The Jewish Final Solution to the World's Problem - What Everything is All About

Jewish Final Solution to the World's Problem - Part 8

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Marvin Wiseman

July 27, 2014


Disclaimer: this is an automatically generated machine transcription - there may be small errors or mistranscriptions. Please refer to the original audio if you are in any doubt.

[0:00] I've looked forward to this series of messages for quite some time, and it may very well be the most significant, most important that I will have been able to bring during my almost 44 years of ministry here among you.

[0:17] The message is entitled, of course, What Everything is All About. And the bulletin states it this way, We realize the ambitious nature of such a title, but we are confident of its validity.

[0:30] This message follows the preceding studies relating to the three parts of information origins and belongs to the overall greater theme, the Jewish final solution to the world's problem.

[0:46] Now, how in the world or why did we come up with a title like that? Well, it was precipitated by a statement that I think was coined by Adolf Eichmann, who was Adolf Hitler's principal exterminator of the Jewish people during World War II.

[1:05] And those of you who are old enough to remember will recall that Adolf Eichmann, who came up with the infamous Nazi death camps and the crematoria, that resulted in the death of six million Jews.

[1:27] And that is what Eichmann entitled, the final solution to the Jewish problem. And of course, it was simple.

[1:39] Eliminate them. Destroy them. All of them. And he succeeded in eliminating six million innocent people. People who were gassed and shot and tortured for the sole reason that they were Jewish.

[1:59] That was their only crime, if you could call it a crime. They were Jewish. So, what we have come up with, by way of a revised title, is the Jewish final solution to the world's problem.

[2:18] And it will be a Jewish solution instituted by a Jewish savior who came to die for the sins of the world.

[2:29] So, connection with that ambitious title, where is everything going? What will have been accomplished when the world gets there?

[2:40] Is it actually going anywhere? Is there even such a thing as an end in sight? Or is there no actual end at all? Is humanity merely engaged in an endless cycle where when an end or goal appears to be in sight, then only to begin another process of cycling from cycle to cycle?

[3:06] Is history merely cyclical? Or is it linear? And who is to say? Eastern mysticism insists there is no end but the ever-repeating cycle of reincarnation.

[3:22] So, when we ask the question, who is to say? Okay. What is the purpose of our beginning this new series? And with these three sources of information that we've already given you, and when we make statements like this, what everything is all about and where we're going to be when we get there, the most logical question that comes to mind is, well, who says?

[3:46] Well, how do you know that? Or why should we believe that? And that's what prompted us to deliver to you what we call the three possible sources of information. The information that we are going to be giving you as to what the world is all about and what everything is all about and where it is all going has to have some basis for authority.

[4:07] I can assure you it isn't my mind because there's no way in the world that I would have ever come up with this. And I dare say no other person would either. So, there are three sources to consider.

[4:19] When we make a statement like that, people have every right to ask, who says? What makes you think so? How can we know that? Or how can anybody know? And those three possible sources of information that I'll touch on just briefly is, first of all, the mind of man.

[4:36] This is human ingenuity, human thinking, human processing of reasoning and logic and history and so on and drawing conclusions. The problem with man's mind is it has demonstrated an enormous capacity for being flawed, and we have seen that through the centuries.

[4:54] So, man is not a reliable source of information. Not only that, but it has demonstrated, I think, repeatedly that man thinks with a warped logic and skewed reasoning that is part and parcel of the fall.

[5:08] The other possible source of information is from the mind of angels, whether fallen or unfallen. We'll not get into a discussion of angelology proper, but we do need to say that there are angels that kept not their first estate.

[5:22] They voluntarily rebelled against the authority of God, along with their leader, Lucifer. And these are referred to as the fallen angels. Best we can determine, they now constitute the demonic hordes, and some of them surfaced in the Gospels, when our Lord did battle with them in casting out demons of several individuals.

[5:42] And then there is, thirdly, the only other source of information, which we consider to be the only one that is reliable, dependable, consistent, with a proven track record, and that is the mind of God as revealed in the Bible.

[5:57] This is the only one we believe that we can safely look to for dependable answers. The mind of man reflects a very limited perspective, and he has often been proven wrong through the centuries.

[6:14] We all know that in a personal way, because we as individuals have all been proven wrong about a number of things over the years. Secondly, the mind of angels, particularly the adversary, who is a stranger to truth and the father of lies, is, of course, no one with any credibility who deserves to be believed.

[6:34] He is a liar and a deceiver. The mind of God revealed in the Bible is the only reliable source that is left to us. If we don't have that, we don't have anything.

[6:47] We don't have any source of information. We don't have any reliable data. We don't have anything really worth processing. We have nothing but the ever-present question mark with no answers.

[6:59] So it is here and here alone in the Bible, in what God has been pleased to reveal, that we get the reliable information as to what everything is all about.

[7:15] The end toward which all is moving and in which all will culminate. And I do mean all. So I want you to take into consideration the idea, far-fetched as it may sound, and I admit that, that everything that happens in this world, from the time it was created, everything that has happened, is happening, and will happen, all of it together, knowingly or unknowingly, intentionally or unintentionally, all of those constitute ingredients.

[7:49] They are all individual pieces of the puzzle that are coming together. I'm including everything.

[8:01] All acts of righteousness and unrighteousness, all deeds of goodness and deeds of evil, all death, all suffering, all pain, all sorrow, all wars, all everything, is all moving toward this one end.

[8:19] Much of it, not willingly contributing to anything, or even knowing that they are. But all of these ingredients are going somewhere.

[8:31] They're going to culminate in something. There is going to be a wrap-up. And that is principally what we are going to consider right now. Here is the picture that you must see.

[8:44] And you will gain, I think, a new appreciation as to how intricately and strategically the Jewish nation is involved.

[8:56] No people on the face of the earth have been so ostracized and so persecuted and so vilified as the Jewish people. They have been labeled the Christ killers.

[9:07] Well, there is no doubt. They were involved in the death of Christ. And so were you. And so was I.

[9:19] And so was Judas. And so was Annas and Caiaphas. And so was Pontius Pilate. And so was Judas. And so was Satan.

[9:32] And so was God, his Father, who delivered him over for our offenses and raised him for our justification.

[9:46] But the Jewish people, nationally and individually, have been targeted by much of the world and much of the hatred that comes from the world is little known or appreciated.

[9:59] But the principal one who is behind it all, and I want you to understand, not even the Jewish people believe this. I know it to be true.

[10:10] And the scriptures reveal it to be true. But most Jews don't even believe this. In fact, many Jews today don't believe much of anything. They have been so, they have been so demoralized by the Holocaust that it has actually led many Jewish people to embrace atheism because their thinking is the God of the Bible could not possibly exist and have been willing to allow six million of his so-called chosen people to be ruthlessly murdered.

[10:56] And just in case there is a God who allowed that, I wouldn't want anything to do with him anyway. That's a very common Jewish opinion today.

[11:09] I don't know if you are aware of it or not, but the modern state of Israel is a state that is steeped very deeply in secularism.

[11:21] It is true that Judaism is what you might call the national religion. And there's a goodly number of Jews who practice Judaism in one form or another. But the vast majority of the Jews living in Israel today would have you know that they identify themselves as a secular Jew.

[11:39] and that is more or less the official position of the nation. So what we are going to be saying involving the strategic nature of the nation of Israel, they don't even believe themselves.

[11:55] In fact, yours truly has a much rosier picture for the nation of Israel than what the nation of Israel has for itself. And it is all right here in the scripture in my estimation, it is undeniable.

[12:09] So, it will be the Jewish final solution to the world's problem. Something that I want to just get into the record and I'm going to insert that just for a moment just so it will get in the record to establish something in the beginning.

[12:31] And that is when our Lord was talking with the woman at the well, the Samaritan woman, he made a statement. This is in John's Gospel chapter 4 and it's a very telling statement.

[12:42] It's very brief and it's very often just passed over. In the first place, everyone was quite amazed that he was even talking to this woman who was a Samaritan and they were discussing the place of proper worship and Jesus made this statement to her.

[13:00] He said, you worship that which you do not know, we worship that which we know, for salvation is from the Jews. And that is not only true personally in the person of Jesus Christ who is a Jew, but salvation for the world is going to be instigated through the nation of Israel.

[13:27] And there's a curious phrase mentioned in Deuteronomy, we won't take time to go there now, but we will later, where he refers to Israel while engaged in their disobedience and rebellion against God, Israel says, God says to Israel, he says, I'm going to scatter you among the nations.

[13:48] And here's a curious expression he used, and you will be the tail, not the head. but later, after Israel is restored in obedience to their Messiah and in acceptance of him, and this period that everything is moving toward has been realized, it is reversed.

[14:20] And God says to Israel, and you will be the head, not the tail. So there'll be the tail in their disobedience, there'll be the head in their obedience.

[14:32] The head of what? The head of the whole planet. And all nations will be subservient to this tiny little nation, which then will be much larger geographically than it is.

[14:51] Now, do you realize that if you were to travel to the official state of Israel today, you could not stand anywhere in the land where you would be more than 25 miles away from a border of that nation.

[15:13] That's how tiny it is. If you start from Springfield and drive to Columbus, Ohio, you have just driven across the entire state of Israel at its widest point.

[15:26] That's how small it is. Now, God has promised them a much larger piece of real estate than that, and that is what they are eventually going to enjoy. And when they do, Jesus Christ himself is going to rule and reign from Jerusalem over the entire earth, and Israel will be the head, not the tail.

[15:50] people. And you know, if you talk to many Jews about that today, you might get a retort something like this. Don't say that. We're already in enough trouble. Don't give us anything more.

[16:02] That just makes people more antagonistic toward us. But so much of that antagonism is actually instigated by Satan himself.

[16:16] And as I've said, the Jews don't believe that either. My guess would be probably most Jews do not even believe in a personal devil. And many of them don't even believe in a personal God. You can be sure they don't believe in a personal devil.

[16:29] But Jesus, when he did battle with Satan in the wilderness, was not hallucinating, and he was not talking to a phantom, he was talking to a person, an entity.

[16:41] And he very much has an existence, and Satan knows full well how strategic and essential the nation of Israel is to the plan and program of God.

[16:54] That's why he has been so determined to do everything he can to neutralize them and wipe them out. And it started.

[17:07] It started before they were even birthed as a nation. It started under the Pharaoh who knew not Joseph down in the land of Egypt when they were required to throw their babies, newborn babies, into the Nile River to satisfy the crocodile.

[17:28] And the crocodile was one of the deities of the Egyptian people. So, we are going to look back in history at the origin of this nation, its perpetuity, God's plan and program for it, how and why it is so strategic.

[17:47] And just for the record, let me say the Jew was not God's chosen people. They still are.

[17:58] Some say, well, they were God's chosen people, but since they fumbled the ball big time and crucified their Messiah, God has cast them off. And now he has a new chosen people, and that's called the church, which is the body of Christ.

[18:12] That is one of the most fallacious concepts that has ever surfaced in our day. And, well, actually, it surfaced a lot longer ago, but it is completely in error, and yet it is believed by the majority of Christians.

[18:32] Christians. So, it is both through a Jewish person and a Jewish nation that these things will eventually come to pass.

[18:46] Now, here is the picture that you must see as to what everything is all about and where everything is headed. Take the scripture sheet, if you would, please, that was in your bulletin for this morning, and look at the first references.

[18:58] This is found in Acts chapter 3, and we must hasten through this material. This is a follow-up message to the message that Peter delivered on the day of Pentecost, and as far as we can determine, it was very shortly after the day of Pentecost, and here is what he says addressing the Jewish people once again.

[19:19] If you look at the context, in Acts 3, this is a Jewish setting involving Jewish people and Jewish subject matter, and there's no reason to plug any Gentiles in there, they just don't fit.

[19:32] But the things, Peter said, which God announced beforehand by the mouth of all the prophets, that his Christ would suffer, he has thus fulfilled. Now what Peter is saying is this, listen, listen up, all you Jews, you know, you know very well that in the prophets God foretold that his Messiah was going to come, and that he was going to suffer.

[20:00] That's there. It's in the Old Testament. You've read it. And what I'm telling you is, that's done. That's finished. That's completed.

[20:12] Christ came, Christ suffered, Christ died. God has made good on that promise. He has done his part. He has done what he promised to do. And what are you supposed to do as a result of that?

[20:25] What's the next step? The next step is this. Therefore, you repent. You change your mind.

[20:36] Change your mind from what? Change your mind that he is not the Messiah. He is not the anointed. He is not the one sent from God. You've got to change your mind about that.

[20:48] Instead of rejecting him, you've got to embrace him so that your sins may be wiped away in order that times of refreshing may come from the presence of the Lord.

[20:59] What are those times of refreshing? That's where we're headed. And God knows how much this miserable planet needs some refreshing.

[21:12] Don't we? This time of refreshing is a time of renewal, a time of restoration, a time of mending things, a time of fixing things, a time of correcting things, a time of replacing injustice with justice, replacing death with life.

[21:36] Those are the times of refreshing. That he may send Jesus, that's the second coming, the Christ appointed for you, whom heaven must receive.

[21:47] That's where he is now. The apostles saw him ascend bodily right before their very presence in Acts chapter 1. And heaven has received him, but it has received him only until the period of restoration.

[22:04] The period of restoration and the times of refreshing are one and the same. The restoration of all things about which God spoke by the mouth of his holy prophets from ancient time.

[22:16] It has been recorded in our biblical history from time immemorial that the time is coming when sin and injustice has run its course and God is going to step in and fix things permanently and the way they ought to be fixed.

[22:37] No stopgap measures, no this or that. It's going to be a complete overhaul of the whole planet. That's where we're going.

[22:50] That's what this is all about. Another word for it is redemption. The whole Bible is the story of redemption.

[23:03] It begins with paradise and then we go to paradise lost and by the way that's where we are right now. We are in a lost paradise.

[23:16] This world is badly broken. Badly broken. And lives upon it are badly broken.

[23:28] And what we are talking about the time of restoration the time of restitution the time of refreshing is this time of rejuvenation.

[23:38] it is the time of making all things new. It is the sum total of where everything is going. And we are right now as we speak we are right now inching closer and closer to that.

[23:50] With every event that happens in every life to whom it happens whether good bad or whatever they are all ingredients and that's where it's going to end. look at the reference below.

[24:07] For as in Adam all die so also in Christ all will be made alive. But each in his own order Christ the first fruits. After that those who are Christ at his coming.

[24:20] Then comes the end. That's the finale. What happens then? At the end what happens? Then comes the end when he hands and he of course is Christ.

[24:34] When he hands over the kingdom that is this earthly planet in its renewed state to the God and Father when he Christ has abolished all rule and all authority and power.

[24:56] He is going to replace all human authority with all of its weakness and all of its corruption and all of its injustice he is going to replace it with his own.

[25:10] And he will serve as absolute dictator throughout the whole world. Now that's a word that tends to turn us off and rightly so because we all know something about the history of dictators.

[25:26] Can we find a good one? Well I guess it would depend on how you would define good but by and large we know that man cannot he cannot be trusted with too much power.

[25:45] You've heard the old saying power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely and it does. and the whole rationale for this nation having three separate bodies for governance is predicated upon that fact.

[26:03] You can't have just an executive branch although there are probably some who would say why not if you get my drift.

[26:18] and we have installed also a legislative body and a judicial body and they are all designed to keep a check on each other because each one knows the other can't be trusted.

[26:36] That is for our safety and protection that we have these three bodies. However when Jesus Christ is ruling and reigning in Jerusalem you won't have to worry about keeping the dictator benevolent because he wouldn't know how to be anything else but.

[26:55] And he will make nothing but absolutely righteous just decisions regarding everything. That's where we're going.

[27:08] Turn the page if you would. Here is a new heaven and a new earth the first heaven and the first earth passed away. Now that doesn't mean that the planet is going to cease to exist but it means the order of the first planet.

[27:26] That which makes it what it is is going to be radically renewed and rejuvenated. It's still going to be this same ball of dirt if you will. It's still going to be planet earth but it is going to be radically overhauled and made into what it ought to be.

[27:44] And I saw the holy city new Jerusalem coming down out of heaven from God made ready as a bride adorned for her husband. This of course is not to be confused with the present day earthly Jerusalem in Israel.

[27:56] This is that which comes down from God out of heaven. And then consequences that will follow that are listed in the passage below from Revelation 22. The tabernacle of God is among men and he will dwell among them and they shall be his people and God himself will be among them and he will wipe away every tear from their eyes and there will no longer be any death.

[28:21] There will be no mourning or crying or pain. The first things have passed away. Where do you get this information? You get it from the only place where it is available and that is in the scriptures.

[28:36] And we've already discussed in time past about why we believe the vernal plenary inspiration and preservation of the scriptures and if God has not miraculously preserved the canon so that the question can be answered do we have all of the Bible?

[28:55] Is part of it missing? Or do we have parts that shouldn't be there? And this is an accusation that is often leveled at Christianity. But those who are leveling it simply do not understand what is involved.

[29:06] If God did not take deliberate steps to preserve the record then the whole purpose of communicating through revelation is defeated.

[29:17] And I can assure you that is not the case. And with equal clarity the ultimate objective toward which all of the world is moving will be accomplished through the strategic and critical direct involvement of the nation of Israel and the Jewish people.

[29:36] They as the chosen covenant people of Jehovah will be the major players in the wrap-up that lies ahead. Why this is so and the incontrovertible evidence for its necessity will be clearly shown as we move along in the series and it will be abundantly apparent to all why we have labeled it the Jewish final solution to the world's problem.

[30:04] having looked at these passages just briefly and we're not going to take time now to go into any of the Old Testament passages but we simply want to get into the record here what is in store for this earth and the key to considering it has to do with restoration, renewal, redemption.

[30:30] It will be completed. In fact, bear in mind the whole objective for the entry of Christ into the world at Bethlehem 2,000 years ago was for this very purpose.

[30:46] That was just one more ingredient leading to this end that we have been discussing and it is for the express purpose of restoring a broken relationship.

[30:59] relationship. Now, I want you to think about this strongly and longly. Is there such a word as longly? If there isn't, there ought to be.

[31:09] Strongly and longly. Nothing matters like relationships and God is so committed to the principle of relationships and people in their togetherness that he actually interrupted the business of his triune nature and sent one person in that triune Godhead down to this earth for the express purpose of restoring a broken relationship.

[31:49] That's why Christ came. Now, you cannot put relationships on a higher level than that. That's how committed God is to it.

[32:00] And this final restoration is God's ultimate eternal objective. It is restoration. This is what everything is all about.

[32:12] And it is also to be what we are all about in an ultimate temporal objective for believers here on this present earth.

[32:27] What God cares about in regard to you more than anything else is first of all your relationship to him and secondly your relationship to each other.

[32:45] one is eternal, one is temporal. God places such a premium on relationships for the brethren to dwell together in unity that he has made wonderful divine operating assets available to those in the body of Christ to assure that relationships that are injured or broken should be and could be.

[33:15] reunited, restored, refreshed, renewed. Life is too short to have it any other way.

[33:28] Solid, loving, fulfilling, and rewarding relationships is God's norm for all believers. things. And if you as a believer are not enjoying those kind of relationships, something is wrong.

[33:50] Something is amiss because that's supposed to be the norm. we are to beware of those who would sow discord in the body, who would injure the fellowship or the relationship that exists among believers.

[34:13] We are to covet and guard our relationships with each other as a top priority item. Nothing matters more than the way we relate to each other.

[34:27] Jesus said, men shall know that you are my disciples if you have love one for another.

[34:39] Think of that. That ought to be our greatest advertising motif. You know those people out there at Grace Bible Church? They're just crazy about each other.

[34:50] They really love each other. They do anything for each other. They help and they hold and they sustain and they care and they give and they sacrifice. And that's the way it's supposed to be.

[35:03] And that's not supposed to be anything out of the ordinary. That's supposed to be the norm. That's supposed to be our modus operandi. That we just love and appreciate each other and each other's gifts and each other's presence and each other's weaknesses.

[35:23] And we learn to tolerate and to care and to put up with and to encourage and inspire and enlighten. It's a wonderful thing that God has established in the body of Christ.

[35:35] And yet we know that this thing called the flesh, the flesh, the ego can get involved and stir up things and create ill will, animosity, lack of forgiveness, lack of repentance.

[36:03] This is part of the human condition. And you know, God looks at the world that is fallen and God says, that's the way it is with a fallen world.

[36:17] And that's really all I can expect in a fallen world is dog eat dog. And people gnarle and snap and bite at each other. And that's par for the course in a fallen world.

[36:30] But, but, you, you are supposed to be different. and for you, who pledge allegiance to my son, I have provided a wherewithal, divine dynamics, so that you don't have to go the way of the world.

[36:54] You can be what you're supposed to be. And, these divine operating assets are provided by God to achieve and maintain relationships in the body of Christ.

[37:09] The world can not do this. They don't even understand it. It's completely out of their bailiwick. But it's supposed to be standard operating procedure for us.

[37:24] What is it that injures and ruins relationships? If you've been here for any length of time at all, you know my answer to that.

[37:35] I'm harping on it. And I know I'm right. And so do you. That which injures and damages relationships are offenses.

[37:51] The offense, something we say or something we do or both, that injures and wounds another person.

[38:07] This happens at school. It happens in the workplace. It happens in neighborhoods. It happens in churches. Because we all have a tendency to say unkind things that we shouldn't say or to do unkind things that we shouldn't do.

[38:27] And the reason we do that is because of this thing called the flesh. That's the ego. We are all essentially self-centered, self-serving, self-seeking.

[38:46] That's the human condition. And just because we came to salvation in Christ doesn't mean those things are no longer a problem.

[38:57] They still are. But now in Christ we have a basis for dealing with them that the world knows not of. And yet if we do not implement these principles that God has provided we won't get the benefit.

[39:16] You see let me put it this way. When Jesus Christ died on that cross he didn't give his life so that we could engage in shabby treatment of one another.

[39:34] Cruel and mean treatment of one another. That's not why he died. He died to make good and loving relationships possible. And to the extent that we refuse to implement the provisions that he has made is the extent to which we are squandering the very work that Christ accomplished on that cross.

[39:58] Because his death was designed to accomplish a whole host of things. I mean we just can't begin to imagine the breadth and the depth and the length that was involved in the accomplishment of the Son of God dying for sin.

[40:15] But we know one thing. One of the reasons he died was to promote and provide for harmony among the brethren. And eventually that's going to be realized for the whole planet.

[40:31] I can't imagine that. Can you imagine a planet at peace and all we can do is talk about it and look at what's going on in Europe now and look at what's going on in the Middle East and it's just business as usual.

[40:44] Nothing different. But in the body of Christ it is supposed to be. different. And I'm just going to briefly name these divine operating assets and we'll talk about their implementation later.

[41:02] Offenses committed and remaining unresolved is the first thing that starts us on the path of estrangement, separating people not speaking.

[41:22] I know of people who have a brother in Columbus. And by the way, don't worry about and look around and say, I wonder who that is.

[41:34] They're not here. Okay. They have a brother in Columbus they haven't spoken to for 20 years. years. And now he can't remember what it was that they were mad about and part of company over.

[41:49] But he's not about to break the ice and contact him. And you know, this goes on all over the country. There are fathers and sons who haven't been on speaking terms for years.

[42:01] And if you talk to them individually, do you know salvation? Do you know Jesus Christ as your Savior? Oh yes, I was saved, such and such. How do you rectify that?

[42:16] How can a man be at peace with God and enmity with his brother? That just doesn't compute. It's not supposed to be that way. But we know that all too often it happens.

[42:28] And then there is information, that's the second. And then repentance on the part of the offender. Apology given to the offended, forgiveness requested by the offender, forgiveness granted by the offended, then reconciliation, restoration is effected.

[42:44] And to refuse to implement the provisions means we're just effectively thumbing our nose at God and saying thanks but no thanks. And I don't think any real believer actually wants to do that.

[42:58] Now, what I've just given you, this little rundown, is essentially for marriage. And that's what these CDs back there are for.

[43:09] And I hope you will pick up one when you leave. It's just a couple of little CDs that are together with a rubber band. This is number one and two of Marriage on the Rock. And actually these are designed for radio programs.

[43:24] So you will find some repetition because most people who will be listening to these will hear one today and then not hear another until tomorrow same time on the radio. So it'd be somewhat repetitive if you just listen to all 20 of them on one side.

[43:39] Although you can do that if you choose. But what I'm saying is the problem that we are experiencing today with marriages is nothing more than the same problem that the world is experiencing all over the globe.

[43:56] Because the world, the world population is nothing more than an extension of the individual multiplied many times over.

[44:07] That's all it is. And in the closest and most intimate relationships of all, which is the marriage, there are often offenses that have been committed, that have never been resolved, that are stored in the spirit of the offended one.

[44:33] And every now and then they maul them over in their mind. And you know what those offenses do when they are not resolved? They create resentment. And the resentment morphs into bitterness.

[44:48] forgiveness. This is a predictable consequence of these things. And what this little series is designed to do is to offer explanations as to how these things work and what the solutions are.

[45:06] And we labor at great lengths to explain to people what the flesh is and how it operates and what the ego is and the problems with it and how utterly difficult it is.

[45:23] Oh, it's difficult. It's the hardest thing you'll ever do. Say, I was wrong.

[45:39] It's hard to get out. That's injurious to our ego. We don't like to be wrong about anything. And that's what keeps us from repenting.

[45:50] And that's what keeps us from apologizing. And that's what keeps us in an estranged relationship. And it need not be so. Started working on this probably a little over a year ago.

[46:05] Well, actually, WEC has been airing a miniature size marriage on the rock for the last probably three or four years.

[46:15] But these are entirely different. What this actually is, this series is kind of like an in-depth explanation so that people can gain understanding about the dynamics of relationships and what happens when they are injured or come apart.

[46:35] And while they are geared primarily toward marriage, marriage, let me assure you they are the same across the board. It's the same for neighbors who are at enmity with each other, for co-workers, for people at school.

[46:52] It's all about relationships and how to maintain them and how to refresh them. And I hope that on your way out you'll pick up a packet of these.

[47:02] There will probably be a dozen in the series before it's concluded. I don't know for sure. We'll play that by ear, but that is our intent. And how does all of this tie in with where everything is going?

[47:18] Well, it ties in in the same sense that the world is going where our relationships, where our personal relationships, relationships, whether they are marital or family or co-worker or whatever, they are all to be going to the same place.

[47:42] And that is a fulfilled, positive, happy, beneficial, enjoyable relationship where we just really do love one another, where we can apologize, take responsibility, own our faults, confess one to another, that we have wronged them, and what the wrong is, and ask for forgiveness, and grant forgiveness.

[48:08] This is wonderful dynamic, and it is so little utilized in the body of Christ, and yet it is there provided for us. And that which is going to follow is not going to deal with this per se.

[48:26] It is going to deal primarily with history, the present, and a heavy emphasis on prophecy, and what the scriptures reveal about the nation of Israel, and where we are all going.

[48:38] And by the way, we may get there a whole lot sooner than you think. I'm not setting any dates or making any predictions, but things are warming up in an unusual way.

[48:50] I think you'll find the series enlightening, assuming that the Lord tarries and gives us time to get through it. So, this has been a heavy dose for you all to absorb this morning, and I appreciate your patience and your kind attention.

[49:06] Would you stand with me, please? Now unto him that is able to keep you from falling and to present you faultless before his throne with exceeding glory, to the only wise God, our Savior, be glory and majesty, dominion and power, both now and evermore.

[49:25] Amen. Amen.