[0:00] The Jewish Final Solution to the World Problem. Please turn back to the Old Testament, to the book of Deuteronomy.
[0:17] And we'll be looking at most of Deuteronomy 18. We'll be reading verses 9 through 22.
[0:33] And it has quite a message. When you enter the land which the Lord your God gives you, you shall not learn to imitate the detestable things of those nations.
[0:56] There shall not be found among you anyone who makes his son or his daughter pass through the fire, one who uses divination, one who practices witchcraft, or one who interprets omens or a sorcerer, or one who casts a spell or a medium or a spiritist, or one who calls up the dead.
[1:28] For whoever does these things is detestable to the Lord. And because of these detestable things, the Lord your God will drive them out before you.
[1:44] You shall be blameless before the Lord your God. For those nations which you shall dispossess, listen to those who practice witchcraft and diviners.
[2:00] But as for you, the Lord your God has not allowed you to do so. The Lord your God will raise up for you a prophet like me from among you, from your countrymen.
[2:16] You shall listen to him. This is according to all that you asked of the Lord your God in Horeb on the day of the assembly, saying, Let me not hear again the voice of the Lord my God.
[2:35] Let me not see this great fire any more, or I will die. The Lord said to me, They have spoken well.
[2:48] I will raise up a prophet from among their countrymen like you, and I will put my words in his mouth, and he shall speak to them all that I command him.
[3:00] It shall come about that whoever will not listen to my words, which he shall speak in my name, I myself will require it of him.
[3:16] But the prophet who speaks a word presumptuously in my name, which I have not commanded him to speak, or which he speaks in the name of other gods, that prophet shall die.
[3:35] You may say in your heart, how will we know the word which the Lord has not spoken? When a prophet speaks in the name of the Lord, if the thing does not come about or come true, that is the thing which the Lord has not spoken.
[4:00] The prophet has spoken it presumptuously. You shall not be afraid of him. Well, this passage unquestionably sets forth the principle in bold relief that there is such a thing as truth and error.
[4:24] And it also illustrates the fact that error is a whole lot more abundant and prevalent than is truth. That has always been the case. Someone has said, error exists in a far greater capacity than does truth.
[4:43] Two plus two is four, and that is the right answer, and all of the other answers are wrong. So how many other answers are there in comparison to the one right answer?
[4:53] And it relates that way to moral truth as well. What God is requiring of his people here is to be people of truth, people of reality.
[5:04] Truth is that which corresponds to reality. And if man does not want to submit to reality or to truth, he rejects that, but he does not live or operate nor function in a vacuum.
[5:23] He will contrive something to put in the place of that which he has rejected. And that is principally where idolatry and the demonic activity come in.
[5:34] In your bulletin, we talked about the error of Abraham and his background being steeped in idolatry. And today, we're not really going to deal so much with Abraham as we are with the times in which he lived.
[5:49] And actually, it even predates Abraham and continues up into, well, actually up until the present time, and you'll be able to see that.
[6:01] But in the Old Testament, to which we have already referred, the nation of Israel is going to be involved in and flirting with idolatry almost from the very time they are constituted as a nation.
[6:17] And it will be culminating in God's final judgment of the nation of Israel when he leads them into Babylonian captivity.
[6:31] He will bring a pagan, heathen king and his armies against Jerusalem and against his chosen people and defeat them and ruin the city and tear down the walls and carry the people off into captivity primarily for their continued practices of idolatry more than anything else.
[6:57] And someone has said, if there is anything that has cured the Jewish people of polytheism and the worship of many gods, it is the Babylonian captivity.
[7:09] They spent 70 years there until that entire generation died off before God brought them back under Nehemiah and Ezra and Zerubbabel and rebuilt the land and the walls and all that went with it.
[7:23] So that was the major taking of his covenant people to the woodshed. And they suffered that, they suffered that domination by a pagan deity or a pagan king for those 70 years before they were brought back.
[7:40] So, what I want you to appreciate and begin thinking about in connection with this particular series is the prevalence, the prominence of idolatry and demonic activity that has deep, deep roots all the way back to Genesis and that continue up to this present day and we will see how this is going to be even intensified during the tribulation period that we will be dealing with when we get to the book of the Revelation.
[8:15] The demonic activity is going to be in full flower then and one supernatural thing after another will be occurring and it is going to be a very, very extraordinary time.
[8:28] In fact, Jesus himself described this time as a time such as the world has never seen before and will never see again. That is ho-clipsis.
[8:41] Tribulation, the great one. Mankind has always undergone some kind of tribulation almost from time immemorial with earthquakes and pestilence and floods and all kinds of things but this is going to be intensified in such a way that Christ described it as never having occurred before.
[9:02] In an article taken from the International Standard Encyclopedia, let me quote this. There is ever in the human mind a craving for visible forms to express religious conceptions and this tendency does not disappear with the acceptance or even with the constant recognition of pure spiritual truths.
[9:27] Idolatry originally meant the worship of idols or the worship of false gods by means of idols but came to mean among the Old Testament Hebrews any worship of false gods whether by images or otherwise.
[9:44] And finally, the worship of Jehovah through visible symbols as Hosea 8 verses 5 and 6 chapter 10 and verse 5 and ultimately in the New Testament idolatry came to mean not only the giving to any creature or human creation the honor or devotion which belong to God alone but the giving to any human desire a precedence over God's will.
[10:13] 1 Corinthians 10 14 Galatians 5 20 Colossians 3 5 1 Peter 4 3 I know some of you like to take notes and I'm going too fast for you to get these down if you were writing but if you're able to pick up the disc then all of this information will be there.
[10:33] The neighboring gods of Phoenicia Canaan Moab They were Baal Melkart Astarte Chemosh Moloch etc.
[10:44] They were particularly attractive to Jerusalem while the old Semitic calf worship seriously affected the state religion of the northern kingdom.
[10:55] As early as the Assyrian and Babylonian periods the 8th and 7th centuries BC various deities from the Tigris and Euphrates have intruded themselves.
[11:07] The worship of Tammuz becoming a little later the most popular and seductive of all indicated in Ezekiel 8 14 While the worship of the sun moon stars and signs of the zodiac became so intensely fascinating that these were introduced even into the temple of Israel itself.
[11:31] You'll find these references 2 Kings 17 and verse 16 chapter 21 verses 3 through 7 23 verses 4 through 12 Jeremiah 19 13 Ezekiel 8 16 Amos 5 26 The special enticements to idolatry as offered by these various cults were found in their deification of natural forces and their appeal to primitive human desires especially the sexual as you go through the Old Testament and read some of these references that we've talked about or that we've already mentioned phrases like the worshiping and establishing of the high places and the altars these were nothing more than makeshift temples of prostitution both for male and female every kind of sexual activity imaginable took place there and for some reason and I'm not able to really understand this fully but for some reason demonic activity and idolatry always seems to gravitate towards sexual impurity in the New
[12:45] Testament where we run into a phrase a number of times and Jesus casts this particular demon out of a number of people as you go through the gospels it is called a man with an unclean spirit what was that what does that mean an unclean spirit well what it means is there is a moral uncleanliness there it doesn't mean that the man spirit hasn't taken a bath it has nothing to do with physical dirt it has everything to do with moral sexual corruption and perversion and that was encountered a number of times by our Lord you don't get that just in looking at the words unclean spirit you just wonder what is that in but well it wasn't just language it was as I've already indicated also through associations produced by intermarriage and through the appeal to patriotism that would be nationalism whatever the country might be when the help of some cruel deity was sought in time of war
[14:00] Baal and Astarte worship which was also especially attractive was closely associated with fornication and drunkenness Amos 2 verses 7 and 8 1 Kings chapter 14 verse 23 and also appealed greatly to magic and soothsaying as in Isaiah 2 6 3 2 and 8 19 sacrifices to the idols were offered by fire Hosea 4 13 libations were poured out Isaiah 57 6 Jeremiah 7 18 the first fruits of the earth and tithes were presented Hosea 2 8 tables of food were set before them Isaiah 65 11 the worshippers kissed the idols or threw them kisses 1 Kings 19 18 Hosea 13 2 Job 31 27 stretched out their hands in adoration Isaiah 44 20 knelt or prostated themselves before them and sometimes danced about the altar dashing themselves with knives 1
[15:06] Kings 18 26 through 28 28 so I give you all of these references not that you're probably going to go home and look them all up although you can if you want but I just want to show you how pervasive this was in the Old Testament times and Israel was right smack dab in the thick of it and the thing that is so stunning about it is that out of all of these nations who engaged in these idolatrous practices the one nation that stands most culpable of all that is most responsible of all that is most guilty of all is the nation of Israel simply because of the exalted position they possessed in their relationship to Jehovah they had more light and more information and less reason to go whoring after these other gods than did all of the pagan nations around them so it is as though their guilt and irresponsibility is multiplied because unto whom much is given from him shall much be required in other words there was no nation no nation that was less justified in falling into demonic activity and idolatry and was the nation of Israel and yet they were in it up to their eyeballs and God took them to the
[16:36] Babylonian woodshed and that did in fact cure them of idolatry so we are talking about the Jewish solution to the world's problems and the world's problem is it sin because it is sin and human behavior deeds performed out of the human flesh that result in all of the heartache the war the atrocities and the unpleasantries that we see all about us that are coupled with disease and that end in death this is the world's problem and every generation faces it the Jewish solution to the world's problem is not the solution because the Jews say it is but because God says it is and I wouldn't be a bit surprised if you confronted the average Jewish person today and told him you realize that you and your people are the solution to the world's problem they would look at you and say what in the world are you talking about they don't have much of a handle on this at all in fact they would probably say it's people like you who make statements like that that cause people to hate us that make us look like that we are the solution and we have the answers and so on and we don't we don't trust me we don't but the truth of the matter is they do they just don't know that they do many of them do not the world's problem is sin and it is resolved by a savior who was and is
[18:10] Jewish Jesus the Messiah and it is the nation of Israel that produced this Messiah that is going to be the spearhead nation the vanguard force through which God is going to right the wrongs of this world I know that's a very heavy statement and I know that it just doesn't compute for most of us how that could come about but that is precisely what is going to happen and yet I want you to understand why it is that way and what this goes back to and we are going to trace the origin of the basis for the statement that I just made and I trust that by the time we finish with this series you will have connected the dots and will have firmly fixed in your mind a very accurate and comprehensive picture of the plan and program of God that is called the plan of redemption from beginning to end and we will be visiting several portions of scripture
[19:18] I'm not saying how long this is going to take because I always miss it when I do that but I can promise you this it will be very very enlightening and if you miss any of the sessions please pick up copies when you do get back fill in the holes that you missed because you may very well have missed something that is very key we have referred to a cosmic conflict between good and evil that even predates the fall of Adam and Eve in Genesis 3 the conflict surfaced between Lucifer the most elevated of all created beings and God himself who created Lucifer later to become Satan or the devil by empowering Lucifer with volition that is God gave to Lucifer and to all of the angelic creation the ability to obey the creator or disobey the creator and he chose to revolt in doing so he succeeded in recruiting one third of the created angelic sphere to follow him in his rebellion we have no idea how many angels fallen and unfallen we are talking about we are not given any number we know that numbers are used like ten thousand referred to by our
[20:54] Lord that he could call ten thousand angels to his rescue in connection with the crucifixion that was not in the plan and program of God we have no idea how many angelic beings were created we don't know how much earlier before man was created that they were created we only know that these are spirit beings they do not have physical bodies that you and I have however they do appear able to assume a physical like appearance and we see that as early as Genesis I think Genesis 19 where the three angels came to Abraham in the cool of the day one of them was the angel of the Lord it was actually a Christophany a pre-incarnate appearance of Christ himself we know that an angel of the Lord confronted Joshua and Jacob wrestled with an angel at the brook Jabbok and that seems to have been another Christophany so there were angels who were referred to as young men at least they looked like young men at the tomb of our
[22:00] Lord in connection with his resurrection so these angelic beings are sometimes referred to as just angels and the word means messenger angelos in the Greek it literally means messenger you can see Gabriel fulfilling that role when he gave the message to Zacharias about John the Baptist being born and then he gave the message to Mary about her being the mother of the Messiah and then later to Joseph that he should take Mary his espoused wife and so on and in each case these angelic beings assume some kind of bodily presence but beyond that they are just creatures of mystery we just really know very little about them the Bible indicates that they possess great power great power and great intelligence angels and yet there appear to be things that are hidden from them some of which we perhaps are even privy to that they are not so we really don't know very much about these angelic beings we do know that angels came and ministered to our
[23:14] Lord the night that he was betrayed and as he sweat as it were great drops of blood so suffice it to say that these angelic beings if my theory is correct and I'm not prepared to go to the map for this but I don't know where else they came from if the demonic hordes that exist today are not the same beings as the angels that kept not their first estate but were recruited by Lucifer and they fell with him if that is not who they are or what they are or their origin I have no idea what it might be it seems best to fit the whole thing that there were originally these angelic beings created before there were any humans and they were created with a volition and part of them exercised their volition and rebellion and my theory is as is the case with most theologians is that in the fall of those angels in the moral decline of those angels they became what we now know as demonic spirits so they are still spirit in essence without bodies and apart from that we really don't know very much about them consequently there remain to this day fallen and unfallen angels and these demonic spirits like their leader satan are at work undercover in their powers of influence and ongoing efforts to thwart the purposes of god however they can we do not have any reason to believe that these angels have a life span we have no reason to believe that angels that were back in the book of genesis have since retired or died or somehow passed off the scene there does not appear to be any human attributes given to angels in so far as a lifespan or the need for physical food or anything of that kind so we are talking about an entirely different kind of being one of their chief tools is that of idolatry and
[25:42] Paul reminds us when he writes to the Corinthians that people who think that they are sacrificing food to idols are actually sacrificing to demons and they don't even know it these false gods we briefly explored early passages in Genesis that referred to the practice of idolatry at a very early period in human history remember the existence of the household gods from the home of Laban that were stolen by his daughter Rachel that was considered in Genesis 31 the entire Bible documents human involvement with the making and worshiping of idols that in reality has demonic underpinnings now here is something that really needs to be understood early on and I hope you will keep this in mind what is the rationale for making and worshiping idols and calling them gods what's the basis for doing that why would anybody do that why would anybody cut down a tree and from part of that tree he carves an idol and he calls that his god and then from the part of the tree that he cuts away from the idol he puts it in the fire and burns it as fuel to cook his food is there something wrong with this picture where does that kind of thinking come from it comes from a twisted warped intellect that's where it comes from it comes from the fallenness of our humanity that impedes our intellect and our rational thinking that becomes the whole basis of idolatry it is the vain imaginations of men's minds that Paul referred to in Romans 1 as darkness the darkness of their minds and the darkness of the mind is an impairment it keeps you from seeing and understanding reality as it is and you fall back on these vain imaginations and concoct some of the most harebrained things you could ever imagine who could possibly think for a moment that there was some spiritual value in offering your son or daughter to one of these false gods the text uses the phrase a number of times they made their children pass through the fire what's that mean it means that in the case of in the case of the
[28:38] Moabites which is where Ruth came from there was the god Moloch and the god Moloch was was fashioned kind of like a fat Buddha with a lap and you placed your child in the lap of this god Moloch and of course there was a fire kindle there and you literally burn this child alive as a sacrifice as an offering to that god now we look at that and say that is not only harebrained and stupid and ridiculous and inhumane it it is it is unthinkable that anybody could do that what would possibly possess someone to do that can you imagine a scene like that it's almost too horrible to even contemplate can you imagine a baby being placed in a situation like that and burned alive and thinking that it is somehow going to benefit and many times these kind of acts were performed to gods and goddesses of fertility the owls that you see so often in the old testament spelled b-a-a-l they were multiple gods they were all deeply involved in and encouraged illicit immoral sexual activity and it was all about fertility because the name of the game was to have as many children as you could of course that would be more people to do your bidding and to work and et cetera and it was considered part of the coin of the realm the pump if you will of fertility is to offer a baby and that would appease the god and he would bless the womb and you would have multiple children now is that insane or what of course it is where does this kind of thinking come from how do people arrive at these kind of conclusions all it takes is for one really super aberrant mind to come up with this and they begin recruiting and influencing and there are people who sign on and there may not be many many people wouldn't have anything to do with it but there are always a number remember not too long ago what was the remember the hail bop thing back several years ago when these people all committed suicide and they were supposedly anticipating some spaceship that was going to arrive and carry them to this new planet how many were there 12 15 people something like that it was all over the news back then and it was in connection with the arrival of the hail dash bop comet now that is that doesn't even qualify for bizarre that is beyond bizarre where people get this stuff anyway it comes out of a human mind a human vain imagination that is pitted in darkness and fueled by demonic influence and it is out there the rationale for making and worshiping idols and calling them gods is twofold and there may be more involved but these are the two that
[32:06] I'm familiar with number one it begins with the rejection of and rebellion against the one true God but as I've said man does not function in a vacuum if he displaces the true God if he walks away turns his back on the true God of creation and revelation then he will fill that space he will fill that vacuum with an object of worship to his own choosing ergo the creation of his own God or gods secondly superstition and the fears that accompany it are the natural consequence of rebellion against God let me repeat that superstition and the fears that accompany it are the natural consequence of rebellion against God the fear results in an effort to placate or appease the gods you have created appeasement is designed to forestall the displeasure of your
[33:16] God that is to keep on his good side you ply him or her with worship and offerings now folks this is just plain nuts but it goes on and the Old Testament and the New Testament is replete with this remember when Paul came into the city of Athens and let me tell you these Athenians were not intellectual dumbbells they were the intellectual elite of the world there on Mars Hill where Paul held forth with the philosophers don't lose sight of the fact that this is the source of Plato Socrates
[34:17] Aristotle and a whole host of others whose writings are still available today who have IQs the likes of which could buy and sell mine twice over and have change left these were not dumbbells and Paul said your whole city is filled with idols you've got an idol on every street corner I even saw one to the unknown God what is this this is fallen human imagination contriving its own deities to its own liking it's incredible it's amazing do you realize that this goes on in our so-called enlightened 21st century with great abundance do you know anything really about
[35:17] Hinduism how many how many gods is it that are in Hinduism is it 300,000 I don't know how they ever could count them but hundreds of thousands of gods in Hinduism what do you attribute that to where where there are temples that are overrun by rats and it's called the rat temple and no one is allowed to harm or kill one of those rats they are sacred rats like sacred cows and say you say where in the world do people get stuff like that what how do they come up with this this is so weird they come up with it with the vain imaginations of a fallen human intellect coupled with and energized by demonic activity that spurs this stuff on and if any of you saw the video that we showed here several months ago featuring
[36:21] Ravi Zacharias who was born and reared in India and he went back to his homeland and the pictures go into some of these temples and people walking around with with with with spears through their tongue and through their cheeks and and beating themselves on the back and lacing themselves all in the name of religion religion never lose sight of this fact religion is a worldwide curse of humanity religion is the worst thing that ever happened to humanity religion is man made and demonic inspired religion is man attempting to reach God on man's terms Christianity is God reaching man on God's terms the difference is night and day and yet religion in the minds of many people passes off as something just as legitimate and honorable as
[37:35] Christianity ever was how do people reach that kind of a conclusion a fallen intellect that's how the basis the basis for idolatry and demonism has to do with the acquisition of wealth or influence over others that is a secondary reason for idolatry you appeal to these false gods to these deities which in your mind they are not false at all they are real the idol represents the idol represents the real god that is behind the idol and you appeal to this god with offerings and your intent is for this god to bless you with prosperity so you want to keep on his good side by honoring him bowing down to him worshipping him this idol and he in turn will give you as it were the desires of your heart or perhaps it is power that you seek over other people that too is involved so you appeal to the false god on the basis of if it is not acquisition of wealth then it has to do with the acquisition of power or influence so when you look behind these you find almost always the same kind of formula either the quest for power or the quest for influence an idolater seeks to gain material blessings or extraordinary influence and power over others by appealing to the false deity today this includes astrology tarot cards fortune telling seances voodoo sorceries drugs and the drugs really plays an important part in this because drugs like alcohol lowers people's human inhibition and drugs coupled with an already fallen intellect creates some pretty powerful things you have people jumping off buildings convinced they can fly because they're on
[39:46] LSD and mood altering drugs and all kinds of stuff like this and that too is going to play a very prominent role in the book of revelation where they are referred to as sorcerers and you look up the word in the Greek it's translated in the English for sorcery and the Greek word is pharmakeia what does that mean well it's the word from which we get the word pharmacy pharmacy and it means the makers and mixers of potions and elixirs and substance that's the drug scene and who knows how long that has been on the scene but it is out there today in spades and it too is going to play a very prominent part it is a mood altering drug it takes you into it takes you away from a place where you don't want to be into a place where there is hey everybody you know the lady was having all kinds of problems with her kids she had three kids under ten years of age and they were just about to drive her nuts and she went to her doctor and says these kids are just driving me crazy
[41:13] I've got to have something to help me control them to help me cope with them and he said okay and he says he's going to give her some tranquilizers and he loads her up on tranquilizers and she comes back three weeks later and he says so how are you doing with the children she says who cares who cares call it mood altering and it does all of these things come into play and they are in our culture today big time and what I want you to understand is this they've always been here this goes all the way back they've always been here and they are going to play a very very important role today we have more sophisticated ways of looking at these things and let me just throw this one out I know I'm going to touch on some areas here that probably may not be appreciated by some people but I don't really care because I'm certain of the ground that
[42:13] I'm on science science is a wonderful servant when it is kept in its place of servanthood but when you try to make science your master it will turn on you and devour you we are tremendously indebted in a lot of ways to scientific discovery and when I think of men like good old Tom Edison and his light bulb and all the rest boy I want to rise up and call him blessed I'm really grateful for all of the achievements and benefits and advances that we've made through science has made life so much more enjoyable and so much more everything I mean it just all has to do with discoveries things that we didn't know before that we discover and we can put into use and it's a blessing for all of humanity so let's hear it for the scientist and I'm all for it but science is a lousy god science falsely so called has in many circles simply eliminated the true god from the picture science and the human acquisition of knowledge has become a modern deity and much of academia is today worshipping at its altar that is sad it's very true scientists a hundred years ago and like
[43:55] Michael Faraday and well I could name a whole host of them but the vast majority of them were thoroughly committed Christians who recognized and accepted the authority of the Bible and yet through this nefarious influence and I think demonic influence and activity part and parcel of which is the evolutionary hypothesis has just slowly but surely excluded god from the scene more and more and god is being pushed out more and more we see it happening almost daily do we not when a youngster sneezes and a child says god bless you and the teacher sends them packing from the room saying we'll have none of that god stuff in this room this is what do you call this this is just plain nuts and that's part of this fallen intellect thing that we're talking about the worship of science as the be all end all is nothing more than a sophisticated upscale form of idolatry that's exactly what it is and the god is called science it elevates man and his intellect on the throne of this world and you have people like
[45:18] Richard Dawkins and his ilk who write these best selling books and are interviewed on major networks and they peddle their influence and they are very suave smart sophisticated engaging interesting and they write very interesting books even if you don't agree with them and it all comes from this same source and it is going to become more and more prevalent as the time goes on and what I want to do for this small relatively small number of people we have here I want to really try as best I can to provide you with a heads up so when this stuff comes along and pops up on TV or in the newspapers every day you will be able to connect the dots and see through it we are in for quite an education and I include myself
[46:22] I'm amazed at what I've already learned I'm amazed all over again of my own ignorance about a number of things but I'm learning I trust you will be too well please remember on your way out to pick up this copy by Reynolds showers on the foundations of faith and I hope you'll collect these and put them in your notebook because there will be several more to come and we are going to explore this in a way that I think will be very very enlightening it already has been to me and I'm excited about sharing it with you I just wish these could be two or three hour sessions instead of 45 minutes because we've got a lot of content to get through is there a quick question or comment that anybody might have okay would you stand with me please father we recognize that what we have been describing this morning is the world as you see it and the world as you have revealed it and very often it isn't what we see or think but our thinking can be wrong also we need the kind of information that will allow us to see and understand this big picture and we know it is unfolding day by day we know it has a beginning and it is working to a conclusion and we believe that in these last days it behooves us to be as well armed and as well equipped and as knowledgeable as we can possibly be that we may be able to withstand the fiery darts of the evil one thank you for truth itself and for what you have been pleased to reveal to us in your word and thank you that the scriptures really tell the truth and often times it is not a pretty or flattering picture of humanity but it is a truthful one and we are so grateful that your word combats and reveals and exposes the evil and the error that is out there and allows us to see it in its proper perspective and only because of your word are we able to do that otherwise our minds would be just as befuddled as those of unbelievers but the entrance of your word gives light and we want to use that light for further information and understanding that we may live more intelligently and more honoring to you and that we may convey the gospel of the
[49:18] Lord Jesus Christ with more authority and more confidence because we know the ground whereon we stand we pray in the only name that is worthy even that of Christ Jesus our Lord Amen