Christianity Clarified Volume 07


Marvin Wiseman

Oct. 1, 2018


The Holy Spirit in the Trinity
The Holy Spirit in Creation
The Holy Spirit in the Old Testament
The Holy Spirit and the Bible
The Holy Spirit and the Canon of Scripture
The Holy Spirit and Illumination
The Holy Spirit and the Incarnation of Christ
The Holy Spirit and the Temptation of Christ
The Holy Spirit in the Life of Christ
The Holy Spirit and the Gospel of Christ
The Holy Spirit and Pentecost, Part 1
The Holy Spirit and Pentecost, Part 2
The Holy Spirit and the Regeneration of Spirits
The Holy Spirit and His Possession is a Necessity
The Holy Spirit and How He is Received
The Holy Spirit and His Baptism
The Holy Spirit and His Indwelling
The Holy Spirit and His Sealing
The Holy Spirit and His Earnest
The Holy Spirit and Christian Fanaticism