Anthropic Constants 04

The Ultimate Issue - Part 4

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Marvin Wiseman

Dec. 4, 2021


Disclaimer: this is an automatically generated machine transcription - there may be small errors or mistranscriptions. Please refer to the original audio if you are in any doubt.

[0:00] As mentioned earlier, theists are often accused of relying solely on faith or religion for their position of God's existence. Contrary to that, say the atheists, their position is fixed upon scientific facts.

[0:16] The lack of hard evidence they demanded seemed to make their position more compelling compared to the biblical and philosophical arguments from theism. While that may have been the case previously, it no longer is.

[0:33] Surprisingly, the atheists' demand for hard evidence has been met. In fact, the tables have been turned on them, along with all the cards they thought they were holding.

[0:47] And adding surprise to surprise, their demand for hard evidence was not met by theism per se, but by a discipline that represents science in its purest form.

[1:01] And what would that purest form of science be? Mathematics. Mathematics, applied to observable, measurable elements in the universe, leave nothing to faith or conjecture.

[1:17] Math will not yield to philosophy or religious opinion, regardless of who proposes it. No science is more precise than that which says 2 plus 2 equals 4, no matter who says otherwise.

[1:33] Hard mathematical conclusions have been brought to bear with a precision not previously sought or needed. And what was it that needed such precision now?

[1:48] The space program. Previously, the kind of mathematical precision the space program required did not exist. But when it was birthed in the 1950s, professional engineers from their several disciplines warmed up their slide rules and calculators.

[2:08] Huge technical problems, previously unknown, confronted our best and brightest problem solvers. So expansive and intense were their goals and efforts, they sometimes found answers they were not even looking for.

[2:25] But there they were. In time, it all began to come together. Multiple sets of previously unknown discoveries began to surface.

[2:37] The principle set we are now concerned with is called anthropic constants. The word anthropic relates to the technical discipline called anthropology, which is the study of man or mankind.

[2:54] And the word constants has reference to the precise atmospheric conditions that must be constant or perpetually present in order for human life to exist on planet Earth.

[3:09] So, do these things really matter? Well, only if you wish to remain alive on planet Earth. But seriously, the anthropic constants are so important, they by themselves positively establish the design and order for the universe in general, and planet Earth in particular, inseparably connecting it all with an ultra-intelligent designer.

[3:37] We are indebted to Norman L. Geisler and Frank Turek, co-authors of the book, I Don't Have Enough Faith to Be an Atheist.

[3:49] Along with other compelling evidence, Geisler and Turek record the five most critical constants, followed by a listing of ten lesser-known but still essential for life on Earth.

[4:02] All are quite removed from any need for faith. Their presence is so compelling and indisputable, they cannot be doubted by the staunchest atheist.

[4:15] It would appear their requirement for evidence is met. Here they are, as set forth on pages 98 through 102 in their book, Evidence That Demands a Verdict.

[4:28] Anthropic Constant Number 1. Oxygen Level. On Earth, oxygen comprises 21% of the atmosphere that makes life on Earth possible.

[4:42] If oxygen were 25%, fires would erupt spontaneously. If it were 15%, human beings would suffocate. Constant Number 2.

[4:55] Atmospheric Transparency. This reflects the exacting standards by which the universe has been designed. The degree of transparency of the atmosphere is an anthropic constant.

[5:09] If the atmosphere were less transparent, not enough solar radiation would reach Earth's surface. If it were more transparent, we would be bombarded with far too much solar radiation.

[5:22] Anthropic Constant 3. Moon-Earth Gravitational Interaction. This regards the gravitational interaction that the Earth has with our Moon.

[5:36] If the interaction were greater than it currently is, tidal effects on the oceans, atmosphere, and rotational period would be too severe. If it were less, orbital changes would cause climactic instabilities.

[5:52] In either event, life on Earth would be impossible. Anthropic Constant 4. Carbon Dioxide Level. The right amount of carbon dioxide is maintained naturally in the Earth's atmosphere.

[6:07] If the CO2 level were higher than it is now, a runaway greenhouse effect would develop and we'd all burn up. If the level were lower than it is now, plants would not be able to maintain efficient photosynthesis.

[6:24] We'd all suffocate. Anthropic Constant Number 5. Gravity. Gravity. If the gravitational force were altered by zero point followed by 37 zeros and then a one, our sun would not exist.

[6:46] And therefore, neither would we. If you want to know what that number is like, put it down on paper. Put down a decimal point. Then after the decimal point, add 37 zeros and then the number one.

[7:06] See if you can pronounce it. Those five anthropic constants are the most critical. A total of 120 additional constants contribute to a lesser degree, but they all harmonize in space, time, and function to perpetuate essential, precise, favorable living conditions on planet Earth.

[7:32] Their presence and function as a mere coincidence defies all mathematical probabilities. As we said, the chance of there being so is followed by a number of zeros, 37 to be exact, a number that is clearly unpronounceable.

[7:51] So we should not then be surprised that the Creator himself has incomparable issues of his own, and he does. He is none other than Emmanuel, the meaning of which is God with us.

[8:06] In John's Gospel, chapter 1, he is called the Word of God that became flesh and dwelt among us, contextually referring to Jesus Christ as that one.

[8:19] Paul, the apostle, encountered by the risen Christ on the Damascus road, refers to him in Colossians 1, stating, For by him were all things created that are in heaven and that are in earth, visible and invisible, whether they be thrones or dominions or principalities or powers.

[8:36] All things were created by him and for him, and he is before all things, and by him all things consist. His participation in creation that he shares with his Father and Spirit is beyond question.

[8:52] Yet, he is not one of three gods, nor is he one third God, but fully God, as are the Father and the Spirit, the three comprising one divine being subsisting in three persons.

[9:06] The inability of us humans to comprehend that should tell us that is but one of the many characteristics comprising the being and nature of the Creator.

[9:17] In these, deity and humanity are separated by infinity. Be reminded, there is nothing about the multitude of anthropic constants that is speculation or opinion.

[9:34] They remain as factual as the 2 plus 2 equals 4 reality. They comprise the purely scientific rationale for an intelligent designer the atheists have demanded.

[9:48] These constants do not need even a smidgen of faith. So, given such incontrovertible hard scientific evidence, one would surely think it is game over for the controversy about God's existence, right?

[10:06] But, not so fast. Atheists are not about to throw in the towel when there is so very much at stake. And what was revealed earlier about what is at stake?

[10:22] Absolutely everything. Yet, where can they possibly go from here? Not to worry. Atheists speculate, There may be multiple universes.

[10:36] Not just our universe. In fact, there may even be an infinite number of universes. And it just so happens, our universe contains the precise conditions allowing life to exist on our planet.

[10:55] Theists reply by saying, But there is absolutely no evidence to support that. So, how else or why else could atheists possibly believe that?

[11:11] Prepare yourself for the only possible answer, and you probably guessed it. Such would have to be taken by faith.

[11:23] Oh, me. Can we not see the rationale Geisler and Turek used when they titled their book, I don't have enough faith to be an atheist?

[11:34] How appropriate. How utterly appropriate. Atheists remaining unconvinced, despite the juggernaut of indisputable scientific evidence, the very thing they have demanded, It can only cause us to ask whether there is perhaps some other agenda or motivation lurking behind the scenes that has nothing to do with science?

[12:05] Whatever could that be? There is a clue as to what that could be, and Geisler and Turek reveal what looks very much like atheism's dirty little secret.

[12:23] It is considered in the next segment.