Marriage on the Rock 10

Marriage on the Rock - Part 10

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Marvin Wiseman

Jan. 10, 2017


An Introduction to Human Temperament
The Popular Origin of Temperament
Everyone has a Temperament
What is Spiritual DNA? Part 1
What is Spiritual DNA? Part 2
The Possible Origin of Spiritual DNA, Part 1
The Possible Origin of Spiritual DNA, Part 2
Stuck with Your Temperament Traits
Why all this Stuff about Temperament?
Temperaments and Biblical Characters
Peter the Sanguine
Paul the Choleric
Moses the Melancholic
Abraham the Phlegmatic
The Need for Multiple Temperaments
Why Temperaments need Transformation
How is My Temperament Transformed? Part 1
How is My Temperament Transformed? Part 2
How is My Temperament Transformed? Part 3
Getting on with it.
Preview of Upcoming Volume #11

Related Messages


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[0:00] Welcome to Marriage on the Rock. Here's Marv Wiseman.

[0:11] An Introduction to Human Temperament If there is anything we can register as an undisputed fact, it is this. Human beings are very complicated.

[0:24] And, to add to the complexity of humanity as a whole, we have to insert the further complexity of individualism. No two of us are exactly alike.

[0:36] Even identical twins still have their differences that distinguish one from another, and their mother is the first one to spot those dissimilarities before the identical twins have grown out of babyhood.

[0:48] We all have our distinctive characteristics that set us apart from others. Those most apparent are the physical features that allow us to quickly, even at a glance, distinguish one person from another.

[1:02] But there yet remain certain areas of our being that are internal and not nearly so distinguishable from one person to another. These internal characteristics we call personality traits or temperament.

[1:16] Our temperament contributes far more to our being the way we are than does our physical characteristics. Temperament, or psychological and personality makeup, plays out in everyday living.

[1:32] It truly helps to define us as to how we act, how we respond in life situations, how we assess problems and issues, and how and why we arrive at the solutions we do.

[1:43] Our temperament reflects our attitudinal and behavioral mode as regards all of life and its daily issues. In short, our personal temperament goes a long way in explaining why we think the way we do, and subsequently why we act the way we do, in ordinary or extraordinary situations.

[2:06] A person's temperament may well come across to others as a positive thing, which they find attractive, or as a negative thing, which repels them.

[2:18] We might say our internal temperament is reflected as our external personality. To be sure, all of what makes us what we are is a very complex package.

[2:33] Yet, much can be understood and help to explain ourself and others when we learn the basics of the human temperament. And to my knowledge, no more helpful and enlightening study has been done on this subject, especially in a popular mode, than Dr. Tim LaHaye's volume of Spirit-Controlled Temperament.

[2:54] It has sold in excess of one million copies and has been translated into 20 different languages. You'll find it in Christian bookstores, and it's available for purchase online.

[3:07] You will be well-advantaged to obtain a copy for use with upcoming segments of Marriage on the Rock. We are about to gain very valuable insights as to why you think and act as you do, and why your mate may well think and act in a completely different way when faced with the same situation.

[3:31] You will find it to be quite fascinating, downright intriguing, is how we might describe it. And it is all upcoming. The Popular Origin of Temperaments On the previous segment of Marriage on the Rock, we referred you to Dr. Tim LaHaye's book on Spirit-Controlled Temperament.

[3:57] And while it is not essential you obtain a copy to benefit from the upcoming segments on this particular volume, it would certainly aid you greatly if you have it to refer to.

[4:07] Not only that, but it makes for absolutely fascinating reading you'll find hard to put down. Dr. LaHaye reaches far back into history as he resurrects the earliest theory on record regarding the origin of the four basic temperaments.

[4:24] It's attributed to Hippocrates, often reputed as the father of medicine. Hippocrates was the Greek physician and philosopher of the 5th century.

[4:36] The oath which physicians subscribe to today upon entering the field of medicine bears his name as the Hippocratic Oath. Dr. LaHaye offers the following paragraph as to how Hippocrates arrived at his understanding of the four basic temperaments.

[4:53] Hippocrates named the temperaments in correspondence with the liquids he thought were the cause. The sanguine he thought is characterized by rich, warm blood.

[5:08] Calerics must have too much yellow bile. Melancholics he saw as having black or dark blood black bile. Phlegmatics he saw as having thick blood, which he called phlegm.

[5:21] To him, these suggested the lively as the sanguine, the active as choleric, the black as melancholic, and the slow as phlegmatic temperaments.

[5:35] With the advance of modern medical science, the idea that temperament is determined by body liquid was discarded. But the fourfold names for the classifications are still widely used.

[5:49] End of quote. So, even though these designations have no scientific validity at all, yet they have survived in usage and provide a convenient and understandable classification for describing the way people are psychologically and emotionally in their construction.

[6:08] So, as regards the temperaments, we all have one, or a combination of more than one, and no one temperament is better or inferior to any other temperament, only different.

[6:20] And, men and women alike possess the same categories of temperaments, neither appear more or less prone to any of the four temperaments due to their gender. And, it should be noted, there is nothing biblically based about the classification of different temperaments.

[6:36] It should also be noted, however, that there are various obvious examples of certain temperaments revealed in well-known Bible characters from the Old and New Testament.

[6:47] Dr. LaHaye skillfully brings these to our attention. You will detect some of these traits in your own life, as well as in the life of your mate. And, here is where the plot will begin to thicken.

[6:59] The compatibility required for harmony in the marriage relationship is far easier to achieve when we begin to understand our own temperament, as well as our mates. For many, it will constitute a welcome breakthrough in our understanding.

[7:15] You will see. It's safe to say that anyone married for any length of time at all has had to ask themselves some puzzling questions about their mate's attitude or actions in a given situation.

[7:34] The question may well be, What on earth was he thinking? Or, Why did she do what she did? And, Where did that come from? Well, that's all normal.

[7:46] What is more, A couple may ask these questions of each other even before marriage. And, While part of the answers to those questions may be related to the difference in thinking between men and women, Very often the answer may be due more to their temperament trait than their gender.

[8:04] A temperament is something all humans possess. And, By the way, Our temperament is not to be confused with having a temper, Which refers to a person easily given to displays of passion or anger.

[8:19] Such an one may be described as a person who has a short fuse and is likely to display his displeasure in an angry outburst. But, Temperament is possessed even by a person who is calm, Cool, And collected, Never given over to a loss of self-control.

[8:37] So, Here at the outset, Let it be understood that it's characteristic of all humans to possess a temperament. And, And with that, We need also to understand that there is no superior or inferior temperament type, Only different temperament types.

[8:55] Dr. LaHaye has stated that our temperament is associated with who and what we are internally, While our personality is linked to our outward display to others of what we are internally.

[9:10] So, While temperament and personality are not synonymous, They are inseparable. Maybe we could think of temperament and personality as Mr. Inside and Mr. Outside, If that can simplify the distinction.

[9:25] And, Of course, While the experts would no doubt declare that to be oversimplification, Let's make it clear that simplification is what we are striving for.

[9:37] We want this content to be so simple, It will actually be usable in a very practical way. Splitting hairs in terminology and fine points of the issue is beyond both our desire and our ability.

[9:53] This content, Found here on Marriage on the Rock, Has to be practical and workable to be of any value to anyone. And as to the origin of our temperament, Theories abound as to how we came by our temperament.

[10:10] Sigmund Freud, Often called the father of psychoanalysis, Attributes human temperament to our background and environment. Dr. Tim LaHaye takes the position that our temperament was inherited from our parents, As were our physical characteristics.

[10:29] Now, We're all familiar with our DNA, That deoxyribonucleic acid, The physical components derived from our parents. And, Maybe, Maybe we can think of DNA in a spiritual sense, In addition to the physical.

[10:48] And, This will be explained Upcoming. What is spiritual DNA?

[10:59] Part 1. We have learned a lot about DNA over the past few decades. DNA is the abbreviated expression for deoxyribonucleic acid.

[11:10] This is the technical name given the nucleic acids that constitute the molecular basis of physical heredity localized in all nuclei.

[11:22] Now, That's more technical jargon than most of us untrained in the biological sciences can absorb. But, We submit it from the experts to get it on the record.

[11:32] The point and distinction to be made is, This is all physical, And relates to those characteristics derived from our parents. Body build, Hair color, Skin, Complexion, Eye color, And other such items were contributed to us by our mom and dad.

[11:49] The building blocks that were passed on from them to us were literally responsible for the physical building of the bodies we became, Internally and externally.

[12:01] It is all an amazingly complex dynamic, Resulting in our being what we are in a physical sense. And this has recently been verified to be so in scientific laboratory settings.

[12:15] Our DNA is most definitely involved in what the psalmist said. While he didn't know about DNA, The God who inspired the psalmist to write about our being fearfully and wonderfully made certainly did.

[12:31] This creator God devised the entire DNA project and all that accompanied it. However, Our DNA is confined to things physical.

[12:42] So, How were non-physical traits passed on from parents to offspring? Or were they? We suggest these non-physical traits are involved in our temperaments.

[12:58] And if they are non-physical, How can they be identified and verified in a laboratory setting? Clearly they cannot. The purview of the laboratory is confined to things physical.

[13:13] So, For our purposes on Marriage on the Rock, We are going to call our non-physical temperament traits The product of inherited spiritual DNA.

[13:24] Now, You won't see this DNA in any lab. And we call it spiritual DNA with no thought or connection of anything, Even remotely religious.

[13:34] The word spiritual is being employed as a counterpart to the physical. We as humans are all made up of physical properties.

[13:45] Physical stuff, if you will. But we are also comprised of properties that are not physical. And these non-physical components we choose to call spiritual.

[13:56] So, every human being is made up of the physical and the non-physical, The material and the immaterial. And we are all familiar with the easily identifiable physical. But with the non-physical, that is different.

[14:10] Yet, if our premise is correct, although we cannot verify it, This non-physical component or spiritual DNA is a critical part of human personhood. Because even an avowed atheist has a human spirit, Not related to religion at all.

[14:26] More is coming. What is Spiritual DNA? Part 2 We are laboring to make a critical distinction Between our physical being and our spiritual being.

[14:40] The physical needs no explanation, But the spiritual certainly does. And please be advised, When we speak of the spiritual in this context, We are not talking about anything religious.

[14:52] We use the word spiritual in contrast to the physical. This means every human being, By virtue of his humanness, Has an intangible, non-physical component, Regardless of any interest or lack thereof in things religious.

[15:08] Yes, this means even an atheist has a human spirit, No matter how much he may deny it. Because even an atheist is still a human being, Thus he has an immaterial spirit part of his being, That helps define him as human.

[15:22] In fact, It is this spirit part of one's being, That controls or dominates our physical parts. This means our human spirit is the primary portion of our being, And our physical body is subservient to it.

[15:35] As our physical bodies are made up of material properties, Our spirit person is made up of immaterial properties. And what might those be? How about self-consciousness, intellect, Belation or will, memory, conscience, Norms and standards, creativity, imagination, And, oh yes, by all means, temperament.

[15:55] No one disputes the existence of any of these properties, But no one has ever seen them. They are not capable of being seen. But they do produce something outward that is seen.

[16:06] It is a case of the non-material giving rise to the material. Actually, this is what happened when the God of whom Jesus spoke in John 4.24, Said he is spirit.

[16:18] God is not a material being, But an immaterial being. And it was this immaterial creator God being, That brought all things material into existence.

[16:30] In the case of us humans, It is our immaterial self that dictates to our material self. It is in our human spirit that our mind is located, And we make a distinction between our physical brain and our non-physical mind.

[16:47] Here also is our volition, The will we all possess that allows us to make moral choices. We stated earlier that our temperament, Along with other immaterial properties, Is there also.

[17:00] It is this temperament or internal disposition That the Spirit of God is willing and able to control, Thus giving us a spirit-controlled temperament.

[17:10] It is this same human spirit with which the Spirit of God bears witness That we are the children of God, As the Apostle Paul mentions in Romans 8.16.

[17:21] To be sure, This is all truly fascinating stuff, And is no doubt at least part of what the psalmist meant When saying we are fearfully and wonderfully made in Psalm 139.

[17:36] So far, in this volume 10 of Marriage on the Rock, We are beginning to explore the human dynamics Connected to our human spirit, And that involves our temperament as well.

[17:52] This leads to an appreciation of why we are as we are, And why we do as we do. And it applies to you and your mate. Hang on.

[18:02] The Possible Origin of Spiritual DNA Part 1 We are calling this segment, The Possible Origin of Spiritual DNA, And we emphasize possible, Simply because at the present we are unable to verify it.

[18:22] Yet we insist, There has to be a source of what we are calling spiritual DNA, And if it is not what we propose as to its origin, We have no idea what it might be.

[18:33] This, we are suggesting also, Appears to be a logical counterpart to our physical DNA. And even though there is a lot we have yet to learn about physical DNA, Its source is well established.

[18:46] The physical DNA that resides in each of us Is clearly a contribution of our mother and father. Even so, is that it? Oh no.

[18:57] Because a part of the composition of our DNA Also includes our mothers and fathers, Mothers and fathers, Our grandparents. Our DNA is not merely the consequence of our parents, But our grandparents.

[19:10] And each of us have not two, But two sets of two. But are they alone? No, not at all. Because you guessed it, They also had parents and grandparents, And so did they, And on and on.

[19:24] And where does it all end? It ends where it began, All the way back to Genesis chapter 2. We all have our original parents In Father Adam and Mother Eve.

[19:36] These two constitute the entire origin Of the human gene pool, With all the seed and potential seed Residing in the physical bodies Given them by the Creator.

[19:47] This, of course, means All human beings Are blood-related. And we all have One set of common parents In the two people God made to begin What is the human race?

[20:01] It's no coincidence The Apostle Paul referred to as much In Acts 17 When he told his Greek audience In Athens That God has given to all Life and breath and all things And has made of one blood All nations of men For to dwell on all The face of the earth.

[20:21] The Apostle Paul got that Not from the laboratory analysis Of DNA But from Genesis. All of humanity, Regardless of geographical location, Language, culture, skin color, And other physical features Have a common DNA From these original parents.

[20:41] The line of descent From the very first generation To the present And what will continue on To be the last generation Of physical offspring Is unmistakably connected.

[20:53] We are all related By the one blood And original DNA factor. This is an utterly amazing And complex construction We call the human race.

[21:08] And our present billions, That's with a B, All began with a single pair. Each after its kind, And each after its kind, And each after, And so on.

[21:20] And here we are, Only because they were. Now, how does this Physical construction Account for our spiritual construction Resulting in part In our temperament?

[21:33] Upcoming. Hopefully. Maybe. Theoretically. The possible origin Of spiritual DNA, Part 2 Please be reminded We are calling Our present subject matter The possible origin Of spiritual DNA.

[21:54] And that's because We merely suggest it As a possible, Actually, I think likely, Source of our individual temperaments, But there is no way We can verify it. So rather than trying To present it as a certainty, We merely offer it As a conjecture.

[22:10] Probably time Will prove us To be correct Or incorrect, But we can't wait For it to do that, So we submit it For your consideration, And it's being Our assessment Of what we think To be the case.

[22:23] In the final analysis, We posit the idea That our spiritual DNA Was acquired In the same way As our physical DNA, And we have learned Enough about physical DNA To be beyond conjecture, But rather well established In its certainty.

[22:39] This is because It yields its secrets In the scientific laboratory. Our conjecture About our spiritual DNA Is that It doesn't.

[22:50] And the mere fact That it doesn't Is enough for most In the scientific community To deny it even exists. But for believers In special creation And the God of it, We are persuaded The spiritual exists As an objective reality Despite its absence In the laboratory.

[23:12] We might say Our laboratory For the spiritual Is the Bible, And it presents A conclusive affirmation Of the existence, Complexity, And importance Of the spiritual.

[23:25] And one more thing To ponder Has to do with How much of our Personality or temperament Is inherited And how much is learned Or environmental. We know that Nothing of our Physical makeup Is learned Or environmental But is all due To inheritance.

[23:42] Your environment Had nothing to do With your height, Body build, Color of hair And eyes, Etc. But this physicality Is all a product Of inheritance, Not your environment.

[23:57] Social scientists Have debated for years To what degree Human behavior Is conditioned By inheritance And what degree By environment Or combination thereof.

[24:08] And we know, As just stated, That our physical makeup Is all inheritance. Of course, The environment May play a slight role By way of living conditions, Nutrition, Or the lack thereof, And so on, But as regards Nearly all Our physical being, It's strictly hereditary.

[24:28] So now, What about Our spiritual DNA? This deals with Our temperament, Which we have defined As non-physical Or spiritual. And if it follows The physical, This would mean You are of the temperament Your ancestry gave you.

[24:46] You were born With the temperament You have. You did not acquire it By your environment Or your personal effort, But you were born with it In the same way You were born with The physical DNA That gave you All your physical characteristics.

[24:59] But, I remind you, This is not proven To be so, But it does appear To be consistent With what we do know About heredity Versus environment.

[25:10] We'll operate on this basis Till we know better. Stuck with your temperament traits Is there anything More complex or mysterious Than human beings?

[25:25] Only the God and creator Who made them. Be reminded of the psalmist cry, Surely I am fearfully And wonderfully made. And indeed we are.

[25:37] This wonder with which We are made Involves just about Everything we are, Including our temperaments. It's the intellectual, Emotional, And psychological way We are wired Or put together.

[25:51] We've concluded, And I believe rightly so, That our temperament Was never a matter Of our choice Or our environment But strictly Of our inheritance. We were made Of the temperament We are by those Ancestors before us, Especially but not Limited to our Mother and Father.

[26:08] They and others Before them Contributed to the Amazing mix That resulted in Our having the temperament We have. And we are Stuck with it.

[26:18] But don't despair. That is not a bad thing, Which we will reveal later. Nonetheless, Our temperament, Our internal disposition, Make-up, Or our individualistic Peculiarities That reside in us Are locked in.

[26:37] Try as we might, If we wish, Because we are not The temperament We would like to be, We'll just change it. No, you won't. Especially you won't, You can't, If what we have concluded About our spiritual DNA Is true.

[26:53] We are indeed Locked in. Stuck with, If you will, The temperament we have. It's already a part of us, And it was from birth, Likely even from conception.

[27:03] And we cannot, At will, Simply dismiss Part of what we are Temperamentally, And swap it for Another temperament We think we might prefer. Our temperament Is that non-physical Composition That mightily contributes To our very identity.

[27:20] That you will not change. You cannot change. Now we're not speaking About behavior. Certainly that can be changed Simply by exercising Our will.

[27:31] But temperament Is not behavior. It may, And often does, Affect behavior, But it is not the same. Does this all sound Complex?

[27:44] It's only because it is. Remember, Fearfully and wonderfully made, And you may be sure That temperament Is an important part Of the mix That happens to be you.

[27:57] This is what you are stuck with. We all are. But here comes the good part. Even though we cannot trade Our temperament in for another, There is a change That can be realized With the temperament we have.

[28:15] And that change Can greatly impact Everything about ourselves And those closest to us. Dr. LaHaye calls this Temperament modification.

[28:30] This is a powerful key For radically changing A marriage In addition to the person With the temperament. Naturally, With temperament being a part Of our spiritual makeup, The change behind the modification Is spiritual as well.

[28:46] We shall see. Why all this stuff About temperaments? Before pursuing the dynamics Of how our temperament Is subject to good, Radical changes, Even though we are stuck With the temperament we have, We feel it necessary To remind, Or maybe even inform ourselves As to just why we are engaging This temperament material anyway.

[29:14] The answer is simple. It's terribly vital To relationships And understanding them. Because apart from The subject of relationships, And the marriage relationship In particular, Marriage on the rock Has no purpose in being.

[29:30] The fulfillment and enjoyment Of relationships Is all about Offenses. Remember them? And the way we go about Resolving offenses Will determine the harmony Of our marriage Or the lack thereof.

[29:45] And where temperament Comes into play Is the strategic role It serves In our attitude And actions Which ultimately Our behavior Stems from. These all belong To the same Vital package And our temperament As well as Our mate's temperament Need to not only Be understood But even appreciated In a positive way.

[30:11] So this being the case, We reiterate The benefits Of husbands and wives Hearing these segments Of three plus minutes Of marriage on the rock Together If at all possible.

[30:23] Because only by Hearing them together Can you maximize The benefit By freely discussing Them as you hear them. And in your agreeing Or disagreeing With the points made And positions taken And yes, There may be Some disagreements With what we say In a segment Simply because There are almost Always exceptions To be noted And what is Delivered herein May not be Applicable In each and every Situation.

[30:54] So this too Is a valid area For each couple To discuss together. Yet, That can only be done In a fruitful manner If they are heard Together.

[31:05] Now we recognize That there may be Employment obligations And scheduling problems That make this kind Of togetherness Nearly impossible. But no couple Will regret Making every effort To hear them together.

[31:20] And yes, Of course, Hearing them separately Is certainly preferable To not getting The content at all. So hear them alone If you just can't Manage the togetherness.

[31:33] We are striving For the ultimate In benefit. But, We are willing To settle for Less than that If necessary. Every couple Engaging this material Will have to Determine the Optimum situation For themselves.

[31:49] And by the way, Let's be reminded That a principal Advantage of Marriage on the Rock, Whether by radio, A personal copy Of a compact disc, Or an online download, Is that the couple Can benefit from The marital enrichment Content without The cost and inconvenience Of attending Counseling sessions And the stress That often accompanies it.

[32:12] The privacy issue Is a big item For most couples, Especially for the men Involved, And I, as a man, Speak from experience. So that being said, Let's get on with The temperament content Upcoming. Temperament and Biblical Characters There is no question That we humans All possess a thing Called a temperament.

[32:36] It has to do With our inner disposition. It's revealed In our moods, And our personality Is also a reflection Outwardly Of what our temperament Is inwardly.

[32:48] So, The presence of a temperament Is really not in question. But the difficulty Is in attempting To catalog Or identify And distinguish One temperament From another.

[33:00] Author Tim LaHaye, Whose best-selling book Transform Temperaments, Which, by the way, We've strongly recommended, Has opted for The age-old descriptions Of the temperaments Originally set forth By Hippocrates And further defined By the ancient Greek physician Galen Around 200 A.D.

[33:20] Now, no one is claiming The temperaments Have their authority In chapter and verse From the Bible. They're just not there. Yet, it is interesting To note, There are unmistakable Likenesses Between each of the temperaments And numerous personalities Found in the Bible.

[33:37] And Dr. LaHaye Has illustrated How temperaments Remind us Of biblical characters From the Old And New Testaments. He also concludes That few of us, If any, Possess just One temperament Exclusively.

[33:51] But more likely, We are all recipients Of a combination Of temperaments. Usually two. And one of the two Tends to dominate, With the other Being less active.

[34:05] The extent to which Dr. LaHaye Develops the temperaments And their explanations Is more detailed And involved Than is needed For our purposes On Marriage on the Rock.

[34:17] But still, They do make For fascinating reading And they yield Lots of insights Into ourselves And our mate. So, We will address At least briefly The main temperaments Without engaging The various blends Of temperaments.

[34:33] We see the necessity For doing this Because so much Understanding May be gained That enables us To know Not only What makes Our mate tick But to gain An honest appreciation For their particular God-given temperament.

[34:53] And this can only Enrich the marriage Relationship. Each of the four Temperaments Used as illustrations By Dr. LaHaye Is assigned To a biblical character.

[35:03] We can easily see How each is a Full-blown example Of the temperament Assigned to them. The four characters And their temperament Types Are as follows.

[35:14] Peter, The apostle Was a sanguine. While Paul, The apostle Was a choleric. The melancholy Is assigned to Moses Who surely Demonstrated it On repeated occasions.

[35:26] That leaves The phlegmatic And no one answers To that better Than Abraham. As we reflect Upon the several Incidents in which These four men Were involved Their temperaments Rise to front And center.

[35:38] Not only will you See how a particular Temperament is so Characteristic of the Person in question But you may also Call to mind People you know Who will just Pop into your mind Without really even Trying to think About them.

[35:51] One of them May be you Or Your mate. We'll see. The Peter the Sanguine The sanguine Is the ultimate People person.

[36:08] He is affable, Likeable, Fun-loving, Extrovertish. Sanguins by far Make the best Salespeople, And they often Make their way Into politics.

[36:19] Never met a stranger. Always ready To stir up A conversation. Someone has said The sanguine Always enters a room Mouth first.

[36:29] That's Peter the Apostle. Somewhat boisterous, Back-slapping, Gregarious, And when it comes To the mouth, Peter often had His foot in his.

[36:41] The sanguine Is someone who Can easily provoke People with his Speak first And think later Attitude, And it can get Him into trouble. Still, Sparky sanguine Is the kind of Person who, While he may Irritate you at Times, You just can't Stay mad at him.

[37:00] Know anybody Like that? If you do, And these traits Stick out all over Him, You can probably Assign his Dominant temperament To be sanguine.

[37:11] He doesn't Try to be Sanguine. He just is. It's his nature. His inborn Temperament. He probably Would never Consider changing it, But it wouldn't Matter if he did, Because he Couldn't.

[37:26] Sanguinity is His thing. You want Sanguines at a Party, If you want to Avoid dull Moments, Because when Old sparky Sanguine is Around, The atmosphere Is anything But dull.

[37:41] The Apostle Peter's brief Three years in The presence of The Lord's Earthly ministry Surely revealed His sanguine Side. Quick to Announce that Jesus was The Christ, The Son of God, In that Famous Declaration He made At Caesarea, And quick to Deny he even Knew Jesus At all, When confronted In the Courtyard Of the High Priest.

[38:03] Is this The same Guy? Indeed it Is. Impetuosity Can be an Embarrassing Negative trait Of the Sanguine. And, Who else But Peter Had the Audacity To actually Rebuke Jesus When he Announced The fate That awaited Him When they Got to Jerusalem?

[38:23] Only Peter. And with whom Did Paul Contend at Antioch When he Leveled The accusation Of hypocrisy For his Double dealing Between Jews And Gentiles?

[38:35] Peter again. Consistency Is not usually A strong point Of the Sanguine. It bores Them. And if there Is anything A sanguine Can't stand, It's boredom.

[38:47] If he has To be bored, He will Find a Way to Make a Game Out of It, And turn It into Something Fun. No one But a Sanguine Could ever Pull that Off, But for Him, It's Standard Operating Procedure.

[39:00] One can Hardly Help having His Spirits Lifted Merely By having A Sanguine In his Presence. His Incorrigible, Infectious, Upbeat Temperament Can lift The spirits Of the Deeply Saddened Like no One Else.

[39:13] And for Sure, The Apostle Peter is A sparky Sanguine Like no One Else. If he Gets his Spiritual House in Order, He will Be what Peter became After the Resurrection In delivering That Pentecostal Message in Acts 2.

[39:28] Still eager to Use his Mouth, But now It's under The Spirit's Control. Paul the Caleric In his Book, Spirit-Controlled Temperament, Dr.

[39:43] LaHaye Casts the Apostle Paul as Largely Caleric For his Dominant Temperament, And it's Hard to Disagree With that. Some Analysts Who use A different Method of Classification Would label Paul as A Class A Personality.

[39:58] Such A One Is a Hard-driving Take-charge Kind of Guy, A born Leader For sure. Calerics Are often Quick-tempered, But usually Are quick To cool Down as Well.

[40:08] So if You or Your mate Is a Caleric, Your temperament Is rather Obvious Because you Are what You are Up front And in The open. Calerics Do not Deal in Subtleties Or in Holding Back.

[40:23] The Apostle Paul vividly Demonstrated His Caleric Disposition When he Initiated The plan To travel All the Way to Damascus In Syria To capture Some of His own Jewish Countrymen.

[40:35] They had Fled from Jerusalem Due to The persecution From the Jewish Establishment Authorities Who were A threat To them Because of Their belief In Jesus As their Messiah. There is No indication That Paul Was requested To do this By the Authorities.

[40:50] He initiated It himself. He was a Gung-ho Guy Who relished The challenge And no doubt Saw it as all Going beyond The call Of duty. It would Take the Kind of Drastic Intervention Paul experienced On the road To Damascus To reign This guy In.

[41:08] And Jesus Christ the Risen Lord Was more Than a match For even The likes Of Saul Of Tarsus. After his Conversion Saul While a Remarkably New man In Christ As a Believer Never lost That original Caleric Temperament But it Was radically Redirected.

[41:29] And even Though Paul Wrote his Epistles As inspired By the Spirit of God It was a Spirit-inspired Caleric Temperament That continued To show Through in All his Letters.

[41:41] In true Character Paul was Never into Playing games Or beating Around the Bush. He called A spade A spade. And as he Himself said In 2 Corinthians 3, We use Great Plainness Of speech.

[41:57] The apostle Would have Found our Modern Political Correctness To be Patently Abhorrent And even Dishonest. His conviction Would have Been, Listen, There is Too much At stake, Too much Hanging in The balance Not to Call things What they Are.

[42:14] He rebuked The Corinthian Assembly and Laid down The law As it were, And he Scathingly Charged the Galatians In the Very First Chapter For their Reneging On the Grace of God Which he Had earlier Preached to Them.

[42:28] Only the Kind of Caleric Paul was Could have Taken all He did In persecution, Maligning, Deprivation, Ostracism from His own Fellow Jews While continuing To come Back for More.

[42:44] Sheer Grit And dogged Determination Constitutes The calling Card of Those who Are truly Calerics, And that Was Paul The Apostle.

[42:56] God Bless the Memory of This Man. Are you Or your Mate A Caleric? If you Are, It's one Of the More Obvious Temperaments Easily Identified.

[43:12] Moses The Melancholy Those with The Predominant Temperament Of a Melancholy Are nearly The Opposite Of those Who Are Sanguines. Melancholy Tends to Be as Much An Introvert As the Sanguine Is an Extrovert.

[43:27] And the Melancholy Can exhibit A negative Kind of Attitude. Moses Is the Perfect Biblical Example Of a Melancholy. From the Outset, Moses Was a Feeler, And Melancholics Do feel Things, Often Very Intensely.

[43:43] He No Doubt Was Emotionally Outraged When He Saw An Egyptian Guard Mistreating A Fellow Israelite. And the Rage Feeling Got The Best Of Him. He Rose Up, Slew The Egyptian, Buried The Body In The Sand, And Went About His Business.

[43:58] And His Business At That Time Was Dispensing Justice. And After He Fled To Avoid Prosecution, He Landed In Arabia And The Land Of Midian.

[44:08] And This Is Where God Called Him Via The Burning Bush In The Desert. Didn't Take Long For The Negativity Of Moses The Melancholy To Kick In And His Immediate Response To The Call Of The God Of Heaven The God Of Moses Ancestors Was I Can't Do That Who Am I That I Should Lead The People Out Of Egypt God As Much Told Him Don't Worry Moses I Will Be With You So Did That Settle It Then For Moses Not At All He Has More Objections The Negative Attitude Is Crawling All Over This Man Moses He Continues Well We Don't Even Know You If The Israelites Ask Who Sent Me I Don't Even Know What To Tell Them I Don't Even Know Your Name I Can't Even Introduce You To Them This Would Never Work Moses Is All Charged Up With One Obstacle After Another God Patiently Comes Back With Another Assurance That He Will Superintend The Whole Affair

[45:08] And Moses Will Be Successful He Even Reveals To Moses The Whole Scenario That Will Unfold And How He God Will Enable Moses To Do All That Is Required Of Him So That Should Settle It Right Not For A Pure Melancholy Like Moses He Then Has The Brass To Present Yet Another Reason Why God Should Get Someone Else Now It's The People Who Are The Problem Why Moses Can't Do This They'll Never Believe Me They Won't Believe You Appeared To Me And Told Me These Things To Prove To Moses That He The God Of Israel Is More Than Capable Of Seeing The Entire Affair Through He Provides The Undeniable Miracle Of The Staff Of Moses Turning Into A Snake And Then Back Into A Staff Again And Add To That The Very Clear Drama Of Moses Hand Turning White With The Dreaded Leprosy And Then Returning Healthy Again Now That Should Do It But Does It Not For

[46:09] A Master Melancholy But But I Can't Speak Well I I I I Can't Express Myself Well Very Patiently God Assures Moses That He Made Moses Mouth And Is Quite Capable Of Governing It Besides I'll Use Aaron Your Brother To Be Your Mouthpiece And Finally The Melancholy Just Can't Think Up Any More Excuses And He Has To Comply And So It Goes With The Melancholy Temperament Abraham The Phlegmatic In Today's Terminology We Would Probably Use The Words Laid Back When Speaking Of Someone With A Phlegmatic Temperament Maybe Even Very Laid Back The Phlegmatic Will Seldom Get Riled Up Over Anything And If Ever There Is Someone To Be Labeled Cool

[47:09] Calm And Collected The Phlegmatic Is That Guy Abraham The Spiritual Father Of Us All Was A Classic Case Study Of The Phlegmatic These Are So Often Content And Satisfied With The Status Quo That It's Hard For Them To Get Going He's He's He's He's Not At All Assertive Certainly Not What We Would Call Pushy Or Demanding Phlegmatic Husbands Can Often Drive Their Wife Right Up The Wall Because He's Hard Very Hard To Get Motivated To Action And This Is Largely Due Again To His Complacence And Contentment With The Status Quo The Phlegmatic Typically Is Possessed With A Gentle Disposition Easy Going Unflappable Seldom In A Hurry About Anything Tomorrow Is Soon Enough For The Phlegmatic And If Tomorrow Doesn't Work There's Always Later And That Will Be Just

[48:09] Fine South Of The Border It's Manana Anybody You Know Come To Mind Career Wise Phlegmatics Often Make Good Engineers Administrators And Whatever Requires Mechanical Aptitude Many Phlegmatics Pursue Careers In Education Often Excelling In Math And The Sciences Abraham Is Certainly That Case Study In A Phlegmatic He Did Tend To Be A Worrier Required Things To Be Spelled Out For Him In A Very Precise Way And Along With That There Was His Need For Continual Reassurance Phlegmatics Are Not Risk Takers Abraham Ventured Forth Only After Repeated Assurances From God That He Was Indeed With Him And He Would Fulfill All That He Had Promised Him God God Even Went To To To To The Length Of Sealing His Promises For Abraham With A Cultural Contract That

[49:10] Obviously Abraham Needed In Order To Be Convinced It's Found In Genesis 15 And It Reflects A Gracious Condescension Of God In Order To Satisfy The Man Abraham In His Need For Reassurance Abraham Repeatedly Demonstrated His Personal Insecurities And Each Time He Did Particularly Between Genesis 18 And 21 It Was Obvious That The Need Was There Yet Once Abraham Really Got Issues Settled In His Own Mind He Was Transformed Into A Rock Solid Devotee Of The One True God So Much So That His Resolve Was Realized In His Willingness To Believe God No Matter What When God Commanded Him Regarding the Sacrifice Of His Son Isaac In Genesis 22 He Was Indeed A Born Fleek Batic With All Its Attendant Worries And Fears But Transformed In That Temperament With A Set Of

[50:10] Positive Attributes That More Than Offset His Earlier Negatives Such Is The Capability Of A Transformed Temperament The Need For Multiple Temperaments In A Brief Consideration Of The Four Basic Temperaments We Reiterate A Few Items To Keep In Mind Number One We Are All Born With The Temperament We Have And Yes We Are Stuck With It But That Is Not A Negative Because No Temperament Is Inferior Or Superior To Any Other Two None Of Us Is Exclusively One Temperament But We Usually Do Have One Of The Four As A Dominant Temperament Along With The Second As A Lesser Three No One Is Claiming A Biblical Basis Of The Temperaments We Merely Present Them As Being Generally Characteristic Of The Way People Are Four The

[51:10] Examples We Have Given Of Peter The Sanguine Paul The Cleric Moses The Melancholy And Abraham The Phlegmatic Each Reflect The Temperament Characteristics That Dr.

[51:21] La Hay Has Revealed In His Book Titled The Spirit Controlled Temperament One Could Easily Research Other Bible Characters Who With Their Attitude And Actions Could Also Be Identified With A Particular Temperament Five A Distinction Is Made Between Temperament And Personality Generally Temperament Is More Of What And Who We Really Are Internally While Personality Is More Akin To What We Portray Externally To Others It Is True That One Can Come Across Outwardly In A Way That Is Different From What He Actually Is Inwardly That May That May Be Thought Of As An Act Or Deliberate Deception Where We Try To Convince Others We Are Different From What We Really Are Six There Is No Basis For Anyone Being Discontented With The Temperament They Have Because

[52:22] It Suits You Perfectly Whether You Believe It Or Not Or Want It Or Not And The Same Is True Of Your Mate Developing A Transformed Temperament Is The Need And Goal For Us All And That Alone Will Enable Us To Honestly Appreciate Our Own Temperament As Well As That Of Our Mate After All The Mix And Variety Of Temperaments Is A Wonderful Thing If We Were All Sanguines We Would Want Only To Party And Have Fun Nothing Would Get Done But We Would Have A Good Time Not Doing It And If We Were All Clerics Lots Would Get Done But We Would Probably All Kill Each Other Off In The Process If We Were All Melancholics We Would Spend All Our Time Reflecting And Introspecting So Much And Enjoying The Process Of Analyzing Ourselves And Others To Death And If We Were All Phlegmatics We

[53:23] Would Want To Hold Off Doing Anything Because Of A Lack Of Confidence And The Fear Of Messing Things Up And Besides Things Might Change So We Probably Ought To Wait Until Later So You See Do You Not Each Of These Marvelous Things Called Temperaments Is Needed By All Of Us And God Knows That That's Why He Provided Them Now We Want To See Them Transformed Upcoming Why Temperament Needs Transformed Whatever Temperament We Have Primary And Secondary Whether Sanguine Choleric Melancholy Or Phlegmatic It's Just The Right Temperament For Us And If It's True That We Are Just Stuck With It And Can't Change It Then Why Not Just Resign Ourselves To It And Go On What's This Business Of Transforming Our Temperament

[54:23] And Why The Need Of It Good Questions All And Here's A Short Answer Our Temperament Is Just Like Everything Else About Us It's A Fallen Temperament And Our Fallen Temperament Is Not A Pretty Thing It Belongs To Our Fallen Adamic Nature With Which We Were All Born And Nothing About It Is Pretty When Our Temperament Is Transformed It Is Not Transformed Into A Different Temperament That's Already Established As Fixed And Unchangeable Remember We Are Stuck With The Temperament We Have But It's A Good Stuck Because It's The Temperament That Is Just Right For Us What Is Transformed Is This Very Same Temperament We Have But Transformed From Its Fallen Negative Qualities To Spiritually Regenerated Positive Qualities The Difference Is Between Night And Day In Our Fallen

[55:23] Temperament Which Acts Out Our Old Adamic Nature We Are Self Centered And Self Pleasing Galatians 5 Calls This Walking Or Operating Out Of The Old Sin Nature The Flesh In Which We Were Born In Our Transformed Temperament We Are Operating Out Of The New Nature Received When We Were Born Again With With Our Original Temperament Prior To Our Spiritual Regeneration We Produce The Works Of The Flesh It's A Negative List Of Self-Centered Attitudes And Actions Found In Galatians 5 Works Of The Flesh Are These Adultery Fornication Uncleanness Lasciviousness Idolatry Witchcraft Hatred Variance Emulations Wrath Strife Seditions Heresies Envyings Murders Drunkenness Revelings And Such Like These Are From The Flesh Be Reminded These Sins Which

[56:24] Christians Are Capable Of Committing Will Be Produced From A Temperament That Is Not Transformed But When It Is Transformed The Fruit Of The Spirit Is Produced And This Fruit Consists Of Love Joy Peace Long Suffering Gentleness Goodness Faith Meekness Temperance Against Such There Is No Law This Is Why Paul Tells The Galatian Christians To Walk In The Spirit And They Will Not Produce The Works Of The Flesh But If They Do Not Walk In The Spirit They Will Produce That Ugly List Of Sinful Behaviors We Will Function From One Or The Other Because None Of Us Now The Question Surfaces How Is This To Be Realized How Do We Get A Transformed Temperament That Operates From The Spirit As

[57:24] Opposed To Operating From The Flesh Upcoming How Is My Temperament Transformed Part One Whatever Our Primary Temperament Is Sanguine Choleric Melancholic Or Phlegmatic And Whatever My Secondary Temperament May Be They Are Manifested Through Our Attitude And Actions We Act Out From Whatever Our Temperament Is If We As A Believer Are Walking In The Flesh Our Temperament Will Color Our Attitude And Actions With Fleshly Self-Centered Negative Behavior As Mentioned In The List Given In Galatians 5 And The Works Of The Flesh If We As A Believer Are Walking In The Spirit Our Temperament Will Color Our Attitude And Actions With Christ Centered Positive Behavior As Mentioned In The List Given As The Fruit Of The Spirit Romans 12 A Familiar Passage Refers

[58:24] To The Renewing Of Our Mind And It Ties In With The Transformation Of Our Temperament Our Minds Need Transformation As Well As Our Temperament Because Our Mind That Is Our Reasoning Thinking Processes Suffer From The Same Fallenness As The Rest Of Our Being What Alerts Us To This Need Is The Truth Found In God's Word It Reveals To Us What The Real Problem Is Our Old Adamic Sinful Flesh This Is What Needs Renewing In The Same Way Our Temperament Needs Transformed They're Connected The Renewal And Transformation Begins With An Honest Recognition Of The Need And A Genuine Desire On Our Part For This To Take Place Here Is Where Our Will Our Volition Surfaces If You Do Not Recognize This As A Need And Do Not Desire This Transformation It Will Not Happen Because

[59:25] God Does Not Force The Transformation Of Your Temperament And He Does Not Force The Renewing Of Your Mind Upon You What He Does Do Is Make The Power Of Renewing And Transformation Available To You But You Must Initiate The Process Yet The Actual Power To Effect The Transformation And Renewal Is Not Yours But God's It's Another Example Of God Respecting The Volition He Has Given Us And His Condescension In Working With Even Fallen Man And That Is The Grace Of God All Over Again And As Always The Impediment Is The Same It Is Our Sin Sinful Rebellion Even As Believers Will Prevent The Renewing Of Our Mind And The Transformation Of Our Temperament This Is Why The Apostle Paul Literally Begs Beseeches Implores Christians In

[60:25] Romans 12 To Present Their Bodies As A Living Sacrifice To God The Basis For Our Doing So Is From A Deep Sense Of Need On Our Part And Gratitude To God For The Mercy He Has Extended To Us The Result Of Our Doing So Will Be The Transformation That Comes From The Renewing Of Our Mind Such Will Also Be Accompanied With A Transformed Temperament For Believers This Is The Only Way To Go And It Is Well Within Reach For Every True Believer God Has Seen To It What We Will Do About It Remains With Us How Is My Temperament Transformed Part Two It May Well Be That The Reason We See So Little Of Transformed Temperments Among Christians Is Due To The Misunder Standing That Surrounds It No Doubt There Are Many Who Believe If God Wants My Temperament Transformed

[61:25] He Can Do It And If Not Well I Will Just Content Myself With My Temperament Being What It Is And Live With That After All What Else Can I Do Well If You Are Willing To Settle For That Even Though It Is Substandard To What It Could Be You Can Do That Perhaps Even A Majority Do That Very Thing And While It's Far Removed From Having And Enjoying The Abundant Life Christ Spoke Of In John 10 10 Lots Of Christians Are Content And Willing To Settle For Far Less Than What They Could Be Enjoying From Their Christian Life And Of Course This Attitude Results In Having Far Less Than A Marriage On The Rock These Are Inseparably The Romans 12 Passage Paul Implores His Readers To Present Their Bodies As A Living Sacrifice To God And He Is Not Talking About Our Being Willing To Die For God As In Martyrdom He Is Talking About Our

[62:25] Living For God By Dying To Self That Is Our In Grain Self Centeredness Energized By The Adamic Flesh Failure To Do This Prevents A Transformed Temperament From Being Realized And Results In The Opposite That Paul Warned Against Which Is Being Conformed To This World And Christ Did Not Save Us So We Could Be Conformed To The World We Were That Already Before We Ever Trusted In Christ But Now In Christ We Have Available To Us A Brand New Dynamic In The Person And Power Of The Holy Spirit Available But Not Automatic In This Realization Must Begin With Us When We Become Dissatisfied And Convicted About The Way Things Are And Realize They Are As They Are Because We Are As We Are We Have Taken An Enormous First Step

[63:26] Toward A Major Change Toward Experiencing A Transformed Temperament And A Renewed Mind And By The Way Don't Get Hung Up Here On The Way Your Meat Is Because You Have Control Of You And This Is Where Any Change To Be Realized Must Begin Remember Please The Power To Affect The Change That's Needed Is Not Yours It's God's Power Yet God Awaits Your Request For Him To Release His Power On Your Behalf God Does Not Force You To Make This Request Still He May Allow Our Misery Index To Attain To Such A High Level That We See The Benefits In Making That Request Again This Involves A Wonderful And Gracious Condescension On God's Part To Cooperate With Us In Arriving At A Transformed Mind And Temperament The

[64:26] Power For The Change Lies Exclusively With God But The Trigger That Releases God's Power Is Found In Your Volition Please Read Romans Chapter Six And How Is My Temperament Transformed Part Three There Are Certain Phrases In Christian Terminology That While Not Synonymous Are Nevertheless Intricately Connected One With The Other They All Point To The Abundant Life Of Which Christ Spoke In John 10 And They Are As Follows But This Is Not An Exhaustive Listing The Abundant Life The Victorious Life The Transformed Temperament The Surrendered Or Yielded Life The Spirit Filled Life The Christ Centered Life And You May Well Think Of Other Connected Expressions To Add There Is Very Little Real Difference Between These Expressions When Paul Addresses The

[65:26] Ephesians In Chapter 5 He Is Speaking About Relationships Our Connectedness To God And To Each Other He Tells Them And Us As 21st Century Believers That We Are To Be Filled With The Spirit Of God What Exactly Does That Mean It Means Instead Of Our Being Filled With Self That Automatically Stems From Our Engrained Self Centeredness Derived From The Fall We We We We Are To Be Filled With The Spirit Of God We Act Out Of Whatever We Are Filled With If It's The Flesh We Act Out That Ugly List In Galatians 5 If It's The Spirit We Act Out The Fruit Of The Spirit Acting Out Of The Flesh Comes Naturally To Us All Because That Is The Bent With Which We Were All Born In Our Fallenness Acting Out Of The Spirit Comes Supernaturally Because

[66:27] That Is God's Provision For Us In The Sphere Of Our New Birth Not Of Adam But Of Christ The Contrast Is Immeasurable And What Will Be An Obvious Result Of This For Husbands And Wives A Marriage On The Rock Husbands Filled With The Spirit Rather Than Filled With Themselves Will Love Their Wife Sacrificially As Christ Loved The Church Wives Filled With The Spirit Will Render Support And Loving Submission To Their Husband In A Joyful And Supernatural Manner Both Husband And Wife Can Enter Into And Radically Enjoy The Kind Of Marriage Relationship Christ Intended And Made Available For All Believers This Is Maximum Marriage This Is A Marriage On The Rock It's God's Countermeasure To What So Many Marriages Today Are Classified As A

[67:27] Marriage On The Rocks The Beauty Of It All Is That A Marriage On The Rock Is Available To Every Couple In Christ The The Traged The Tragedy Is The Tragedy Of The Tragedy Of What Christ Died To Provide For Them Almost Entirely Because Of The Stubbornness Of That Fallen Human Volition That Insists On Being Self Centered By The Way Can We Now See More Clearly Our Early C.D.

[68:01] Stating About Marriage On The Rock That Marriage Is Mostly Spiritual It Is Spiritual Does This Make Sense Now The Bible Emphatically Affirms It Getting On With It Based Upon What Has Been Expressed On The Previous Tracks Of This Compact Disc It Should Be Readily Apparent That A Time For Some Kind Of Decision Has Arrived And Perhaps A Positive Decision Has Already Been Made By You And If So We Are Profoundly Grateful And We Heartily Applaud Your Commitment You Most Certainly Will Not Regret It But For Any Who Are Reluctant Or Have Not Decided To Get On With It In A Positive Way We Want You To Be Assured We Have Not Given Up On You More Importantly God Has Not Given Up

[69:01] On You Needed Is For You To Give Up On You Because It's Only When We Are Willing To Give Up On Ourselves Our Own Solutions Our Own Ability Our Own Wisdom It's In Walking Away From All That That We Are Then Ready To Turn It Over To God Apart From That I Assure You Nothing Of The Supernatural With God's Gracious Power And Provision Will Be Coming Your Way You Are Effectively Consigned To More Of The Same So If You Are Walking In The Flesh A La Galatians 5 More Of The Same Results Are On The Way Because The Flesh And The Spirit Are All There Is To Not Walk In The Spirit Means To Walk In The Flesh There Is No Neutral No In Between Yet This Is The Law Of The Excluded

[70:02] Middle And We If This Is Where You Are He Remains Ever Ready To Lift You Out Of A Terribly Unfulfilled Life Into The Glorious Enrichment Of The Abundant Life He Has Prepared For You In In In In In In In In If You Are A Believer Who Possesses Eternal Life In Christ You Surrendered Yourself To Him When You Came To Him For Salvation But The Surrender Never Stops The

[71:02] Yielding Goes On Even For Believers Because Our Volition Goes On Our Wills Are Ever Operative This Is The Inner Conflict The Apostle Paul Describes In Romans Chapter Six And Seven And Then For The Believer Who Complies With The Demands Of Those Two Chapters The Incredible Results Of Romans Chapter Eight Will Follow We Are All Our Own Worst Enemy And When With Our Will We Turn On Ourselves And Ally With God's Spirit Against Ourselves We Enter The Threshold Of What God Has Provided In The Abundant Life The Transformed Mind And The Transformed Temperament It's The Best God Has To Offer And It's Available To All Believers You've Been Listening To Marriage On The Rock With Marv Wiseman Preview Of Marriage

[72:02] On The Rock Volume 11 Our Next Volume Of Marriage On The Rock Which Will Be Volume 11 Will Take A Different Approach To The Marriage Relationship Than Have The Previous Ten Volumes An Emphasis Will Be Placed On The Practical Application Of The Principles We Have Just Concluded The Nitty Gritty Of Husband And Wife Roles And The Way They Play Out In Everyday Life Will Be Treated We Do Anticipate Scratching Where A Lot Of Marriage Itch Subjects Like Finances And Spending Family Planning Child Rearing In-law Relationships Divorce And Remarriage Blended Families Resulting From Second Or Third Marriages Issues Surrounding Sexuality And The Marriage Bed Cohabitation Without Marriage And An Abundance Of Other Issues Stemming From And Related To The Preceding Topics All These

[73:02] Will Be Treated Beginning With CD Volume 11 And Those Volumes That Will Follow To Date Marriage On The Rock Has Devoted Ten Volumes Of Twenty Segments Each Comprising A Total Of 200 In All Any Previous Segments Or Volumes You May Have Missed Remain Available And You Need Only Request Any You Wish You May Obtain Them Free Of Charge Compliments Of The Barbara Wiseman Memorial Fund All Preceding Volumes Of Marriage On The Rock May Be Downloaded By Logging On To Grace Bible Springfield Dot Com That's All As One Word Grace Bible Springfield Dot Com By Mail Address Your Request To Grace Bible Church Fifteen Hundred Group Road And Group Is Spelled G-R-O-O-P Fifteen

[74:03] Hundred Group Road Springfield Ohio 45504 Phone Orders Are Requested To Call Between The Hours Of 9 A.M.

[74:15] And Noon Eastern Standard Time And You May Call At 937 322 3113 Callers At Other Hours May Leave Their Order Requests On The Answering Machine But Please Spell Out Any Names Or Addresses That Are Not Common When You Leave Your Message Marriage This Is Pastor Marv Wiseman Thanking You For Listening And Being A Part Of Marriage On The Rock And A Huge Thank You To Our Gracious God For Having Originated The Amazing Relationship Of Marriage And All The Joys It Holds For Those With A Marriage On The Rock