[0:00] But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longs, suffering, gentleness, goodness, there is meekness, and friends against us, there is no love, Galatians 5, times G2 and 3.
[0:24] But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longs, suffering, gentleness, goodness, there is meekness, and friends against us, there is no love, Galatians 5, times G2 and 3.
[0:54] My meditation of Him shall be sweet, I will be glad in the Lord.
[1:07] My meditation of Him shall be sweet, I will be glad in the Lord. Psalm 104, 34, Psalm 104, 34, My meditation of Him shall be sweet, I will be glad, I will be glad in the Lord.
[1:35] My meditation of Him shall be sweet, I will be glad in the Lord.
[1:54] Psalm 104, 34, Psalm 104, 34, My meditation of Him shall be sweet, I will be glad, I will be glad in the Lord.
[2:14] For thy grace are each day to face, and that's not of yourselves.
[2:35] This is the gift of God. This is the gift of God. Not of worthless that any man should boast.
[2:53] Ephesians 2, 8 and 9. For thy grace are each day to face, and that's not of yourselves.
[3:13] This is the gift of God. This is the gift of God. Not of worthless that any man should boast.
[3:30] Ephesians 2, 8 and 9. So that's some of them. We've got at least 26 of them.
[3:42] And we've been singing them for years, and it's just been such a blessing. And we're always looking for more. There are several scripture song websites that you can go to. The Bible Bee, which is national now, they have scriptures put to song also that you can avail yourself of.
[3:59] And so we've just found it to be great for the children especially, but also for us as parents. So I came home a month or two ago, and one of my daughters said, Dad, we wrote a song today.
[4:13] And so I'm thinking, okay, that's great. And they sang this song for me, and it was so theologically correct, I was amazed. And I said, that is a great song.
[4:25] We need to learn that song. And so the song we're going to sing now is called My Devotion. It talks about the Christian life. It talks about what we were and what we are and what we shall be.
[4:36] I'm just checking on me. Is it going so far? I have to do it. I have to do it. God will be first in my life.
[4:52] He gives me power against all strength. He will be first through all the worst. God will be first in my life.
[5:03] And this devotion I give to Him is because I gave to me. He gave us His Son, His only one, to die upon a tree.
[5:17] I was once lost and hopeless. I was once lost and hopeless.
[5:28] Some give me teeth, quicksand of sin. God lifted me up. Jesus filled my cup. His blood cleansed my heart from within.
[5:40] And this devotion I give to Him is because God gave to me. He gave us His Son, His only one, to die upon a tree.
[5:54] He gave us His Son, His only one, to die upon a tree. For running a sea hook to Jesus, He died and rose again for me.
[6:07] He suffered and fled with thorns on His head. On our behalf does He please. And this devotion I give to Him is because God gave to me He gave us His Son, His only one, to die upon a tree We're running a spiritual race And by God's grace we shall surely win At the end of the race we'll see God's face in a place without all sin And this devotion I give to Him is because God gave to me He gave us His Son, His only one, to die upon a tree He died upon a tree
[7:15] It hit me as I was singing at that time that the world sometimes has it backwards That God loves us because we did something for Him And the truth is that we forgive others because He forgave us And so our love for God is because of His love for us One more song This is a song that, again, I gave my older sister And I said, we'd like a song on Psalm 127 You know, we've got this big family And we want to tell the world that family is important And children are a blessing, not a burden And so Psalm 127 is one psalm It says children are a heritage of the Lord And they're a blessing And a heritage is something that you pass on
[8:16] Usually non-material You know, usually a heritage is something more than an inheritance When you think about your family heritage It's things that have been passed on from generation to generation That are important to you And that have lasting value And when we die All the things that we own We don't take them with us We may pass them on, but they'll eventually be gone But our lineage, our offspring and their families And their relationships last forever Even after we die Our relationships last Our relationships to Christ are most important And that will be forever And so my sister Tracy wrote this song Called Children are a Heritage of the Lord And we'd like to share it with you Unless the Lord builds the house
[9:23] The work of the builders is wasted Unless God protects the town There's no point in guarding the walls It's useless to labor from dawn until dusk And anxiously work to succeed For the Lord will supply everything that you need And bless you with all good things When children are a heritage from the Lord And fruitfulness is His reward There are carols in an orchard's hand And happy is a family who has their quiver flow
[10:27] For children are a heritage from the Lord For children are a heritage from the Lord For children are a heritage from the Lord For children are a heritage from the Lord Given by God as His reward And our parents are blessed As we give God their best And we come behind them And follow their steps For we are a heritage from the Lord We're a heritage from the Lord Never a heritage from the Lord
[11:36] Well thanks for the opportunity To share a little with you And we'll talk to you later Thank you George Seeing these bright young faces And hearing their joyous music Makes abortion on demand All the more abhorrent Distasteful Does it not So thank you Thank you so much for being here this morning And this morning is going to be somewhat different Well it's already been somewhat different And we really appreciate the musical addition But I'm going to really make it different Because I'm going to shorten And abbreviate my message considerably So you'll have a little extra time To mull over the petition That George is bringing with him And to talk to him
[12:36] And to talk to him About any questions he may have And also a little time To look over items From Dorothy Young's estate Without getting away unduly late So I'm going to quit early this morning And we will not have a question and answer session But we will reserve that for a little later However what we are going to be talking about Is the L in the tulip And it will be primarily introductory With more enlargement to come So now we are going to sing again And it is number 693 Number 693 Let's stand and sing please A shelter in the time of storm The Lord's our rock In him we hide A shelter in the time of storm Secure whatever ill be tried
[13:36] A shelter in the time of storm Oh Jesus is a rock In a weary land A weary land A weary land Oh Jesus is a rock In a weary land A shelter in the time of storm A shame I take A shame I take A day defense by night A shelter in the time of storm No fears alarm No bones of fright A shelter in the time of storm Oh Jesus is a rock In a weary land A weary land A weary land Oh Jesus is a rock In a weary land A smoother storm A shelter in the time of storm A healthy storm In a weary land Of Kristine in the time of storm
[14:38] Our raging storms Respiraling rain A load of waves A shelter in the time of storm Oh, Jesus is a rock in a weary land, a weary land, a weary land.
[14:54] Oh, Jesus is a rock in a weary land, a shelter in the time of storm. Oh, rocked by the refuge, dear, a shelter in the time of storm.
[15:11] Be thou art help, ever live, a shelter in the time of storm. Oh, Jesus is a rock in a weary land, a weary land, a weary land.
[15:27] Oh, Jesus is a rock in a weary land, a shelter in the time of storm. Thank you. You may be seated.
[15:41] Good morning.
[15:56] I do have two announcements. I do note that there aren't too many elders here this morning.
[16:07] But Marv and I set up a board meeting for next Monday, not this Monday, but Monday, August the 27th at 7 p.m.
[16:22] here at the church. So that will be a week away from tomorrow. And I have another announcement. I don't mean to cause your salivary glands to start functioning.
[16:37] But I make a pretty good eggplant parmesan. In fact, Carolyn and I are going to have that for lunch today. And on the table right outside the two doors, there are five plastic bags, each one containing an eggplant.
[16:59] If you so desire, pick it up on the way out. They're fresh picked. They were just picked this morning. So there are five eggplants out there if you like eggplant.
[17:14] Properly prepared. They're really good. This morning we have three verses that we'll be looking at.
[17:29] And it's kind of neat because they're within three or four pages of each other. So please turn to 2 Peter. And we'll be looking at 2 Peter chapter 2 verse 1.
[17:49] 2 Peter chapter 2.
[18:19] Bringing swift destruction upon themselves. Then if you turn the page. We'll be looking at 2 Peter chapter 3 verse 9.
[18:37] The Lord is not slow about his promise. As some count slowness. But is patient toward you.
[18:50] Not wishing for any to perish. But for all to come to repentance. And if you look across to the next page.
[19:03] We're in 1 John. And we'll be looking at 1 John chapter 2. Verses 1 and 2.
[19:13] 1 John chapter 2. My little children. I am writing these things to you. So that you may not sin.
[19:25] And if anyone sins. We have an advocate with the Father. Jesus Christ the righteous. And he himself.
[19:35] And he himself. Is the propitiation for our sins. And not for ours only. But also for those.
[19:46] Of the whole world. Thank you Gary. All of these verses. Plus a number of other verses.
[19:58] Attest to one specific thing. That we want to emphasize. And that is the fact. Of Christ. Dying. For the whole world.
[20:10] And Peter tells us. That those. False. Teachers. Who would be coming in the last days. Would be denying. Even. Denying. The Lord.
[20:21] That bought. Them. Well how did he buy them. He bought them. By dying for them. On the cross. And that. As well as the verse.
[20:31] Just read. He is the propitiation. For our sins. Not. Ours only. But also. For the sins. Of the whole world. These verses.
[20:42] Along with a number of others. That we'll be considering later. All attest to the same reality. And that is. The universality. Or the.
[20:52] Universal. Provision. That God made. For all. Humans. And the reason he did that. Is quite simple. Is because. In addition to.
[21:03] All of God's. Numerous. Attributes. That are defined. Throughout scripture. God. Is. A relational. Being. We find.
[21:14] The concept. Of relationship. Even. In his name. That is used. The name. Yahweh. Or Jehovah. It is. A relational name. It is. A personal name.
[21:24] And God. Has made provision. For personal. Relationships. Between himself. And. His people. This is. A tremendously. Important. Concept. And it is.
[21:35] One. That our Calvinist. Friends. Have great. Difficulty. With. Because. They are. Given. To the idea. That because. Of. Man's.
[21:46] Utter. Inability. To respond. To God. Because of his. Being dead. In sin. God. Therefore. Had to. Respond. For. Man. And he. Did that.
[21:57] By making. The. Election. Of individuals. Unconditional. So. Whatever. You may. Think. You had. To do.
[22:07] With your. Salvation. According. To the. Calvinist. Position. You really. Didn't have. Anything. To do. With it. God. Had. Everything. To do. With it. And. That is.
[22:19] Germain. To the concept. Of the tulip. We've been. Talking. A little bit. About that. Let me. Just run. By this. We are. Dealing. With the. Actually. What we're. Talking about.
[22:29] Is how. God. And man. Connect. There is. A God. In heaven. And he. Has. Created. All things. And the. Principle. Individuals. Of his.
[22:40] Creation. Is humanity. And. Angelic. Is a different. Thing. We'll talk about that. Later. But. What provision. Has God. Made. For man's. Redemption. And.
[22:50] We've. Been. Talking. About. The tulip. Which. Is. An acrostic. That. Is. Probably. More. Definitive. Of. Calvinism. Than. Anything. Else. And. I'm. Not.
[23:00] Going. To. Go. Back. Over. The history. Of. Calvin. And. Augustine. We've. Done. That. I think. Satisfactorily. But. I just. Want. To. Remind. You. That. The basic. Tenets. Of. Calvinism. Have. Been. Reduced.
[23:11] To. These. Five. Components. And. They. Just. So. Happened. To. Spell. Out. Tulip. Now. Calvin. Did. Not. Originate. These. He'd. Never. Heard. Of. Tulip. Didn't. Know. Anything. About. It. This. Is. Something. That.
[23:22] His. His. Followers. Picked. Up. On. Years. After. He. Died. And. They. Arrange. These. Things. Because. It's. An. Easy. Acrostic. To. Remember. The.
[23:32] Tulip. The. T. Stands. For. Total. Depravity. Or. Total. Inability. The. U. Stands. For. Unconditional. Election. The. L. Stands. For. Where. We. Are. This. Morning. Limited. Atonement.
[23:42] The. I. Is. Irresistible. Grace. And. The. P. That. Stands. For. Perseverance. Of. The. Saints. And. The. Reason. We. Are. Talking. About. These. Is. Because. Whether.
[23:52] You. Realize. It. Or. Not. These. Issues. Have. Divided. And. Confounded. And. Confused. Christendom. For. Several. Hundred. Years.
[24:03] Now. They. Have. Not. Confused. A lot. Of. Christians. Because. A lot. Of. Christians. Don't. Even. Know. About. They. Never. Heard. Of. Before. And. It's. Interesting. We. How.
[24:18] Difficult. It. Is. To. Pick up. On. Some. Of. These. Concepts. And. How. Deep. Some. Of. This. Stuff. Is. The. Perseverance. Of. The. Saints. And. Unconditional. Election.
[24:29] And. All. The. Rest. Of. And. How. Hard. It. Is. To. Grasp. And. As. The. Conversation. Went. On. One. Thing. Came. To. The. Surface. That. Is. Very. Very. Important. And. Is. This. You.
[24:39] Don't. Have. To. Know. Any. Of. This. Stuff. To. Go. To. Heaven. What. Is. Required. To. Connect. With. God. Is. Really. Very. Basic. And. Very. Simple. You. Do. Not.
[24:49] Have. To. Be. An. Intellectual. You. Do. Not. Have. To. Be. A. College. Grad. You. Don't. Even. Have. To. Be. A. High. School. Grad. In. Fact. The. Way. Of. Salvation. Has. Been. Made. So. Clear. And. So. Plain. That.
[25:00] A. Child. Can. Embrace. It. And. Understand. It. And. That's. The. Beauty. Of. The. Gospel. The. Good. News. Can. Be. Appropriated. By. Anyone. Who. Hears. It. And. The.
[25:10] Good. News. Is. It. Is. Reduced. To. That. By. The. Apostle. Paul. In. First. Corinthians. Chapter. Fifteen. I. Delivered. Unto. You. That. Which. First. Of. All. I. Received. How. That. Christ.
[25:20] Died. For. Our. Sins. According. To. The. Scriptures. That. He. Was. Buried. Raised. Again. The. Third. Day. According. To. The. Scriptures. And. For. Anyone. Who. Is. A. Human. Being. Who.
[25:30] Wants. To. Connect. With. God. Who. Wants. A. Personal. Relationship. With. The. God. Who. Made. Us. All. You. Need. To. Do. Is. Understand. The. Basic. Concept. God.
[25:40] Loves. You. And. To. Demonstrate. God. Love. For. You. He. Sent. His. Son. He. God. God.
[25:53] Disarranged. The. Trinity. So. That. He. Might. Reach. Down. To. Us. The. Word.
[26:04] Christ. Was. Made. Flesh. And. Dwelt. Among. Us. As. A. Human. Being. And. He. Died. On. That. Cross. To. Pay. A.
[26:14] Penalty. That. He. Did. Not. O. But. To. Pay. A. Penalty. That. We. Could. Not. Pay. It. Is. All. About. Substitution. You. Need. To. Understand.
[26:25] That. The. Principle. Of. Substitution. Is. Established. Way. Back. In. The. Book. Of. Genesis. And. The. Principle. Is. The. Innocent. Dies. In. The. Place. Of.
[26:35] The. Guilty. There. Is. No. Justice. In. That. For. The. Innocent. To. Die. For. The. Guilty. Is. Not.
[26:45] Just. It. Is. Grace. Remarkable. Thing. About. Salvation. By. Grace. Is. That. Very. Fact. John. Newton. Wrote.
[26:56] The. Hymn. About. It. Called. Amazing. Grace. And. This. Is. A. Message. It's. Been. Around. A. Couple. Thousand. Years. Now. And. You. Know. The. World. Still. Doesn't. Understand. It. And. They. Sing.
[27:06] This. Song. All. Over. The. World. Sing. All. Over. The. World. And. It's. My. Favorite. Song. And. And. They. Sing. Bagpipes. Man. That. Moves. Me. That.
[27:17] Just. Really. Gets. To. Me. And. Yet. So. Many. Have. No. Idea. What. They're. Singing. It's.
[27:27] Just. A. Wonderful. Old. Song. With. A. Nice. Melody. This. Amazing. Grace. Is. Available. Because. God. Is. Not. Slack.
[27:38] Concerning. His. Promise. But. Is. Long. Suffering. To. Us. Not. Willing. That. Any. Should. Perish. But. That. All. Should. Come. To. Repentance. What. Did. God. Do. To. Demonstrate. That.
[27:48] He. Was. Not. Willing. That. Any. Should. Perish. He. Died. For. The. Whole. World. He. Died. So. That. None. Would.
[27:58] Have. To. Perish. And. In. The. Death. Of. Christ. He. Made. Salvation. Such. That. Anyone. Can. Appropriate. It. Because.
[28:10] Of. Some. Of. The. Things. I've. Taught. Here. In. The. Past. Particularly. From. Romans. Chapter. Five. And. Second. Corinthians. Chapter. Five. Some. Have. Accused.
[28:20] Me. And. I. Deny. The. Accusation. But. But. The. Charge. Has. Been. Leveled. Against. Me. That. I. That. I. Teach. Universal. Salvation. Which. Is. Absolute. Nonsense.
[28:31] But. I. Do. Teach. Universal. Reconciliation. And. That. Simply. Means. That. God. Was. In. Christ. Reconciling. The. World.
[28:42] What. Does. That. Mean. Does. That. Mean. Select. Individuals. Or. Is. It. Inclusive. Inclusive.
[28:52] Propitiation. For. Our. Sins. Not. Ours. Only. But. Also. The. Sins. Of. The. Whole. World. And. The. Verse. That. Everybody. Knows. John. 3. 16. God. So. Loved. Who.
[29:04] The. World. And. Yet. In. Order. To. Make. The. L. In. Limited. Atonement. Or. Particular. Redemption. Stand. Up.
[29:15] You. Have. To. Really. Play. Fast. And. Loose. With. Those. Verses. That. Had. A. Problem. With.
[29:25] This. This. Is. Why. I. Was. Never. A. Five. Point. Calvinist. But. For. Years. And. Years. I. Was. A. Four. Pointer. And. I. Never. Could. Buy. The. Limited. Atonement.
[29:36] So. I. Left. That. Out. Of. My. Theological. System. And. For. Years. Here. At. Grace. I. Taught. 25. 30. Years. Ago. I. Taught.
[29:47] Unconditional. Election. And. I'm. Telling. You. Now. I. Was. Wrong. I. Wish. I. Could. Undo. That. I. Apologize. For.
[29:57] My. Ignorance. Why. Did. I. Do. It. Why. Did. I. Teach. That. It. Was. Simply. Because. As. A. Young. Pastor. I. Was. Tremendously.
[30:09] Influenced. By. Those. Whom. I. Respected. Theological. And. Spiritual. Giants. Who. Went. On. Before. Me. The.
[30:19] Likes. Of. Which. Augustine. And. Calvin. And. Luther. Charles.
[30:33] Haddon Spurgeon. The. Man. Who. Led. Me. To. Christ. In. 1956. Out. In. Washington. State. He. Believed. That. He. Taught. That. I.
[30:44] Was. A. Student. At. Cedarville. College. For. Five. Years. And. We. Used. To. Talk. About. These. Things. All. The. Time. You know. We. Would. Go. Down. To. The. Coffee. Shop. And. Argue. About. Them. And. There.
[30:55] Were. Really. Godly. Men. There. And. There. Still. Are. A. Lot. Of. Godly. Men. There. And. They. Bought. This. Many. Of. Them. Did. The. Unconditional. Election. The. Whole.
[31:05] Nine. Yards. And. Who. Was. I. As. A. Relatively. New. Christian. To. Say. That. These. Guys. Were. Wrong. All. I'm. Saying. Is. We. Are. Tremendously.
[31:16] Influenced. By. Other. People. Sometimes. To. Our. Good. Sometimes. To. Our. Ill. You. Need. To. Be. Careful. What. You. Embrace. And. Take. In.
[31:26] You. Need. To. Consider. The. Source. And. And. I. Did. And. I. Looked. At. The. Source. And. These. Men. Were. Impeccable. In. Their. Reputation. In. Their. Character. In. Their. Intellect.
[31:37] How. Can. They. Be. Wrong. And. Who. In. The. World. Am. I. To. Challenge. Them. Well. What. Changed. My. Mind. Well. What.
[31:47] Changed. My. Mind. Was. The. Succeeding. Thirty. Years. That. We. Spent. In. The. Scriptures. Verse. By. Verse. Going. Through. The. New. Testament. And. I. Just. Cannot. Support. That. Unconditional.
[31:57] Election. Thing. I. Just. Can't. And. That. Means. That. Man. Is. Responsible. And. Does. Have. The. Ability. To. Respond. To. The. Information.
[32:08] And. That. Becomes. The. Whole. Basis. For. God. Holding. Us. Accountable. That. Becomes. The. Basis. For. Judgment. It's. The. Fact. That. We. Are. Volitional. Beings. We. Have. A.
[32:18] Will. And. God. Allows. Us. The. Free. Exercise. Of. That. Will. That. Is. What. Makes. Us. Responsible. And. We. Talked. About. The. Ability. To. Respond. As. Is.
[32:40] Spiritually. Dead. And. Being. Spiritually. Dead. He. Doesn't. Even. Have. The. Ability. To. Believe. The. Gospel. So. God. Has. To. Make.
[32:51] You. Alive. Spiritually. So. That. Then. You. Will. Be. Able. To. Respond. To. The. Gospel. When. You. Hear. It. And. You. Are. Unconditionally. Elected.
[33:01] You. May. Think. You. Had. Some. According. To. The. Calvinist. You. May. Think. You. Had. Something. To. Do. With. Your. Salvation. When. You. Believed. On. Christ. And. Received. Him. As. Your. Savior. But. According. To.
[33:12] Calvinist. You. Didn't. Have. Anything. To. Do. With. It. It. Wasn't. Your. Decision. It. Wasn't. Your. Faith. It. Was. God. Who. Made. You. Alive. Death.
[33:34] Does. Not. Mean. And. Does. Not. Necessitate. An. Inability. To. Respond. What. Spiritual. Death. Does. Signify. Is. A. Separation. You. Are. Separated.
[33:45] From. God. But. That. Does. Not. Mean. You. Cannot. Hear. The. Voice. Of. God. When. It. Comes. To. You. Via. The. Gospel. And. This. Is. Where. Calvinist.
[33:55] And. Arminians. Really. Differ. So. If. You. Are. If. You. Are. Spiritually. Unable. To.
[34:05] Respond. To. The. Gospel. Then. The. Only. Way. That. Anybody. Is. Going. To. Be. Saved. Is. If. God. Takes. All. Of. The. Initiative. I.
[34:15] Mean. All. Of. It. And. He. Makes. You. Alive. Because. He. Elects. You. According. To. His. Sovereign. Will. And. On. The. Basis. Of. What? We. Don't. Know. Because. Such.
[34:26] Of. Course. Is. Never. Revealed. But. He. Just. In other words. God. Chose. Some. People. To. Be. Saved. And. He. Chose. Some. People. To. Be. Lost. The. Vast. Majority. He. Chose. To. Be. Lost. And.
[34:36] A. Small. Minority. He. Chose. To. To. Conditional.
[34:53] Elect. Then. That. Makes. The. L. In. Limited. Atonement. Makes. Sense. Because. That. Means. Christ. Did. Not. Die. For. The. Whole. World. He. Died. Only. For.
[35:03] Those. Whom. God. Elected. Christ. Died. For. The. Elect. He. Did. Not. Die. For. The. Sins. Of. Others. And. When. You. Confront. Our. Calvinist.
[35:13] Friends. And. Christ. Died. For. The. Sins. Not.
[35:23] Only. For. Our. Sins. But. Also. For. The. Sins. Of. The. Whole. World. What. Do. You. Calvinist. Do. With. That. Well. That. Means. Christ. Died. For. The. Sins. Of. The. Whole. Christian.
[35:35] World. The. Whole. Elect. World. But. It. Doesn't. Say. That. No. It. Doesn't. Say. That. In. So. Many. Words. But. That. That. That. What. It. Means. Well. What. About. God.
[35:46] So. Loved. The. World. That. He. Gave. His. Only. Begotten. Son. What. Do. You. Do. With. That. Well. That. Means. God. So. Loved. The. World. Of. The. Elect. That. He. Gave. His.
[35:56] Only. Begotten. Son. But. It. Doesn't. Say. That. No. It. Doesn't. Say. That. But. That. That. That. That. It. Means. Well. And. Then. When. Peter.
[36:06] Talks. About. The. False. Teachers. Who. Deny. Even. Deny. The. Lord. That. Bought. Them. They. Are. Obviously.
[36:17] Unbelievers. Did. Christ. Die. For. Unbelievers. Oh. No. No. He. Didn't. Die. For. Unbelievers. He. Died. Only. For. Believers. But.
[36:27] How. What. Does. It. Mean. Then. When. It. Says. That. That. They. Deny. The. Lord. That. Bought. Them. These. And. Numerous. Other. References. Are. Just.
[36:38] Too. High. A. Hurdle. For. I. Think. An. Honest. Calvinist. To. Get. Over. So. Why. Do. They. Insist. On. This. Why. Do. They. Insist. On.
[36:48] This. Election. And. This. Exclusive. Situation. As. Opposed. To. The. Inclusive. That. Seems. To. Be. What. The. Passages. Are. Talking. About. And. The.
[36:58] Reason. They. Do. Is. Because. It. Fits. The. System. You've. Got. To. Have. It. To. Make. Calvinism. Viable.
[37:09] You've. Got. To. Play. Fast. And. Loose. With. No. It. Doesn't. Say. He. Died. I. Know. It. Says. That. He. Died. For. The. Sins. Of. The. World. But. That's. The. Christian. World. But. There's. Nothing. In. The. Context.
[37:20] To. Indicate. That. It. Is. Limited. To. The. Christian. World. It's. Very. General. And. Very. Open. Very. Inclusive. Not. Exclusive. And. Whenever. We. Interpret.
[37:30] A. Verse. Of. Scripture. And. I. Say. This. To. Apply. To. Dispensationalists. As. Well. As. Those. Of. Reformed. Faith. Whenever. You. Interpret. A. Scripture. And.
[37:41] You. Pronounce. An. Interpretation. On. It. Because. It. Fits. Your. System. You. Just. Jumped. Off. The. Rail. Because.
[37:53] The. System. Is. Supposed. To. Be. Subject. To. The. Meaning. Of. The. Verse. Not. Vice. Versa. You. Do. Not. Interpret. The. Verses. In. The. Bible. To.
[38:03] Fit. Your. System. You. Develop. Your. System. On. The. Basis. Of. The. Verses. In. The. Bible. Anything. Else. Is. Woefully. Inadequate. So.
[38:14] For. Whom. Did. Christ. Die. All. Of. These. References. And. There. Are. So. Many. More. That. We. Haven't. Time. To. Consider. But. We. Will. Be. In. The. Future. Make. It. Very. Very. Clear. That.
[38:24] Christ. Died. For. Everyone. This. Does. Not. Mean. Everyone. Is. Saved. This. Does. Mean. Everyone.
[38:35] Is. Savable. No. One. Is. Beyond. The. Pale. Of. The. Grace. Of. God. His. Grace. Is. Sufficient. For. The. Most. Ornery.
[38:46] Vile. Sinner. Whoever. Walked. Upon. The. Earth. Because. The. Death. That. Jesus. Christ. Paid. On. That. Cross. Was. More.
[38:57] Than. Adequate. Was. More. Than. Sufficient. To. Pay. For. The. Sins. Of. Everyone. So. This. Means. The. Ball. Is. In. Our. Court. We.
[39:08] Have. A. Gospel. To. Proclaim. We. Have. Good. News. To. Proclaim. And. The. Audience. Out. There. Has. A. Responsibility. To. Respond. To. That. Good. News. And.
[39:19] Everyone. Will. Be. Accountable. Before. God. For. Their. Response. Or. Lack. Thereof. So. This. Is. Just. Again. Been. A. Summarizing. And.
[39:30] A. Brief. Overview. Of. Where. We. Have. Been. We. Be. Looking. At. Namely.
[39:40] The. Irresistible. Grace. And. You. Can. See. How. This. Goes. Along. With. It. Because. It's. All. Part. Of. The. Package. And. That's. What. Is. Required. To. Embrace. The.
[39:50] Concept. Of. Calvinism. So. Someone. Ask. So. So. Wiseman. Does. This. Mean. That. You're. No. Longer. A. Calvinist. Well.
[40:00] I'm. No. Longer. A. Four. Point. Calvinist. I've. Only. Got. Two. Points. Left. Well. Does. Does. This. Mean. You're. An. Arminian. And. I. Said. As. I. Told. You. Last. Week. I'm. A. Calminian. I.
[40:10] Take. A. Little. Bit. Of. Each. But. And. And. The. Thing. That. Has. Brought. Me. To. This. Is. My. My. Own. Personal. Study. Of. The. Scriptures. Verse. By. Verse. And. There. Is. Just. Too. Much. For.
[40:21] Human. Responsibility. And. Human. Accountability. In. You see. God. Gave. Us. This. Priceless. Gift. Called. Volition. That.
[40:33] Is. The. Power. To. Decide. A. Will. That. We. Use. To. Make. Decisions. God. Gives. Us. The. Free. Use. Of. Our. Will.
[40:43] But. A. Responsibility. For. How. We. Use. That. Will. We. Are. Accountable. Beings. And. I. Want. To. Close. With.
[40:54] This. Because. I. Want. To. Emphasize. This. And. I. Want. To. Make. It. Very. Clear. I. Do. Not. Consider. Calvinist. Evil.
[41:04] People. At. All. But. I. Think. The. System. Of. Calvinism. Is. Most. Unfortunate. And. Tragic. And. I. Do. Believe. That. The. Desire. Of. Calvinists.
[41:15] Including. Augustine. And. John. Calvin. And. The. Others. I. Think. Their. Motive. Behind. Their. Views. Was. An. Admirable. Thing. Because. I.
[41:26] Am. Convinced. They. Had. A. Desire. To. So. Elevate. The. Sovereignty. And. Majesty. Of. God. In. Such. A. Way. That.
[41:37] It. It. It. It. Absolutely. Everything. Was. Of. God. And. Man. Had. Nothing. Whatever. To. Do. With. It. So. Their.
[41:47] Motivation. May. Have. Been. Good. In. A. Desire. To. Elevate. And. Magnify. God. And. His. Grace. And. His. Provision. But. In. So. Doing. They. Have. Robbed.
[41:58] Man. Of. His. Responsibility. And. His. Volition. And. God. Has. Very. Much. In. Tactics. God. Is. Sovereign. He. Is. Sovereign. He. Does. Work. All. Things. After. The. Counsel. Of. His. Own. Will.
[42:09] And. He. Has. Given. Us. A. Volition. That. Means. We. Are. Responsible. So. We. Will. Pursue. This. More. In. The. Ahead. Would. You. Pray. With. Please. Father.
[42:21] We. Use.
[42:32] The. Content. To. Give. Us. Further. Enlightenment. About. What. Is. To. Come. And. Most. Of. All. We. Do. Want. To. See. The. Sovereignty. Of. Our. God. Exalted. We. Also. As. Moral.
[42:43] Morally. Responsible. Creatures. Want. To. Be. Confronted. With. The. Reality. Of. Our. Responsibility. We. Have. A. Will. And.
[42:53] It. Is. Our. Decision. To. Be. Able. To. Joyfully. Submit. That. Will. To. A. Loving. Sovereign. God. This. Is. Our. Desire. And. Our. Prayer. For.
[43:04] These. Upcoming. Sessions. In. Christ's. Name. Amen.