Assorted Topics 20231121

Weekly Men's Class - Part 369

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Marvin Wiseman

Nov. 21, 2023


Disclaimer: this is an automatically generated machine transcription - there may be small errors or mistranscriptions. Please refer to the original audio if you are in any doubt.

[0:00] Matthew chapter 15. I think we dealt with this sometime in the past, but there's always some leftovers to be appreciated. So, in Matthew's Gospel chapter 15, and the question is about the, let me get my ducks in a row here, about the Canaanite woman.

[0:22] Because as it comes out in the English, matter of fact, just about all the translations, doesn't really make Jesus look all that good.

[0:36] And I can assure you of this, anything that you come up with in Scripture that doesn't make Jesus look very good, there's something wrong with your understanding. Because there isn't any way that he can look very good.

[0:47] And if he doesn't look very good, it's because there's something about it that we're not understanding. Because the God-man did not have the capability of not being right about anything.

[1:00] And that's because of he was who he was. So, here in this passage in Matthew 15, we read an interesting account that sounds downright rude on the part of Jesus.

[1:16] But again, I can assure you that that is not the case. If you do not take into consideration the culture and the norms and standards that existed in the time of Scripture when it was written, you're going to be at a great disadvantage for understanding a whole lot of things.

[1:38] Because you cannot take our Western-style system of custom, tradition, mores, etc., and impress them upon the Bible and expect them to fit.

[1:53] They don't fit. Because the Bible is primarily an Eastern book, a mid-Eastern book. We are Westerners.

[2:03] And we came along a whole lot later. So, we need to remember that these folks were here long before we were. And they established things and called things what they were and had the values they did and everything before we were ever thought of.

[2:18] So, this has to be borne in mind whenever you come to the Scriptures. And this chapter is certainly one of those examples. Verse 21 of chapter 15, Matthew's Gospel. Now, we don't have a map before us, but if you were to look at a map, you will see that Tyre and Sidon are not really in Israel.

[2:48] They are not within Israeli borders. Actually, they are well within the borders that God originally delegated to the nation of Israel and a whole lot more.

[2:59] And we'll look at that sometime in the future, too. But insofar as history back to a thousand years or so before Christ came, it was considered foreign territory.

[3:14] So, Jesus is in Tyre and Sidon, and these are both right on the coast of the Mediterranean, and they're at extreme north. They're outside of Israel proper.

[3:27] And this is about the only time, one other time, when Jesus went out of the land when he was a baby, and they carried him into the land of Egypt as a baby. But more often than not, he stayed right close to the land of Israel.

[3:41] And here is a slight exception, but this woman is a Canaanite woman. And that means, of course, that she is one of the, a descendant of the original Canaanites, with whom the children of Israel did battle when they came into the Promised Land and so on.

[3:59] So they are people definitely from the other side of the tracks. These do not belong to the Jewish community. These are, relatively speaking, pagans and idolaters and so on, as the Canaanites were.

[4:15] And we are told that Jesus was in the district of Tyre and Sidon, both sea coast towns. And behold, a Canaanite woman came out from that region and began to cry out, saying, Have mercy on me, O Lord, son of David.

[4:34] Now, there is no way that this woman could have even known that Jesus was the son of David. And you've got to remember, guys, Jesus was a direct descendant of David.

[4:50] David, the king, began the royal line of the tribe of Judah. Remember when Saul was off the scene. Saul was from a different tribe.

[5:02] But David was from the tribe of Judah. And he established a monarchy that was not to be broken. And the line of succession for the kings of Israel begins with David.

[5:19] And it ends with Jesus. It isn't continued. There is no continuation. Jesus is the end of the royal line.

[5:31] And by the way, theologically speaking, the throne of David does not now exist. And it ceased to exist in 586 B.C.

[5:47] when Zedekiah, who was the last king, was forced to watch the execution of his sons.

[5:57] Then they put out his eyes and made him walk all the way to Babylon. That was with the Babylonian destruction that came with it. So we've got a history here that began with David and ended with Zedekiah.

[6:18] Yet there is one more person to sit on the throne of David. And that will be occupied by Yeshua HaMashiach, Jesus the Messiah.

[6:29] When he returns, he will assume the throne of David. And it's going to be a glorious, glorious time. So keeping that in mind, this Canaanite woman came out.

[6:40] She recognized that he was the son of David. She had to have known because people were talking about it. So the cardinal question, the burning question for all of Israel, from the time Jesus first arrived on the scene publicly and was baptized by John in the River Jordan, John his second cousin, and John announced him as the Lamb of God that takes away the sin of the world.

[7:09] From that time on, the question was, is this one the one promised by Moses and the prophets in the Old Testament?

[7:22] Because if he is, if he is the seed of the woman who was going to crush the head of the serpent, Satan, then you owe him total submission, total surrender, total obedience, no questions asked.

[7:42] But if he isn't, then who is he? He's got to be some kind of an imposter. He can't be the real thing. This was the burning question. Is he or is he not the Messiah?

[7:56] Common people, for the most part, heard him gladly, and they accepted him. As the Messiah, based primarily not only on what he said, but on the miracles that he did.

[8:08] Remember Nicodemus when he came to him? John 3 said, No man can do the miracles that you've been doing unless God is with him. This has got to be a God thing.

[8:20] And Nicodemus was one of the rulers of the Jews, so he was in on that. And the word had spread like wildfire as to the possibility of this being the Messiah.

[8:32] Because how long had Israel waited for the Messiah? 4,000 years. Been 4,000 years from Genesis 3 that a Messiah was promised.

[8:44] And every generation of Jews that came along thought, theirs might be the one. No, it didn't show up. Their might be the next one. And this went on for 4,000 years.

[8:55] And no doubt some people were probably thinking, you know, maybe we just misunderstood. Maybe, maybe... And then one day, John the Baptist came on the scene and announced Jesus as the Messiah.

[9:11] And the only reason that the intelligentsia and the leadership of Israel who opposed him from the beginning, they were put in a position, kind of an awkward position, because you've got to remember, before Jesus came on the scene, John was baptizing and he started his ministry at the age of 30.

[9:33] Because John was a Levite. He was of the priestly tribe. And he began his ministry when the priests were ordained into the Levitical priesthood at the age of 30.

[9:46] And that's when John began his ministry. Then, Jesus, who was six months younger than John, Jesus arrived on the scene and he is there for his baptism into the priesthood also.

[10:06] Because now, he is 30 years of age. And, at the same time, he is not a priest after the order of Levi.

[10:19] He's a priest after the order of Melchizedek, which is an entirely different thing. And it's a glorious thing. He has to study in and of itself. So, let me go on here. So, this woman, this woman who addressed Jesus as the son of David had to have gotten information from other Jews who believed that indeed he was the son of David.

[10:40] And by the way, guys, you've got to keep in mind that so far as the nation of Israel and the Jewish people are concerned, this question that was the burning question 2,000 years ago is still on the front burner for all of Israel today.

[10:59] This is still the question for the Jews. And, traditionally, historically, the Jewish people as a nation did not and do not to this day receive or believe Jesus to have been the Messiah.

[11:14] And this, let me insert something here because you may have occasion to talk to some Jewish people, but this is, this is a rather fascinating thing. I remember hearing a rabbi one time on television program and he was going on about the difference between Jews and Gentiles and he said, and I said, now don't get us Jewish people wrong.

[11:32] He said, it is true that we do not accept Jesus as the Messiah that is promised by the Old Testament and Moses, et cetera, but we recognize Jesus as being a great rabbi and a great teacher and he had many wonderful things to say but we do not accept him as the Messiah and I'm sure the poor man could not possibly have known what he was saying because if you read the claims that Jesus made about himself, if they are not true, he is not a good man, he is a deceiver, he is an imposter, he is not to be believed and when he got crucified, he got pretty much what he had coming.

[12:30] Now that is an either or situation and this rabbi I am sure could not, would not have been aware of the New Testament, maybe he never cracked it, I don't know, but he was trying to toss a crumb of kindness to the Gentiles, you know, don't get us wrong, we are not down on your Jesus, you know, we think that he was a great guy and a great teacher and a great philosopher, well he wasn't any of those things if he wasn't who he said he was.

[12:56] But he was who he said he was and he demonstrated that not only by his miracles but by his teaching. Well let's go on. Verse 23, he did not answer her a word.

[13:12] Now that doesn't seem very kind, does it? He should have at least acknowledged her. And his disciples came to him and kept asking him, saying, send her away.

[13:26] She's shouting out after us. Now what's the big deal here? What's going on? And we've got to go back, we'll stay in the same book, but let's go back to chapter 3 of Matthew and we'll get a little bit of light here.

[13:43] chapter 3. Oh I'm sorry, I'm sorry guys. These verses move around on me. I meant chapter 10.

[13:55] Matthew chapter 10. Chapter 3 is where John began his ministry. Matthew chapter 10, and this is a key passage by the way.

[14:06] having summoned his 12 disciples. This is very early. This is just when Jesus is beginning to get his earthly ministry underway.

[14:17] He's just starting out. And he calls these 12 disciples together and we are told that he gave them authority. Of course they didn't have it but he gave them, he delegated it to them over unclean spirits to cast them out and to heal every kind of disease and every kind of sickness.

[14:42] Now the names of the 12, and I'm not going to name them all, skip them, but look down verse 5 then. These 12 Jesus sent out after instructing them saying, do not go in the way of the Gentiles.

[15:01] A Gentile was anyone who was not a Jew. That means 99 and 8 tenths percent of the world's population are Gentiles.

[15:16] We're all Gentiles. Gentiles. The Jewish population back then and today doesn't even comprise 1% of the world population.

[15:28] It's two tenths of 1% are Jews. Everybody else is Gentiles. So we're all Gentiles. And Jesus tells them here, go not in the way of the Gentiles and do not enter any city of the Samaritans.

[15:49] Now that's interesting because who is Jesus going to be talking to in John's Gospel chapter 4? The woman at the well.

[16:01] What was she? She was a Samaritan. Interesting. We'll look at that. Do not go in the way of the Gentiles.

[16:12] Do not enter any city of the Samaritans but rather go to the lost sheep of the house of Israel. Keep your ministry message exclusively to the Jews.

[16:28] Why? Well we read in John chapter 1 and we won't take the time to go there but John chapter 1 says that Jesus came unto his own.

[16:40] That means his fellow Jews as a Jew. He came unto his own, his own people, the Jewish people. And his own received him not.

[16:52] Many Jews were on board and many Jews believed in Jesus but the shakers and bovers, the guys who called the shots in Judaism and religion rejected Jesus.

[17:05] They were the scribes, the Pharisees and so on. So as a result you've got a differentiation between the common people who accepted Jesus and the leadership who rejected him.

[17:19] And the principal reason that they rejected him was because Jesus came preaching a moral message message. And they didn't want anything to do with a moral message.

[17:30] They wanted a political message. Why did they want a political message? Rome. Rome was occupying Israel. Rome had her foot on the neck of the Jews and they taxed them and they mistreated them and they did this and they did that and all they wanted to do was be rid of the Romans.

[17:51] But Jesus had a completely different message. He addressed the sin problem. The problem in other words what Jesus was saying by his actions and by his deeds was Israel your problem is really not political your problem is moral.

[18:11] That's your problem. But they didn't want to hear that and of course on that basis they rejected him. So here we've got a situation where this woman who came to Jesus back in chapter 15 that we're looking at was a Samaritan and this is exactly why Jesus said to her what he did.

[18:32] He did not answer her a word. His disciples said get rid of her send her away. And Jesus answered and said to this woman I was sent only to the lost sheep of the house of Israel.

[18:48] Well why was he sent just to the house of Israel? Didn't Jesus come for the whole world? Yeah he did but here's a distinction in preposition guys and keep this in mind because it's very key.

[19:03] Jesus came to Israel but he came for the whole world.

[19:14] But where did it begin? It began with Israel. It had to begin with Israel. Why did it have to begin with Israel? Because Israel is and this is so critical for today only the vast majority of people don't understand it.

[19:30] It is the nation of Israel that God will use to bring into reality the Messiah of Israel.

[19:43] That will be the nation that will birth the Messiah and that will be Jesus the son of David. and these people comprise the international catalyst for the ultimate eventual establishment of the kingdom of heaven come to earth.

[20:06] Israel is the key nation and guys this is a principal reason why Israel for one reason or another has always had a bullseye on their back because they more than any other nation in the world they are the nation that the antichrist and Satan wants to eliminate and neutralize.

[20:36] You've got to understand Israel is the key to the whole international scene and what will take place when the kingdom of heaven is established it's going to be Israel.

[20:51] Israel guys Israel is going to be the leading nation of the entire world and it is what Joe? because if Lucifer gets Satan kills every Jew then God's plan will be faltered and it will not be realized as Marcus pointed out when Jesus comes a second time there's no Jews there he's done he can't fulfill his plan to wind up Gentiles to go out to us so he's trying to rid the world of every Jew and that's genocide that's really what genocide is about.

[21:30] Right and that's what's going to take place in the tribulation period this is exactly what Jesus was talking about in Matthew 24 when he described an event that is yet coming in Matthew 24 Jesus says when you see when you see the man of sin the antichrist stand in the holy place where he ought not to be in the holy places of course in the temple area the holy place and it doesn't even exist now but it will he said when you see that then the signal is for the Jewish people head for the hills because everything is going to break loose and that's when in the middle of the 70th week three and a half years into the tribulation when the antichrist reveals himself to be who he is he goes on a rampage and he had previously guaranteed the safety and security of the Jewish people and the state of Israel but that's going to be by the wayside and he's going to rip off his mask and be revealed he's going to stand in the holy place and proclaim himself to be

[22:39] God and you would be surprised how many people in the world will fall for it but Jesus told the Jews he said when that happens get out of Dodge because everything is going to break loose and of course they're going to go I think to Petra and that's another story so anyway let's get back to our text here this Canaanite woman and Jesus said he's only sent to the lost sheep of the house of Israel but she came and began to bow down before him saying Lord help me and he answered and said it is not good to take the children's bread now who do you think the children are here Israel he's not talking about six and eight year olds he's talking about adults he's talking about people grown people he's talking about his fellow Israelites the Jews and he says it is not good to take the children's bread the sustenance and throw it to the dogs who are the dogs

[23:42] Gentiles Gentiles if you were a Gentile you were automatically classified as a dog which is guys that is not a compliment and the reason they were called dogs the reason they were called dogs was because just one reason is in addition to their being polytheistic worship many gods etc they were also like a dog in that a dog will eat anything and a Gentile will eat anything now a Jew lived and functioned under a very strict diet it was called a kosher diet and the food had to be approved there were certain things they could not eat they could not eat pork they could not eat anything that swam that didn't have scales on they couldn't eat lobster they couldn't eat shrimp they couldn't eat any of that stuff and they were selective in their diet and they ate you know they had a sabbath and all the rest all kinds of things separated the

[24:48] Jewish people from everyone else deliberately and that's the way God established it and this woman says she recognized and she knows that she knows she understands that she knows the difference in the diet and everything and she knows that they were regarded as dogs but they still didn't look upon it with the same kind of opposition that we would today would call somebody a name this is a rather common thing here and she said even the dogs feed on the crumbs which fall from the master's table and you know here is a perfect illustration of our Lord Jesus Christ having I don't know what else to call it an emotional meltdown this woman got to it and he was just not in a position to refuse her in a way I'm confident that he was impressed and he was no doubt to a certain extent grateful that here was one who was not even a Jew who recognized his station in life and had confidence in him that he could do what she needed to have done and it was her daughter who was in a bad way and Jesus answered and said to her oh woman this must have been you could imagine

[26:21] Jesus speaking with such tenderness and such compliance and he was just he was really impressed with her willingness and confidence in him to be able to do that and I don't know if she had gotten the word that Jesus wouldn't have anything to do with her because she wasn't a Jew I don't know if that had gotten out or not people understood that but at any rate this woman was desperate and guys you know something yeah you know this you all have mothers you know that any mother who was worthy of the name mother is going to be willing to go to hell and back for her child and this woman was no different and God has put that within the psyche of people to have that kind of care but the fall disfigured that the fall marred that ingrained motherhood capacity and a lot of women today and ever since then don't have that and a lot of women a lot of mothers mistreat their children as you know a lot of fathers do too but in the beginning it was not so where does that mistreatment come from it comes from the fall that's part of the sin thing so this woman this Canaanite woman obviously had confidence in Jesus and he said be it done for you as you wish and her daughter was healed at once now that is just well I just take it at face value and there's certainly no reason to question it to challenge it because there's too many other instances where the same thing happened and Nicodemus was right on when he said no one can do the miracles that you do unless God is with so Nicodemus was on board alright let's go back any questions about this further yeah the fall is that when Adam and Eve ate the apple is that what you're talking about yeah yeah and I don't know what the fruit was we're not told what the fruit was we're just told it was forbidden fruit it probably wasn't an apple no we're not told what it was we're just told that they were told not to eat the fruit of that particular tree and to this day

[28:48] I for one do not understand what it was that took place in the psyche in the persona of Adam and Eve when they ate that fruit it's hard for me to believe that there was some unusual secret ingredient in that so that when they ingested it it became part of them and altered their psyche that's that's a pretty hard sell for me I have no idea my gut tells me that it was merely more than the fruit being the actual culprit the element was the disobedience the element was they're rejecting the counsel and the warning of God and accepting instead what the serpent said so in a one fell swoop in one fell swoop they changed their recognized authority and they in effect rejected the authority of

[30:06] God and accepted the authority of Satan and we all know what happened as a result everything came crashing down and when Adam and Eve produced their first child the child was born of the same new nature that Adam and Eve took unto them and the child was born in sin we know he turned out to be the first murderer and he murdered his own brother so guys we've got the human race off to a running start going in the wrong direction with the first person born on the face of the earth isn't that amazing yeah I'm struggling here so we have the benefit of Isaiah 53 the suffering servant and that Jesus fulfilled all his prophecies and I know that rabbis don't teach Isaiah 53 because all the prophecies are fulfilled what I'm struggling personally with is if I were in the sandals of some of these

[31:07] Jewish people why would I believe that this guy from Nazareth is God you know I'm kind of tend to be hard on the Jews when I read the Bible but the reality is I'm not so sure I wouldn't be in the same spot here's a guy coming out of St.

[31:22] Paris saying hey I'm here but I don't have the benefit of knowing that he's going to be widely rejected he's going to take the atonement he's going to all this you know what I mean yeah I hear you I hear you and I remember reading some of these things reading these miracles over especially as a younger Christian and I had always believed the Bible even before I was a believer I believed the Bible was true and as I would read some of these things and about the unbelief of others I remember telling myself boy I don't get these people man if I had lived back then and saw what Jesus did there's no way that I wouldn't be able to believe I wouldn't want to believe I'd just have to believe I'd want to believe and I would believe you know and I can't understand why they didn't well guys we're getting excuse me we're getting a little far field here but that's okay you got to remember and most of us don't actually realize this but when you were born you were born with two strikes against you you know that yeah we all were we were born with two strikes against us because the scriptures make it quite clear that because of

[32:52] Adam's sin and it being transmitted from generation to generation we were born we were born in a state of moral spiritual impairment we were born in a state of physical impairment also and the proof of that is in your eventual physical death because Adam and Eve were created in a state that was not subject to disease and death as we know it this is part of the fall illness is part of the fall a headache is part of the fall appendicitis is part of the fall a ruptured spleen is part of the fall broken leg is part of the fall mental health issues is part of the fall it's all guys when Adam and Eve fell the fall was total everything about us fell we are fallen creatures all of us and anybody who thinks they are without sin if they are true and if they are right they're never going to die they're going to live forever they're an exception well we know there isn't anybody like that and that's why the scriptures say all of sin and come short of the glory of God we're all under a death sentence because of that transmitted sin however the joy of it is that has been adequately cared for in the death of

[34:24] Christ and that's why if a man dies shall he live again you better believe it because of what Jesus Christ did so what we've got here is a situation that that gee now I lost my train of thought where am I going with this okay we've got an impairment we're born with a physical impairment it's a spiritual a mental impairment and we don't know what kind of IQ Adam and Eve had before that too became impaired but I'll tell you what I'll bet you they could be smarter than the collective number of our IQs in this room and that fell too so everything so they started out impaired and God that's strike one you're born with one strike against you're born with two strikes against you because 2 Corinthians 4 tells us if our gospel be veiled that means our gospel has the veil over our eyes you know what that means guys some of you yeah a number of you are old enough some of you young pups you don't even know what we're talking about but some of you guys are old enough to know what a cataract is and a cataract is like a veil over your eyes thin veil and when the cataract is removed wow you can see you don't realize what you've been missing we are born with spiritual cataracts over our eyes for we're told in that passage in 2 Corinthians the god of this age that's

[36:09] Satan and it's with a little g he is the god of this age he has blinded the minds of those that believe not so that the glorious light of the gospel does not shine unto them and this is one reason why people most people have to hear the gospel repeated times before it ever takes hold and that is the spirit of god shining that light of the gospel into the heart of that person and the first few times it's like water off a duck's back they don't get it doesn't make sense just goes right over their head they don't pick up on it at all i don't know how true it is and i don't know how you arrived at the number but many of you are familiar with bill fey bill fey became an evangelist bill fey was the premier owner and operator of the national bravo system in the united states was headquartered in las vegas where prostitution was legal he was the head honcho of the whole nine yards of fallen women in the united states and he came to faith in christ and man you talk about a difference wow bill fey f-a-y is his name you can look him up on google but anyway he made a statement i don't know how he arrived at it but he made a statement and he said he said the average person has to hear the gospel 7.2 times before it takes hold and most of us can remember most of us can remember that when we first heard the gospel it went right over our head we didn't connect the dots we didn't get it now there are exceptions because some of you came to faith as a child you were led to christ by your mother at her need maybe you were five or six years old but that's different but for most adults most adults have to hear the gospel and be able to make the connection because most people don't really hear a clear presentation of the plan of salvation what they get is just bits and pieces just a little snippet here and a little snippet there and they hear this on the radio and they see this on tv and they hear pick up on this in church but they're not able to connect the dots because it just doesn't take and the reason it doesn't take is because we are spiritually and mentally impaired as well so keep in mind guys when we were born we were born with two strikes against us and it takes the powerful light of the gospel to penetrate that spiritual blindness that we have and get through and then all of a sudden one day oh

[39:30] I get it you know you connect the dots it makes sense and you understand you understand for the first time in your life what Christmas is really all about it's about a gift it's about a gift that's why Christmas is so giftish it is a reflection of God's great gift of eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord that's what Christmas is all about and for the first time in your life you can understand what Easter is all about which is a terrible word by the way I wish to kick it out of the vocabulary the only place Easter appears is in the book of Acts and it doesn't belong there either but what it is is resurrection it's not about some dumb bunny it's about the resurrection of Jesus

[40:31] Christ from the dead he who is dead is alive again that's what resurrection Sunday is all about Satan got the Easter thing in there and it's terrible what Joe coming back to the Canaanite woman where we started out at one reason they hated the Samaritans the Gentiles out there at this time if you remember back in the Old Testament under Kings hey Jews married foreign wives all the time it was a common thing there was no real strong hatred then they knew they were God's people and they lived in a special way but there was no great hatred until Ezra came back after the Babylonian captivity Ezra was the one assigned to rebuild Jerusalem and another thing he was to do was make sure you ground into those people that they basically had nothing to do with Gentiles nothing to do with those foreigners and especially not to marry them Ezra made that point out to the Jew people when they came back to set up

[41:33] Jerusalem the second time and so that's where this separation this real hatred really came from and then of course they were dominated by the Greeks and the Romans as mentioned here and that made them even more hatred it was easy to hate them and have this separation ok thank you Joe Joe's rabbit trail just added to my several rabbit trails now you got a whole bunch of rabbit trails but you know what we're doing guys we're connecting the dots hey my estimation that's what bible study is really all about it's connecting the dots everything in this book is connected to everything in this book and the more you understand and put the connections together the greater your appreciation for God for the word for each other for everything it just increases exponentially it's an amazing thing but Dan you mentioned earlier the culture of Middle East

[42:38] Middle East yeah alright when I went to Israel yeah I saw and I tell you there's a few things I saw those people will die for what they believe in and they'll kill for what they believe in oh yeah there's nothing so when Netanyahu is saying not backing off I totally get it because they're not you know here we want to have a ceasefire that's our culture we're nice and beloved no that is not their culture you're right you're right absolutely so when you see it you understand those people there's no ifs ands or buts and you know the fascinating thing about the Jew is as key as strategic as central as they are to the plan and program of God the vast majority of the Jews are out of it when it comes to intellectually or spiritually understanding they don't have a clue most Jews today don't have a clue that they don't have a clue and that's pretty bad and this is exactly what

[43:53] Paul's talking about in Romans 9 10 and 11 he says blindness blindness what is that it's not 2020 kind of blindness he's talking about it's spiritual blindness blindness has happened unto Israel blindness in part not totally not all Jews are blind most Jews are blind though do you realize guys that out of the population of Israel and it numbers in the millions now only about 10% of the Jews in Israel practice Judaism that's their own religion only 10% you realize that only 10% of the Jews living in Israel even keep the Sabbath only 10% only 10% of them have a kosher diet what about the 90% they call themselves

[44:57] I'm a secular Jew they are a Jew by birth they are a Jew by genetics but they are not a Jew with Judaism and with their religion that's something that is just by about 10% of the people and you know guys this is funny but in the Knesset the Knesset is the equivalent of the Jewish Congress and they elect people to and by the way most people don't even know this but it's true there is a percentage of Arabs in the Knesset that hold seats in the Knesset they're not even Jews they're Arabs and yet they are citizens Israel makes them citizens it's guys there is there is no confusion anywhere in the world like there is in the nation of Israel for so many different reasons but it's it's it's by far and away the most the most peculiar place on the globe you had a comment or question

[46:06] I was wondering at the very end is it the Jewish faith I mean they don't have it right now but at the very end they get it right they have to bow to Jesus no matter what when everybody's dying and everything what he it's him that causes their faith to change exactly and I appreciate you mentioning that because we might as well go there we're pretty well shot the study anyway but the the awakening of the guys this is well I'll just you know this is an important number to keep in mind the holocaust during world war two literally eliminated six million none of us here none of us here although we think we do we don't understand we don't know what a million is we just think we do we just throw those numbers around and when you're talking about the national debt it's not even millions or billions anymore now it's trillions we think we know what a million is no you don't you don't know what a million is

[47:18] I don't either it's a it's a lot bigger number than you think and six million Jews were eliminated during the Holocaust one third of the worldwide Jewish population was eliminated and during the tribulation period two thirds are going to be eliminated it's going to be a lot bigger number than six million two thirds are going to be eliminated and what is going to be the salvation of Israel will be a remnant it will be a relatively small number of Jews and they are going to be holed up in Petra with 144,000 there and there is going to be a Bible class the likes of which you can't even imagine and these Jews that are there are going to get it and they are going to understand who

[48:23] Jesus was and they will mourn and cry out to God in forgiveness and beg God to send Jesus back and this time we'll see that he's treated right and you know what that's exactly what happens that will be the end of the tribulation period Christ will return he will dispatch the enemies of Israel and it's going to be a glorious glorious time one more question right here okay yeah because the Jews believe that the Messiah hasn't come yet will they think that the Antichrist is the Messiah yep yep he will present himself as God he will have a bill of goods and they will buy it and in the middle of that week and by the way this the Antichrist when he appears on the stage he is going to come virtually out of nowhere but he is going to have solutions he's going to have solutions to world problems and the people are going to be enamored with his logic and his reason and his presentation and this guy is going to have one good idea after another and they're going to buy the whole thing and he is going to build up world confidence in his ability for the first three and a half years of that time and in the middle of it his true identity is revealed and Katie bar the door boy the roof falls in so that's what this old planet is in for hey guys thanks for your input

[49:57] I appreciate it and we did get all over the place this morning but so what else what else is new huh