Christianity Clarified Volume 03


Marvin Wiseman

June 1, 2018


The Structure of the Old Testament I
The Structure of the Old Testament II
Biblical Illumination
The Interpretation of the Bible I
The Interpretation of the Bible II
Introduction to Fulfilled Prophecy I
Introduction to Fulfilled Prophecy II
Introduction to Fulfilled Prophecy III
The Fulfilled Prophecy of Tyre
The Fulfilled Prophecy of Sidon
The First Promise of a Redeemer
The Prophecy of a Virgin Birth
Prophecy Referring to the Son of God
Geneology and Fulfilled Prophecy
David's Son is David's Lord
Heaven Comes to Bethlehem
Christ the Cornerstone
The Messiah's Tearful Entry
The Messiah Came to Die
David's Greater Son, The Messiah