[0:00] Luke's Gospel, Chapter 1. Gary, who would ordinarily be reading Scripture for us, and his wife Carolyn are off bicycling someplace in this United States.
[0:11] I forget where they told me they were going to be, but they are avid bicyclers and average well over more than a thousand miles a year that they log on their bicycles.
[0:23] So, more power to them, and I hope wherever they are, the weather is as beautiful there as it is here. That just makes it all the more enjoyable. So, would you look please at Luke's Gospel, Chapter 1, and we are going to read the Magnificat.
[0:43] This is the response of Mary to the angel Gabriel when he appeared to her and informed her that she was going to be the mother of the Messiah.
[0:54] And now we are going to read what Mary has to say in response to this. And it will begin in verse 39.
[1:07] Oh, I'm sorry. Let's begin with verse 46 for time's sake. Let's just jump right into where Mary begins with the Magnificat.
[1:19] And bear in mind now that this young girl is probably, almost certainly, a teenager. And she is engaged to be married to this man, Joseph.
[1:32] And you are as aware as I am of all of the consternation that surrounded that because they had never had physical relations. And she knows that, and Joseph knows that.
[1:45] And yet she is going to be pregnant with this child. And it will be a miraculous conception. And Mary said, beginning in verse 46, My soul exalts the Lord, and my spirit has rejoiced in God my Savior.
[2:00] For he has regard, he has had regard for the humble state of his bond slave. And of course, she's referring to herself. For behold, from this time on, all generations will count me blessed.
[2:14] And of course, all generations do because of this privilege that was given her. And the reason being, the Mighty One has done great things for me, and holy is his name.
[2:26] And his mercy is upon generation after generation toward those who fear him. He has done mighty deeds with his arm. He has scattered those who were proud in the thoughts of their heart.
[2:40] He has brought down rulers from their thrones, and has exalted those who were humble. He has filled the hungry with good things, and sent away the rich empty-handed.
[2:53] Now, verse 54, the plot thickens. Listen carefully to this. He has given help to Israel, his servant.
[3:06] This is speaking, of course, of the nation of which he is a member. In remembrance of his mercy, as he, God, spoke to our fathers, to Abraham and his offspring forever.
[3:29] Mary, in essence, is saying nothing more than this. God is now making good on the promise he gave to Abraham.
[3:41] And how long had that been? It had been approximately 2,000 years since God called Abraham out of Ur of the Chaldees to go into the land that I will show thee.
[3:55] For 20 centuries, Israel has been waiting for this promise given to Abraham to be fulfilled.
[4:08] And now, Mary is here saying, here it is. And I think it is apparent from the language that she uses that never for a moment had they lost sight of the fact that God had made this promise to Abraham.
[4:23] When is he going to make good on it? And there doesn't seem to be any doubt in the Jewish mind at all that he would make good on it. The only question is, when?
[4:35] What is his timetable? And now, 2,000 years later. And as I've often said, from the time the promise was originally made, it had been even longer than that.
[4:46] If you go back to Genesis 3 and verse 15. While we're in the neighborhood, come over a page, if you will, please, to the song of Zacharias. This, too, is very startling.
[4:59] Because Zacharias and his wife Elizabeth are well past the years of childbearing. They had lived in a marital union for who knows how many years and had no children.
[5:13] And, of course, lamented that fact. As all Jews did, because they considered it a favor of God for the womb to be open. And almost like a curse of God if it wasn't.
[5:24] Truth be told, that was not reality at all. But that's the way many of them interpreted it. Now, this same angel, Gabriel, is appearing to Zacharias and telling him, in his advanced age, that he is going to father a child.
[5:41] And that this child will be named John. This child will be the forerunner of the Messiah. So, we've got the promise of the Messiah coming in chapter 1 with the Magnificat of Mary.
[5:56] Now, with the song of Zacharias, we have the promise of John the Baptist, who is going to be a first cousin, I'm sorry, a second cousin of Jesus.
[6:07] And he is the one who is going to go before him and announce his way. Prepare you the way of the Lord, etc. So, I want you to begin reading in verse 67 of Luke chapter 1, where it says, His father Zacharias was filled with the Holy Spirit and prophesied, saying, Blessed be the Lord God of Israel, for, because he has visited us and accomplished redemption for his people, and has raised up a horn of salvation for us in the house of David his servant, as he spoke by the mouth of his holy prophets from of old, salvation from our enemies, and from the hand of all who hate us, to show mercy toward our fathers, and look at this, and to remember his holy covenant, the oath which he swore to Abraham our father.
[7:15] Well, this was front and center in the minds of all of the Jewish people from time immemorial, when God would make good on his promises.
[7:26] And we are now arriving in the history of this planet, at a place where this covenant that God made with Abraham may be far more timely and far more strategic than any of us could possibly imagine.
[7:45] We are continuing to explore this Abrahamic covenant, that promise that God made to Abraham about 4,000 years ago. We see this covenant as the linchpin to the plan and program of God.
[8:03] This is, of course, assuming there is a God responsible for all of creation, as stipulated in Genesis 1. And, two, this is assuming that this God is one of intention and purpose, who has devised a plan and a program for working that plan.
[8:23] We base this upon the clear revelation that God has given in his word. In rejecting the Bible, of course, all of this goes right out the window.
[8:35] It's of no consequence at all. And for those who reject the scriptures, they attach no significance to this promise at all. No God, of course, means no plan, no intentionality, no purpose, and no meaning.
[8:54] It also means no fixed value system for life or anything else. Because if there is no overarching authority who exists, then we each become our own authority.
[9:09] And for a great many people in the Western culture, this is where we are. The issue is authority always has been, always will be.
[9:21] So, again, to emphasize this, what's the big deal about this wandering old mid-eastern nomad called Abraham? Abraham, why are we spending time in ancient history?
[9:35] Some would say, let's get modern, let's get relevant. Who cares about this old guy, generally referred to as the first Jew? What is really at stake here anyway, that is worth this kind of time and investigation?
[9:48] Let me tell you what's at stake. What is at stake is the entire prophetic program, that is, what is going to happen in the future, why and how it will come to pass.
[10:01] It also includes what is happening in the present, right now, and why it is as it is.
[10:15] Bear in mind that what happens now was once future. And how can we be sure that these prophecies, given years ago regarding Abraham and the Jew, will come to pass?
[10:31] What makes us so confident that these things are actually going to be fulfilled, like the Bible says? And we have the best of all possible answers. And that is, because of the specific prophecies that have already been fulfilled, in detailed, undisputable fashion.
[10:51] They are items of history. They are not matters of opinion. They are a matter of record. So the plan and program of God can be depended on its fruition, coming to fruition, and unfolding precisely as it is promised, because of what already has.
[11:09] In fact, in connection, in connection with the birth, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ, there were over 25 specific prophecies, predicted of him, hundreds of years before he was ever born, that were fulfilled in precise detail.
[11:31] There is no human explanation for that kind of accuracy. Just none. And what this does, is it simply shores up our confidence, that all that God has promised, is going to come to pass.
[11:44] And the only question is, where does it fit into the timetable? That it will come to pass, is certain. The only thing that is uncertain, is exactly when. And as we already saw, from the passage with Zacharias, and Mary, the mother of our Lord, they were obstacles of the when.
[12:03] They knew what the promise was, they just didn't know when. But when the angel appeared to them, and announced the birth of John the baptizer, and of the Messiah, that became their when.
[12:14] And it was fulfilled precisely, as it was promised. We have also posited the need, to understand, that the plan and program of God, designed to be fulfilled, through Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, and their progeny, known today, as the nation of Israel, has been met with, and continues to be met with, strong, and cunning opposition.
[12:41] This opposition, will be seen, to have occurred, all throughout history, and it is intensified, today, in the Arab Jewish conflict, that is taking place, even as we speak.
[12:55] this will increase, a pace, until virtually, the entire world, will become, anti-Israel, including, the United States of America.
[13:13] We are not, going to be, on Israel's side. We are now. And our president, and our state department, has made it very clear, as has those, who preceded them.
[13:29] We have no stronger ally, than Israel. And we are their chief supporter. And they represent, the only kind of, representative democracy, in that part of the world.
[13:41] We are a kinship, with Israel. We support them, and they support us. That is true. I wish, there were some guarantee, that it would continue.
[13:51] But it is not, going to continue. And one of the reasons, it is not going to continue, is because, that, which will cause, the Oval Office, and the State Department, to turn their back, on Israel, is public opinion, in the United States.
[14:11] Because, these politicians, if they yield, to anything, Republican, or Democrat, they yield, to public opinion. They take their polls. They see which way, the wind is blowing, and they know, they better get with the program, of the majority, of the people.
[14:26] And that is precisely, what they are going to do. I do not know, how aware you are of it, or if at all, but there is a very, concerted, very well funded, effort, underway right now, to marginalize, the nation of Israel, in every way.
[14:44] They can. This is being realized, in academia, where some of our, leading institutions, educational institutions, who have, enormous amounts, of money, hundreds, and hundreds, of millions, of dollars, that are, there, as their, endowment, money, that is just, lush money, hundreds, of millions, of dollars, dollars, Harvard, and Yale, and Princeton, and other schools like that, have in their bank account, to do with what they will, and it is theirs to invest.
[15:17] And many have been, in the past, investing in whatever they thought, were the good investments. But of late, we have been reading, more and more, of organizations, educational, corporate, etc., withdrawing their investments, from anything, to do with Israel.
[15:38] They are, divesting themselves, of financial interest, in Israel. And it is a growing thing. What that, of course, will do, is it, it will eat, it will weaken, the economic clout, and the international clout, of the nation of Israel, and make them, more vulnerable.
[15:56] We are going to see this, intensify, as time goes on. And eventually, eventually, public opinion, in the USA, that is generally, supportive of Israel, will turn against them.
[16:13] Now, for those, who think, that is not possible, to happen, let me tell you, if you have, enough, savvy, and enough money, to create, the kind of, public relations machine, that is needed, to influence, and affect, public opinion, you can accomplish, almost anything you want, because, now I don't want to say this, I don't like hearing myself say it, but I'm going to say it, because I know, it's true.
[16:45] The American public, is unbelievably gullible. Unbelievably gullible. So easily, influenced. Jump on the bandwagon, and go with it.
[17:00] And if you think, that is not the case, just look back, a few months, to the issue, of same-sex marriage. I rest my case.
[17:14] Just look back, a few years, at the absolute, reversal, of public opinion, regarding the subject, of homosexuality.
[17:25] How did that come about? Did all of corporate America, just have some kind of vision, or dream overnight, where they saw the light, and recognized, they were wrong, about homosexuality, and change court?
[17:38] Of course not. It was a smooth, slick, well-funded, well-spoken, public relations, machine, the likes of which, this country, had never seen before.
[17:51] I wish, we were not so gullible. But we are. We are. In fact, Americans, are so gullible, we really have, to stretch ourselves, to even get, 50% of our people, to the election polls.
[18:14] That's how detached, and gullible we are. That's pathetic. But it's true. And all I'm saying, is that this kind of mentality, is going to continue, and it will succeed, in reversing, public opinion, against Israel.
[18:32] Right now, as I speak, what is being portrayed, in numerous places, throughout the world, especially here. Because, everybody knows, how dependent Israel is, on the United States.
[18:46] And if you can turn, the tide of public opinion, in the USA, against Israel, the theory is, they're sunk. The only reason, they exist today, is because of what, the USA has poured into them.
[19:00] And, there are those today, who are going about the country, and presenting, very smooth, slick cases, that, Israel, is the oppressor.
[19:14] The Palestinian, those poor, Palestinian people, they are the oppressed, and the downtrodden. And they are the ones, that Israel is taking advantage of.
[19:25] And you know, back in the Bible days, there was David, and Goliath. Well, there's David, and Goliath today. Only the difference is, the roles are switched. Now, David, David, is the Palestinian.
[19:42] And Israel, is the Goliath. And that's the way, they view it. And one reason, they do, is because, Israel, is, a state.
[19:54] They are a country. They are an official country. They're a member of the UN. The Palestinians, don't have a state. And they've been opting for statehood.
[20:05] And, most are of the, are of the opinion, including the Israelis, that, if the Palestinians, want to be a state, they could be a state. And there were even terms, set up, and an opportunity, given to them, to become a state, so that there could be two states, living side by side, state of Israel, and the Palestinians.
[20:25] They could have their own capital, their own government, et cetera. And they turned it down. And the reason, they turned it down, is because, they do not believe, that Israel, has any, legitimacy at all.
[20:43] They do not have the right, to exist, as a nation. And you would be surprised, how many people, they've been able to convince of that. Here is a group of people, a ragtag bunch of people, that got themselves together, survivors of the Holocaust, many of them, in World War II, and started coming to Israel, and claimed that, as their long established homeland.
[21:06] And do you know, in the history, in the history of the human race, there has never, ever, been, a nation, that sunk into oblivion, so that it did not exist anymore, as a nation.
[21:24] And come back to life, 2,000 years later, born, in May, in 1947, 48, and reconstituted, as a nation, and initially recognized, by then President, Harry Truman, of the United States, and the nation of Israel, was born.
[21:52] That, in and of itself, is nothing short, of miraculous. And that land, to which they returned, is the same land, that we are talking about, in these passages of scripture, that God gave, to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.
[22:10] We are going to examine those, again, just briefly, because, it is really essential, that we get these, firmly fixed in mind. And I want you to come, first of all, to Genesis chapter 12.
[22:23] This is so important, that it is crucial, to what is happening today. Of course, when you, present these passages, of scripture, to, to, to the Arab population, to the Palestinians, today, their, their answer to that is, well, we know that that's what, your Bible says, but, your Bible is all corrupted, the Jews have changed it, to make it read, the way it does now, this wasn't the way, it originally was.
[22:55] Originally, God gave the promise, of the land, to Ishmael, not to Isaac. And it was Ishmael, who was sacrificed, or offered as a sacrifice, by Abraham, not Isaac.
[23:08] So, your Bible, has been, rewritten, and the Jews, corrupted it, and made it all, read that way, in their favor. But originally, it was for, the Palestinians.
[23:20] So, in chapter 12, I just want you to see, the impact of this, and how, God, continues, through this passage, to confirm, and reconfirm, and re-reconfirm, these promises, that he's made, to Abraham.
[23:40] How clearly, they are stated, and we believe, they were intended, for perpetuity. That is, that they are, of an enduring nature, in which case, they are fully, in force today.
[23:52] They have not, been rescinded, they have not, been abrogated at all. And the Lord said, to Abraham, go forth from your country, and from your relatives, and from your father's house, to a land, which I will show you.
[24:05] And I will make you, a great nation. I will bless you, and make your name great. And so, you shall be a blessing. And I will bless those, who bless you.
[24:17] And the one, who curses you, I will curse. And in you, all the families, of the earth, shall be blessed. I was going over, some of my notes, the other day, and I thought, well, this is, this is quite fascinating.
[24:28] It's quite interesting. And what I was researching, and you can do this online yourself, be an interesting study for you. I was researching, the number of Jews, that have been awarded, the Nobel Prize.
[24:43] And it was stunning. I mean, stunning. They are all listed, as to their name, the year they won the prize, and what they won the prize for.
[25:01] The Jewish population, throughout the world, comprises something like, two-tenths, of one percent. Do you get that? Now, there's about seven billion people, in the world today.
[25:16] So, you take, one percent, of the seven billion, one percent. Got that? Then take, two-tenths, of that.
[25:30] And that's how many Jewish people, you have. So, what is the percentage, of Jews, who have won, the Nobel Prize?
[25:41] This is for science, for literature, for chemistry, for just all kinds of engineering. Twenty-two percent. What? Twenty-two percent?
[25:54] We're not talking two percent, we're talking 22 percent. Now, if that isn't just an indirect way, for all nations of the earth, to be blessed through Israel, through Abraham and his seed, I don't know what is.
[26:06] And that's just one instance. Years ago, especially in the fall of the year, parents would really get anxious.
[26:20] I remember my mom and dad. And I remember one year, I must have been about six or seven years old, and, and, little kid, little buddy of mine, lived next door, and I, we like to go out, and, and romp in the leaves, get a big, we'd get the leaves, make a great big pile of leaves, and fall, you know, and we'd be playing those leaves, and burrow in them, and everything.
[26:42] And this, this year, our moms wouldn't let us. Well, what's wrong with kids playing in the leaves? Because, we think that might have something to do, with contacting, polio.
[26:56] What? Playing in the leaves? Polio? Yeah, but, but we didn't know what caused it. We didn't know what caused it. We only knew that there were deaths caused by it, and there were people living in iron lungs to stay alive.
[27:11] And today, polio has virtually been eradicated, thanks to two Jews. Have you ever heard of Dr. Albert Sabin, polio vaccine?
[27:27] How about Dr. Jonas Salk? Polio vaccine? And those are just two. I'm going to provide the documentation for you. I'll make copies of it, and see that you get them.
[27:38] It's, it's quite stunning. I don't know exactly, how all families of the earth are blessed. And of course, the principal way, I think, through this, without any shadow of doubt at all, is through the Messiah.
[27:51] The Messiah coming. Because, as by one man, sin entered the world, and death by sin, even so, by one man, life comes to all.
[28:05] And in the redemptive work of Jesus Christ, he provided a death that covered the sins of the entire humanity. That's the principal way that all nations of the earth are blessed through him.
[28:18] And what he did, was he made every living human being of every nation who ever lived, savable, and able to come to God through Jesus Christ.
[28:29] That's the principal way that he blessed all nations through the earth. And then, if you would please, while we're here in the neighborhood, come over to, let's just do all of these while we're close by.
[28:44] I want you to get the reinforcement of it. Chapter 12, and then look at 13, 14 across the page. And the Lord said to Abraham, after Lot had separated from him, this is Abraham and his nephew having settled their differences, and he says to Abraham, now lift up your eyes and look from the place where you are, northward, southward, eastward, and westward.
[29:16] I don't know exactly where he was, but I kind of get the impression that he was on some elevated area somewhere so that he could see off a far distance.
[29:26] And what God is telling Abraham is, take a good look, Abraham, all the way around. Look all the way around. As far as you can see. For all the land you see, I will give it to you and to your descendants forever.
[29:46] Forever. And I will make your descendants as the dust of the earth, so that if anyone can number the dust of the earth, then your descendants can also be numbered.
[29:58] Arise, walk about the land through its length and breadth, for I will give it to you. Abraham moved his tent and came and dwelt by the oaks of Mamre, which are in Hebron.
[30:10] And there he built an altar to the Lord. Now, look at chapter 15 over another page. You see, this is nothing more than repeated confirmations that God is giving.
[30:23] And you almost get the impression that God really means this. And he really wants Abraham to get this. He really wants him to put his confidence and his trust and his future and his everything into what God is telling him.
[30:38] In chapter 15, after these things, the word of the Lord came to Abram in a vision, saying, Do not fear, Abram. I am a shield to you. That means, I'm your protector. I'm your protector.
[30:50] Nothing is going to happen to you without coming through me. I am your shield. Your reward shall be very great. Reward for what?
[31:02] What had he done? Nothing. He just believed God. That's all. He just took God at his word. He honored God by believing him.
[31:13] And how many times have we said right here, God wants nothing from you more than for you to believe him, for you to have confidence in him, trust in him, regardless of what's happening around you, regardless of the circumstances, he wants to be believed.
[31:34] And then, God promises Abraham this seed. And in verse 5, here we go again, he took him outside and said, Now look toward the heavens and count the stars if you were able to count them.
[31:47] And he said to him, So shall your descendants be. And he believed in the Lord, and he reckoned it to him as righteousness. That simply means that Abraham did not have and could not provide the kind of moral righteousness that God required.
[32:04] Because God is perfect and God requires perfect righteousness, Abraham didn't have it to give and neither do you. Neither do I. So what God did was, he took Abraham's faith, Abraham's trust in himself and counted that in the place of righteousness which Abraham didn't have.
[32:26] He accepted that as Abraham's righteousness. And that's what he does when you put your faith and trust in Christ. He accepts your faith in place of righteousness that you don't have.
[32:37] And then, when we exercise our faith in Christ and believe on him, then God turns right around and he gives us as a free gift the perfect righteousness that Jesus Christ has in himself.
[32:56] And you stand in his righteousness, not in yours. That's called justification by faith. It means becoming in a right relationship with God simply on the basis of believing as a gift.
[33:14] Amazing. Amazing. John Newton wrote a song about that. You know that. Amazing. God confirms that further with the ritual that takes place here when he requires all of these animals to be slain.
[33:33] Cut in half. Imagine that. Taking a heifer and cutting it in half lengthwise and you lay side of beef over here and side of beef over there and all these other animals you cut them in half and then the way they cut a covenant which is what they called it and you can understand them calling it cutting a covenant because you were cutting animals to make the covenant.
[33:56] They cut these animals in half put half of them over here and half of them over here and then in the ancient Mesopotamian way of making a covenant the two people who entered into this contract would join arm in arm and they would walk together through those animal parts.
[34:14] Now today we say hey wouldn't it be a lot simpler to just draw up a contract and have the party of the first part sign here party of the second part sign here and you got a piece of paper and it's called a contract or a document wouldn't it yes but this predated all of that.
[34:29] There were no legal contracts drawn up. This is the way they did it and the meaning of that was each one understood that when you walk arm in arm through those animal parts you are pledging your fidelity your integrity your word your honor your everything and what you were saying was if I do not fulfill my part of this contract may what has happened to these animals be my portion that is what I deserve.
[35:04] Now that's kind of like a contract written in blood blood but that's the way they did it. So the idea is then for God and Abraham to walk through this thing together.
[35:18] The only problem is Abraham was sound asleep. He didn't walk with God through that. There was simply that burning furnace our God is a consuming fire that represented deity it passed between the animal parts Abraham was engaged in a deep sleep he was out of it.
[35:41] So what this is saying is if God does not fulfill his part of this covenant may what has happened to these animals happen to him but God is eternal.
[35:56] These things cannot be true of him so the covenant has to be fulfilled and it has to be fulfilled entirely through God's doing not Abraham's because Abraham wasn't even involved in walking through this.
[36:10] He was out out cold sound asleep. What does this mean? This means this is called an unconditional covenant.
[36:22] That means Abraham and his posterity his descendants don't have to do anything in order for God to make good on his covenant.
[36:36] This is a one-sided covenant. Abraham and his seed are going to be beneficiaries of it but not because they earn it or deserve it or God is paying them off.
[36:48] This is just the fulfillment of a promise and God made it because he just chose to make it. He is the sovereign God he can do as he pleases and this is what he pleases to do.
[36:59] This is why we call this an unconditional covenant. There is also going to be a Davidic covenant. We'll see that too is unconditional.
[37:10] There is also going to be a Palestinian covenant. That too is unconditional. There is also going to be a Mosaic covenant.
[37:22] It will not be unconditional. It will be conditional and the condition is if you obey me if you hear my voice if you don't worship other gods if you are loyal to me then I will bless you.
[37:39] But if you don't I will curse you and scatter you throughout the earth. And that is exactly what happened because Israel did not keep up their part of the covenant.
[37:51] And this is what Jeremiah is talking about in chapter 31 and verse 31 when he says the days are coming. Jeremiah said the days are coming when I will establish a new covenant with the house of Israel and the house of Judah not like the covenant which I made with their fathers which they broke but this will be the new covenant and it is entirely different.
[38:17] And that too of course will be unconditional. So everything hinges upon the nature of this covenant. And what it boils down to is this. If it is true as we say that this covenant is predicated entirely upon the faithfulness of God not upon the faithfulness of Abraham or of his seed if that is true then this covenant is still going to be fulfilled.
[38:51] It hasn't yet been fulfilled but it is still going to be fulfilled. God is still going to make good on that. On the other hand if it is a conditional covenant and let me be very clear and very frank with you.
[39:07] Most Christians believe that this was a conditional covenant. It was all dependent upon Abraham and his seed's obedience. obedience. That's the majority view.
[39:20] That's the majority view taken by mainline denominations today. That's the majority view taken by like I said taken by most Christians even some evangelicals.
[39:33] And this is what has led them to the idea that Israel was God's chosen people.
[39:45] people. But when they crucified their Messiah they blew it. And God wrote them off permanently. They are no longer God's chosen people.
[39:58] Well then does God have a chosen people today? Yes he does. It's called the church the body of Christ. That's the majority view.
[40:10] God's God's God's chosen theology. And the idea is the Jew as a nation has been replaced by Christianity and Christianity is now God's chosen people.
[40:27] That's the majority view. The minority view which we happen to embrace is that the covenant is unconditional. it is still in force and God is still going to make good on it in every way shape form.
[40:43] God can be trusted. He is reliable and throughout scripture we see that it is still in force. I have one passage I want to close with and it's in the New Testament and it's very important that it is because it's in Romans chapter 9 and it's just a couple of verses but it's the apostle Paul and he is as much as updating the situation regarding the covenants.
[41:09] Romans 9 bear in mind now this is full 2,000 years after God made this promise to Abraham way back in Genesis. This is 2,000 years later and the apostle says I am telling the truth in Christ I am not lying my conscience bearing me witness in the Holy Spirit that I have great sorrow and unceasing grief in my heart for I could wish that I myself were accursed separated from Christ for the sake of my brethren my kinsmen according to the flesh who are they?
[41:50] They are Israelites Paul says they are fellow Jews they are Israelites now notice this what he says about them to whom belongs and he doesn't say to whom used to belong or to whom one time belonged but he says to whom belong the adoption of sons and the glory and the covenants Abrahamic Mosaic Palestinian Davidic covenants plural and the giving of the law and the temple service and the promises whose are the fathers and from whom is the Christ according to the flesh who is over all God blessed forever absolutely everything hinges on whether or not this is a conditional or an unconditional promise and let me be as up to date and as blunt as I can be if this is a conditional promise that
[43:01] Israel forfeited when they crucified their Messiah and God is finished with them as a nation then let me say this very clearly the Palestinians have a case they really have a case if God has written off the Jew and he's finished with them so that prophetically the Jew has no more future place in history than does Ireland or Scotland or Czechoslovakia nothing special about them in the future then that's the way it is so do you see what is riding on this the whole Mideast and the outplay of that for one thing and how that is going to impact and affect all the rest of the world because listen in the final showdown when this all comes crashing down you can pinpoint on the globe precisely where this is going to end and it is right there in this tiny little land when
[44:13] Christ returns he will be coming from Petra up to the Mount of Olives from the south and Antichrist and his armies will be coming down from Armageddon the valley of Jezreel Megiddo they will be massing there in the north which is Israel's bread basket huge huge expansive plain that could accommodate millions in armies and that's exactly where they will convene and they will march southward and Christ will march northward and it's described in Revelation 19 and we will be there before you know it so all of this is really super super critical it is because history really means something biblical history is not just something taking up space on the page in an old book it has very very pertinent points to make it's making them and we are on track toward the fulfilling of these things and it's going to really be something
[45:17] I don't know that it will happen in my lifetime but it very well could it very well could things are heating up over there more and more all the time have you a quick question or comment anyone okay thank you for your kind attention and would you please be reminded make sure that you get the handouts that you need and give them careful consideration and the one on the Abrahamic blessing you will find more detailed explanation in there regarding the cutting of that covenant and the passing between the animal parts all of this is spelled out for you you'll have a permanent record and I really would urge you to keep these handouts we have we have three hole punched them and I would recommend that you put them in a notebook and keep them together because when we get through with this you're going to have quite a collection that will be very very enlightening to you
[46:22] I can promise you that would you stand please Father we recognize even as we hear news day by day that the times in which we are living seem to increase in peril day by day and even events of additional brutality taking place just over these last 48 hours awakens us to the reality that there is such evil in this world and it is intent on commandeering and subjecting all who do not agree with it to death or to slavery and these people really mean business we pray for our nation and for its leaders that they might know the best way to combat this terror and be willing to make the commitments that are necessary to stand valiantly for the truth and for the nation of Israel and for the side that you have made as obvious the side that you are on is always the side of righteousness of peace as opposed to what we are seeing in these parts of the world so we ask that you will undertake for those in positions of leadership that you will surround them with people who can give wise and godly counsel as how best to go about this threat we recognize it as real we trust they will as well thank you for this time to share together thank you for the relevancy of scripture passages like these written so long ago but with the very authority and power of yourself that you've implanted in them we bless you for it in Christ's name amen