Pastor Marv Closes out the Year
[0:00] Good morning. Good morning. Thank you all for being here. Really appreciate your presence. Had no idea what the turnout would be like between holidays like this because I know a lot of guys are involved with visiting away and on the road and traveling back and forth and so on for the holidays. So we're glad that you made it here. Thank you for your presence and we'll look to the Lord for what he has for us. Let's pray. It's a privilege, Father, to be able to gather together as a group of men who have an interest in what you've provided for our information and we trust that as we look at the content you will enlighten us in a way that is beyond ourselves.
[0:42] Thank you so much for your great faithfulness and your love to us in ways we often don't understand but always appreciate. This study as well as the day that follows we commit to you in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ with great thanksgiving. Amen. Well this session is going to be considerably different. It's probably going to be more information than it's going to be content simply because of what's going on but I need to bring you up to speed regarding a number of things particularly for the month of the new year coming up in January. So just let me begin by saying first of all this class will meet here next week on Thursday just as we are today and we'll continue on indefinitely as long as you wanted to but it will be taught by a gentleman from Cedarville College that you will appreciate I'm sure very much and thanks again to Dustin for making the arrangements with our alumni to have a fill-in here for us for the month of January. I'm not real sure where I'm going to be doing because my hip surgery that was originally scheduled for January 8 has been postponed and the medicos are between here in Springfield my cardiologist and my cardiologist and my cardiologist doctors is in h hahaha training of S perfect for 11 okay that I'm working my cardiologist and my cardiologist and the doctors in mh believe in La 1977. Okay he sees her partner and they are one of the biggest getan in HA inシャDesign for us. I'm really sorry that is coming down and the medical people my knee is here and my cardiologist and we're persevering and I think they're talking about what to do with me.
[2:16] Because it's a long story and I'll make it as short as I can, but my son, Tim, who is 65, just had his 65th birthday, 64th birthday, but he's retiring as of we speak this week from several years that he spent as a district rep at Gordon Foods.
[2:39] And he has had both hips replaced at the orthopedic hospital in New Albany, which is all that they do is hips, knees, and shoulders.
[2:54] And they have come upon a new way of providing a hip replacement. And essentially, it is to go in to the hip from the groin on the inside, rather than the outside.
[3:12] And they've been doing hip replacements from the outside for years. And a lot of surgeons are trained in that. But there aren't many trained in this new procedure, where they go in from the inside.
[3:24] And the big advantage of that is, they are able to avoid cutting through a lot of the muscle that is there on the outside, which greatly accelerates the recovery time.
[3:39] So to give you an example, Tim had his surgery at 9 o'clock in the morning, and at 3 o'clock in the afternoon, he was on his way home with a hip replacement.
[3:52] And they did that with both hips. And the key to it, of course, that is so beneficial, is that it is usually less than a two-hour surgery.
[4:04] Whereas the old way they do it involves about four to five hours of surgery, and it's a lot more difficult. So more and more of the medicos are picking up on this internal way, and that's what I had planned.
[4:18] Because my cardiologist said, I would not tolerate four hours of anesthesia. So, but he's willing to sign off on the new method, the two hours.
[4:31] And now we're having problems scheduling it. So originally it was scheduled firm for January 8th. But the more these doctors get together and talk, I don't know if they're having reservations or making other plans or what.
[4:47] I don't know. But anyway, it's still scheduled. They said they'll be doing it sometime in January. So as regards this class, we're going to maintain the same schedule that we were talked about before.
[4:58] Because even though it was scheduled for January 8th, and they said they're going to have to change it, they couldn't tell me what they were going to change it to. So it may be changed to January 11th.
[5:11] It may be changed to the 23rd. I don't know. So that's not going to affect this group for which arrangements have already been made. Whatever it is, I won't be here at all during January.
[5:23] But the replacement teacher will be. So try to bring up to speed on that. And by the way, before I forget, I've got handouts that probably all of you already have. I call these my keepers forever.
[5:35] And during my 50-year ministry at Grace, I came across a number of written publications, printed publications that I thought were really outstanding.
[5:48] And I put them in my file to keep them forever. And I made duplicate copies of those and distributed them to you. And I will be doing so throughout the coming year as well.
[5:58] And you may very well already have this. If you were at the Tuesday class at Studie Bakers, you probably already got a copy. But there are more. And if you want one for somebody else, feel free to take an extra because I made extra copies.
[6:12] Also, I appreciate you passing the word. If you know anybody in the New Carlisle area, we've got tentative plans to start a class there.
[6:26] And that would be the first Wednesday in February. So we would be at Springfield Studie Bakers on Tuesday and here on Thursday.
[6:41] And if this new one is added in New Carlisle, it would be on Wednesday. All classes start at the same time, 7 o'clock. And all of them will be dealing with different material.
[6:51] There won't be any repetition in any one of the three. All of them will be different. So you might want to keep that in mind. I don't know for sure if that class is going to be confirmed in New Carlisle because I don't know what the interest level is.
[7:05] I put a notice on their bulletin board there at the restaurant. I have no idea how many guys there may be interested to come out. So we'll find out. So there is a possibility that that class may not even come off.
[7:18] It just depends on how many guys from that area signed up. So if you know of anybody in the New Carlisle area who might be interested, I appreciate you passing the word and letting them know about that.
[7:29] And contents that will begin in all of the places in February, when and if I'm able to return as anticipated, will be, again, a number of selections that I'm going to give you to choose from.
[7:49] There will probably be eight or ten different things. None of them will be very lengthy because there are going to be concise crash courses in what we will be dealing with. And most of them will be no more than a couple of months in duration unless by public demand it's continued.
[8:07] And that will be up to the group that is there. So we'll be jumping from different subjects. But I can assure you that each of these crash courses we undertake is going to be very significant and very important in connection with what's happening right now, especially.
[8:24] So that will be revamped and there will be new choices that you can make. We'll be talking about that our first time back in each of the classes in February. You know as well as I do that Israel is taking a lot of heat right now.
[8:41] And they're getting a lot of it from the media. And it is safe to say that a great deal of the criticism that is directed to them is unsubstantiated and unjustified.
[8:57] But Israel has been humanity's whipping post for a long, long time. It goes way, way back. And I'm not going to go into it now even though we discussed it a little bit last night at the prayer meeting at Grace.
[9:14] But if you have questions, we'll deal with those later. I'd be happy to try to answer any of them that you have. But what the public doesn't understand and does not appreciate and there aren't very many who are willing to tell them is that Israel and the Jew is being categorized not only by the Palestinians and the Arabs, but by the media in general.
[9:45] They're being categorized as occupiers. Occupiers. Occupiers. And that gives the public the impression that an occupier is somebody who doesn't really have a right to be there.
[10:02] They're just there anyway, occupying the land. And the general public is pretty much persuaded because of the news media and so on and the spin that is put on this, that the Jews really don't have any right being where they are.
[10:17] And that's why the Arabs and the Palestinians are trying to push them out because they don't belong there. They do belong there. That is not really all that well understood.
[10:30] They belong there because God gave that land to Abraham and his descendants forever. And not only that tiny little strip of land that you see there on the map, which is no bigger than the size of what?
[10:48] New Jersey, about the size of New Jersey. And if you go to Israel and you cross it at the widest point, you can do so in about 45 minutes.
[11:04] And the length of it is about three or four times as long. But across the width at its widest point is no more than from here to Columbus, Ohio. And yet, that's what is in contention.
[11:17] And by the way, Israel and that land, that geography, is the only place in all of the Bible that God refers to as my land.
[11:34] He calls it his land. God's land. Well, isn't the whole globe his? Of course it is. He created the heavens and the earth.
[11:45] But God has a particular historical established affinity for Israel, the geography, and the people. And it goes all the way back to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, who are commonly referred to as the fathers.
[12:00] They are not occupiers. They are residents. And as it began, when God gave them that land, I don't have a map, but I'll have one when we come back in February.
[12:13] I'll make it a point. The land that God actually gave to Israel is probably 12 times, maybe more than that, in square miles larger, 12 or 14 times larger than what is there on the modern map.
[12:33] And it encompasses much of, well, I won't go into it because it's too complicated to explain, but you'll see what I'm talking about on the map. And in the book of Deuteronomy, God talks about giving them the land from the river Euphrates to this mountain and so on.
[12:50] And it's a huge, huge piece of geography. And they have never, ever occupied that land. It has been pretty much confined to where Israel is now.
[13:02] But God gave them so much more that have never actually dominated at all. So all of this is part of the contention that's going on now. And you've got to understand that the Palestinians and the Arabs that are in contention for it go all the way back to Ishmael and Isaac, where the conflict first began.
[13:22] It is an age-old thing. It's gone on for thousands of years. Few Americans think that the Hatfields and the McCoys have something going. That's nothing compared to the Jews and the Arabs from way back when. So it is a fascinating thing.
[13:34] And we're going to be looking at what God has to say about it through the scriptures. And I just want to advise you that you're going to be hearing a whole lot of negativity about Israel and Netanyahu.
[13:48] And more and more, squeeze is going to be put on the Jew. And Christians who are sympathetic because they know and understand the history and the prophecy regarding the Jew.
[14:05] Christians who are supportive of Israel, like yours truly, is going to be considered part of the problem. Israel will be part of the problem.
[14:19] And those who support Israel will also be part of the problem. And you can look, unless I miss my guess, you can look for Christians to be more and more and more marginalized.
[14:32] As time goes on, we are going to be less and less tolerated and appreciated. And we're going to be classified right along with the despised Jew when that time comes.
[14:48] And I'm not saying it's going to happen next month. It may not even happen in our lifetime. I'm not prepared to put a date on it because I don't know. But I'm telling you, eventually, that's what's coming.
[15:00] Eventually. And we are going to discover, or whoever the generation is when that time comes, they're going to discover that a whole lot of people and organizations that you always thought were Christian are going to take a very decided turn.
[15:25] And it won't be for the better. It'll be for the worse. And they're going to be more and more lined up against Israel, against Christianity, against the traditional moral spiritual values that this country was birthed in and stood for for over the last 200 years.
[15:43] So that's what's coming eventually. I just don't know how soon it will be. I want you to look, if you would, please, at Romans chapter 9. And we'll spend a little time there. And I want to make sure we allow time for Q&A because it's the kind of passage that can generate a lot of questions.
[16:01] And, fellas, I want you to, I know you already know this, but like Peter said when he was writing to his audience, the Jews and the Jews and the dispersion, he says, I want to remind you of these things, although, he says, although you already know them, but I want to stir up your minds by way of remembrance about them.
[16:25] So we're going to be getting some reinforcement material from Romans 9, 10, and 11. And whereas most Christians think that this Bible is a Christian book, it is.
[16:42] And it has special value and interest for Christians. But insofar as its content and its origin is concerned, you need to understand, it is Jewish, Jewish, Jewish.
[17:01] You realize that every contributor to the Bible, from Genesis to Revelation, every one is a seed of Abraham.
[17:13] Every one is a Jew. Every one, not most of them, every one. I mean, all the minor prophets, all the major prophets, all the Old Testament, all the New Testament, all of it was penned by Jews.
[17:27] Seed of Abraham. Got a lot of Christian content in it. No doubt about that. And we're grateful for it. And the content is such that it means a whole lot more to us Christians than it does to Jews, which is quite remarkable, actually.
[17:49] They are the ones God used to penn this. And you need to understand that in connection with this whole program of having given us the Word of God, it is the Jew and the nation of Israel that provides the catalyst for the whole plan and program of God.
[18:10] It all centers on Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob and the seed. And the fascinating thing about it is the very people who are the catalyst of this believe it far less than those of us who are Christians.
[18:27] We can see it. And the reason being, Israel is set aside in judicial blindness.
[18:39] It is a blindness that has been deliberately cast over their eyes as part and parcel of the retribution that God has visited on them for their rejection of the Messiah.
[18:53] Yeah. Consequently, you have far fewer Jews who believe in the authority and integrity of this book than there are Christians.
[19:05] and perhaps the main reason is because the Jew from beginning all the way back in Abraham and by the way the word Jew, J-E-W is just a shortened spelling for the name Judah J-U-D-A-H Judah is one of the 12 tribes of Israel it just so happens to be the royal tribe it is the tribe from which the Messiah was to come it is the tribe from which David the king started his dynasty it is the tribe from which Joseph the adopted father of Jesus came and provided the legal basis for his sonship and it is also the tribe from which Mary the mother of our Lord came so everything there is on Judah and when people refer to the Jew that is just a shortened word for Judah but at the same time you have got to keep in mind that Judah was just one tribe of the 12 tribes when they broke from when the 10 tribes in the north broke away from the union and started their own country they maintained the name Israel because they did consist of 10 of the 12 tribes so in the north they were just called Israel and the two tribes in the south were Judah and Benjamin and Benjamin is a tribe where Jerusalem was located so when they were carried off into Babylonian captivity in 586 BC it was the Babylonians who just began referring to the Israelites as Jews
[20:49] J-E-W-S J-E-W-S is just a shortened way of spelling Jews for J-U-D-A-H Judah and they developed that name Jew which is the first time we find it while they're in Babylonian captivity under Nebuchadnezzar so that's a little bit of that background here in Romans chapter 9 and by the way guys this whole thing from Genesis to Revelation and I know you know this but I'm going to stir up your pure minds by way of remembrance this whole book from Genesis to Revelation is a story it's a story of redemption it's a story of beginning and conclusion it's a story of beginning, continuation and conclusion the beginning is in the beginning God created the heavens and the earth and so on and what we have here is a fall and a ruination of the original creation that God started over with a new group of people and that was Noah and his family and as a result of that you follow the line all the way down and you come to Yeshua HaMashiach who is born of the tribe of Judah the seed of Abraham and so on and he becomes he becomes God's solution that's a good way to think of it
[22:21] Jesus is God's solution to a fallen planet we live in a fallen planet and death our physical death is the greatest evidence of that because originally it was not so but death became part of our fallenness and Jesus Christ came that he might be God's solution to the fall and the solution is redemption that means to buy back that which was lost so when Jesus Christ died on that cross and he who knew no sin was made to be sin for us think of it in terms of Jesus there on the cross when he said it is finished he picked up the tab he picked up the debt that was owed because of human sin and it was stamped paid in full and that's what Jesus meant when he said
[23:33] Tetelestai it is finished the debt has been paid it's cancelled wow and that's why guys you can see can you not why I call that the centerpiece of the universe for all time world has never seen anything to equal it never will again when the creator when the creator became the redeemer by suffering the death that creation deserved in a substitutionary way taking it upon himself so that he could provide redemption for the lost and this is the most wonderful exhilarating event that ever took place or ever will take place in the history of humanity and you'd be surprised how few people know it you'd be surprised how few
[24:46] Christians who have become believers through Jesus Christ really understand that and what's involved we are all coming from a veil of ignorance to just different degrees but it is just absolutely amazing John Newton never got over it he wrote a hymn about it called Amazing Grace you know that so we've got a drama that is unfolding and this whole thing is a conflict there's a battle raging between the forces of good and the forces of evil and Zoroastrianism has picked up on that that's one of the ancient cults but they've got it nailed in so far as the contest of good and evil is concerned they're wrong about just about everything else but it is a contest and what we would like to know what I would like to know is why is there a contest?
[25:39] why did God do it this way? I have no idea we're not going to go there because we've been there before but in Romans chapter I'm sorry in Revelation chapter chapter 4 we see the 4 and 20 elders that are praising God and giving thanks to God and the reason they are doing so they fall down and worship him and they say thou art worthy to receive honor and glory and dominion and power because or for thou hast created all things they are rejoicing and acknowledging the fact that God has created everything and then when you turn over to Revelation chapter 5 same 24 elders fall down before God and worship and praise him and they say because thou hast redeemed all things so he's created all things and he's redeemed all things and the only thing the text tells us is for by thy good pleasure they were and are created that simply means
[26:56] God created because he was pleased to do so you know what my question is don't you same as yours why was he pleased what pleased him understand God didn't do anything and doesn't do anything out of a sense of personal need we do constantly so many things we do we do because we need to we eat because we need to we sleep because we need to God doesn't have any needs that he is not fully capable of meeting within his own person God doesn't have to go outside of himself in order to satisfy himself about anything he is utterly self sufficient he needs nothing and no one put it this way what was God like and what did he do before he created anything we're talking about an eternity that goes back so far that none of us can contemplate we just have to drop out because we can't we can't do that but he is referred to as the eternal
[28:16] God he is the one who inhabits eternity and all we know is in the beginning God created the heavens and the earth in the beginning of what in the beginning of the physical creation in the beginning of creating earth Mars Jupiter Venus Neptune Pluto all those other planets all the stars and everything before there was anything there was this being called the eternal God now you've got to do one of two things you either have to take the evolutionary position which says that well they have two options one is everything all the planets stars sun moon earth everything has always existed from eternity so there was no beginning there was no beginning because it always was but that's a little difficult for most of us to contemplate because we just can't escape the idea of something existing without a cause we just can't wrap our brains around that because in the world that we know anything about everything that is is because something else was before it so the atheist has to take the position that there was no creation by anyone at any time it just always was and you say well where did it come from and they have no answer or you can take their second alternative which says that and this is more difficult to buy philosophically that everything that exists came into existence
[30:26] I'm talking about universe planet stars everything else it all came into existence without any creator at all it just poof there it was big bang theory kind of like the big bang why did it poof and here it is why well they don't know but nobody caused it because there wasn't anybody to cause it so that is the purest form of atheism and the Christian position is one that still lacks a lot of answers but our position is everything that is in existence is a result of causation of something something had to be responsible that existed before it in order to make it you can't create something out of nothing unless you're
[31:27] God and the Latin term for that is ex nihilo which means God created substance material from non pre existing material how did he do that he willed it into existence he didn't make it he willed it that means God simply said let there be the firmament let there be this let there be that and his willing that simply saying let it be it was it came into being how did it respond it responded to the will of the one who willed it so God has brought all these things into existence merely by expressing it as a will that is so far beyond our pay grade to understand that we just can't get around it but you've got to have you've got to have an intelligent source of creation being responsible for all that came from it or you have to have non-intelligent matter responsible for intelligent life now let me say that again do you know what non-intelligent matter is this is non-intelligent the chair you're sitting on is matter but it's non-intelligent so you have to take the position that non- intelligent matter was responsible for the beginning of intelligent life can you buy that
[33:27] I can't either but that's what we're asked to believe that's the evolutionary hypothesis and that that little slimy amoeba that crawled up on the beach that became this that turned into that that became something else and all the rest of it that's the miracle of evolution and by the way guys I think I've dealt with this class before in dealing with the subject of impairment human impairment we are born impaired and theories like evolution is evidence of that impairment and theories of there being in the beginning a great snake that was coiled and a great tortoise that's situated upon that coiled snake was the origin of creation and that's how it began now of course that's mythology but do you know where it comes from comes from a human mind comes from a human people that actually believed that at one time can you imagine that do you realize that there are people today significant well I don't know how big the number is but there are people today who say you know that 1969 thing the landing on the moon
[35:02] Armstrong landing on the moon that never happened you've been conned that whole thing was a con it was a scheme it never really happened it's fantasy you mean to tell me there's anybody with a half a brain that actually believes that oh no and do you know what some of them have a higher IQ than you do well how can that be well it's called being born mentally impaired there are some people who are brilliant from an IQ standpoint and they are so practically dumb they don't have the sense to come in out of the rain how do you account for that that's a birth problem and it goes all the way back to our fallenness because we are born impaired and when you come across ridiculous theories like this you say where in the world did that come from who thought that up and believe it or not they are so called intelligent people and we're capable of all kinds of screwball things right now the big item is if you don't like your sex you can change it and listen guys there are reputable highly trained medical school graduates
[36:27] MDs who are willing to perform reconstructive surgery on children to change their sex which of course is a major flop from the beginning but they're still doing it why would any reputable trained physician even agree to be a part of something like that I'll tell you why because as brilliant as he may be in medicine he is psychologically impaired in his reasoning and thinking processes that's what's wrong with the whole human race guys you have picked up on that haven't you have you gotten the picture that there's something wrong with this world well this is what it is this is what it is it's all part and parcel of the same Christian we're in Romans chapter 9 let's get there Paul Paul is a Jew tribe of
[37:27] Benjamin gives his testimony radical change came over this man's life all because of that Damascus road thing I am telling the truth in Christ I'm not lying my conscience bearing me witness in the Holy Spirit which is another way of saying you know what if what I am writing now is a lie you have any idea what kind of a job that would do on my conscience for the rest of my life that's what he's saying conscience is a pretty heavy thing and he's using that to buttress his argument bearing me witness in the Holy Spirit that I have great sorrow and unceasing grief in my heart for I could wish this is a tremendous statement I could wish that I myself were accursed separated from Christ for the sake of my brethren who's he talking about he's talking about fellow
[38:30] Jews he's not talking about his brother in the flesh although all Jews are brothers in the flesh he's talking about his fellow countrymen and he says they are Israelites to whom belongs the adoption as sons and the glory and the covenants and the giving of the law and the temple service and the promises whose are the fathers and from whom is the Christ according to the flesh who is over all God blessed forever amen wow you talk about a privileged position an exalted position that's what's set up for the Jew and do you know there are fewer and fewer Jews that are believing that today you would be surprised how many Jews embrace their Judaism solely on the basis of tradition rather than actual birth being an actual child or a son of Abraham and the reason think about this the reason is because if we are
[39:37] God's chosen people and out of all the people in the world God says in this book the Bible that we are a special people unto him we are the chosen people and when you look at what he has allowed to happen to us all I can ask is is that any way to treat your kids is that any way to look out for and protect those whom you say are your chosen people you gotta be kidding you saw Fiddler on the Roof Tevye the milkman praying to God we appreciate the fact that you've chosen us as your special people but maybe maybe you could just choose somebody else you know they were taking all the heat the Jews always taking all the heat from the time of Pharaoh in Egypt they've taken the heat and they're still taking the heat do you know why because of the adversary because of the one who was created before
[40:46] Israel was ever thought of before Abraham was ever created the one that predates predates Genesis 1-1 Satan fallen angel created of God given wonderful powers rebelled against God God created him with a volition just like he did you and me because without volition you are not a free moral agent you are a puppet or an automaton and when God did that Satan rebelled and vowed to be like the most high you can read about it in Isaiah 14 and also Ezekiel 28 where these human kings are compared to him and that began the great contest and guys that's what this is all about that's what this world is all about that's what we being born are all about we are troops if you will those who are on
[41:48] Christ's side those who are in Christ are on his side in this ongoing combat it is a spiritual combat that's taking place and it is again the same old thing the battle between good and evil that is going on we are soldiers in that army we don't think of ourselves that way but we are and we are placed here to glorify our commander in chief and the devil has minions as well fallen demons and so on they're all part and parcel of that this great conflict is taking place this is what Paul is talking about when he refers to them in Ephesians as the princes and powers of the air they are invisible you don't see them but they're very real and they are doing battle with angels that are not fallen and when you read in the book of Daniel he gives the Michael the archangel and Gabriel and Michael says that he was on his way to come to the aid of Daniel and he was hindered by the prince of
[42:54] Persia he wasn't talking about a human being he was talking about a fallen angel who had been assigned to Persia and by the way Persia is modern day Iran Persia in the Bible and he says that he I was coming to help you Daniel but the prince of Persia withstood me and prevented me and I read that and scratch my head and say what was that all about how do angels fight they're a spirit being they don't fight with clubs and swords and spears and whatnot they're spirit beings what is that so we tend to kind of dismiss it but guys there is a real battle raging in the heavenlies and this is partly what Ephesians is about talking about that conflict so from Genesis to Revelation there is this enormous unseen conflict that has taken place along with a scene a visualized conflict you could call it the
[43:55] Civil War you could call it World War I you could call World War II you could call it the conflict that's going on now you know who's behind all of this the adversary Satan's fingerprints are all over wars and conflicts from the time of beginning he is using these as his troops and puts one side against guys never forget this Satan loves a high body count he's a destroyer that's the name that's given to him in Revelation he's called Apollyon and the name means the destroyer he is everything God is and God's a creator Satan is a destroyer that's how he gets at God and he destroys whomever he can particularly those whom God cares for they are the ones he particularly delights in destroying so this great unseen conflict is taking place let us hasten on we're going to be out of time
[45:07] Paul says that these are the fathers from whom is the Christ the Messiah according to the flesh who is over all God blessed forever but it is not as though the word of God is failed for they are not all Israel who are descended from Israel well what does that mean well for one thing who all was descended from Israel and you know this name Israel here means two different things it means Jacob as an individual because at the brook Jabbok God changed Jacob's name he changed his name from Jacob to Israel that was his name and it was the name that he was to bear after he had his encounter with God in other words the idea is that
[46:10] Jacob is supposed to be representative of the old man the flesh whereas Israel is to be representative of the new man the spirit and Jacob had his crisis with God when he wrestled with God there at the brook Jabbok and God changed his name because he was there after going to be a different person and when he says that they are not all Israel who are descended from Israel well one reason is because who else was descended from Jacob pardon well Jacob and Esau were brothers and one of them you would think you would think that you would categorize the same two people that came from the womb of the same woman who were actually brothers twins not identical of course but twins born at the same time would have the same lineage but no because they are entirely different it is
[47:17] Jacob who will be the child of the lineage it will be through Jacob that the Messiah will come and it will be through Esau that the Edomites will come who are the Edomites the Edomites turn out to be sworn enemies of the Jews remember reading the incident about Israel coming out of the land of Egypt and they were they'd already spent their 40 years in the wilderness and were moving on and Joshua had picked up the baton and was leading them along Moses was dead and they came to the area of Edom remember that and Jacob knew that this is his long separated brother Esau's descendants and they sought permission from the
[48:19] Edomites to go through their land because they were en route to the land of Israel and it would have greatly shortened the distance and the Edomites said nothing doing you're not coming through here and they made them go all the way around that was just an evidence of the age-old grudge matter of fact Jacob didn't know what it was going to be like when they approached them and they were getting close to him and Jacob was saying uh oh we're getting close to Edom's territory I don't know if he's still got that grudge against me but all I know is the last time anybody heard of him he made a vow that he was going to kill me the next time he saw me and this was years later and he's wondering does he still hold that grudge so Jacob not knowing what to do took all of the women and children and put them in the rear so that they would be the most protected and put all of the men and boys who were able to fight if they had to in the front so that they would be the first ones to combat the Edomites when they came after them and as it turned out it was a peaceable passage but they wouldn't let them come through the land they had to go all the way around and it shows the old grudge that still existed and guys it still does to this very day yes how many years after
[49:51] Esau and Jacob separated would that have been how old would Jacob have been when that happened well I just wondered how many years could pass Jacob died in Egypt see and it was his children that brought his bones back Jacob says don't let me be buried in Egypt take me home and when he died they carried his coffin all the way through the wilderness and all the way for 40 years back until they got to I think it was Hebron was it a Hebron where I know Abraham and Keturah are buried there in Hebron and there are tombs there today you can still see it and I don't know if Jacob was one of those that was buried there or not but at any rate it was years years later because you see when that cleavage took place between those boys
[50:55] Jacob and Esau and they split up back then Esau went off and married married a woman that he knew his mother would not approve of and it was a bad marriage and he married a couple of them and started multiplying then they turned out to be the Edomites they're the descendants and the Edomites today live in southern Jordan they are descendants of that and it's the area that king what's his name I can't think of his name who's the king of Jordan now anyway he's a Harvard graduate he's the king of Jordan and he married an American wife and those Jordans are the result Jordan is a result of the old empire breaking up and the United Nations divvied it all up after the war was over and it's just been a mess and well
[51:59] I won't go into that but that's this is all guys this this is all related listen everything in this book is connected and related to everything in this book and the more you learn how things in this book connect the greater will be not only your understanding but your appreciation for what God has been pleased to reveal and I'm here to tell you this is the most remarkable thing on the planet this right here that I'm holding in my hand is the most remarkable treasure on the planet it is the only explanation that tells us where humanity has been how we began where it's going where and how it's going to end you won't find that information any place else other than this book and we're not getting into this and I don't want to take any more time on it but I do want to last the distinction of what's happening with Israel here and the fact that they're set aside
[53:05] Paul goes on to explain it and he says let me just cap it off with this he says that Israel has been blinded in part until the fullness of the Gentiles is come in what does that mean you see everybody that is not a Jew is a Gentile automatically and we Gentiles make up 99 and two tenths percent of the population of the world that means it's almost entirely Gentiles and the Jews make up two tenths of one percent not one percent two tenths of one percent is Jewish and that's the mix so when Paul talks about Gentiles and Jews he's saying that Israel two tenths of one percent of the world's population is set aside in discipline in unbelief until the fullness of the
[54:23] Gentiles comes in what's the fullness the fullness is the body God is making a body that is comprised of people and this is what Ephesians is talking about in Colossians when it talks about the body of Christ it's not talking about the physical body of Jesus it's talking about well sometimes it is but usually it's talking about all of these human beings who have placed their faith and trust in Jesus Christ they belong to this spiritual body of Christ and he likens that when he writes to the Corinthians and he says we're all members of one body he says you know the body has arms and legs and everything and we're all part and parcel of that and when the body is complete which is another way of saying when the last Gentile who is going to come to faith in Jesus Christ has done so then the rapture the removal
[55:26] God is just waiting for the body to be completed and when it is it's going to be removed until the fullness of the Gentiles comes in and when that happens then Israel is back on the main track once again and God will be dealing with them particularly during the time of what is called the time of Jacob's trouble and Jacob's trouble will be the tribulation period and when six million Jews were murdered in Hitler's concentration camps during World War II this time around see Hitler only killed a third of the Jews the Antichrist is going to eliminate two-thirds of the Jewish population in the world it's going to be martyred and be just a remnant that will survive I'm sorry I took more time than I intended but you might have some questions or comments what Joe one comment about when he was talking about the creation you know back when
[56:31] God created things and so forth scientists today are thinking about this too you know and they have there's there's scientists out there now that have come to the conclusion that everything all the matter and everything that's created came from light light was the center thing somehow light it was that original source well in the Bible what's talked about is light God is the light of the world God is the light so I think some way they're getting close to the actual creation of things in some way and then another point Marv just you mentioned the opposite between Satan and man I guess or God opposite Satan and man well God's the deceiver the liar too besides wanting body counts you know and God the creator he's a liar and deceiver so if something seems right but you know it's wrong then it's wrong you know a lot of things come out looking right and that's what we're getting in the news media all the time it looks right you know that Palestine the people there should have that land it looks right you know they're being tormented and beaten and killed and so forth that looks to the world like that
[57:52] I mean that looks like it's wrong see evil is made to look good and good is made to look evil that's another thing that's going to happen evil looks good good looks evil and that's what we're seeing and the old testament says woe unto those who call good evil and evil good you know so that's exactly what's going on and the media fellas you've got to read the media you've got to take everything on TV newspaper you've got to take it with a grain of salt they speak with authority but sometimes they speak with a forked tongue and sometimes they do it and they don't even know it that's right one of my favorite quotes is from Mark Twain who by the way was certainly not a believer but it was Mark Twain you are uninformed if you do read the newspaper you are misinformed so keep that in mind and probably one of the least rewarding things you can hear anybody say is well I know that's true that's exactly what's said in the newspaper oh yeah well hey guys a generation or two ago there were newsmen who were committed to telling the truth even if they didn't agree with it or like it but they told the truth today they fudge it they hedge it they lie about it they distort it and that is all part and parcel of the plan so any other comments or questions yeah
[59:16] I was going to say you mentioned the word occupier yeah and you associate that with the Jewish people I know people in this country that call us occupiers yeah well in a sense in a sense everybody's an occupier wherever you are you know but there is no question I don't want to go into this too much and the first reason I don't want to is because I'm far removed from anything that could come close to an authority on the American Indian and the American treatment of the Indian but I do know this in many respects in many ways that many times in many places the Indian got a raw deal from the white man I don't have any doubt about that that's pretty well established they've been lied to and utilized in different ways and it's just it's shameful in other words guys our government our government which we regard as the best in the world is far far far from lily white clean you understand that I trust and you know what
[60:29] I was so naive that I never understood that I never understood that until Gary Powers U2's spy plane was down over Russia and that was my first encounter with the truth and the lie from the government and Dwight David Eisenhower a man whom I greatly respected and still do because you know what he did in World War II he got on public television and said the United States had nothing whatever to do with the spy plane flown by Gary Powers over Russia blah blah blah and he just lied through his teeth and I'm sure he did it because all of his advisors told him that's what he needed to do and boy was I ever shocked when my beloved Ike for whom I had voted cast my first vote as an
[61:33] American citizen for Dwight David Eisenhower and he told a whopper like that and by the way he's still a far greater improvement than most things we've had since then I won't even talk about today don't get me started on that one more thing you know why Trump is so popular I mean this is you know people don't know why they support him even though they know his life and he's in trial for four bad things he did you know but he's still supported because a dictator and that's what he you know people blame him for being wanting to be a dictator can get things done right now so if we would elect Trump we could get the border taken care of we would get the war taken care of we would get this taken care of because the dictators can make decisions and do things right now a democracy like we've got now can't get anything done you can see that now a democracy can't get anything done so but so if you've got a dictator you can get it done no that's why he's getting support and I would give him any support in the world if he was really a
[62:41] God fear if he was a God fear you could not have a better leader a dictator