The Jewish Final Solution to the World's Problem - Information Origins Part 2

Jewish Final Solution to the World's Problem - Part 6

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Marvin Wiseman

July 13, 2014


Disclaimer: this is an automatically generated machine transcription - there may be small errors or mistranscriptions. Please refer to the original audio if you are in any doubt.

[0:00] If you will take your bulletin, I want to share with you before our scripture reading some comments that are included about today's message. And I must tell you, in all honesty, over the last 40 plus years, there have been only a very, very few occasions when I have not looked forward to bringing you the message of the morning.

[0:23] But this is one of them. I suppose the number of times over the past 40 years that I really didn't want particularly to bring a message, wasn't very excited about the message, could be counted on one hand, but today is such a day as that.

[0:42] And that is because we are going to be forced by nature of our content to give the devil his due. So, we are going to be involving ourselves this morning with a satanic source of information.

[0:58] Like it or not, it is a legitimate source of illegitimate information. And we need to deal with it. So, we will be looking at that.

[1:09] And preparatory to that, by way of explanation, I want you to follow along as we read in our bulletin this morning. The Jewish Final Solution to the World's Problem.

[1:23] This is the general title to the multi-part series just beginning. The first message of this new series was delivered last Sunday, July 6, and entitled Information Origins, Part 1.

[1:37] Today's message, Information Origins, Part 2, and deals specifically with the origin, work, and end of Satan, a principal source of information slash disinformation.

[1:53] When the infamous Adolf Eichmann devised his unspeakable evil plan to exterminate millions of Jews in the Nazi concentration camps and death crematoria, he called it the final solution to the Jewish problem.

[2:12] He was as wrong as wrong could be. Never could he have imagined that the real truth is in the fact that in the plan and program of God, it will be the Jewish final solution to the world's problem.

[2:32] Eichmann didn't know this, nor do most Christians today. Not only that, but not even most Jews realize it either. You, however, will be fully cognizant of it when we further engage this newly begun study.

[2:49] It will contain past, present, and future events with what we hope will be crystal clarity. It's a very important subject that we are going to be undertaking.

[3:02] And contrary to what most Christians believe, and probably contrary to what even most Jews believe, the Jewish people and the Jewish nation of Israel is really key to this whole business of human existence and what yet lies ahead.

[3:26] Not only the past, but the present and the future. There is a small verse of scripture tucked away in John's Gospel chapter 4 involving communication that Jesus had with the Samaritan woman at the well.

[3:44] And in the course of that conversation, they were discussing about the right place to worship. The Jews worshipped in the temple in Jerusalem, and the Samaritans worshipped in Mount Gerizim, and their temple that was built there.

[3:59] And Jesus made a statement that is very often overlooked when he said to the woman in a way that probably to us almost sounds rude or impolite. But I assure you it wasn't, because Jesus was neither rude nor impolite.

[4:15] But this is the statement that he made to this woman. You worship you know not what. We know what we worship, for salvation is of the Jews.

[4:30] Salvation is of the Jews. And that was our Lord Jesus speaking, who of course was a Jew. He was the Jewish Savior.

[4:43] He was also the Savior of all the rest of the world. That's the essence of our message, to proclaim that Jesus, Yeshua HaMashiach, is the Savior.

[4:55] Savior. And he is the one, exclusively, who died for the sins of the world. And this Savior is the very spear point of the head of the spear of the nation of Israel.

[5:10] I guess we could say the elongated shaft that follows is comprised of Gentiles throughout the world. The Jew and the Jewish people, they are the key.

[5:21] Most of Christendom does not acknowledge that. Much of Judaism today does not acknowledge that.

[5:33] But I am confident that when we conclude with this series, there will be no doubt, at least, no doubt in my estimation, for any thinking person.

[5:46] And in connection with this, the question might well be asked, well, why are we considering this subject of information origins? And what do we mean by information origins?

[6:00] We simply mean this. Every thought that you think, every conclusion that you reach, every action that you take, this applies to everybody, is based, is predicated upon information that you have in your mind.

[6:19] It may be right information. It may be wrong information. But that's how we formulate our opinions and ideas. Information is everywhere.

[6:30] It's on billboards. It's on radio. It's on TV. It's from your neighbor's lips. It's from this pulpit. It's from your children. It's from teachers. It's from everywhere. We are constantly being bombarded with information.

[6:44] And yet, there are only three possible sources of information that we are able to determine. And we want to identify these and understand them so that people will be able to find or to have an answer to the question, why are we even considering this and what's the basis for it?

[7:02] Where do you get that? We're going to reach certain conclusions as a result of this study that's going to lead people to say, where do you get that? Why do you believe that? And we'll all go back to this, this source of information.

[7:16] There are only three possible sources of information. information. One is the mind of man. That's a human source. Human contrivances, human ideas, human imagination, human writing, human speeches, and all the rest.

[7:31] It originates with the mind of man and is very, very extensive. And it comes in multiple languages all over the world. This is human information conveyed from a human being or human beings to other human beings.

[7:45] And we've already briefly considered that source of information in our previous session. If you were not here, I suggest that you pick up the free CD that's back there relating to last week because we discussed man as a source of information and the fact that man thinks as a result of the fall, he thinks and applies logic and reasoning with a skewed or warped intellect.

[8:13] He is not able to think correctly. He has blinders on him and he doesn't even realize it. This is because we are born into a state of fallenness and we do not see clearly as we ought to see.

[8:28] Second source of information has to do with that which we are going to consider this morning. It is a satanic or demonic source.

[8:39] It is information that is invalid, worthless, harmful, lies, innuendo, misspeaking, disinformation, everything else about it.

[8:57] Satan and his minions do not have the truth in them. They wouldn't know how to tell the truth. They wouldn't know how to go about it. And they are classic deceivers. We will look at that shortly.

[9:09] And the third source of information has to do with God himself, what he has been pleased to reveal through creation, which we refer to as general information or general revelation, and then what God has been pleased to communicate in his word.

[9:26] And you will see, I think, as we move along, why we regard this word as the only reliable, authoritative word for basing our decisions on and everything else.

[9:39] When we say the Bible is our only rule for faith and practice, this will be an illustration of that. And the handout that you are being provided with today by Dr. Norman Geisler talks about biblical inerrancy and the importance of it.

[9:53] And as I've said earlier, if we don't have that, we don't have anything. Just Katie bar the door. It's all over. This is the only thing we've got. This. This is the only thing we've got.

[10:05] It's the only thing God has provided. It's the only thing we need. So, in order to get this second segment underway about Satan being a divine, a fallen source of information and the divine source of information will follow, I want you to look first of all to just one passage that we'll consider in Isaiah and it's found in chapter 14.

[10:28] It tells us something about the origin of Satan who originally was created as Lucifer and as far as we can determine on the scant evidence that the scriptures give us, Lucifer seems to have been God's crowning achievement of creation to that point in time.

[10:50] He is referred to as the son of the morning. His original name was Lucifer and a brief description is given in Isaiah chapter 14.

[11:02] We will begin with verse let's see we cannot take all of it so let's just begin with verse well the whole chapter is really pretty good isn't it?

[11:22] well let's start with verse 4 and you will note that from a personification human standpoint it relates to the king of Babylon in much the same way that Ezekiel in chapter 28 will refer to Lucifer in a personification as the king of Tyre so here is Babylon but for students of scripture there is no misunderstanding who is really behind this so well let's just begin with verse 12 alright verse 12 for time's sake 1412 how you have fallen from heaven oh star of the morning sun of the dawn you have been cut down to the earth you who have weakened the nations but you said in your heart I will ascend to heaven I will raise my throne above the stars of God and I will sit on the mount of assembly in the recesses of the north

[12:29] I will ascend above the heights of the clouds I will make myself like the most high nevertheless you will be thrust down to Sheol to the recesses of the pit those who see you will gaze at you they will ponder over you saying is this the man who made the earth tremble who shook kingdoms who made the world like a wilderness and overthrew its cities who did not allow his prisoners to go home this is speaking indirectly of Lucifer or Satan and the other reference that we may consider quickly is found in Ezekiel chapter 28 I just want to get these written into the record if we may chapter 28 beginning with verse 11 again the word of the

[13:34] Lord came to me saying son of man take up a lamentation over the king of Tyre and say to him thus says the Lord God you had the seal of perfection full of wisdom and perfect in beauty you were in Eden the garden of God every precious stone was your covering the ruby the topaz and the diamond the barrel onyx and the jasper lapis lazuli the turquoise and the emerald and the gold the workmanship of your settings and sockets was in you on the day that you were created they were prepared you were the anointed cherub who covers and I placed you there you were on the holy mountain of God midst of the stones of fire you were blameless in your ways from the day you were created until unrighteousness was found in you by the abundance of your trade you were internally filled with violence and you sinned therefore

[14:43] I have cast you as profane from the mountain of God and I have destroyed you O covering cherub from the midst of the stones of fire your heart was lifted up because of your beauty you corrupted your wisdom by reason of your splendor I cast you to the ground I put you before kings that they may see you by the multitude of your iniquities and the unrighteousness of your trade you profaned your sanctuaries therefore I have brought fire from the midst of you it has consumed you and I have turned you to ashes on the earth in the eyes of all who see you much of this of course is spoken as if it were in a past tense because it does refer to Satan's ultimate demise so he is being presented along with angelic beings as another source of information Lucifer who became Satan is referred to as the chiefest of the fallen angels we do not know much about angels and what we do know is limited to a description of them and their activities in the

[15:55] Bible but that information is still rather scanty all we know for certain is that angels were created before humans we know that Lucifer as a fallen angel had an existence prior to Adam and Eve being in the garden for he was able to show up there and himself as a serpent as recorded in Genesis chapter 3 about the only thing we know for certain about angels is that there was an incredible host of them created I don't know how many that is but it's a large number when our Lord was on the cross he could have called you know 10,000 angels to his rescue but of course that's not why he came so we do not know how many there are of these angelic beings they are superior to humans in a number of ways two of which are intelligence and strength angels are far wiser far more savvy than any of us ever imagined and they have supernatural abilities that we cannot imagine either they were given this by virtue of the creator angels are spirit beings and that in itself causes many of us to just drop out because we can't identify with spirit beings spirit is that which has no corporeality it has no physical substance it is immaterial yet it has objective existence angels are just as real as this pulpit only they are not physical and this of course leads many people to even deny that they exist out of all of the angels

[17:42] God created and it appears that he gave volition to all of them and this is a very important concept because had God not created angelic beings and human beings with the capacity for obedience and a like capacity for disobedience then personhood would have little or no meaning we would simply be robotic or automatons and as with the angels as so it is with humans apparently both creations were given volition bestowed upon them by God which simply made them have the ability to make choices right or wrong and they exercise their choices this is the way the world is today and this is why the world is the way it is today this is why there is so much evil injustice corruption death disease and everything else it's all a result of man exercising his choices his volitions we make a lot of wrong choices

[18:49] Satan made a wrong choice or Lucifer made a wrong choice in the beginning he rebelled against God we are told in the Isaiah text that he was going to be like the most high he was going to exalt his throne above the throne of God problem is he couldn't get God to cooperate God is of the opinion that he alone is God and that Lucifer would be nothing but a usurper so he more or less cut him down the size but that doesn't keep Lucifer who has now become Satan doesn't keep him from trying he still thinks he really has a shot he doesn't but he's a slow learner and the time will come when he will be finally convinced that he will not displace the almighty not now and not ever so the mind of man is a human source and it is deficient the mind of angels can be fallen or unfallen angels are reliable sources of information these are angels which kept their first estate that

[19:59] Jude refers to these are angels who stayed in line and remained obedient to the God who made them and we find examples of this in scripture they are messengers like Gabriel and Michael the archangel these beings are most often utilized on special missions directed by God and one of their principal purposes is for communication they are messengers the very word angel angel in the Greek means a messenger and messenger angel appeared to John the Baptist father Zacharias a messenger angel Gabriel appeared to Mary teenage girl told her that she was going to be impregnated with the holy seed and that which would be born of her would be the son of God so we find angelic activity all throughout scripture it will be most pronounced in the book of revelation when angels will have extra responsibilities in connection with the big wrap up that we all realize is coming someday so the mind of angels if they are unfallen they are reliable sources they that

[21:16] God gives to them to give to man fallen angels of course include Satan and his demons now I don't know this for sure like a lot of other things I don't know for sure but on the basis of extrapolation this seems to be the case that what is referred to commonly as demons and demonic activity were originally unfallen angels but these unfallen angels became fallen angels just like unfallen man Adam and Eve in the garden became fallen man that means in both cases angelic and human they turned their back on God's authority and God's will and they wanted to do their own thing this has infected you and it has infected me we all want to do our own thing someone has said that the picture of man goes something like this man is supposed to say to

[22:27] God thy will be done that's the most advantageous position that you can place for yourself is to say to God thy will be done but many people refuse to say that and those who will not say to God thy will be done do you know what God says to them in return alright thy will be done and that's bad that's really bad we all know from a child on probably probably the worst thing that could befall your precious little two or three year old child is for them to have completely their own will to do everything and anything they want and we would say well that would not be wise for a two or three year old well why not well because they don't have the capacity to understand to appreciate what is involved in doing their own will walk out in front of a truck step off a cliff jump from a three story window they don't have the ability well that's true they don't and neither do you neither do why this is part of our skewed thinking fallenness most of us in our fallenness actually think that we know what's best for ourselves

[24:16] I mean we really believe that and that is the height of arrogance whether we understand it or not to just think that we can assign to ourselves such a comprehensive understanding that we just automatically know what's best for us and we say things like it's my life I'll do as I please and we have no idea that in many respects we're no better off than the two or three year old so essentially we want our will to be hey I want what I want and so do you it's part of that condition so and then the third source of information we will look at in the following session and that is the mind of deity the revelation given us in the Bible constitutes the only reliable source for an accurate display of the past the present and the future and it will be necessary for us to spend a considerable amount of time with some prophetic considerations and I think this is especially timely given what's going on in our world right now we are seeing things beginning to develop at breakneck speed and this is one of the characteristics of the end times and it is what is meant in the phrase that is found a number of times in the book of the revelation of things which must shortly come to pass and the meaning of the text is not things which must shortly come to pass in the calendar time frame wherein they were spoken because they were written almost 2,000 years ago and I wouldn't call 2,000 years later shortly coming to pass but the meaning is things which when they begin to come to pass are going to happen with great rapidity and lightning speed every day will be a new crisis headline in the newspaper that's what it means it means that things when they begin to pop are going to pop overnight bang bang bang bang it will be one thing after another fire break out here fire break out there all over the world and you don't have to have too much of an active imagination to wonder whether the process is beginning to get underway even as we speak so we know that

[26:46] Satan's game plan is opposition to God in any way and every way he can the very word Satan means the opponent the adversary the enemy the one on the other side Satan's deception began in Genesis chapter 3 with Eve and he deceived Eve he has one principal modus operandi never forget it because it's important deception deception deception he causes people to think that things are other than they are it is a reverse of reality he is referred to as a liar and the father of lies he consistently wants people to think wrong things because when they think wrong things they create a wrong agenda wrong values wrong ideas and then they act on them and in all of that they are going further and further away from the truth and they don't have a clue he is the consummate con man he stings people in such a way they don't even know they have been stung and let me say this without equivocation neither you nor

[28:26] I are any match for him he is a lot smarter than all of us put together and he is far more powerful we do not know we do not know how he gains access into certain situations we do know that if God did not permit it he of course would not be able to and I have often characterized Satan as a mad dog on a chain and God has the other end of the chain and he will allow the mad dog a certain amount of latitude but not complete latitude we see this exemplified in the account of Job in the Old Testament when Satan came before God and God said to Satan have you considered my servant Job he's quite a guy isn't he and Satan says well yeah sure he's quite a guy why wouldn't he be you've given him everything

[29:26] I mean you've built a hedge around him you've looked out for him you've blessed him with animals you've if you reach down and take your goodies away from Job he'll curse you to your face then you'll find out what he's really made of and God says you think so huh all right I'll tell you what I'll do Satan you may have your way with Job you do whatever you can with Job and we'll see how it comes out oh one other thing you can take everything from him including his health and his wealth but I will not allow you to take his life so Satan set about and you can read the account that's given in the early chapters of

[30:26] Job God allowed Satan to strip Job of everything including his health and he was sitting in a pile of ashes scraping his boils with a broken piece of pottery and well you'll have to read the rest of the book to see how it all turns out but it's a magnificent story and I relate that to you just to let you know that Satan has limitations he cannot do as he will with whom he will but he does have certain areas of function and he does have obviously divine permission to accomplish some things otherwise he wouldn't be able to do so we see his activity revealed a number of places in scripture and I'll be as brief as I can with these but his deception is such that he is the classic master deceiver and he deceives in a way that people don't have any idea at all they were being deceived because if they did of course they wouldn't follow that course but they don't so he is slick and I remember in reading in Matthew chapter 16 when the subject of Christ's identity came up and Jesus said whom do people say that I the son of man am and they responded some say that you're John the Baptist come back from the dead some say that you're that prophet and some say that you are someone else and Jesus turned to them and said who do you say that I am and Peter was the one who responded by saying thou art the Christ the son of the living God and Jesus said blessed art thou Simon Barjona for God has revealed this to you and then you read on just a few verses later in the same chapter

[32:26] Matthew 16 where Jesus explains to his apostles that he is going to Jerusalem and what will happen when he gets there and it's going to be very very ugly and very brutal it's going to culminate in his being handed over given a mock trial sentenced to death and crucified and Peter rebuked Jesus for saying that and a more definitive rebuke is recorded in Mark but it's still here in Matthew and he says that shall not be said we would never allow something like that to happen why are you talking like this and do you know what Jesus said to him right after Peter made that classic statement you are the Christ the son of the living God shortly after he made that Peter said stop talking about a crucifixion there isn't going to be any crucifixion we would never let something like that happen and Jesus said to Peter get thee behind me

[33:40] Satan but was this Peter the apostle or was it Satan and what did he mean by that no Peter had not somehow morphed in to the being of Satan but in that short period of time Satan obviously had access to the mind of Peter and this is the way he deceived him and Peter was thinking just like any of us would think Jesus is going to Jerusalem to enter as king there's going to be Hosannas to the son of David blessed is he that comes in the name of the Lord there's not going to be any crucifixion and what Jesus is saying is that Satan had somehow infiltrated the mind of Peter and Jesus said get thee behind me Satan for you savor not the things of God but the things of man what that means is this you are not thinking with a perspective that God has you are thinking with a human slash satanic mind and that is crucifixion is certainly a negative it is no way to go no way to think nothing to permit all the rest of it and yet we who have the full picture now know that it was for this very purpose that he came into the world and do you think

[35:13] Peter saw that not for a moment and when they were gathered around the table for that last supper Jesus is talking about one of you is going to betray me and they looked at each other did I hear him right did he say somebody was going to betray somebody here was going to betray what how could that be and they looked at each other as if to say are you you're not going to betray and and then they started asking Lord is it I and you know nobody thought not in their wildest dreams did anybody at that party with the exception of Judas have any idea that one of their number Judas had already clinched a deal with the religious establishment to hand Jesus over and when he said one of you is going to betray me they weren't thinking along that line at all they didn't know what Judas had done they were thinking somebody's going to do something to embarrass him somebody's going to misspeak somebody's going to put their foot in their mouth somebody's going to do something stupid that's going to make

[36:37] Jesus look bad and boy I sure hope I'm not the one is it I is it I they went around the table and Jesus said he it is to whom I shall give the sop when I have dipped it whatever in the world does that mean they were all reclining at table in the orient first century you didn't sit at a table in chairs you reclined on the floor with pillows around and the table was about 12 inches off the floor and each one lying down on their stomach with their faces to the table or shoulder to shoulder around the table 12 of them and this by the way is how John leaned on Jesus' bosom his bosom was right there and the food from which they partook was a common dish a large bowl a large shallow bowl and it was set right in the middle of the table bread was passed around it was much like much like a thin pancake that was their loaves of bread not like we call a loaf of bread at all it was like a thin pancake and there were no eating utensils no knives or forks they didn't use them they would take the bread the pancake like and fold it in half and use it as a scoop and they would scoop down into the bowl the bowl contained meat vegetables gravy it was like a stew and you would take the folded bread and scoop it into the stew and put it to your mouth and one of the most hospitable things that you could do as a host and Jesus was taking the role of a host here when he sent his disciples to prepare the upper room he was taking the position of being the host and if you really if you wanted to honor someone the host would take his bread and dip it in the stew they called it the sop have you ever taken a piece of bread to sop up gravy well that's where the expression comes from he would take the sop and personally put it to the lips of the one he was honoring that was Judas isn't that something he would have been the last one

[39:26] I would have honored but then I don't think like Jesus most of the time he gave it to Jesus that was an expression of endearment and friendship and honor and respect and he was going to be repaid with the very opposite and you read on in the text there in John 13 and the text says and Satan entered in to Judas and Judas left in the night and all of the other apostles thought well Judas Judas is the guy who carries the purse he's our treasurer he's the guy that has the money and obviously we've run a little short here for the Passover meal and Judas is going out to buy something last minute so he excused himself went out into the night but he was going he was going to the house of the high priest to close the deal

[40:36] Satan entered into him how did he do that I have no idea how was it that Judas made himself somehow cooperative and accessible to this Satanic influence I don't know I do not have any idea how different individuals particularly in the Gospels were indwelt by demons I don't know how they got there who let them in was there some kind of willingness cooperation on the part of the recipient and I do know for a fact that even today there are people who dabble in the occult and they are looking for a connection with another power but it isn't God's power they dabble in the occult and they can actually make some kind of contact with demonic activity and it's a scary thing I wouldn't recommend that anybody get involved in it because it has an era of legitimacy to it and by that

[41:36] I mean it is real it is nothing it is nothing to toy with Jesus also said to Peter and this was an interesting expression Simon Simon Satan has desired to sift you like wheat in other words he's saying Satan has desired to just toy with you play with you you are no match for him and then he said but I have prayed for you that your faith fail not and we know that Peter's faith did come through in the end but there is an accessibility there in 1st Corinthians 10 and verse 20 which will not take time to turn to but the apostle Paul said you know all of the idols that the Gentiles are making sacrifices to and this had to do with the issue of eating meat offered to idols

[42:39] Paul said the idol is nothing it's just a piece of material that's there is nothing behind it and those who think they are offering to a deity of that idol whether it's Chemosh or Baal or Dagon or any of the other deities false deities or Allah they are not making a sacrifice to a god there is no god there they are actually sacrificing to demons and they don't even know it this is Paul's revelation of that all idolatry has demonic influence behind it regardless of the name of the deity because only that which is offered to God can be that which is true worship in 2 Corinthians 3 and verse 11 Paul uses this phrase he says we are not ignorant of

[43:39] Satan's devices that means we have been provided with a leg up as to how he works what his modus operandi is how he connives and schemes how he is not to be trusted we are not ignorant of his devices and then in 1 Thessalonians 2 and verse 18 this is a curious expression the apostle wrote to the Thessalonians and he said you know we would have come to you before we intended to come and visit you earlier but Satan hindered us now please don't try to dismiss this to Paul's imagination where he's just blaming a lack of getting there on the devil anybody here well a few of you were old enough to remember some of the old TV shows remember the old Flip Wilson shows and Geraldine the character that he played and one of his favorite expressions was whenever he was brought up short accused of something blamed for something that devil made me do it blamed everything on the devil well in this case

[44:51] Paul said Satan hindered us and I don't know what the hindrance was I don't know how Satan did that I don't know how or why God allowed him to do that but he did and when Paul uses the expression that we intended to come earlier but Satan prevented it and we wonder why didn't God just blow Satan out of the picture or why didn't God remove the obstacles or why didn't God make a well we don't know all we know is that these are the facts that are given Satan is the source of information he peddles data and he deceives and convinces whom he will as to the information he dispenses Satan always makes promises that he never delivers he told Eve you know what God knows one little thing that God didn't let you in on Eve and that is this if you eat that fruit you will be like

[45:54] God knowing good from evil but God doesn't want you to know that and you will be wise and of course she bought it because Satan's enticements are always alluring he's never really presented as an ogre some ugly kind of thing that would be repulsive that everybody would shrink back from we're told that Satan's angels Satan's angels appear as emissaries of light they look just like the good guys they sound like the good guys but they are wolves in sheep's clothing that too is part of the deception many of course prefer to depersonalize Satan now the message that

[46:54] I am delivering you this morning I'm sorry to say but even in many congregations across this country would simply be laughed at because many do not even see Satan as a person at all they see Satanic activity as just an evil influence not a person but all throughout scripture he's defined as a person a person is someone who has personality that's part of what makes them a person and they have volition he certainly has that and when Jesus was tempted 40 days and 40 nights in the wilderness of this master tempter Jesus was not talking to an influence he was conversing with a person and this person had a voice and expressed it and you can read it in the early chapters of

[47:56] Matthew Mark and Luke it's there in all three of them don't think that he is not a person he is a person and in 2 Corinthians men's eyes Paul said and this is to me this is one of the most explanatory verses in all of the Bible and everybody ought to memorize it Paul said if our gospel be hid it is hid to them that are lost whose minds listen whose minds what do you do with your mind you think you receive information and you process the information and you reach a conclusion on the basis of that and you do all of that with your mind and we are told that whose minds have been blinded by

[49:03] Satan lest the light of the glorious gospel of Christ who is the image of God should shine unto them a blinded mind will not see the truth a blinded mind doesn't even know that it doesn't see the truth a blinded mind doesn't even have a clue that it doesn't have a clue that's blinded and the only thing that can open a mind like that that is blinded is a really really powerful light and that's the light of the gospel for I am not ashamed of the gospel for it is the power of God through faith unto salvation to everyone who believes and apart from that we're just in spiritual darkness that's all this second source of light is very distasteful as I've said if you think

[50:16] I've enjoyed bringing this message you're mistaken because I don't even like giving the devil his due but he's something to be contended with this is very real he is a source of information and so are his minions in our next session we'll be looking at the divine source of information and it ought to be obvious why that is so reliable so powerful so desirable and we'll examine that so I'm I'm going to I'm going to fudge just a little I've got right up at 1130 but there may be a question or comment so maybe we could take three or four minutes if there's question or comment somebody has do we have a room mic any questions or comments anybody maybe there aren't any in which case you can all go beat the Baptist buffet anybody question or comment well let me let me say this in closing even though there are no questions you had your opportunities so what

[51:23] I want to express to you now is I just don't have the words to express its importance and that is the utterly strategic nature that the nation of Israel is going to play in what is coming and I don't know how aware of it you are but most of Judaism today well I won't say most of Judaism but let me just say most of Israel the nation Israel where there are several million Jews living by the way wasn't too many years ago that there came to be more Jews living in Israel than what lived in New York City and now of course there's a lot more in

[52:23] Israel and most of these Jews are what they call themselves secular Jews they are not seriously practicing Judaism at all and for most of them about 90% of their Judaism is wrapped up in their tradition and not in conviction of religion or anything like that there's a small percentage that are and yet these people these people are the direct descendants of Abraham and if you don't know how important Abraham is you're going to before this study is over this man is monumental Abraham Isaac and Jacob it is the nation of Israel that is the very key to the plan and program of God as we will see has been in the past is at the present and will be in the future and you know this idea just irks to death a lot of

[53:30] Christians because they think that they the Christian church has become the new Israel and has replaced the nation of Israel who used to be the chosen people of God but they aren't any longer now we are that is pure unadulterated nonsense but let me tell you this it is believed by the majority of Christians today the majority we know we are not a replacement for Israel we are an entirely different thing we are Gentiles who have come to faith in a Jewish Messiah which by the way is more than what most Jews have done most Jews don't have faith in even their Jewish Messiah we are

[54:31] Gentiles who have faith in Jesus as a Jewish Messiah because Jesus is a Jew you get me surprised how many people think Jesus is a Christian and they even think he was the first Christian and he wasn't a Christian and he isn't a Christian Jesus Christ is not qualified to be a Christian you have to be a sinner to become a Christian Christ isn't qualified for that he who knew no sin was made to be sin on our behalf but he had no sin of his own so Christ never was a Christian never will be he always was a Jew he always will be a Jew he is a Jew who came to fulfill the promises that God gave to Abraham Isaac and Jacob and many of you already know this and some of it will be a real revelation and I hope that you will take advantage of the

[55:33] CDs that are offered here of these messages because each one will be contingent upon the one that preceded and there will be a logical succession there I trust I've always had a problem with organizing my material still do but I'll do the best I can to overcome that and I don't know how long this series is going to last but it could very easily be several months and we will begin exploring this in its past in its present and in the glorious future that God has provided so since you have no questions I'll ask you to stand we'll be dismissed father we have perhaps unearthed more questions than what we have answers for but we do have some answers and we recognize that we are limited by what you have been pleased to reveal because if it were not for the revelation of scripture we just wouldn't know any of these things that we've been talking about this morning so while we don't know all that we would like to we do know all that you have deemed necessary for us to know and we are grateful and we want to be responsive if there is one among us boy or girl man or woman who has never really come to grips with the reality of their own sin and their own alienation from you because of it that they may be willing to look to the only one who is the provided remedy for our sin and put their faith and trust in

[57:21] Jesus Christ who loved them and gave himself for them we pray that each and every one of us here will be open and available to the truth and that we may be willing to pray to you oh God if you even exist and I'm not even sure of that I just want you to know I want to know you I want to be available and open to truth and if you exist I'm counting on you to reveal it to me so I can recognize it when I see it would you make that your prayer dear friend and I can promise you that when you put the ball in God's court he'll return it thank you father for what we have in Christ immeasurable riches help us to learn to appreciate them and love them more and more as time goes by Christ's name we pray amen