[0:00] some preliminary propositions that I want to relate to you before we get into the text of several passages of scripture. And I want to remind you of what we are presently considering and have been for the past 12 or 15 Sundays. We are laying the historical groundwork of world events so we can better understand what is happening in the present, particularly with the Western world and the Mideast. This will give us a greater understanding of the prophetic picture and events leading up to the end time, or as Paul the Apostle put it, the fullness of the Gentiles when that time is come in. The absolute key to the understanding of the plan and program of God, as clearly revealed in the Bible, centers around the Mideast nation of Israel and the person of Jesus
[1:02] Christ revealed repeatedly in scripture as the Messiah of Israel and the Savior of the world. Why God has deliberately focused upon this tiny nation that consists of landmass the size of New Jersey, and a worldwide population of Jews that numbers not even one percent of the globe's population, but a mere two-tenths of one percent. We have not a clue, apart from what God himself revealed in Deuteronomy chapter 7 and verses 6 through 11. So that's where we will ask you to go initially, if you will please. It is the last book that Moses was inspired to write, and would you turn with me please to a very familiar passage in chapter 7, book of Deuteronomy. The word Deuteronomy means the second law comes from the compound word deutero, from which we get the word duet and duel, and the nomi on the end, which has to do with the law. And Deuteronomy simply means the second giving of the law.
[2:29] And if anyone were to ask, why is the law being given the second time, why wasn't once sufficient? The answer is simply that the law given the second time is given to a new generation.
[2:44] It was given initially beginning in Exodus chapter 20, And that was with that generation of that time that Moses led out of the nation of Egypt.
[2:58] Consequently, afterwards, they are going to spend some 38 years wandering in the desert because of their unbelief and their disobedience toward the Lord.
[3:08] And during those 38 years, that entire generation that was led by Moses out of Egypt is going to die there in the wilderness.
[3:22] God is literally going to have them walking around in circles until that generation dies off. And there will be two survivors from that generation. Joshua and Caleb.
[3:35] Everybody else is gone. So when the second giving of the law is provided, it is a new generation of Israelites. It is the children of that first generation who will be getting it.
[3:47] So we find in Deuteronomy chapter 7, and I'm going to skip for time's sake down to verse 6. For you are a holy people.
[4:01] Now that does not mean what a lot of people think it means. Righteous. It doesn't mean that. The word holy means separated.
[4:15] It means set apart. It means special. It means different. We tend to equate the word holiness with righteousness and good living, etc. And it can be used that way.
[4:26] But essentially, the basic meaning of the word holy means to be set apart. And when God said to Israel, you are a holy people, he means you are set apart from all of the other nations.
[4:37] You're not like them. You're different. Sometimes their behavior was righteous, and sometimes it was very unrighteous.
[4:48] But despite that, they remained a holy people. That is, a separated people from the other peoples of the earth. You are a holy people to the Lord your God.
[4:58] The Lord your God has chosen you to be a people for his own possession out of all the peoples who are on the face of the earth. The Lord did not set his love on you, nor choose you because you were more in number than any of the peoples, for you were the fewest of all peoples.
[5:21] But because the Lord loved you. Well, now, doesn't he love everybody? Doesn't John 3.16 and numerous other passages make it quite clear that God so loved the world, all the inhabitants?
[5:39] Doesn't God love everybody? Indeed, he does. And Christ died for all the world to prove that love. God demonstrated his love toward us in that while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.
[5:52] There could be no doubt about that. But there is a peculiarity that is undeniable about this love that God has for Israel. And he goes on to say, and I think this is really the core of it more than anything, because he is keeping the oath which he swore to your forefathers.
[6:19] And that would be Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. The Lord brought you out by a mighty hand and redeemed you from the house of slavery, from the hand of Pharaoh, king of Egypt.
[6:34] Know, therefore, that the Lord your God, he is God, the faithful God, who keeps his covenant and his loving kindness to a thousandth generation with those who love him and keep his commandments, but repays those who hate him to their faces to destroy them.
[6:56] He will not delay with them who hates him. He will repay him to his face. Therefore, you shall keep the commandments and the statutes and the judgments, which I am commanding you today to do them.
[7:08] Now, this sounds like God is saying, I will love you if you love me in return. But what does that do in regard to the unconditionality of the covenant?
[7:19] And here is where I think many people are confused. There is a condition attached to this. And if you will look at the context, the condition is connected to the land.
[7:31] And what God is saying is, and we call this the Palestinian covenant, and also the Mosaic covenant, both of which involve the land that God is giving to Israel.
[7:42] And what God is telling them here and in numerous places, that is conditional, that is determined by the behavior and obedience of Israel. And it is this.
[7:55] If you will obey me and you will keep my commandments, then I will bless you. And your animals will be blessed. And your families will be blessed. And the crops will be blessed.
[8:06] But, if you don't, if you disobey me, and you slip into idolatry like the neighbors around you, I'm going to drive you out of land and scatter you everywhere, all over the world.
[8:24] I will bring different neighbor enemies against you, and they will defeat you, and chastise you. That part is conditional.
[8:36] No question about it. But insofar as the promise given to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, regarding the permanence of the land. And by the way, there is also this note to be added.
[8:49] God says, after I have driven you all throughout the world, because of your disobedience, in my grace and mercy, I will regather you and bring you back to that land, just like I promised.
[9:07] And we'll see a number of passages where that is set forth. So, from Genesis onward, God has been pleased to use angelic and human instruments to accomplish his will.
[9:24] Sometimes, he uses an individual like Moses, Paul the Apostle, and most significantly, his own son, after he was born of a woman.
[9:37] God also chose to use Abraham the man, and individuals, as well as the descendants of Abraham, comprised ultimately of the entire nation of Israel.
[9:50] The striking phenomena we discover early in Scripture is Israel's rebellion and straying from the God who bestowed this very favored nation's status upon them.
[10:05] Surely, their disobedience speaks of an arrogant attitude of ingratitude, hardly imaginable.
[10:16] Yet, as we have strived to insist, even though they, Israel, have repeatedly written God off via their idolatry and rebellion, God has not written them off.
[10:33] This is the crux. of the covenant promise God made with Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, beginning in Genesis chapter 12. The terms of the Abrahamic covenant placed no conditions upon Abraham or his progeny for the fulfilling of that covenant.
[10:55] The entire burden for the realization of the covenant is dependent upon God alone. Israel's obedience has never been a condition for that promise to be fulfilled.
[11:10] This is why we call it an unconditional covenant. That means no strings attached. Those of you who are old enough may remember that historic moment.
[11:21] I think it was in August of 1945 when on the deck of the battleship Missouri, General Douglas MacArthur and his top generals were there to receive the delegation from the Empire of Japan and they were gathered there to sign the instruments of surrender.
[11:42] Atomic bomb dropped a few days later or a few days earlier put an end to that war and it was an unconditional surrender.
[11:54] Now when a war is going on when you're in the process of a war one nation can engage in what they call suing for peace to the other nation and that means they call a truce and the parties get together and they try to negotiate an end to the war and there are always stipulations and conditions imposed such as well we will cease hostility if you will allow us to cede this land this acreage and keep this so much military supplies and keep this and not have to surrender this and that so they negotiate and they bargain back and forth and when they can strike a deal then they declare the war to an end.
[12:41] That is a conditional surrender. We will surrender on these terms and unconditional terms means you don't make any terms you have nothing to do with whatever and it was the same way with Germany only Germany surrendered earlier and Hitler of course was gone by way of suicide and it was the high command of the German Admiralty Admiral Karl Donitz who represented the German people and he signed the instrument of surrender and it too was unconditional and that simply means Germany you don't have a case you don't make any demands you don't make an effort to keep this or keep that you just quit unconditionally we set all the terms and the same with Japan you have no say in this matter we set all the terms that's unconditional that's the kind of covenant that God entered into with Israel only it wasn't a state of war it was simply a promise and that means these promises
[13:55] I am making to you and your seed no strings attached and it is not dependent upon anything you do or don't do this is what I'm going to do and you know that is the only way that God can ensure that his program will be carried out and that is if he takes the possibility of messing it up out of the hands of men and that's exactly what he does with the unconditional covenant God says this is what I am going to do and in his grace he will send numerous prophets to his covenant people Israel warning them of dire consequences if they persist in their idolatry and all of the evil practices that accompany it Isaiah Jeremiah Ezekiel they will follow Elijah and Elisha and essentially these prophets all had the same message it was just as if all of these prophets had a fiddle with just one string on it and they played it and that string was your sin has alienated you from your God you need to repent and come back to your
[15:05] God and they had slipped into idolatry they were engaged in every kind of practice that you can imagine and you know God was willing to tolerate that among much of the nations of the world but he wasn't willing to tolerate it in his own nation and that again points out the special nature of the relationship between God and Israel he would put up with things among other nations that he wouldn't put up with in Israel and he's going to take action for the simple reason that you as a parent can overlook certain behaviors in other people's children but you won't overlook it in your children because of the connection the principle is the same today in the western world and I'm including
[16:06] Europe in that as well as the United States and North America today's gods are materialism secularism hedonism and humanism that is free to pursue whatever sexual satisfaction one can imagine pornography I know that is a blight on the soul of humanity I had no idea it was as great a blight as it is it has been compiled that if you take the total receipts garnered from the NFL and the NBA that's the National Football League and the National Basketball Association and Major League Baseball and NASCAR and take the sum of money that all of them garner from all of their activities and lump them together it will not equal the money that is made from worldwide pornography and it is everywhere sex trafficking children boys and girls held captive prisoners against their will and men will travel from one continent to another for unhindered sexual escapades with children like that and of course money grubbing adults are behind it all sex trafficking and all of its deviant and perverse practices are rampant throughout the world there is a expression that appears time and time again in the scripture portion that you have and I want you to look at it if you will please it's in your insert and there are several passages these are all found in the old testament and we are going to engage this as just a lengthy passage of scripture
[18:38] I'm looking at the top of the page now this is from Deuteronomy 22 beginning with verse 13 and all of this much of it has to do with the sexual activities and by the way let me say this again because it is very important that you understand this and that is the idolatrous practices and the worship of the false gods that the children of Israel engaged in they adopted from neighbors around them it doesn't seem that they had any that they manufactured of their own we are not told any place in scripture where Israel as a nation came up with its own false gods I do not know of any place like that but they had neighbors the Moabites and their god Chemosh and the Philistines and their god Dagon and the Baal god and Astarte and others these were all pagan deities that had no objective reality at all they didn't even exist except in the minds of the people who created them and then they fashioned these images and statues toward them made offerings to them bowed down to them etc and the chief reason behind idolatry actually there were there were two one was one was you made obeisance to these false gods as a preventive that is you did this you prayed to them and you offered sacrifice to them to keep on their good side so they wouldn't do you harm and then the other of course was to seek their favor and this is tantamount to what takes place not only in
[20:28] Rome but in Greece much later this is even predating that but it's amazing how sexual activity always seems to go hand in hand with idolatry and idolatrous practices Israel is going to be rebuked time and again in the Old Testament for the establishment of what is called the high places these were nothing more than citadels of prostitution for male and female where every kind of illicit sexual activity indescribable that you could imagine took place and it was all in connection with these idolatrous practices now we've got some other stipulations mentioned here and just for clarification we'll throw these in if there is a man who lies with a male as those who lie with a woman both of them have committed a detestable act they shall surely be put to death now the
[21:29] Bible calls this sodomy today we call it homosexuality the scriptural term is sodomy their blood guiltiness is upon them if there is a man who marries a woman and her mother it is immorality both he and they shall be burned with fire so that there will be no immorality in your midst if there is a man who lies with an animal bestiality by the way if it isn't already taking place you can look for it this is coming this is coming bestiality sex with animals and a little later on in this message I will show you why these regard that as perfectly acceptable why not there is one particular circumstance under which you would be very hard pressed to deny bestiality we'll see if there is a man who lies with an animal he shall surely be put to death you shall also kill the animal if there is a woman who approaches any animal to mate with it you shall kill the woman and the animal they shall surely be put to death their blood guiltiness is upon them now
[23:04] I want to insert something here there is no indication that these prohibitions were ever given to the Egyptians or the Babylonians or the Assyrians they were given only to Israel now keep that in mind Deuteronomy 22 5 says a woman shall not wear man's clothing nor shall a man put on a woman's clothing now I know there are some dear souls who feel very very strongly about their interpretation of this and there are churches where if you walk in as a female worshipper and you are wearing a pair of slacks you will be frowned upon you will not be welcome they'll give you the you know you you probably won't want to come back this has nothing to do with women wearing slacks it has to do with a woman wearing a man's clothing with the intent of passing herself off as a man that's the prohibition ladies don't get rid of your expensive designer jeans wear them and
[24:30] I never saw a woman who couldn't fill them out much more nicely than a man could and you could tell right off that it wasn't a man it's a woman a difference nor is a man supposed to wear female clothing and try to pass himself off as a woman but again this prohibition is not given to the world at large it's given to the nation of Israel well first kings 14 judah did evil in the sight of the lord and they provoked him to jealousy more than all that their fathers had done with the sins which they committed for they also built for themselves high places and sacred pillars and asherim on every high hill and beneath every luxuriant tree there were also male cult prostitutes in the land they did according to all the abominations of the nations which the lord dispossessed before the sons of
[25:42] Israel moreover jeremiah 23 among the prophets of samaria i saw an offensive thing we tend today to be offended about everything that comes down the pike everybody is offended at something you know but god is saying he's offended too and he saw this as a very offensive thing they prophesied by bail and led my people astray these are the prophets of samaria and that of course is in the land of Israel also among the prophets of Jerusalem i have seen a horrible thing the committing of adultery and walking in falsehood and they strengthen the hands of evildoers so that no one has turned back from his wickedness all of them have become to me like Sodom and her inhabitants like
[26:43] Gomorrah now the thing I want you to notice in light of what I've already emphasized is that God is taking his own people his own covenant people to task for these activities but do you realize that Sodom and Gomorrah were never part of Israel they didn't belong to Israel as a nation they were in the area of the Philistines and that geographical area just immediately south of the Dead Sea and most scholars are of the opinion that the remains of Sodom and Gomorrah are probably buried beneath the southern end of the Dead Sea under all of that salt water to this day we don't know that for sure but that could very well be but there is no way that they could be classified as
[27:45] Israelites and yet you see the doom to which they were subjected keep in mind that Sodom and Gomorrah are mentioned there in that Jeremiah passage and then later in Jeremiah chapter 50 and I'm not going to take time to read all of it well we might as well let's just zip through it a sword against the Chaldeans declares the Lord and against the inhabitants of Babylon and against her officials and her wise men a sword against the oracle priests and they will become fools a sword against her mighty men and they will be shattered a sword against their horses and against all their chariots and against all the foreigners who are in the midst of her and they will become women now you've got to understand something about the culture it doesn't mean they're going to somehow be transferred from males to females but it means that their effectiveness and their ability to conduct war will be reduced to that of a woman as opposed to a mighty warrior they will become women like women or women like a sword against her treasures and they will be plundered a drought on her waters and they will be dried up for it is a land of idols and they are mad over fearsome idols therefore the desert creatures will live there among the jackals the ostriches will also live in it and it or dwelt in from generation to generation as when
[29:13] God overthrew Sodom and Gomorrah with its neighbors declares the Lord no man will live there nor will any man reside in it behold a people is coming from the north they're your friendly neighbors the Babylonians they're going to tear down your walls they're going to tear down your temple they're going to put your men in chains they're going to plunder the village and they're going to assault the women and they're going to carry all of you off into captivity they are coming from the north and a great nation and many kings will be aroused from the remote parts of the earth they seize their bow and javelin they are cruel and have no mercy do you know that in a very real sense the people who are conducting this jihad in Iraq and in
[30:13] Syria today are descendants of these people do you think murdering and cutting children in two and beheading people before camera and putting it on the net around the world do you think that could be classified as cruel and unmerciful and brutal these were the ancient people who finessed the fine art of drawing and quartering now I haven't heard that that's going on today but it was done in ancient days drawn and quartering simply means that you take four horses and you tie one horse to a man's limb to a man's arm another to his other arm and a horse to each of his two legs and you get the horses all pointed in opposite directions and you lay the whip to the horse can you imagine that that is brutality beyond description that's what it means to be drawn and quartered these are people who invented the flaying of the skin whereby they would put small incisions in your skin and then take a device and peel the skin back raw from the flesh that's brutality that's what people are capable of we listen to something like this and we say how in the world can one human being possibly be willing to do that to another human being and the answer is there is no blindness like spiritual blindness that's how they are able to do this verse 40 as when
[32:16] God overthrew Sodom and Gomorrah with its neighbors declares the Lord no man will live there reverse side if you will please the distress of the siege is described and this is Jeremiah telling the inhabitants of Jerusalem what it's going to be like when the enemy comes against them and the whole intent of course is to break the will of these stubborn people and cause them to return to the Lord in repentance and Jeremiah is saying if you don't this is what's coming this is what you've got to look forward to this is what God is going to allow to come upon you and he's going to use a heathen pagan nation who does not know anything about him to do that to you God is going to use your enemy to chasten you how dark the gold has become how the pure gold has changed the sacred stones are poured out the corner of every street the precious sons of
[33:26] Zion which is another name for Jerusalem weighed against fine gold how they are regarded as earthen jars the work of a potter's hands even jackals offer the breast they nurse their young but the daughter of my people that's Jerusalem has become cruel like ostriches in the wilderness the tongue of the infant cleaves to the roof of its mouth because of thirst the little ones ask for bread but no one breaks it for them those who ate delicacies are desolate in the streets those reared in purple embrace ash pits he's saying you people here in Jerusalem who've been living in the high and mighty with all of your gold and silver it's all going to come crashing down you're going to be reduced to poverty you're going to be reduced to not having drinkable water not having food fit to eat your children are going to be starving this is what's coming those reared in purple embrace ash pits for the iniquity of the daughter of my people is greater than the sin of
[34:41] Sodom well how could that be greater than the sin of Sodom which was overthrown as in a moment and no hands were turned toward her Zephaniah I have heard the taunting of Moab that's their neighbor and the revilings of the son of Ammon Ammon is the capital of Moab still is Ammon Jordan that's what he's talking about here that's the modern city of Ammon Jordan here it is Ammon with which they have taunted my people and become arrogant against their territory therefore as I live declares the Lord of hosts the God of Israel surely Moab will be like Sodom and the sons of Ammon like Gomorrah these keep cropping up it is almost as if
[35:43] God is using Sodom and Gomorrah to depict an epitome of what he will and will not tolerate and here even regarding his own people he says you're worse than Sodom and Gomorrah how could you out do that surely moab will be like Sodom a place possessed by nettles and salt pits and then Amos thunders I sent a plague among you after the manner of Egypt I slew your young men by the sword along with your captured horses and I made the stench of your camp rise up in your nostrils yet you have not returned to me declares the Lord I overthrew you as God overthrew Sodom and Gomorrah and you were like a firebrand snatched from a blaze yet you have not returned to me declares the
[36:44] Lord therefore thus I will do to you O Israel because I will do this to you prepare to meet your God O Israel Amos isn't mincing words for behold he who forms mountains and creates the wind and declares to man what are his thoughts he who makes dawn into darkness and treads on the high places of the earth the Lord God of hosts is his name this is just a small sampling of the prophetic utterances that are given under inspiration against these people who are described as God's chosen people and in connection with all of this there is inevitably the sexual perversions that accompany an idolatrous people and people who turn their back on God we are today facing a situation in this country and not only here but
[37:49] I'm sure that it has already taken place in Europe they consider themselves as having passed the crisis regarding this where the anything goes I have not had the displeasure of doing this or being there but I am told there are places in Amsterdam and in Copenhagen where you can walk along the street in the city in the downtown and see prostitutes in the windows plying their trade just as we once saw mannequins exhibiting the latest style in some dress or something and these prostitutes position themselves in a provocative kind of position in an effort to entice passers by on the streets to come in and partake of what she has to offer and this has been going on for decades so yes
[38:54] I guess in many ways Europe is way ahead of us but we are not all that far behind we are dealing with situations here that no one would have thought even possible a generation ago I have already remarked about the incredible success of the homosexual lobby to completely turn this nation around in its estimation of homosexuality and lesbianism to the place now where same sex marriage has come out of it everything that goes with it anything goes and I told you what's next I am not a prophet nor the son of a prophet but I'll tell you what bestiality is right around the corner you're going to be hearing some very sickening stuff and the population as a whole is going to be hard pressed to try to outlaw it or deny it and do you realize what is at the base of a lot of this
[40:10] I'm sure many of you do and I'm sure also many of you do not what is it that has taken place in the western world that has so conditioned the culture that allows people to give credence and acceptance and not only acceptance but even legitimacy and affirmation to it what is going on we've already mentioned in time past about the fallenness of our thinking processes how that man in the fall going back to Adam and Eve when that fall took place the totality of human personhood came crashing down and it also affects our thinking processes and our ability to use reason and logic and come to right conclusions that too is impaired every one of us is born brain damaged every one of us is born with a mental deficiency and it impairs our thinking and logic processes so that we don't reach right conclusions that's part of our fallenness and it's exhibited in a number of ways this is why among other reasons the word of
[41:31] God is given to us so as to offset our faulty thinking and bring us in line with what is really true because what you and I think isn't unless it comports with scripture and when you get away from that you meander off into other areas of philosophy and ideas that are strictly and purely man made and they are flawed and failing and eventually prove to be wrong but only after they have done an enormous amount of damage that's what we're experiencing right now case in point and I know we've been on this back and forth some of you are probably tired of hearing of it but if you understand the implications you shouldn't be and that is evolution atheistic evolution and I don't know if you are aware of it or not but by and large the vast majority of evolutionists today especially in academia
[42:32] I'm talking about the PhDs and our universities those who are working in the areas of science philosophy and all that goes with the academic setting in our higher universities the vast majority of them are not only evolutionary in their thinking you needn't even apply for a teaching position there if you are not a committed evolutionist if you are a creationist you won't even be given an interview where do we get this in the beginning God created the heavens and the earth we get a writer out of this book and where does most of the world get what they believe they get it out of a book too it's called the origin of species Charles Darwin and it is amazing how people have bought into it but let me make a connection here because some of you are not connecting the dots and
[43:34] I'm going to connect them for you if you walk away from the authority of scripture not only with Genesis 1 1 but everything that follows then what authority do you have remaining we related at the very outset of this series that there are only three possible sources for information just three one source of information originates with the angelic sphere both fallen and unfallen angels the other source of authority originates with human beings it's the mind of man our best thinkers love and last and final authority is that information originates with God so right away you have to make your choice ask yourself which one has the best track record as far as angelic beings are concerned particularly the demons, the fallen ones they wouldn't know how to tell the truth even if they wanted to but I'm convinced they couldn't even want to because they are so thoroughly corrupt and evil there is no truth in them beginning with the master himself
[44:55] Lucifer who became Satan and then you are reduced to the mind of man and we have some pretty sharp men Charles Darwin was not a dummy in many ways he was a genius he was a brilliant individual so was Karl Marx in many ways so was Sigmund Freud in many ways these were not stupid people they were some of the best that humankind can put forth but their thinking is all flawed it's all wrong and yet people have a tendency to be more impressed with what their fellow man has to say than they are with anything God has to say and they line up behind these men and they buy into the ideas and they are suave and they are persuasive and they seem to really know their stuff they've got it down these are not stupid people academia today is filled with very bright intelligent people but that doesn't prevent them from thinking with a warped intellect now there are two kinds of evolutionists one is referred to as the theistic evolutions they are extremely minor in number in fact they didn't even exist until probably the 1890s and they came into existence because when Charles Darwin came out with his Origin of Species it rocked the Christian world
[46:32] I mean it just put them in shock because people understood the implications that if this thing called evolution is true well where does that put us and our Christianity and where does that put eternal life and where does that put salvation where does that put religion in general it's passe it's worthless and all religion is man-made truth of the matter is most religion is man-made that they have right so the theistic evolutionists came for the most part from the clergy and they started backing off and him hauling around and they thought that the evidence that Darwin was presenting was just so compelling and so overwhelming they're going to have to do something or they can't salvage the church and Christianity or anything else what are they going to do so they came up with this bright idea that
[47:34] God did create everything but he used evolution to do it end of problem isn't that neat you've got God and evolution so the religionists and the scientists are both happy they both get their morsel of course you've got to reinterpret Genesis 1 because it said in the beginning God created the heavens and the earth and it gave the outline as to what he created when and on which day well that all has to go by the wayside that becomes just a myth you can't take that seriously because that doesn't fit the paradigm of evolution so what are you going to do are you just going to operate on the basis of sheer naked faith and what you want to be true or are you going to line up behind these super smart scientists take your pick you can have religion and faith which doesn't prove anything or you can have science and you know the big watchword today regarding evolution is this and you'd be surprised how many Christians have bought into it science has proved evolution to be true and you'd be surprised how many Christians say don't swallow hard they have well you can't fight science
[49:11] I mean science deals with facts and creation just deals with faith so you've got to go with the facts I mean you don't want to be a dummy do you you want people to think you fell off the potato truck on Saturday night you've got to you've got to get with it this is science they have proved that evolution is true well if you accept that premise this is just one dot to connect if you accept the premise that evolution is true and you go with the atheistic evolution which by and by and large the vast majority of academia does they will not buy in most of them will not buy in to the theistic evolution at all that's just for the religious crowd but those who are the pure scientists insist that there is no God and there is no need for God he just is out of a job because we have been able to demonstrate and Stephen Hawking arguably the world's greatest physicist has made the pronouncement that the universe is quite capable of creating itself because of the existence of gravity and you would be surprised how many naive
[50:40] Christians swallow hard and say well Stephen Hawking said so he's a really bright guy he must know what he's talking about and they just buy the whole thing hook line and sinker so the vast vast majority and those of you who saw the evolution in God video that we showed here some time ago where all of these people were interviewed in academia these were research scientists bioethicists and people who were into cellular biology and microbiology and all the rest of it from leading universities they were interviewed and they had their comments and virtually every one of them when asked do you believe in God no almost as if well that's a foolish question of course not are you an atheist well yes yes I mean isn't isn't every thinking person an atheist I mean the vast majority of people in academia who are evolutionists which is probably 99% of them are in addition to that atheistic in their belief they're not theistic evolutionists they just believe there is no
[51:50] God never was a God no need for God and connect that dot if you will that means there's no intentionality no purpose no design you are here by accident therefore you serve no significant purpose unless you assign one to yourself and that's all the purpose you have what you give yourself then of course there is no afterlife there is no heaven there is no hell and by the way there is no immaterial you there is no soul or spirit just doesn't exist that too is a figment of your imagination these are logical conclusions that you have to come to if you buy into the evolutionary concept it's the only way left it's the only thing you've got now let's go a little bit further if evolution is true what possible logical reason can you give against males marrying males females and females marrying females why not why not what's the problem there isn't any problem what's wrong with deriving sexual satisfaction from a partner of the same sex nothing nothing how can you say that that's wrong when we all just evolved from this original blob of protein whatever it was through millions and millions of years down into what we are now all we are just happens to be the highest life form that has reached this status to this time that's all we are you are just an animal that is a little further along the line than the animals below you so what's the big deal with having sex with the lower form of animal
[53:53] I mean give me one logical reason for it if there is no morality you see you cannot have morality because you need some overarching power or authority to establish right and wrong and if you don't have that that's what morality is it's dealing with right and wrong issues if you don't have a baseline you don't have any basis for determining anything is wrong Dostoyevsky was right in his brothers Karamazov if there is no God all things are permitted that's nothing but a logical conclusion if there is no God then then your opposition to same sex marriage to homosexuality to bestiality your opposition is nothing more than you trying to force your values on somebody else and what gives you the right to do that do you see how we got where we are and it has come on very very slowly over the last few decades steadily making itself known more and more gaining more and more adherence more and more sympathy more and more support more and more affirmation until the time actually comes where it is wrong not to believe this that's the greatest turnaround that has ever happened in the history of humanity that's the greatest turnaround it has invaded the whole culture well we not only do not have any right to say that these people and what they pursue are wrong we are not only wrong for saying that but some would make it illegal for us to say that that you dare not speak this way never mind that it's in your book the bible that does not give you the right to put down these other people after all they're they're only looking for a loving relationship who are you to deny people the right to connect with whomever they choose to love well it has come to the place now where these folks are not wrong same sex homosexuality lesbianism they are not wrong according to the laws of the state and the laws of the federal government they are not wrong they are entitled to pursue these positions and you are wrong if you would speak out against them so we cannot say there was a time there was a time when we could say that they are all wrong based upon prevailing public opinion but that time's gone that isn't true now they are right according to prevailing public opinion and they even pass laws to enforce it and we see state after state striking down laws that would prevent same sex marriage and they just go by the wayside and it's just as if all of these states are just tumbling one after another eager to get on the bandwagon they don't want to be the state that's left out you don't want to be the weird state who holds out against same sex marriage do you
[58:03] I mean that would be embarrassing to the governor and on and on it goes so they are not wrong based upon prevailing public opinion and legal opinion and we are not saying they are wrong as far as those entities are concerned because we have to admit they're well within their rights the law says so but they are wrong in so far as God has weighed in on the issue so don't try to make us say it's okay with God because it isn't and we're going to insist that it isn't from God's viewpoint and whatever price has to be paid to hold that position will just have to be paid because you cannot give ground on that what can the
[59:10] Christian do who takes the Bible seriously we either side with them or we side with God and for the prophetic voice this has always been the predicament every prophet that God raised up in the Old Testament and in the New never never worked with a majority they always had just a handful always had a minority on their side vast majority of the people to whom they preached their prophetic message were in disagreement with them some even killed them buried them stoned them cut them in half to silence them the prophetic voice has always been in this predicament they always come from a still small voice in the wilderness crying out and as regards the freedom of speech thing and the effort on the part of some to silence the clergy remember the fiasco that took place in
[60:19] Houston I guess they backed down only because they had no choice but to back down the thing really backfired when they were demanding the sermons from these different clergymen to see what they said about the gay issue and about the laws that were being passed and lesbianism etc our response to them is we in the evangelical community we allowed you the freedom of speech when you were trying to convince the public of the legitimacy of your sodomy and sodomy acts and same sex marriage and all the rest we didn't attempt to silence you we didn't attempt to persecute you or to shut you up or to keep you from expressing those views regardless of how greatly we disagreed with them we did not attempt to silence you will you not allow us the freedom of speech when we try to convince the public of the illegitimacy and the danger of it or does the freedom of speech thing work just for one side and not the other that is the grossest of hypocrisy but they are not embarrassed by their hypocrisy because you cannot embarrass people who do not have an objective standard if you make your own standards then it's only a violation of your standards that can embarrass you but they never violate their standards so they're not capable of being embarrassed and we've got a lot of people scattered around the country that way many of them are in
[62:09] Washington and many are in Columbus Ohio and in other capitals throughout the world I do not know why this thing keeps surfacing as you go through the scriptures regarding homosexuality and I can only offer a conjecture and I don't say this because I've got a chapter and verse to back it up this is just a wise man opinion take it or leave it but I am entitled to my own opinion in Sodom where Lot resided as recorded back in Genesis 18 and 19 homosexuality seemed to have been so pervasive in Sodom that only Lot appears to have been uninfected and it was only he and whose family was offered a way out and that through angelic intervention you will recall and by the way we ought not to construe
[63:24] Sodom as being part of the nation of Israel for there is no reason to suggest that it was part of the pagan community that existed at the time and my conjecture is this homosexuality including lesbianism appears to have taxed the limits of divine long suffering why does this appear to be why is it that God brought down the fire and brimstone on Sodom and Gomorrah and it seems exclusively to be in connection with this sin not that there were not other flagrant violations of all kinds of morality as well but this particular sin of sodomy seemed to be something that really rang God's bell if I may say so could it be because homosexuality is so fundamentally turning the intended created order on its ear more than anything else it crosses a line the almighty will not abide it's almost as if
[64:48] God when he says he draws a red line in the sand and you better not cross over it he backs it up he means that perhaps it is the pervasiveness of it as it appears to have been the case in Sodom and Gomorrah I think without reading too much into the text we can pretty comfortably say that these whole cities were just thoroughly given over to this vice and when these two angels appeared in town to actually rescue Sodom and to bring judgment on the city they were sought out by the locals because they were strange fresh meat that they had never experienced and they wanted them sexually it seems to indicate the whole community was just given over to this but in our day and age why should this not be why should not people be utterly free to have sex with whomever however whenever single partners or multiple partners as the sexual liberationists insist this would be complete total sexual freedom and liberty anybody however whenever whatever and if evolution is true and there is no overarching moral authority you don't have a case they hold all the cards might as well be that way your opposition is misguided just forget it that's just one of several of the automatic consequences of there being no god who created everything and made man in his likeness and in his image if you buy into the evolutionary thing you don't have a leg to stand on for opposing these practices they may offend your delicate sensibilities but that's only because you're too much of a prude they would tell you you need to lighten up and get with the program isn't this something this is what we've come to this is what we've come to and well
[67:32] Tuesday is election day don't know what that's going to bring but you are going to vote now listen if you are not even registered to vote please don't let me know that keep it to yourself I would not be able to hold my tongue and we can't afford to lose any more people you know stuff like this so it just makes you really really wonder doesn't it how long Lord Jesus how long yeah maybe maybe a lot closer than we think one of the handouts that I talked about in Sunday school class this morning is about the utterly striking dreams and visions that people have been receiving in the
[68:33] Muslim community in the list of handouts on the wall as you exit the door if you go out the back way there is a sheet there that talks about what's going on in the Muslim community it's an article recently published in decision magazine make sure you pick up one on your way out because this young man who is I think he's in jail now for preaching the gospel says he came to faith in Christ when he was I think about 20 years of age he got a Bible and started reading it and he insists that Jesus Christ appeared to him in a three times and told him that he was coming soon go and preach my gospel and this young man said that's what he was going to do you have to pick that up and read it I don't know what kind of validity should be ascribed to that but I'm not ready to dismiss it out of hand there may well be something going on and with that phrase
[69:39] Jesus is coming soon I'm not ready to dismiss that either just remind yourself you know the only thing that keeps you from going into the depths of despair over this is I've struggled with these issues and all of these passages I keep coming back to this and it brings me a modicum of sanity that I otherwise wouldn't have that is just remind yourself Marv of who is really in charge despite it all and therein lies our great comfort would you stand please father none of us beginning with me is sufficient for these things but you are and this is a heavy message with a heavy burden and incredible consequences we see this nation going in a direction that hitherto would have been believed completely impossible not the USA and yet we are a nation that is filled with people who are spiritually blind with warped intellects easily influenced easily led by those supposedly of high degrees of intelligence and so many just line up behind them like so many lemmings and accept their word as the absolute authority while at the same time they reject the authority of the only one who can really give them the truth we pray that you will continually remind us that we who have the truth have a solemn obligation not to let the truth stop with us but to pass through us to others others who are right now in the same condition and the same degree of lostness that we were before we came to faith in
[71:33] Christ too remind us we pray with that perspective in Christ's name Amen