Christianity Clarified Volume 11


Marvin Wiseman

Feb. 1, 2019


Actually, Really Receiving Christ
A New Christian and a Lot of Questions, Part 1
A New Christian and a Lot of Questions, Part 2
A New Christian and Assurance
A New Christian is a Brand New Person, Part 1
A New Christian is a Brand New Person, Part 2
A New Christian and an Old Problem
Being a Christian is Not an Act
A New Christian Tells Others
A New Christian and Prayer, Part 1
A New Christian and Prayer, Part 2
A New Christian and Church, Part 1
A New Christian and Church, Part 2
A New Christian and Church, Part 3
A New Christian and Spiritual Growth
A new Christian & the Bible
A New Christian and Fellowship, Part 1
A New Christian and Fellowship, Part 2
A New Christian Worldview and Church
A Recap for the New Christian