Colossians - Mar 2014 Class

Colossians - Part 8

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Marvin Wiseman

Dec. 11, 2013


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[0:00] Well, it's entirely possible that we just might conclude Chapter 3 of Colossians. We've been working on this, I don't know for how many months. It's been a kind of a willy-nilly proposition.

[0:10] There were some times when we weren't able to meet or I wasn't able to be here, so we may be covering this material that we've already covered, but that won't hurt a thing. And I do want to remind you that these sessions are actually improved and enhanced with more input from you all.

[0:33] So I want you to feel free to just jump in with anything, whether it's a question or a comment or whatever, and you don't have to wait until the end of the study because what you have to offer may be a lot more pertinent for where we are at the time than at the end.

[0:48] So don't hesitate to interrupt if you've got something that you want to consider or something that you would like to add. I would appreciate that very much.

[0:59] So we will at least deal briefly with some of these concepts that we've been through before and we'll not spend much time on them until we get to the newer material.

[1:10] I'm looking now at verse 12 of Colossians 3, and for those of you using the scripture sheet, that would be 928 down the lower left-hand corner. And you will note just from having read as far as we have in Colossians that there's a certain amount of repetition in this epistle that lines up with some of the very same things that the Apostle Paul had to say when he wrote to the Ephesians.

[1:37] And that ought not to surprise us because these two communities in many respects were very much alike, and they were dealing with the same kind of problems and the same kind of issues.

[1:50] And there were certain really important things that Paul wanted to inform the community about, and one congregation needed that information as much as another.

[2:02] So that's one reason that we find some repetition in some of Paul's epistles. He's writing to two different groups. And beginning with verse 12, the put-ons follow hard after the earlier put-offs, which we will not take time to look at.

[2:19] But in connection with that, he was saying in verse 8, the things that they put off were those things that they once walked in when they were living in them, and they put off anger, wrath, malice, slander, abusive speech from your mouth, etc.

[2:38] And do not lie one to another, since you laid aside your old self with its evil practices and have put on the new self. And that, of course, comes only through the miracle of regeneration.

[2:51] But I want you to notice, beginning in verse 12, and I've become very keenly aware of this, probably more so over the last five years than all of the years previously. The put-on, therefore.

[3:04] This is a direct appeal to the volition. And there is a huge distinction that is made between what God tells unbelievers to do and what he tells believers to do.

[3:21] And about the only thing he has to say to unbelievers is, believe. Because until you do, until you do, you are not a candidate for regeneration.

[3:35] You cannot be a recipient of regeneration. That is the miraculous act whereby God makes us new on the inside.

[3:48] He makes us spiritually alive. And until one is spiritually alive, he does not have the capacity or ability to really carry out any of the commands of God, and thus they're not given to him.

[4:03] And we could note in Romans 8, that Paul says that those that are in the flesh cannot please God, and they are not able to do so.

[4:15] They don't have what it takes to be well-pleasing to the Lord, apart from regeneration. But, once we are regenerated, once we become believers, we have a new capacity for doing and being.

[4:33] And, be reminded, God requires nothing of us, as believers, that he has not already provided for us to do.

[4:45] God does not make any unreasonable demands. And, if we as a believer look at any passage of Scripture, and anything that is required of us, like this right here, just put on, therefore, as the elect of God, holy and present.

[4:57] Oh, I can't do that. I can't do it. Yes, you can. If you are in Christ, you can. You not only can, but you have a responsibility to do so, if you're going to be well-pleasing to the Lord.

[5:08] So, this put on, directly appeals to the volition of the believer. We are free moral agents, and we are accountable for what we do, with the freedom of our will.

[5:22] And, that becomes the basis, for our evaluation, or the basis for our accountability.

[5:34] It is because, we have a will, that we are accountable. And, the elect of God, I know how, I know how our Calvinist friends interpret that.

[5:46] They interpret it the same way I did, for a great many years. But, I just see it in a different light now. And, I think that, we are the elect of God, because, we are in Christ.

[5:58] And, if you are in Christ, you share who and what he is. And, Christ is, elect. He is the elect son. He is the chosen one, the anointed one.

[6:11] In fact, that's what the word Messiah means. It means the anointed one. Well, who anointed him? His father anointed him. We are elect in Christ, and we share in his election.

[6:24] We share in his death, his burial, his resurrection, and his enthronement. We are heirs of God, and joint heirs with Christ. So, we are, because we are, the elect of God, because we are holy and beloved, we are to put on, therefore, bowels of mercies.

[6:46] It's kind of an unusual word to use, but, in the King James, years ago, in the 1600s, when they used the term, bowels, they meant something different, than what we mean.

[6:59] It means here, your innermost person, the core of your being. Another way it might be translated, is heart, a heart of mercy, kindness, humbleness of mind, and this humbleness of mind, or self-humiliation, is a fascinating term.

[7:27] Of course, it's just the opposite of pride, and I've given a lot of thought, to the subject of pride, because we know full well, it can exist in believers, as well as unbelievers, and, as the expression goes, pride goes before the fall, and that pride seems to be, man's paramount sin, and certainly it was Lucifer's, that caused him to fall, and, the only person, who, the person, who is proud, has to be someone, who, first of all, first of all, he is either, an unbeliever, or he is a, radically, untaught, Christian, because, when one comes to faith in Christ, first thing he comes to grips with, is his unworthiness, and the fact that he has, absolutely nothing, to be proud about, a proud Christian, is really an oxymoron, it's a self-defeating, kind of term, because, if one is proud, he just, doesn't know, his true state, and,

[8:47] I think, the most, humble people, we will ever know, are people, who have a, full realization, that they don't have, a single thing, in the world, to commend themselves, or to be proud about, and, it's, it's something, that ought to characterize, everybody, in fact, let me put it this way, and this is what he's talking about here, the spirit of humility, and humbleness of mind, it ought to characterize, every single believer, without exception, this ought to be, one of the things, that, that, would make a believer, stand out, is, a spirit, of humility, and, I know some of you, have read, read the book, not by Billy Graham, but, about Billy Graham, and, it listed, 100 different individuals, from, presidents, to, governors, to, royalty, to, movie stars, to, athletes, to, whomever, people who had had, some kind of contact, or interaction, with Billy Graham, over the last 60 years, and, it was really striking, to read, all of those, 100 testimonies, most of which, are only, one or two pages long, and, they were all, written, or submitted, their entries, independently, of all the others, nobody who wrote, had any idea, what anybody else, was writing, or who was writing, and when they compiled them, and put all of those, 100 together, as you read them, the thing, that stands out, in bold relief, all the way through, you find this theme, almost every one of them, mentioned, the humility, of the man, and here he, has this, enormous venue, where he has, preached the gospel, to literally, tens of millions, of people, all throughout the world, in, in different languages, with translators, and radio ministry, and film ministry, and all the rest, and no one was, able to detect, a single bone, of pride, in the man, and that's, that's quite a testimony, when someone, is humble, it just means, they know, where they've come from, they know, like the apostle Paul said,

[11:20] I am what I am, by the grace of God, and if there's anything, that ought to be far removed, from any believer, it's a sense of pride, because we've got, nothing to be proud of, so, to the extent, that we have this, monster, lurking within us, it's one of the put offs, and the reason, we should put it off, is in the name, and the interest of truth, because truth be known, you've got absolutely, nothing to be proud of, so, that's the humbleness of mind, and forbearing one another, literally means, putting up with each other, I remember, we talked a little bit about that, a forgiving spirit, and if any man, have a quarrel against any, even as Christ forgave you, so also do ye, life is too short, to hold grudges, to, be out of sorts, one with another, we are to maintain, the unity, of the body, in the bond, of peace, where tranquility, exists, in the body of Christ, or in a local assembly, or a local church, where there is peacefulness, and tranquility, there, is the atmosphere, created, for taking in truth, and for receiving, from the word of God, because people, are of a peaceable mind, and if you take, a congregation, and we all know, that there are plenty, of congregations like this, they exist all over, where there is a lot, of animosity, a lot of ill will, a lot of people, in the congregation, have grudges, against someone else, they won't make, eye contact with them, they won't speak to them, they won't, anything like that, it disturbs, the spirit, and the atmosphere, in the congregation, and, if you're like me, you might have been in, in some, some congregations, in some settings, over the years, where, you just walk in, and you just wonder, what's wrong here, you know, what's wrong here, and people just have a, kind of an, on guard, kind of mentality, there's no, regular relaxation, there's no peacefulness, it's just kind of like, everybody's on edge, waiting for, something to happen, and it's a, disconcerting kind of feeling, so it's, that's not supposed to exist, where, the spirit of God, is in charge, above all of these things, put on charity, and that is, love, which is the bond, of perfectness, or perfectness, and let the peace of God, rule in your hearts, to the which, also, you are called, in one body, and be thankful, and all of this, is tied together, because a thankful spirit, a thankful spirit, is an automatic, byproduct, of humility, because in humility, we realize, what we have to be thankful for, and, and the thankful spirit, is there with the humility, these are twins, they go together, let the word of Christ, verse 16, dwell in you, richly, in all wisdom, other translations, render it,

[14:39] Philip says, let Christ's teaching, live in your hearts, making you rich, in the true wisdom, and Taylor, remember, what Christ taught, and let his words, enrich your lives, and make you wise, teaching, and admonishing, one another, in psalms, and hymns, and spiritual songs, and this is, one of the things we do, when we gather together, we, sing our songs, and the songs are, about Christ, about, the word of God, about some spiritual aspect, and they are all designed, to lift us up, what the Jews did, when they gathered together, in their synagogues, for their settings, they, they put the psalms, all 150 of them, they put the psalms, to music, and they would, chant those sometimes, with the, antiphonal chant, one part, the congregation, would, would recite, or sing one of the psalms, and another, and, and every year, when the Jews, would go up to Jerusalem, to keep one of the feasts, whether it was Passover, or Pentecost, or Tabernacles, or whatever, they always sang, certain psalms, and one of them is, let us go up to Jerusalem,

[15:55] I think it's Psalm 118, if I'm not mistaken, and they had all those, of course, many people had, 150 of the psalms, memorized, and they could put them, to music, and the book of Psalms, was, technically still is, the Jewish hymnal, and they would set those, to music, and I think that, that is at least in part, what Paul is talking about here, and then in verse 17, and whatsoever you do, whatever you put your mind, to do, in word or deed, do all in the name, of the Lord Jesus, and if you can't do it, in his name, with thanks to him, you ought to be doing it, whatever it is, it's to be done, under his direction, under his leadership, and in connection, with that, giving thanks, to God, and the Father, by him, this spirit, of thanksgiving, is just saturated, all throughout, the New Testament, and we find it, especially, in Paul's epistles, because, here is a man, who, had, he kind of had, a corner, on the grace of God, and the thankful spirit, because, he persecuted, the church of God, and wasted it, and all the rest of it, and tells about, when he writes to Timothy, and now, he's been, delivered from that, and if ever, if ever, there was a more, thankful person, who ever lived, than the apostle Paul,

[17:21] I don't know, who it would have been, and he certainly had, reason to be thankful, Roger, did you have a comment? Giving thanks to God, and the Father, what's, what's the significance, there of that, giving thanks to God, and the Father, by him, that, why are we, are we mentioning God, twice, in that verse?

[17:45] Well, I, Williams translates it, right below, if you've got a, if you've got a sheet, it's probably a better rendering, and through him, continue to give thanks, to God the Father, it's probably not, a very good rendering, in the King James, I think, I think Williams, has a better rendering, of it, better translation, and through him, that is, through Jesus Christ, continue to give thanks, to God the Father, and of course, the basis for that, is the fact, that the Father, sent the Son, to be the Savior, of the world, so, we're thankful, to both of them, but, the New American, says it, yeah, New American, says what, whatever you do, and what will do, do all, in the name, of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks, to him, to God the Father, it reads better, yeah, it's a little, a little clearer, I think too, okay, any other thoughts, Mary?

[18:44] All these things, are imparted to us, at the time, of our regeneration, but don't you think, the longer, that, we, are believers, the more, accountable, he holds us, for all these things, well, I think so, I mean, I think so, it says, they're all imparted to us, at the time, of regeneration, but, it is, well, what is really imparted, what is really imparted, more than anything, perhaps, is the potential, for all these things, and then, here, yeah, and here comes, our volition, kicking in, to take advantage, of the potential, in other words, let's put it this way, and that's, that's a really good thought, God, at the point of salvation, God provides us, with everything, that is needed, to live, a life, that is pleasing to him, to lead, to lead, a spiritual life, but he doesn't, make you, do it, he doesn't, make you, be spiritual, he doesn't, make you, be godly, but the potential, for it, is there, and this, again, brings out, the power, of this volition thing, it is God's spirit, working with our spirit, to accomplish, what he wants done, we only find that out, through, that, exactly, we only find that out, through the word, yeah, and you know, the, the reason, that the study, of the word, is so critical, and so important, is, faith, or confidence, or trust, or reliance, comes by hearing, and hearing, by the word of God, and the more, you learn, and this is true, of any field, any field, but especially, in spiritual areas, the more you learn, the more you have, to learn with, it expands, exponentially, and each, new thing, you learn, is another, step up the ladder, with more ability, to learn more, and, and I don't want, to put a, just a premium, on learning, and knowledge, just for the, sake of knowledge, because, if that's all, we're trying to do, is acquire information, well Paul addresses, that too, in first Corinthians, and he says, knowledge puffs up, if all you want, to do, is be an intellectual, smart aleck, all, to show people, how smart you are, all that does, is pump up the ego, and then he contrasts it, there in first Corinthians, with wisdom, so, the fear of the Lord, is the beginning, of knowledge, and the fear of the Lord, is the beginning, of wisdom, both of those, really important, and the more, the more you learn, the more responsibility, absolutely, that principle there, unto whom much is given, of him shall much be required, so, there is absolutely, no reason, why, a believer, who has been in Christ, for 30 years, isn't much, further along, in his, in his, in his, in his, in his, in his, spiritual understanding, appreciation, love, commitment, service, than some believers, been saved for three months,

[22:02] I mean, he's a baby, he's just taking, baby steps, and growing, but, for those of us, who have been on this thing, for several years, what do we have to show for it, are we, reflecting, the person of Christ, more, now, than we were, five years ago, we certainly ought to be, and if not, why not, you know, those of us, who are older in the faith, owe it to those, who are younger, to provide the kind of example, they need, the same way, same way, parents, chide their kids, you know, you've got a couple of kids, and one is 12 years old, and one is four years old, and, we don't expect the things, from the four year old, that we do from the 12 year old, and if he tries to get away, with something like that, we'll say, you ought to know better, you're 12 years old, he's only four, and I hold you more accountable, and more responsible, I think it's the same way spiritually, it's a serious thing, and, to just think, that, we have the ability, and this may sound like a proudful statement, but it certainly isn't,

[23:10] I don't want it to be taken that way, but, we have the ability, to live a life, that is well pleasing, to the Lord, and let me tell you, that is saying something, and that is a huge responsibility, we have the ability, to be well pleasing, to the Lord, that means, we have the ability, to bring pleasure, to the Lord, by the way we live, or, we can, quench the spirit, and live, in an uncomplimentary way, we have the volition, to do that, also, but we'll be accountable, and later on, this chapter will, surface that again, did I say another hand, John?

[23:55] when we study this word, we don't, learn it, or take it in, by our own, intellect, and our own smart, the Holy Spirit, and that takes the pride away, there you go, it should take the pride away, from us, because if the Holy Spirit, doesn't, illuminate, and teach us this word, we wouldn't get it, all of our own, his spirit, bears witness, with our spirit, that we are, sons of God, yeah, absolutely, and when, Corinthians again, Paul says, what do you have, that you haven't received, and if you received it, why do you act, as though you didn't receive it, oh, I did this on my own, you know, to quote, the famous words, of somebody else, you didn't do that, on your own, you know, well, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, okay, somebody else, have a comment, yeah, right,

[24:58] I have tried, to impress, on my, Christian brothers, and sisters, that I know better, I know better, that, they need, to hold me, accountable, if I get out, of line, spiritually, and, I've had some, questions, pretty good news, yeah, yeah, and I, and I think, that's, we should, expect that, from my brothers, and sisters, because sometimes, we just get, the, the old nature, just comes a shining through, yeah, what was the old Indian, adage, that talked about, the spirit, and the old nature, to follow the one, and choose to follow, oh yeah, yeah, the, the two dogs, the white dog, and the black dog, and they, one is on this shoulder, and one is on that shoulder, that was the old Indian, and Dr. Ironside, was talking to him, and he says, the black dog, represents the, the flesh, and the white dog, represents the spirit, and, and Dr. Ironside says, well, well, which one wins, this fight, he says, the one to whom I say, sick him, that's the one that wins, or the one that you feed, and we will do this, if the word of Christ, dwells in you, richly, in all wisdom, singing with grace, in your hearts, to the Lord, and,

[26:27] God does put, a song, of praise, and salvation, in the hearts, of believers, I've often, noted that, atheism, has no song, got nothing, to sing about, and, they are silent, but we, have everything, for rejoicing, and, and singing, whatsoever you do, whatever you put your mind, and heart to, and word or deed, do it in the name, of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God, and the Father, by him, and, now, Paul's, going to take up, the subject of, marriage, verse 18, he, utters a statement, that, would make, a lot of people today, just absolutely, livid, we pointed out, to you in the past, that, Paul has been accused, of being a woman hater, and, I remember, way back in the, 60s, 70s, when, feminism, was coming on, really strong, radical feminism, and the women's lib, and, they were burning their bras, and all the rest, of that stuff, and, they, they, used the apostle Paul, as a negative example, to femininity, and, no doubt, because of passages, like this, and, because, is ordering, women to be silent, in the churches, and so on, but, it's, remarkable, how, they just, completely overlook, the statement, that Paul made, that I've, always referred to, as Paul's bombshell, and, we've got the essence, of it here, but it's, even more clearly put, in Ephesians, when he says, husbands, love your wives, as Christ loved the church, and, you must understand, that 2,000 years ago, in the Mediterranean culture, in the,

[28:23] Roman world, as it existed, when they ruled the world, and, for that matter, in the Hebrew community, as well, that was absolutely, unthinkable, women, were, definitely, given, a second class, citizen status, 2,000 years ago, there's no disputing that, women were often, mistreated, sometimes, practically, bought and sold, as chattel property, much like a slave, and, their word, was not accepted, as valid, in the court of law, and, women, had no possibility, of divorcing, their husbands, even though, the husbands, could divorce them, and then, Paul comes along, and utters a statement, like this, and, the only way, we can interpret that, is, the way, Christ loved the church, and he loved the church, sacrificially, he gave himself, for the church, and, every time,

[29:26] I have opportunity, to counsel, a young couple, in pre-marital counseling, I always go to this passage, and, read it out loudly, and clearly, as to the responsibility, of the husband, and the wife, and the husband, is the head, of the marriage, he's the head, of the family, that doesn't sit very well, with a lot of people today, even a lot of Christians, resent that, because they think, that that's some kind, of a put down, for the woman, and it is not, a put down at all, Mary, I was just wondering, how that got started, because, when God created, Adam, and he created Eve, Adam, knew that, she was a helpmate, or pretty much, is equal, so then, when they had their children, they should have taught, their children, that you know, the females, were equal to them, and then you know, set it on down, so I was just wondering, who decided, along that chain, that women were less, than equal with men,

[30:29] I don't know, I've never, I've never thought, of women, being less, than equal, I think, I think, they are equal, I don't mean, I don't think, I don't think, a man is 51%, of the marriage, and the wife is 49, I think it's a 50-50, and, the only reason, that I can see, for headship, and the scriptures, don't really say this, but I think, they imply it, is that, headship, is bound up, in primogeniture, simply because, Adam was created first, and it could have been, the other way around, he could have started, with Eve, in which case, she would have been the head, but he was the head, because he's first, he was the first created, and as I've often said, in every, in every kind, of an institution, of which marriage is one, somebody, has to be in charge, one person, has to say, the buck stops here, and this is the way,

[31:37] I've counseled, people in, in pre-marriage, and in marriage, and, and it, it often boils down to this, well, who's going to have the say, who gets their way, because whoever's in charge, tends to call the shots, and, yet, there is an equality, I believe, a valid equality, between husband and wife, and, the only, the only formula, that I can see, that, I think is workable, and I've tested it, for over 50 years, and it hasn't failed, that is, when there is an issue, that arises, and somebody has, a decision has to be made, this is the time, for the husband, and the wife, to give really, serious discussion, to the issue, and, if one is pulling, one way, and one is pulling, the other, if somebody, wins, if one of them wins, they both lose, they need to win together, and,

[32:47] I've gone so far, as to say, look, you want to do this, and you want to do that, what you want to do, is sit down together, and, this is a, thing to be done, in a calm, kind of setting, nobody's, shouting at anybody, nobody's making any demands, and you just, list, your case, build your case, make your statement, and list all the reasons, why you should do this, and the other, list all the reasons, why you should do that, and you talk about those things, make the best case you can, and, if it is a decision, that does not have to be made, immediately, then, delay, making the decision, if you don't have to make it, right now, don't make it right now, because with the passing of time, there may be insight, given to one, or the other, that will cause them, to change their mind, or, circumstances, may occur, in the meanwhile, that will completely, make it obvious, as to which way, you ought to go, so, don't make a decision, if you're not agreed on it, but, it comes down to this, where, you've got to make a decision, and the decision is, do we move to Texas, and take this job transfer, or, do we not, well, both parties, ought to really, hash that out, and discuss it, pros and cons, ups and downs, ins and outs, and then, when it comes right down to it, if you can't make, an agreed decision, then it's the husband's decision, it's his call, but I always add to that too, and buddy, you better be right, it all comes back, to responsibility, it does, whoever, it does, makes that final decision, has to be responsible, for that decision, and they know that, you know, that this is, this is on me, and, and what it does, what it does, is it gives the one, who is making that final decision, pause, to really stop and think, am I, you know, this is, are we doing the right thing here, and then, the wife, even though, she may not agree with the decision, if she is going to respect his headship, and the position that God put him in, she's going to have an attitude, that will say, honey,

[35:01] I think you're wrong in this, but I respect your position, and your responsibility, to make the call, and I just want you to know, I'm going to do, everything I can, to make this successful, and she's never supposed to say, I told you, I told you, yeah, yeah, and she's got to leave that out of her, that is not walking in the spirit, Marie, that's got, that's got flesh all over it, I told you, now, you're, you're remembering this, aren't you, I hope it doesn't come up, John, putting the man, as the head, part of the curse, in the garden, when, Eve was deceived, and Adam was not, Eve went into it, his eyes opened, and also, one of the curses, was that she would, childbearing, she'll have pain, and childbirth, and as a result, of the consequence, first Timothy,

[36:17] Adam was first born, he talked about that, and then, Adam was not deceived, but the woman, in other words, Adam knew what he was doing, and chose, to do it, she was tricked, yeah, that's true, I don't rather, she, she's held more accountable, for sending, the garden, or, he is, they're both the same, yeah, well, you know, the, the old adage goes, that, God talked to Adam, and Adam says, well, the woman, and he, he made a point, the woman, you, gave me, it's kind of like, putting it back on God, the woman you get, actually, I didn't ask for her, you, you gave her to me, you know, I was a bachelor, and, and perfectly, yeah, the woman you gave me, and, and then he went to Eve, and she says, it was my fault, with the serpent, and then they say, then the serpent, didn't have a leg to stand on, so, but that's really, passing the buck, you know, but, in this, in this, passage here, there is a, different ways, of interpreting this, but, he says in verse 16, of Genesis 3, to the woman, he said,

[37:47] I will greatly multiply your pain, and shall birth and pain, you shall bring forth children, yet your desire, shall be for your husband, and he shall, rule over you, and there, there are some real, interpretive problems, there in the Hebrew, but one of the, more popular translations, especially the Hebrew, is, your desire, shall be for your husband, it doesn't mean, that Eve is boy crazy, but it means that, your desire, shall be, to rule, your husband, to control, your husband, you, will want, to call the shots, in the relationship, but it's not going to be that way, he, will rule over you, and, let's face it, a woman, just like a man, has a volition also, she has a will, and she has, an old nature, and, the, automatic response, of the old nature, is self, centeredness, in big letters, a woman, wants to call the shots, just like, a man does, she wants to have her own way, about things, that's perfectly natural, that's, that's just being human, and man's the same way, but, what needs to be done, of course, is for both, the man, and the woman, to be under, the control, of the Holy Spirit,

[39:22] Ephesians 5, and, each will, not only recognize, their rightful place, but, under the Spirit of God, they will be, supremely, happy, in it, not chafing, not resentful, not bitter, against their husband, this is assuming, that the husband, is loving her, as Christ loved the church, because if he does, then, she is his number one, consideration, he, cares for her, interests, and her needs, more than he does his, after all, that's what Christ did, for the church, and, when, a wife, understands, and sees in action, her husband's, love, and consideration, for her, and taking her, into account, and her opinion, really matters, he doesn't just, ride rough shot, over her, well you're just a woman, what do you know, you know, that kind of an attitude, but, when he reflects, this sacrificial love, for her, she will, delight, in submitting, to that kind of, an authority, and she doesn't, at all feel like, she's being put down, or treated like, a second class citizen, it has been, well said, that, that, any wife, who has, her husband's, sacrificial, unconditional love, is prepared, to go to hell, and back for that man, that's her response, and I think, that's a pretty, predictable response, and you know, that's the way, a believer, ought to feel, toward the person, of Jesus Christ, we're ready to do, whatever is required, for him, and that includes, as in some cases, of course, martyrdom, and that was, what was behind it all, so, any other thoughts, about this, this is, this is, what Paul had to say, about, about marriage, was really, quite brief, but very, very powerful, and it just speaks volumes, and you know, it's just too bad, that the Christian community, can't really, get into this, because they see, a kind of, an equality, of the sexes, and there isn't, any such thing, there is an equality, of worth, there's an equality, of value, but there is, a differentiation, in the order, and in the responsibilities, the husband, has the responsibility, of headship, and that means, he is not only, in charge, he is responsible, it means, that the greater burden, is upon, the one, at the top, he is more responsible, than she is, because of the position, he has, and we see that, in everything, from the oval office, to whatever, the buck stops here, and, and, that's, it's a, it's a beautiful thing, when it has worked, the way, that the Lord, intended it to work, but, so many, have taken, biblical, headship, and biblical, submission, and they have, perverted it, they've made it, a nasty thing, they've made it, a put down, of women, and, it's just, it's just tragic, and the most, tragic thing of it is, is the number of Christians, that have bought, into that baloney, there's no excuse, for that, yeah, it's part of the, political correctness, exactly, and, and,

[42:58] Christians, have no business, buying into that, what, what Paul sets forth, in marriage, is a beautiful thing, and, when it is carried out, the way the Lord intended, you, will have, a marriage, on the rock, and, it will be as close, as you're going to get, to heaven, without being there, and, yet, we all know, there are a lot of marriages, that aren't even, close to that, and, there's no excuse for it, because, they ought to be, because, God has provided, everything that is needed, for that marriage, to be, what it ought to be, Ephesians 5, yeah, Ephesians 5, yeah, absolutely, keep her that way, and, and, you'll be okay, your marriage will be okay, yep, well, the man's right, man's right, it's, it's, it's just a, it's just a beautiful arrangement, and, it just, sometimes, it just, causes, agony, to see, what,

[44:26] Christian, couples, do to each other, and, how they hurt each other, when you know, what they could have, and should have, and, it is just, I, I call it, and, this thing I'm doing, in the, Marriage on the Rock series, I call it, squandering, the merits, and the finished work of Christ, because, and, and, and I put it this way, when Christ died on that cross, he, not only, purchased, our salvation, but, he purchased, a much more, complete package, for us, not just, our redemption, and going to heaven, but, he purchased, for us also, the ability, to, live, a full, rich life, and, when he said, in John 10, 10, I am come, that man might have life, and have it more abundantly, he's talking about, not just an ordinary life, but a life, that exceeds, the ordinary, a life, that is rich, with fulfillment, and blessing, and, when Christians, treat each other, in such a way, that they deprive, their mate, and themselves, of that life, it is tantamount, to squandering, what Christ purchased, on that cross, saying, doesn't mean that much, doesn't affect me, doesn't control me, well, it certainly should, it certainly should, and it is a travesty, travesty, that these things, go on, any other thoughts, appreciate your input,

[46:16] Jerry, and the saddest thing, is, the, marriage today, of a man, and a man, yeah, I mean, how, can the Christian, community, condone, how can they, well, I'll tell you what, they condone it, under the guise of, compassion, toleration, and, and it's, it's just, it's just, I, I don't think, I don't think, that there is, any single thing, in our world today, that, is so much, in your face, God, than, the same sex marriage, and the whole, homosexual agenda, there isn't anything, I don't think, that is, such, in your face, to the almighty, as that, there is, no more, radical, departure, from what we would call, the age old, biblical, traditional norm, of male, and female, you can't get, any more basic, than that, and when you, throw that over, you, you've, you've just about, experienced, the ultimate, throw over, and,

[47:50] I would not be, I would not be, abyss, well, we all know, that, a time of accounting, is coming eventually, anyway, we know that, but I, can't help, but wonder, if what is going on now, is perhaps, hastening that day, and, I just don't see, anything, that is more basic, or more critical, or more germane, to the creation, of the almighty, and, the, the ultimate, of God's creation, the human being, I see nothing more basic, than the overthrowing, of that, in its original, and intent, and purpose, and, it is, for this cause, shall a man, leave his father, and mother, and, be joined, to his wife, and, the two shall be, one flesh, that is so, critical, and so basic, for the whole human race, when you depart, from that, and, you know, this, this is what perversion is, and, let me tell you, and I've said this before, and I know I'm saying it, on solid ground, there isn't any, word, there is no single word, that the homosexual community, despises, more than that, perversion, it is a perversion, and a perversion, a perversion, is the use, of anything, that is opposite, of its original intention, that's a perversion, that's a perversion, and those who engage in that, are perverted, and yet, like I said, that's a thing, that they just, absolutely hate, and, if you've been following, and I don't know how you can help, but, you can't help, but follow, what's going on in our culture today, but, the homosexual, lobby, is made up, of a bunch of, very, very determined, very well funded, very well spoken, very, powerful, people, and they have, a, vicious, streak, about them, that is unrelenting, they will not, hesitate, to absolutely, destroy, anyone, who stands, against them, especially, if they do so, in a public venue, they will go to, whatever lengths, they require, as necessary, to neutralize, and actually, ruin, somebody, who would have, the audacity, to speak against them, about the bakery, yeah, well, the handout, that you've got, today, the handout, about the bakery, and you know, that's been in the news, about this couple, that you know, what's the problem there, okay, so they feel that way, so go to the bakery, down the street, no, no, can't do that, got to make this person, submit to our wishes, and, that's, well, they write in, on the, so that, they say the, food wasn't good, or, a whole bunch of them, just flooded it, so people are looking it up, and think, well,

[51:09] I don't want to go there, yeah, yeah, they write about, destroyed, their, their, what do you call it, website, yeah, about, about the bakery, and they, you know, write all kinds of untrue stuff about it, and I bought a cake there, and it was so dry, I couldn't eat it, just stuff like that, it's designed to ruin people, you know, and they have no qualms about that, and they have no qualms about that at all, because, they consider, their desire, and their objective, to be paramount, over everything else, and, who are you, to tell them, who they could, or should love, you know, you know, they're telling us, the same thing, yeah, yeah, yeah, Mary, speaking of that, the phrase about love, is what they use a lot, is, that they can't help who they love, but, to me, you don't have to always act, on who you love, and, if that phrase, is, so important, then that's going to be, a pedophile, is going to say, I can't help who I love,

[52:10] I want a child, or I can't help, a reality person, say, I can't who I love, I want to marry a dog, so, that phrase, to me, is not good enough, for them, to, act on their, on what they're doing, but that is coming, and it is inevitable, yeah, absolutely, absolutely, and now, there is, a foot, a, an effort, on the part of some, in this, gay lobby, to, petition, state legislatures, et cetera, to, reduce, the age, of, sexual consent, to 12, and, and, there are some, pretty heavy hitters, with a lot of money, behind that, who want to do that, and you know, this harkens back, to the days of old Rome, some of the, some of the emperors, abused boys, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and so will we be, and, and, and, and, and, and,

[53:21] Ruth, Ruth, Ruth Bell Graham, Billy Graham's wife, who passed away, made a statement several, several years ago, and, and, she said, if God doesn't judge America, he's going to have to apologize to Sodom and Gomorrah, and we are headed right in that direction, we really are, did I see somebody else have, yeah, Raj?

[53:45] Yeah, I would say that the floodgates were opened in 1972, when they authorized it to kill God-created beings, and I think that was the beginning, and I would put that up with what we're talking about today, 60 million babies.

[54:02] Well, that had a lot to do with it, because, anytime, anytime you devalue, or depreciate life, at any stage, you do it at every stage, and, there, there are those, there is one, now I can't even think of his name, but he's a very prominent professor, faculty, no doubt, earning six figure salary, at, I think it's, Tufts University, who teaches sociology, and he's written a number of books, I wish I could give you his name, but anyway, his, he, he advocates that, a baby, should not be declared, a person, until 30 days, or so, something like that, after it's been taken home, from the hospital, so, the babies can, the parents can decide, within that length of time, whether or not, it's a child, or a human being, or, has a right to live, it's kind of nonsense, you know, and, and, and, and, and we've got, we've got, 18, 19, 20 year old kids, sitting under this kind of garbage, and, taxpayers are paying their salaries, it's just plain nuts, just plain nuts,

[55:17] I heard the statement that, if it's not alive, or it's not a child, or a baby, why do you have to kill it, if it's not alive, you don't have to kill it, that's very true, yeah, but that's logic, and there's no place for logic in this, you're absolutely right, you're absolutely right, well, any other thoughts before we, we haven't addressed the children yet, they're coming up in verse 20, but, we'll get there, and the father's not provoking them to anger, that's a real problem today too, okay, we've got 11 o'clock straight up, and I'm committed to letting you go on time, but we will elongate this somewhat, if you have other questions, or comments that you want to make, anybody, well, let's close, father, we're grateful for the truth, that has been provided here in your word, and we, want to be responsible for how we use it, we recognize that, the Bible sets forth your values, and your standards, and we who are in Christ, are obligated to adopt them, and make them our own, and we want to do that, in the most judicious, and helpful way to our society, we recognize that, that believers, believers, in an ungodly world, are not only, salt, and light, but we are the only salt, and the only light, that this world has, we want to look to you, for the wisdom, and the strength, and the ability, to make the most, of our salt, and light, in every opportunity, that we can, thank you for, the presence of each one, here today, for the beauty, of the season, and this day, and all that lies before us, we give it all to you, with thanksgiving, in Christ's name,

[57:08] Amen.