Christianity Clarified Volume 42


Marvin Wiseman

May 1, 2021


Divine and Human Partnering
Great Shoulders We Stand On
Revisiting Faulty Assumptions, Part 1
Revisiting Faulty Assumptions, Part 2
Revisiting Faulty Assumptions, Part 3
Revisiting Faulty Assumptions, Part 4
Remembering the Reality of Truth
Recalling the Origin of Faulty Assumptions
A Faulty Assumption About Christ's Prayer, Part 1
A Faulty Assumption About Christ's Prayer, Part 2
A Faulty Assumption About Christ's Prayer, Part 3
A Faulty Assumption About Christ's Prayer, Part 4
A Faulty Assumption About Christ's Prayer, Part 5
A Faulty Assumption About Christ's Prayer, Part 6
A Faulty Assumption About Christ's Prayer, Part 7
A Faulty Assumption About Christ's Prayer, Part 8
Six Different Meanings of "Church"
Reinforcing Right Division
Two Distinctions of the "Body Church," Part 1
Two Distinctions of the "Body Church," Part 2