never seen before. The blatant smash and grab, breaking of jewelry cases, breaking into stores, shoplifting, carrying out carts of merchandise, and the employees stand there helpless, unable to do anything about it. [6:37] It is absolutely crazy what is going on. And the Bible talks about the latter days when lawlessness will abound. Hello? [6:50] We are there. I'm not a prophet nor the son of a prophet. I'm not willing to make any predictions as to how long we've got. But it may be shorter than what we think when we hear the upper taker come. [7:06] Frankly, I'm anticipating the upper taker more than I am the undertaker, even though I'm advanced in years. [7:17] Let me put it that way. So this is what our nation is dealing with, and we are not dealing with it very well. And also, you have heard it said regarding past elections, the past two or three elections, we were told, this is the most important election we've ever had. [7:38] And it was. Until the next election came around, and we had to call it, this is going to be the most important election we've ever had. [7:48] And it was. And I'm telling you again, November 5 is again going to be the most important yet that we've ever had. [8:01] And none of those that I mentioned were an exaggeration. They were all true. And this one is true also. So we don't know what November 5 will bring, but we do know that it is a time to gird up our loins. [8:15] And those who claim to be lovers of this nation do not need to be told how to vote. You already know. [8:26] So having said that, I want you to turn, if you would please, to the message for the morning. And it is beginning in Acts chapter 9. Going to clip along at a speed that you will not be familiar with, because you're used to my taking more time for more things than what we are going to this morning. [8:49] But we are going to deal with some issues that are the most thrilling, the most exciting thing that could ever happen. [8:59] And that has to do, of course, with what has already been mentioned in connection with the announcements in the verse for the day. What God has done to address the needs of humanity. And it is just beyond comparison. [9:14] You've heard me say before that the cross of Jesus Christ and what happened there and the significance of it was and is and shall always remain the centerpiece of the universe. [9:32] Nothing anywhere at any time could ever compare with when he who knew no sin was made to be sin for us. [9:43] So that we might be made the righteousness of God in him. Is that true? [9:56] You'd better believe it. In fact, it's the greatest truth that we've ever heard and can cling to. So in Acts chapter 9, I want you to see what is actually laying the foundation for it. [10:10] And it has to do with the conversion of Saul of Tarsus. I'm not going to read the whole passage because most of you are familiar with it. But I'm just going to drop in with verse 8. [10:23] And we are told that Saul, after he was spitting to the ground with this blindness, though his eyes were open, he could see nothing. Leading him by the hand, they brought him into Damascus. [10:35] And he was three days without sight and neither ate nor drank. And I have read that so many times without stopping to really think about it. [10:48] And I've thought about it a lot now. And the thinking and the question is, what was he thinking for three days and three nights? Blind as a bat. [11:01] Couldn't eat anything. Didn't want to eat anything. Didn't drink anything. He was staying at a little place called in the house of Judas. [11:11] A different Judas, of course. And the place is located on a street called Straight there in Damascus. And I envision it as a kind of little bed and breakfast. [11:22] And there sits Saul of Tarsus at this table. And he's sitting there like this with his head in his hands. And he can't see anything. And somebody comes up and offers him food. [11:34] Saul, you've got to eat something. No, no, I'm not. Take it away, please. I'm not. Well, how about a drink? No, that's okay. And after a while, three days and three nights, and he's not sleeping, not eating, and not drinking? [11:50] What's he doing? He's thinking. He's replaying over and over and over again. He's replaying. [12:03] Was that real? Was that really Jesus? Is he alive? How did he get there? [12:17] What was that light? Why am I blinded? The voice. Was I hearing things or was that real? [12:28] Well, but those who were with me, they heard it too. They couldn't make out what the voice was saying, but they heard it. What is this? [12:39] What's going on? It couldn't be real. I'm just imagining it. And after a while, he dozes off. [12:50] And he sits there, and he wakes up. And he says, he replays it again and again. What do you think is taking place in the mind and heart of this man? 72 hours he's going through this. [13:02] It's agonizing. And he gets no answers. Until there is a breakthrough. There is a breakthrough. [13:19] He shakes his head and says, Okay. It was you. It was real. [13:31] I don't know what all of this means. What do you want me to do? And about that time, the Spirit of God is speaking to a man named Ananias there in the city of Damascus. [13:51] And he says, Ananias, I want you to go into the town and find the street called Straight and locate a man by the name of Saul of Tarsus because he is praying. [14:10] Ha, ha, ha! What do you think he's praying for? He's praying for light, for information, for understanding. [14:22] He is totally confused. But he's come to this conviction. Jesus of Nazareth really is who he said he is. [14:38] And I have got to reverse myself. You know what that's called? Well, the Bible calls that repent. [14:50] Repent. It's a word metanoia and it means through the mind. Through the mind. It means you take information and you process it through the mind. [15:06] you evaluate it and you reach a conclusion and if the conclusion is I am wrong and I have been wrong about this whole thing all along and I am totally shocked beside myself. [15:29] How could I have been so wrong? How could I have been so blind? The Sanhedrin 50 of the leading Jewish countrymen all band together and were convinced that this man Jesus of Nazareth was an imposter. [15:46] He wasn't who he said he was. He wasn't the Messiah at all. And they were complicit in his crucifixion and when Stephen gave his testimony and insisted that it was true I was the guy that held all the garments of those who were going to throw the stones. [16:06] It's really difficult to throw big stones when you're encumbered with a heavy robe that you're wearing. So they take the robes off and I was the custodian of the robes and I was the one who was cheering them on as they stoned Stephen to death. [16:20] You think he didn't replay that during those three days and three nights and relive that? You mean to tell me the whole Sanhedrin that 50 leading Jewish men that they were wrong too? [16:33] How can that be? It can't be. It can't be. But it is. It is. And you know what? Saul of Tarsus became I don't know how else to characterize this so I'll just say he became like a wild stallion. [16:56] Like a wild horse that has been broken. And he's no longer going to buck the rider. Now he's going to carry the rider. [17:09] Now he's going to submit to the rider. That was the new Saul of Tarsus. He's going to become Paul the apostle. [17:22] And the Lord told Ananias for behold he's praying. He's praying. He's ready. [17:36] You know if I've got a I've got an imaginary thing it probably won't I don't know I don't know that it will come true but it's I guess you could call it a pipe dream of mine. [17:49] And that is that when we get to heaven there's going to be an opportunity to see some of these incredible scenes replayed almost like you're seeing it in television. [18:05] The actual thing replayed. Now I know the Lord could well enough arrange that if he wants to. I just don't know. Maybe we won't have any interest in those things at all but curiosity but I can see Saul of Tarsus saying there shaking his head coming to this conclusion and he's praying and I ask myself Omar use your imagination a little bit if you were in Saul's place and you were praying after going through all of that and coming to this inescapable conclusion as to who Jesus is and who all was involved in his death and all the whole nine yards what would be your conclusion? [18:45] and all I could think of was okay God I'm your man I'm your man what else can you do? [19:03] And oh by the way one other thing that the Lord told Ananias when you go to him lay hands on him so you receive his sight and you pray for him and then the Lord said for I will show him what great things he must suffer for my name are you kidding me? [19:31] is that the best that God can do with a choice apostle? calling for the purpose of suffering? well thanks but no thanks and yet that was part of the deal why does he have to suffer? [19:54] because suffering is going to be a consequence or result from delivering the message because you Saul of Tarsus are going to be calling upon people to believe something who already have two strikes against them what? [20:25] mm-hmm do you realize you were born you were born morally spiritually defiled mm-hmm you know that? [20:46] the psalmist said born in iniquity yeah well born redeemed how can that well that's another thing I won't go there but we are born impaired all of us that's part of humanity and do you know what the proof of that is? [21:02] you're going to die physically we all are unless the Lord comes first because we are born and I there's no technical definition for this but I'll just give it one it doesn't exist but we are born with a death gene we are born to die and the proof of that is we begin to age and when we reach a certain number of years we expire physically that's because the wages of sin is death and we are born impaired and that's part and parcel of the arrangement and that's the way it works so that's strike number one and strike number two is in 2nd Corinthians 4 when Paul said if our gospel be hid veiled it's like it's like I liken it to spiritual cataracts over the eyes so that you don't see clearly and he says if our gospel be veiled it is veiled or it is obscured to those who are lost whose minds that's not their eyes but their minds their thinking process is skewed so that they cannot think correctly and draw right conclusions now folks you don't have to be a rocket scientist either to figure out that there are a whole lot of quirky beliefs and ideas in this world where they come from they come from us they come from people just like us people born with impaired minds we all have impaired minds [22:49] Albert Einstein was born with an impaired mind we all are it's part of the human condition the only one that never was was our Lord Jesus Christ and he made all the difference now I'm not going to get into what the essence of my message was even more than what I have because I'm absolutely determined to give you some opportunity for feedback and I'm going to do that so I'm going to quit oh I you know I still hate that clock with a passion but I'm going to mind it and I want some Q&A from you because I don't want to leave you with questions and then not have an opportunity to address them so but I just want to to bring this part of the message to a conclusion and that is that Paul is going to begin with this message and I want you to look if you will at Acts chapter 9 and beginning with verse 19 he took food was strengthened several days he was with the Damascus he was with the disciples who were at [24:03] Damascus and immediately immediately he began to proclaim Jesus in the synagogues of Damascus and by the way these synagogues are places of Jewish worship where the apostle Paul and those men that he took with them had come to Damascus to go into these synagogues and round up those Jews from Jerusalem who had fled from the persecution in Jerusalem had fled to Damascus and you know how far the way this is this is over 100 miles away these people had to travel on foot or on horseback it was a four or five day journey just to get there and these people in these synagogues are the very people that Saul comes in and he is entering the synagogue and who is there in the synagogue but people that he came to arrest and the word goes around buzzes all around the synagogue do you know who's here [25:09] Saul of Tarsus oh you got to be kidding what was he doing here and the tongues are wagging and Saul of Tarsus and what does he do he's given the floor and he stands up and he proclaims that Jesus of Nazareth is the son of God and these people who already believe that and that's why they fled Jerusalem are looking at each other and saying can you believe this can you believe this this is this is Saul's and somebody else says no I don't believe it it's a scam it's a trick this is a setup he's doing this so we'll identify ourselves and he'll know who we are and he'll round us all up and take us and believe him in fact there was only one guy who did believe him remember him his name was Barnabas he's called the son of consolation and everybody was trying to figure out this guy is running a scam this can't be true and Barnabas [26:13] Barnabas came alongside put his arm around Saul and said brother I believe you welcome to the family of God and he began preaching that Jesus is the Messiah now I want to insert something here that is going to be a little confusing but I'm satisfied that it's necessary because this is the way the narrative reads and this is the way the Acts develops it and that is Paul is going to be given an abundance of revelations we don't know how many an abundance consisted of it just means multiple and we don't know over what period of time he was given them but we do know Paul was not given all of the information that he would need to incorporate in his letters in one sitting there obviously is going to be several meetings between [27:16] Paul and the resurrected Christ and he is going to be brief a number of times on different things and what he now is really familiar with and what Jesus convinced him of is something that is undeniable and that is his resurrection from the dead boy there's no denying that and that for the time being is his message and it is look if you would please in verse 20 he began to proclaim Jesus in the synagogue saying he is the son of God over and out deal with it Israel it's true no question about it but that's not the greater issue the greater issue is why did he come why was he here why did he die on that cross he died on that cross for the specific purpose of redeeming the entirety of the human race which does not make everyone automatically saved but it does make everyone automatically savable what does that mean you mean to tell me that you mean to tell me that [28:41] Adolf Hitler could have been saved oh absolutely absolutely I doubt very very seriously that he was but he could have been and if you say oh no he was just too wicked he was just too evil God couldn't save him God wouldn't save him what you were saying is there was something seriously lacking and the death and the payment that Jesus made for sin when he was on that cross he couldn't quite cut it he didn't quite make it full what he did what Jesus did was he made a down payment on your salvation but you need to pick up the rest of it are you serious can you think for a moment that you or I could possess the kind of righteousness that God could accept of course not that's why it had to be Jesus that's why it had to be he who had no sin was made to be sin on our behalf that's why that's why what he did was totally totally adequate now I want to close with an illustration it's a far fetched one but maybe it'll make the point can you imagine going outside and scooping down in the playground out there where there's some grass and sod and pick up an ant a lowly little ant now you're going to communicate to this ant what you were like and what you were about how successful do you think you're going to be in informing that little ant as to what it means to be a human being well that's kind of like that's kind of like the task that [31:00] Jesus had when as the son of God the very essence character nature quality of deity came down to this earth to reveal the father and he was at a loss to explain to humanity what God is really like so you know what he had to do he had to become one of us he had to become a man now if you really want to communicate with an ant so that the ant would maybe be able to understand you know what you have to do you'd have to become an ant so you could get down on his level and he could appreciate what you have to say now that's a far fetched illustration but the principle is intact you know what Jesus did and being found and being found as a man he humbled himself and became obedient to death even to the death of the cross God don't ask me to explain this because I can't [32:01] God became a man so that he could come to us on our level otherwise the deity the ineffable eternal God could never communicate with us mere mortals so he loved us to such a way in such an extent somebody put it this way when Jesus came to earth he went slumming yeah when Jesus came to planet earth he went slumming came down to the dregs of society because he had an incredible love for humanity God so loved that little word that little word so in the greek is the word hutos hutos doesn't mean anything to you but what it means in english is in this manner it doesn't mean that [33:14] God loved us this much it's not talking about quantity it says God loved us in this way in this manner that he gave his only begotten son that whosoever Hitler yeah mass murderers yeah even they even they were they to do so could admit their sin and put their faith and trust in Jesus Christ because the payment that Jesus made was a payment that only deity could make and in that payment there was sufficient if I may use the term there was sufficient funds to bankroll the salvation of the entire human race because the ratio of value the proportionate value of deity to humanity is greater than the proportionate value from the ant to human being now how would you like to become an ant and die for all the other ants in the world pretty crazy even think about something like that isn't it but [34:58] Jesus Christ the son of God became a human being so that he could die the death of a human being and pay the penalty for every human being and because of the proportionate value of deity to humanity there was enough merit enough priceless invisible what shall we call it the commodity whatever to embrace the entire human race and have change left over all because of the identity of that person that's how one man could die for the sins of the whole world and let me tell you that's why we call it the centerpiece of the universe that's everything and if you have that connection and you've made that connection with [36:01] Jesus Christ as your savior you have everything you are enriched in him as he is so you are and if you don't have him doesn't matter how much you've got in the bank and it doesn't matter how big your house is or how many cars you have you've got nothing nothing it's all wrapped up in him what's his is ours and the world doesn't understand that either because it's a message that is completely foreign to them and they look upon well let me put it this way they just don't do you know why there's that two strikes thing their eyes are veiled they cannot see the reality and the truth and this is why this is why it usually takes multiple hearings of the gospel before someone believes it very few people ever jump on this thing when they hear it the first time and you know why because it doesn't make sense it doesn't compute doesn't compute [37:16] I remember talking to one fellow about that and in fact he was here a number of years ago and I tried to explain to him how that salvation is a free gift and Romans makes that so clear and so does Galatians it's a he just could not compute that because it just didn't make sense that you can go free and it is a gift and there's no strings attached all you have to do is put your faith and trust in [38:16] Jesus Christ and if you've got it in yourself you already know how many times you failed yourself so just transfer it from yourself or from your church or from your good deeds or good intentions or whatever and put it in Jesus Christ because he's the only one that was on that cross and he was there for you and there is so much more to be said about this but you've heard me say this before so say it now again I'm not finished but I quit and you've got seven or eight minutes for comments or questions anybody we've got a floating microphone so have and by the way it's okay if you don't agree with me that does not offend me at all I'm used to people not agreeing with me about different things so questions or comments either that or maybe you're too intimidated or reluctant to ask a question but I want you to know you have the opportunity yes up here you get that microphone the mama young man [39:24] I just wanted to say how much I loved your human versus ant illustration and how long we hear the gospel over and over again and then an illustration like that hits you and makes you think about it in a new way and how grateful I am for the love of God and who he is so thank you thank you thank you Jamie I do appreciate that it's you know it's remarkable it's truly remarkable how we talk about the gospel being simple the simple gospel simple message and there's a very real truth to that it is so simple that there are four and five year old children that have been able to absorb it and and and and and and I'm not and it isn't just because mommy and daddy convinced them of it it's they got it now maybe there aren't many but it can be done and it has been done and there are people well advanced in age that have heard the gospel they heard [40:32] Billy Graham on television they've heard this they've heard that they've been to funerals where the gospel was preached and they still just don't get it and we wonder how is that remember two strikes they're born impaired the thinking process is wrecked from the beginning and Satan who is the god of this world blinds the minds we don't know how he does that I suspect that he does it one way he does it is through distractions cause people to think about everything else he blinds the minds so that the gospel does not come across to them clear and it's why I say it usually takes repeated hearings of the gospel and it's just the spirit of God is referred to some one writer referred to the spirit of God as the hound of heaven and he just keeps on the trail and finally finally after repeated hearings of the gospel someone says ah ah [41:42] I got it the light came on I made the connection my sin my death my hell Jesus took on him that's why he came hey that's what Christmas is all about that's what Christmas is all about now it makes sense the gift the gift thing do you get that the gift the gift and that's what Easter is all about the resurrection oh how did I miss it why couldn't I see that it's right there every year every Christmas every Easter the world doesn't know anything about it all they know is Santa Claus and Easter bunnies that too is part of the deception that's part of keeping people thinking on the wrong track and then they go to church and what do they hear at church you people are all just wonderful you know that you're just so generous and you're just so kind and you're just so good now you run along and come back next week and I'll tell you again how sweet and how nice you are and there's no gospel and there's no salvation there's another comment or question somebody yes [43:06] Marv in advertising we know that it takes someone seven eight nine times to read or hear something before they remember it yep okay so in in talking to someone about all of this we don't know if we're the first one or the last one okay so how do you condense what you just said in a short form that we can talk to someone I appreciate your question and it is a dilemma that we all face I would say this and this is very very important salvation and the understanding of it must be obtained and derived as a thinking process this is something that you have to hear you have to cogitate you have to meditate you have to think about it you have to connect the dots [44:12] Christianity is a thinking faith I know there's a lot that's made of the issue of faith but and that too deserves a better definition than what it gets because faith is not at all what most people think it is like think positive and all the rest of that nonsense but there has to be an initial confrontation of the mind because it is through the mind that and the Bible uses the word heart interchangeably with the mind as a man believeth in his heart well you don't believe anything in your heart that's a blood pump but it uses that expression because the heart is centrally located to the body and we talk about the heart of the matter we mean the core of it and when you believe in your heart you know you're not believing in your blood pump but you are believing in the core essence of your being what we are talking about and people have to have at least enough information to be able to think about it and all we have to do listen we're not responsible to convert people thank God we're not charged with that but we are responsible to tell them and when you tell them you don't have to give them the whole gospel listen my hatred for the clock just increased all you have to do is give people something to think about because coming to faith in Christ always begins with people thinking and it's a beautiful thing so all we're doing is disseminating information and if you just get people thinking about issues and this is this is why this is going to sound morbid but this is why I appreciate funerals because people are more apt to do some serious thinking at a funeral than they are in at a time and they look up there and see that casket and that person that they know lying in it and they're not going anywhere and they're not saying anything they are forced thank God they are forced to say that could be me one day it will be me lying in that casket what then what then the [46:46] Christian journey always begins with thinking line upon line precept upon precept here a little there a little and what you're doing as you hear different things and this sometimes takes place over years I know people who've been exposed to the gospel from a loving wife for 30 years before they embraced it and all they could think of is yeah my wife's a real religious type that's all they know she's just a religious type she actually likes to go to church and sing the hymns and stuff but I'm not into that stuff you know I'm more realistic you know and somebody like that they get sufficient exposure and one day that light comes on wow you mean I have missed it you mean I've been wrong it's not good for the ego someone has said that [47:52] God will save you from your sin but God will not save you with your sin he insists on a thorough cleansing job that's what he does and when he cleanses you he cleanses you with a finality cleansing so that you are in his eyes you are as perfect as cleansed as holy as Jesus Christ himself is because you are in Christ Paul uses that phrase over and over again in Christ in Christ in Christ means you have the righteousness of Jesus Christ and people say well I'm not that good no you aren't not in your performance you're actually your performance still stinks because you still sin you still screw up you still blow your top you still do something stupid that's all your performance but you grow in your performance you don't grow in your position your position is determined by [49:06] Jesus Christ and him alone and his righteousness has been applied to your case and if you don't get your act together and get your life growing and maturing and developing then when the judgment seed of Christ comes 1st Corinthians 3 when the Lord's looking at what you produced wood hay and stubble instead of gold silver and precious stone he's going to say hmm wise man hmm well no rewards for you yet you yourself shall be saved even so as by fire because my son died and paid the penalty for your sin but you don't get any credit you don't get any rewards enjoy yourself while you're here but you won't have any rewards so that's your performance and that's serious that's important but what's more important is the thing that's going to enable you to be there is that [50:07] Jesus paid it all he didn't make a down payment and then expect you to add to it with morality of your own because your morality does not mesh with his morality yours is human and it won't cut it Jesus paid it all wow what a message what a savior would you stand please is there one more question all right go right ahead go right ahead I'm sorry I'm sorry yeah I wanted to point out what you started with that really kind of resonated with me with the focusing on that scripture Acts 918 where sorry 9 8 with Saul that he is thinking for three days and when it makes you wonder it hit me with the sense of how much would he had been delivering further messages about like [51:14] Ephesians 618 and just stopping in prayer with supplication and clearing your mind and being in the word with God and also tying in so many scriptures Exodus 28 with remembering the Sabbath and with as much busyness that comes at us in this society especially with the technology in our hands on a frequent basis so how would you help guide and say a practical way of really instilling that in like tying in the Sabbath honoring the Sabbath and balancing that prayer and supplication so we can receive his word being still in him well I appreciate your question and I'm reluctant to take more time but I'll tell you what I would be happy to talk with you privately after we dismiss if you be willing I'd be glad to meet you we can talk about your question is certainly valid but the answer would be I don't want to keep these folks any long because we can't hear long enough [52:18] I don't want to set a bad example for Nathan so once again would you stand please father we know we have discussed things that we know only on the surface and we know so little of these in the depth that we would like but we realize that's what spiritual growth is all about so our prayer is that you might be pleased to just take these comments and use them as fertile soil out of which more may grow and mature we thank you for we can't begin to thank you enough for who Jesus is and what he did and why he did it and we just cannot compute that kind of love but we're so thrilled and happy to be recipients of it look forward to the time when we'll be able to face you and thank you face to face for being such a wonderful loving savior we pray in [53:20] Christ's name amen you are dismissed can hi an next having