Christianity Clarified Volume 19


Marvin Wiseman

Sept. 1, 2019


The Uniqueness of Christianity
The Audacity of Exclusivity, Part 1
The Audacity of Exclusivity, Part 2
Salvation is Intensely Personal
Salvation is Not Out Sourced, Part 1
Salvation is Not Out Sourced, Part 2
Instant Sainthood
The Free Exercise of Volition, Part 1
The Free Exercise of Volition, Part 2
By Grace Through Faith, Part 1
By Grace Through Faith, Part 2
Grace is Limited and Unlimited
Salvation is a Process and a Crisis
The Gestation and Birthing of Faith
Partially Dead and Fully Alive
Misunderstanding the Ten Commandments
Righteousness and Quality vs. Quantity
The Danger of Peer Pressure
Why Confusion Surrounds Christianity
Resources From Being in Christ