Marriage on the Rock 04

Marriage on the Rock - Part 4

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Marvin Wiseman

Jan. 4, 2017


Vital Recommitting Revisited - Hear This!
Re-Committing when you don't want to
Regaining that Loving Feeling
Here Comes That Offense!
Retaliating to the Offense - Response #1
Retaliation Directed Toward Others - Response #2
Get even with the Offender - Response #3
Tell Others the Offense - Response #4
Absorb the Offense - Response #5
Warehouse the Offense - Response #6
Wait for an Apology - Response #7
An Unthinkable Response - Response #8, Part 1
An Unthinkable Response - Response #8, Part 2
Approach the Offender - Response #9, Part 1
Approach the Offender - Response #9, Part 2
The 7 Easy Ways of the Flesh
The 3 hard Ways of the Spirit, Part 1
The 3 hard Ways of the Spirit, Part 2
The 3 hard Ways of the Spirit, Part 3
Salvaged Relationships are God's Priority
Preview of Upcoming contents of Vol. #5

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