Christianity Clarified Volume 09


Marvin Wiseman

Dec. 1, 2018


The Necessity of Human Volition I
The Necessity of Human Volition II
The Necessity of Human Volition III
The Necessity of Human Volition IV
The Divine Rationale for Creation
Human Volition and Original Sin
Human Intuition vs. Animal Instinct
Spirit Resides Outside of Science
The Spirit of Man and Animals
God's Spirit to Man's Spirit
The First Revelation of God's Grace I
The First Revelation of God's Grace II
The First Revelation of God's Grace III
The Institution of Substitution I
The Institution of Substitution II
The Alternative to Substitution
The Scope of Adam's Transgression I
The Scope of Adam's Transgression II
The Scope of Christ's Redemption I
The Scope of Christ's Redemption II